Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1160 Welcome

Chapter 1160 Welcome
Dai Qisi's suspiciousness seems to be something inherent in her bones. She doesn't trust anyone at all, including her daughter.

There is a kind of person like this, who always looks at everyone and things in this world with the greatest vigilance and malice.If this "paranoia of persecution" is not self-deprecating and ridiculing, it is actually very sad and terrible.

Dai Qisi didn't mention a word to Xiao Zhao about her plan to slay the dragon sword.

But on the other hand, Yin Li did not intend to keep his master a secret.

Yin Li took Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo a little further away, then suddenly turned around and smiled sweetly: "Uncle Su, are you here all right?"

"I'm fine! Miss Azhu!" Su Sanqi felt a little emotional, "I thought you weren't going to recognize me as an old friend."

"My master is very suspicious. If I say that I know him and he taught me martial arts, my master will definitely think that I was sent by Su Yi to harm her." Yin Li said.

"How is this possible?" Su Sanqi was a little speechless, "I don't even recognize her..."

"People who have harmed others in this world may not all know each other." Yin Li said indifferently.

Su Sanqi was startled: "This... is true."

After a pause, Su Sanqi smiled and said to Ah Zhu: "Let me introduce, this Miss Zhou Zhiruo is a senior student of the Emei School, and she is also the young master's best friend. Miss Zhou, this Miss Azhu and the young master can be regarded as... Don't know each other, the son once said that he admired Miss Azhu's personality very much, and always missed her very much."

Originally, Zhou Zhiruo and Yin Li were a little awkward. Women often only need to look at each other to determine whether the other is a fox. Both of them can be sure that the other has an ambiguous relationship with Su Yi. Yin Li has undisguised hostility towards Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo was better, she was used to hiding her thoughts, she just made herself curious and friendly.

Little did they know that Yin Li couldn't get used to it even more, and thought to himself, why are you pretending that I can't smell the coquettish air on your body?
Listening to Su Sanqi's introduction, Yin Li originally planned to make some sarcastic remarks, but was immediately attracted by the second half of the sentence.

She was both ashamed and happy, and asked eagerly: "He... really said that he appreciates me? Still miss me?"

"Uh..." Su Sanqi glanced awkwardly at Zhou Zhiruo, realizing that she had made a slip of the tongue.

In front of one of the son's fans, he revealed his emotional attitude towards another fan. Isn't this causing trouble for the son?

But seeing that Zhou Zhiruo didn't react at all, Su Sanqi heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, Miss Azhu, why are you here?"

The topic change was extremely abrupt.

"He really misses me..." Yin Li's expression was both shy and joyful, immersed in his own world.

Suddenly she thought of something, her face suddenly turned serious and she shouted: "You lied to me! If he is really hanging on me, how can he still be entangled with other women? What's the matter with her? What's the matter with Xiao Zhao? "

"This..." Su Sanqi was a little dumbfounded, and after a long pause, he said: "Young master...I don't know about the young master's affairs."

Why am I messing around with you?

"Damn half-hearted men!" Yin Li gritted his teeth.

Zhou Zhiruo only thought that this Azhu girl was really weird and moody, and said to her heart that she really didn't know why Brother Su missed this kind of woman?

She wanted to talk to Yin Li at first, but now she doesn't want to say anything.

She didn't want to talk, but Yin Li wanted to talk to her.

"If I were you, I would run as far away as possible now!" Yin Li snorted, "My master has a grudge against Miejue Shitai, if she has the chance, she would never mind killing you to vent her anger."

Zhou Zhiruo was stunned, and hurriedly cupped her fists and said, "Thank you sister for reminding me, but Zhiruo won't leave her companions and escape alone."

"Who wants you to thank?" Yin Li snorted coldly, "If you want to court death yourself, then stay!"

When Zhou Zhiruo looked at Yin Li again, her gaze became much more subdued, and she thought that although this girl was mean-spirited, she was kind-hearted.

Su Sanqi asked: "Miss Azhu, who is your master?"

"Golden Flower Granny, have you heard of it?" Yin Li said.

Su Sanqi looked bewildered, but Zhou Zhiruo let out an "ah" and suddenly understood.

She had heard the name of this golden flower granny from her senior sister Ding Minjun in the early years. She said that more than ten years ago, her master had a brief confrontation with this golden flower granny. But he also warned his disciples to stay away when they heard the cough of the golden flower mother-in-law, and not to approach her.

When I was young, I was playing with my senior sister in the same school. One naughty night, I deliberately coughed outside the door, saying that I was the golden flower mother-in-law, and scared all the little girls to scream...

