Chapter 1161
Su Yi was not injured, but seriously injured.

If it wasn't for the life-continuing talisman hanging, it would be a problem whether he could move, let alone running around?

Originally, Su Yi had already started to use his kung fu to heal his injuries. Seeing that Dai Qisi made things difficult for Zhou Zhiruo and the others, he originally planned to send another little ghost to help them, bringing Xiao Zhao and the three of them back safely.

But before he started to act, the situation changed suddenly, and Xiao Zhao was taken hostage by Dai Qisi.

Su Yi watched coldly for a while, and when he saw that the situation was gradually calming down, he became silent, but he still kept the kid's attention at all times.

It wasn't until Su Yi saw Dai Qisi pat Zhou Zhiruo lightly on the shoulder before parting that his face changed drastically and he couldn't sit still.

Among the people present, only Yin Li saw the clue, and Su Yi also saw it clearly with the help of the kid's vision.

Dai Qisi hid a needle as thin as a cow's hair in her hand, caught between her fingers, and when she patted Zhou Zhiruo, she lightly pricked her with this needle.When the needle was stuck on Zhou Zhiruo's body, Zhou Zhiruo would not feel pain, only a slight feeling like being bitten by a mosquito.

But this subtle feeling was covered up by the feeling of being slapped, so that Zhou Zhiruo didn't notice it, and didn't know anything about being poisoned by the needle.

Su Yi didn't know what kind of poison Zhou Zhiruo had, but if it was an acute poison, it would be bad.

So he didn't dare to delay at all, told the disciples of the Emei Sect that Zhou Zhiruo was poisoned, and rushed to greet him with lightness kung fu.

"My injury is only a flesh wound, it doesn't matter." Su Yi put down Xiao Zhao, and looked at Zhou Zhiruo with a serious expression.

Although Zhou Zhiruo's complexion looked good, in fact there was a faint sign of excitement, but no one noticed it.

"Brother Su..." Zhou Zhiruo was also very happy to see Su Yi, especially seeing Su Yi staring at her intently at this moment, she was a little bit happy and shy.

She just opened her mouth to say hello, but Su Yi flashed up to her and grabbed her right hand.

"Brother Su...ah!" Zhou Zhiruo was taken aback, and was about to ask Su Yi why, but unexpectedly, Su Yi rolled up his sleeves, revealing her tender arms like spring onions, and Zhou Zhiruo suddenly let out a short breath .

She was ashamed and anxious, and she didn't know what to do, but she saw Su Yi looking at her arm with a serious face.

Zhou Zhiruo was startled, and looked down, and then she saw a black thread crawling from her upper half of her arm like a spider's web, densely intertwined, looking particularly pervasive.

What's even more frightening is that the silk thread visibly spread to the forearm.

It's just on the arms and body, I don't know the situation yet.

Zhou Zhiruo's eyes widened, and infinite panic suddenly appeared in her heart.

"I...I am..."

"You've been poisoned!" Su Yi glanced at her, pointed out like lightning, and suddenly touched several acupuncture points on Zhou Zhiruo's body.

During this time, Xiao Zhao and Su Sanqi hurriedly surrounded him, and their expressions changed drastically.

"How could you be poisoned?" Su Sanqi was furious, "It's her! It must be that poisonous woman just now..."

"Sanqi!" Su Yi sipped lightly, "Don't be rude!"

Although Su Sanqi was puzzled, he said "yes" angrily.

Xiao Zhao trembled all over, bit his lip, he knew in his heart that the eldest brother really knew the identity of his mother, otherwise he would not have scolded Uncle Su.

She was very sad, she had already warned her mother not to do it without authorization, but her mother still poisoned sister Zhiruo, why?
It can only be said that Xiao Zhao's understanding of his mother is not as good as Yin Li's.

Yin Li knew that Dai Qisi would take revenge for her wrongdoing.

Zhou Zhiruo is a disciple of Emei, Su Sanqi is a servant of someone else's family, one is a disciple of the enemy's younger generation, and the other is a servant of status. The two teamed up and forced Dai Qisi to use hostage threats to suppress her opponent. Although Dai Qisi He didn't say anything on the surface, but he must be ashamed in his heart.

Su Sanqi is a member of Su Yi, and Dai Qisi does not want to offend easily, but if Zhou Zhiruo is the disciple of her old enemy, she will be killed if she kills her, Dai Qisi will never be soft-hearted.

The reason Dai Qisi poisoned Zhou Zhiruo was not only for Xiao Zhao, but also for herself.

Su Yi has already tapped Zhou Zhiruo's acupuncture points, but the toxin is still spreading and has not been contained.

Su Yi frowned even tighter.

He got Wang Nangu's Poison Sutra from Zhang Wuji, and he had studied it thoroughly in the simulated space. At this moment, he could see that it was exactly a kind of unique opportunistic poison that Wang Nangu had prepared.