Unexpectedly, the name of the great villain, which he had heard in childhood, would actually be seen by him now.Thinking that the slap he received was considered a narrow escape, Zhou Zhiruo felt both apprehensive and apprehensive, and really had the urge to run away.

However, he suppressed his fear and stayed still.

Yin Li was silent for a moment, then asked again: "His apprentice, is his name Zhang Wuji? Is he the son of Wudang Zhang Cuishan Zhang Wuji?"

"Yes." Su Sanqi said, "Why, do you recognize Young Master Wuji?"

"How can I not recognize this little friend?" Yin Li's expression was mixed with anger and smile, "It was hard for me to find him."

Su Sanqi was stunned, and couldn't help but widen her eyes.


It's a bit messy.

Zhou Zhiruo on the other side couldn't help being stunned at the moment, she really couldn't figure out what this Azhu girl was jealous of for Big Brother Su, and called Zhang Wuji's little enemy at the same time.

"Uncle Su, where is Zhang Wuji now?" Yin Li asked.

Su Sanqi was slightly silent, and said: "This matter was originally a secret, but since you asked, Miss Azhu, I will not keep it from you. The three of us just came back from Dadu, and we are going to Jiulong Town to meet you. As for Wuji Young master, if you want to come these days, you will come."

"Okay! That's good!" Yin Li's tides rose and fell, he let out a breath and looked at the night sky, dazed, not knowing what to think.

There was another moment of silence, but Dai Qisi coughed from the other side, and she shouted: "Little A Li, come here!"

Yin Li came back to his senses, and suddenly approached Zhou Zhiruo and said in a low voice, "Tell him that Xie Xun is on Spirit Snake Island, and my master wants to kill him!"

Zhou Zhiruo was shocked all over, with a look of shock on her face.

But Yin Li hurried forward a few steps, then turned around and scolded: "Come here, do you still want me to invite you?"

Zhou Zhiruo suppressed the shock, nodded to Su Sanqi, and the two walked over there together.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but when they saw Xiao Zhao again, they felt that her complexion seemed much better.

Seeing Zhou Zhiruo and Su Sanqi's concerned gazes, Xiao Zhao nodded to them, signaling them to rest assured.

Dai Qisi glanced over them one by one indifferently, and said: "Since it's just a misunderstanding, I won't make things difficult for you juniors. It's late at night, so you go away now."

"Thank you, senior!" Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo both clasped their hands in thanks.

Dai Qisi smiled and nodded, looking at Zhou Zhiruo with a benevolent look, she said, "I'm so sorry for hurting the girl. Come, come, come to me, let me take a look at the injury for you."

Zhou Zhiruo was willing to go there, and hurriedly said: "Thank you for your concern, senior. The junior is fine, so don't worry about it."

"How can I not know if my injury is serious or not?" Dai Qisi shook her head, "Come on, let me feel the pulse."

After a pause, she frowned: "You are not afraid that I will harm you, are you?"

"This..." Zhou Zhiruo was in a bit of trouble, she really didn't want this enemy to feel her pulse.

"A disciple of the Emei Sect, only this little courage?" Dai Qisi sarcastically said.

As soon as she said this, Zhou Zhiruo gritted her teeth and walked over, stretched out her hand and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Dai Qisi nodded slightly: "That's about the same."

At this moment, Xiao Zhao on the side suddenly said: "Senior, I see that sister Zhiruo looks good, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

She spoke seriously, especially when it came to the word "big trouble", she seemed to be deliberately emphasizing her tone.

Dai Qisi's eyes flashed, she glanced at Zhou Zhiruo, instead of touching her veins, she patted her on the shoulder, smiled meaningfully and said, "What a pretty little girl. Your injury is indeed fine, you guys go."

Yin Li's face suddenly changed and he lowered his head.

Xiao Zhao said again: "Thank you senior for being magnanimous, don't mind our rudeness, just don't let it go, senior take care and say goodbye!"

Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo also clasped their hands together: "Senior, farewell!"

"Miss Azhu, leave!" Su Sanqi and Yin Li also greeted each other.

Zhou Zhiruo hesitated for a moment, and felt that she should say hello to Yin Li's kindness just now before leaving.

"Azhu Gu..."

"Do I know you very well?" Unexpectedly, Yin Li turned his face and scolded, "Why do you always talk to me, I scolded you once just now, and you come to scold you again, do you have no memory? Get out!"

Zhou Zhiruo's face immediately turned pink.

"Ahem, Ah Li, don't be rude." Dai Qisi was also a little surprised, she didn't expect Yin Li to be so displeased with Zhou Zhiruo.