Qianji poison generally refers to the poison prepared from nuxychon seeds, but the preparation methods vary from person to person.

Wang Nangu may be the most accomplished person in the world in the field of poison, and the poison she concocted is naturally no small matter.

Why does Dai Qisi have Wang Nangu's unique poison on her body?

This is not difficult to explain, after all, Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu died in the hands of Dai Qisi, so it is not surprising that the things on them fell into Dai Qisi's hands.

The formula of this kind of poison is not difficult to prepare, but some of the medicines in it are quite precious, even big pharmacies or wealthy people's homes may not always have them.For a while, in the wilderness, where can I find it?
After finding the medicine and brewing it well, Zhou Zhiruo had already died from the poison.

"Brother Su, I... Am I hopeless?" Zhou Zhiruo's face was pale, and her eyes were full of fear.

No matter how cautious this girl is, she is only in her teens after all. In modern times, she is just a freshman in college. How can she not be full of panic when she suddenly comes to death?
"With me here, it's hard for you to die." Su Yi smiled gently at her.

Tears welled up in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes instantly.

Just this one sentence instantly calmed her heart down.

"I'm offended!" Su Yi greeted, and then pointed out that Ru Dian touched several important points on Zhou Zhiruo's body, including some sensitive parts.

At this time, I don't care about being abrupt or not, and besides, when Zhou Zhiruo was treating the cold poison of Xuanming before, no matter how abrupt she was, she had already pointed it out.

After some operations, the toxin was finally stopped from spreading.

Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

If he hadn't come to welcome him, but had allowed Zhou Zhiruo and the others to use lightness kung fu to rush on, what she would have seen would be Zhou Zhiruo's cold corpse.

"This life can be regarded as saved." Su Yi smiled at Zhou Zhiruo, "After returning home, we will need to practice more exercises to detoxify."

As soon as Zhou Zhiruo heard the word detoxification, her face became hot, and she said dully, "No, no, it will be like last time..."

"It's worse than last time." Su Yi sighed, seeing that Zhou Zhiruo's face turned redder, he was not in the mood to tease, "Zhiruo must not be lucky, I will take you on the road, let's go back and talk about it first."

"Brother, I..." Xiao Zhao felt anxious and guilty.

But just as he opened his mouth, Su Yi stopped him.

"Thanks to you this time, our Xiao Zhao is a great hero." Su Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Zhao's mouth shrunk, and the tears could no longer hold back.

Not only did the eldest brother not blame her or scold her, he even praised her.

But Xiao Zhao knew that the elder brother actually knew everything, he just didn't say it out to embarrass himself in front of Su Sanqi and Zhou Zhiruo.

The group of three returned to the camp where the six major sects were stationed, and the extermination division who had received the report greeted them in this direction too early.

Seeing Su Yi approaching quickly with Zhou Zhiruo on his arm, she had a solemn expression, and hurriedly greeted her, "Master Su, Mengqing is reporting to me, you suddenly said 'Zhiruo is poisoned' and left in a hurry, what happened? ?”

"It's a long story," Su Yi looked around.

Immediately, Miejue Shitai understood, turned around and ordered: "Stand back three feet away, and don't let anyone come over!"

"Yes, Master!"

After the group of Emei disciples backed away, Su Yi asked Su Sanqi to go down first, and then briefly told about Zhou Zhiruo's meeting with Granny Jinhua and being poisoned by Granny Jinhua.

Xiao Zhao and Su Sanqi are fine, they are no longer surprised by Su Yi's miraculousness.

But Zhou Zhiruo was dumbfounded, a little dazed.

She felt that Su Yi must have been lurking on the side before, otherwise how could he know what happened so clearly.

But if Su Yi has been lurking aside, why didn't he just stand up?

"It's her!" Miejue Shitai gritted her teeth when she heard that, "Ten years ago, the old nun had a relationship with this devil and scared her away. I didn't expect that she would dare to use such despicable means to assassinate my disciple today." , I really regret that I didn't kill her back then!"

While speaking, she also pulled up Zhou Zhiruo's sleeves to check, and when she saw it, she gasped.

The black lines on Zhou Zhiruo's arms that filled up like spider webs were really shocking.

"Master Su, can Zhiruo be saved?" Miejue Shitai trembled.

Su Yi nodded slowly: "It's helpful, I want the teacher to stand back, and this is what I want to talk about."

"The poison in Zhiruo's body is not difficult to detox, but there are three key points - first, although I temporarily stop the poison from spreading by cutting off the veins to stop the bleeding, it can only last for half an hour, otherwise if the acupoints are not released after half an hour , it will make Zhiruo's internal energy go against the flow and die."

"Secondly, although I can prepare the antidote for the poison that Zhiruo is suffering from, some of the medicines are extremely precious, and it is impossible to find them in a short time, and Zhiruo only has half an hour..."