But it can be relieved to think about it, the jealousy among the little girls is nothing more than that.

"You, why do you want to hurt people with harsh words!" Zhou Zhiruo replied aggrievedly, then turned and ran.

Su Sanqi clenched his fists at Yin Li with a wry smile, then hurriedly turned and chased after him.

Xiao Zhao looked at Dai Qisi, then at Yin Li, and cupped his hands together, "Farewell, little girl."

In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared into the vast night.

Dai Qisi looked at the figures of the three going away, her expression gradually turned pale and cold.

"Little Ah Li," she said abruptly, "what else are you hiding from me?"

Yin Li lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Master, this disciple dare not."

"Why don't you dare?" Dai Qisi's eyes flashed fiercely, "Now that your wings are hardened and you have learned martial arts, you don't think you care about Master anymore, do you?"

Yin Li knelt down with a "plop", and said in panic, "Master, this disciple must never betray Master!"

Dai Qisi said in a slight silence: "Little Ah Li, don't forget that when you were desperate and about to be beaten to death by your father, who saved you, who taught you martial arts and raised you up."

"It's Master." Yin Li raised his head with tears in his eyes, "Even if Master tells me to die now, I will never complain."

"You are my apprentice, how could I let you die?" Dai Qisi supported Yin Li, sighed, "Little Ah Li, I know you can't bear it because Xie Xun is Zhang Wuji's adoptive father. But Xie Xun is also my brother-in-law, he is kind to me, unless it is absolutely necessary, how can I kill him?"

"As long as you help me well, and our master and apprentice get the dragon-slaying sword, then third brother Xie will naturally not die. But if I really have no other choice, then I have no choice but to ignore third brother Xie's life. Master also You have no choice, you don’t understand the truth of this, do you?”

"I understand..." Yin Li said in a low voice, but he thought in his heart that you covet your benefactor's dragon-slaying sword and even kill him. What is the reason for this?
Su Yi, Su Yi, I've already told you the news, whether you can save your apprentice's adoptive father depends on your own ability...

Most of the news of killing the real dragon has not spread, otherwise Yin Lidang would not have doubted whether Su Yi had the ability.

On the other side, the three who got away ran wildly for a long distance before they breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Zhao glanced back and said with a smile: "It should be fine, then senior shouldn't catch up."

"That's not a senior." Zhou Zhiruo said with lingering fear, "That person's name is Granny Jinhua, she is the most murderous person in the martial arts world, she is ruthless and kills people like hemp, we are lucky to be able to escape from her hands unscathed."

"It must be because she is afraid of the young master's reputation that she dare not attack us." Su Sanqi said, "Oh, I really don't know how Ah Zhu worshiped such a master."

Xiao Zhao was a little displeased with Zhou Zhiruo's bad words about her mother, and wanted to refute, but when she saw Zhou Zhiruo's eyes, she suddenly felt soft.

She stepped forward and took Zhou Zhiruo's hands and said softly: "Sister Zhiruo, this is the second time you have sacrificed your life to save me. The senior threatened my life, and you and Uncle Sanqi threw down the sword without even thinking about it." , without any regard for his own life, Xiao Zhao almost cried at that time."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled softly and stroked her hair: "I treat you as my own sister."

"Then I will treat you as my own sister from now on!" Xiao Zhao said with a smile, very happy, "If you treat me well, I will treat you well in every possible way!"

The two girls looked at each other and smiled, all past suspicions gone.

Seeing this scene, Su Sanqi couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "My lord is blessed."

"What blessing?" A voice came from behind.

The three of them were startled, they looked together and saw Su Yi standing behind Su Sanqi with a serious face.

"Young master (big brother)!" The three shouted in surprise.

Xiao Zhao was the first to leave Zhou Zhiruo behind and ran over, jumping into Su Yi's arms.

"Brother, Xiao Zhao misses you so much!"

Zhou Zhiruo was so angry that her eyelids twitched, she thought she was a good sister, and she said how nice she was to me just now, but now that she saw Brother Su, she immediately grabbed her good sister and threw it aside.

Su Yi frowned slightly, his body froze, he patted Xiao Zhao on the back reluctantly and said with a smile: "Come down, this big girl is not ashamed."

Xiao Zhao stuck out his tongue, got off Su Yi, and said, "Brother, why are you here? Are you here to pick us up? You..."

She asked questions happily, but suddenly her expression froze while she was asking, staring blankly at the blood oozing from Su Yi's body.

"Brother, you, are you injured?" Xiao Zhao trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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