"Thirdly, I still have another method, which is to use special techniques to detoxify Zhiruo, supplemented by acupuncture. But to do this, I must remove all the clothes on Zhiruo's body. First, because I want to see the spread of the toxin, Acupuncture and identification of acupuncture points according to the actual situation; secondly, poisonous blood must be discharged. It is inconvenient to wear clothes."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Zhiruo was so ashamed that she blushed like a monkey's ass, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. She wanted to say something, but felt that it was inappropriate.

Xiao Zhao on the other side was also dumbfounded.

Miejue Shitai looked at Su Yi deeply, and asked, "Master Su, what are your plans for this matter?"

Su Yi cupped his hands solemnly, and said: "I am very close to Zhiruo, and my love is secretly born. I implore my teacher, Xu Zhiruo, to be my wife! If you don't give up, I will formally propose marriage to Emei in the future. Complete!"

As soon as these words came out, the two girls next to her were suddenly struck by lightning, and they all froze in place, unable to react for a while.

After a long time, Zhou Zhiruo covered her face shyly and left.

"Zhiruo, don't leave!" Miejue Shitai shouted lightly.

Zhou Zhiruo froze immediately, but she lowered her head and dared not look at anyone, her face was flushed to the base of her neck.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhao was in stark contrast to Zhou Zhiruo, his face was pale at the moment, he was biting his lip, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

Su Yi sighed, and said to Miejue Shitai: "Master also knows that before the death of my benefactor..."

"I know!" Miejue Shitai interrupted him, "Your master wants you to marry at least four wives, have eight children, and spread the branches and leaves for you..."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhao and Zhou Zhiruo next to him were dumbfounded.

Su Yi smiled awkwardly and said: "Yes, the teacher's last wish is one aspect, and the other aspect is to compare...Bo Ai, although I admire Zhiruo, but Xiao Zhao has a deep affection for me, and I will never let her down... "

Xiao Zhao was heartbroken, as if the sky had fallen, but when he suddenly heard Su Yi reveal his feelings for him, he was stunned for a while, and instantly felt infinitely joyful, looking at Su Yi bewilderedly, feeling that this life has no regrets.

Although Zhou Zhiruo on the other side knew that Su Yi's feelings for Xiao Zhao were not normal, but now hearing Su Yi's confession, he still felt sore in his heart, and the anxiety and joy before were greatly reduced.

The emotions of the two girls went up and down, as if they were on a roller coaster.

"Master, master's order must not be disobeyed. In my life, I must marry four wives and have eight children." Su Yi said solemnly, "Zhiruo is a good girl. Originally, I didn't know how to open my mouth to make her accept it. So I can only take one step at a time. I don’t want the world to be impermanent, but something like this happened.”

"If I want to treat Zhiruo's poison, it will definitely damage her reputation, but this is not what I want. But if I have a reputation to treat her poison, it is only right and proper, so I take the liberty to mention this matter , Master, please be absolutely perfect.”

Miejue Shitai looked at Su Yi, and said slowly: "Master Su, do you know that Zhiruo is my most valued disciple, and also my appointed successor long ago."

Zhou Zhiruo let out an "ah" and said hastily, "Master, this disciple has meager morals, and it's embarrassing to be responsible..."

Miejue Shitai raised his hand to stop her from speaking, looked at Su Yi and continued: "There is no precedent for the head of my Emei School to marry, and if I marry, I will follow my husband. Master, it is even more unsuitable to be the head of my Emei Sect. I have trained Zhiruo for more than ten years, but you want me to betroth her to you, so who will inherit my Emei Sect's next generation?"

Zhou Zhiruo's expression changed, and he hesitated to speak.

But Su Yi said calmly: "I also know that among all the Emei disciples, the teacher has always looked at Zhiruo differently. He favors her a lot. It is really inappropriate for me to let the teacher cut love and make Zhiruo and me rashly. It's just Firstly, Zhiruo's life is in danger, and I have no other way to come up with this expedient plan; secondly, even if I don't ask for a marriage today, I will definitely ask my teacher to marry Zhiruo in the future."

"If Zhiruo can marry me, it is actually a marriage between the Xiaoyao faction and the Emei faction. You and I will be like one family in the future. This is a win-win situation; Zhiruo is a priceless treasure to me and the Emei faction, but Su will A little compensation in the dowry gift, although it is just to express my heart, I hope the teacher can see my sincerity; moreover, the teacher is in the prime of life, so it is too early to talk about the successor..."

Miejue Shitai couldn't help laughing: "Master Su, Master Su, I can't talk to you. Thinking about you and I have known each other so far, it seems that no matter what, you can always convince me."

After a pause, she looked at Su Yi with a smile in her eyes: "This time is no exception."

(End of this chapter)

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