Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1162 Detoxification

Chapter 1162 Detoxification
Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo flirted with each other, Jue Jue knew it well, and she even wanted to facilitate this matter to win over Su Yi.

But now, her desire to "win over" has been completely dispelled.

Just kidding, are you going to win over a ruthless person who killed the emperor?

Are you going to win over an expert who even Zhang Sanfeng calls a "teacher"?

You go to win over a god who knows things a few kilometers away without going out?
The more in contact with Su Yi, the more Mijue Shitai can feel the mystery and power of Su Yi.

She knew that Su Yi was seriously injured now, but Su Yi ran all the way from Dadu to this place alive and well, and even ran out to save a group of people at night.

Is this something normal people can do?

The more Su Yi uncovered the mystery layer by layer, the more Miejue Shi was too terrified and terrified to think about it. Even when she saw Su Yi now, she felt a sense of awe, especially the set that Su Yi passed on to her. Swordsmanship, combined with her Yitian's sharpness, complement each other like a tailor-made one. The combination of the two produces an effect that one plus one is far greater than two.

This kind of swordsmanship can establish a sect, be called the ancestor of the ancestor, and establish a foundation that can be passed down for thousands of years.

But it happened that Su Yi casually spread the news, just to make her more lethal and more sure in Da Neizhong.

However, it was precisely because of this set of sword techniques that Juejue realized that Su Yi had a big heart, and the world was just his starting point, and sooner or later he would jump out of the world.

It is both an opportunity and a challenge for the Emei School to be lucky enough to meet a hero like Su Yi in this turbulent era.

Although it is not a win-win, it is actually a good thing if the relationship between Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo can be used to create a close relationship between the two.

As for Miejue Shitai's wants and concerns, Su Yi made it very clear just now.

That being the case, what reason does she have to object?
"Thank you so much, Master." Su Yi thanked him.

Juejue looked at Su Yi, feeling a little emotional in her heart, she said: "Master Su, Zhiruo is the child I raised since she was a child, she looks weak, but in fact she is like me in her bones, she is hard and decisive, and can't be rubbed with sand. In the future, absolutely don't let her down, don't do anything wrong to her, or I won't be able to forgive you!"

Su Yi said solemnly: "Master, don't worry."

"I am assured of your character." Miejue Shitai nodded, "The marriage engagement of the two factions is a major event, and originally should invite the respected people to hold the engagement ceremony, but right now, we are in a hurry, and we don't care about those red tapes. Sect Leader Su, I would like to invite the leaders of each faction to be a witness, this marriage will be considered settled, how about it?"

Su Yi turned her head to look at Zhou Zhiruo, who was still too shy to raise her head, hid aside and kicked the ground with her toes, a good piece of grass had been kicked out of a hole by her.

"There should be enough time." Su Yi turned around, "I know that there is a mountain temple on Qili Road west of this place, and I can heal Zhiruo there later."

"Well, when the time comes, this old nun will personally protect the Dharma for you." Miejue Shitai nodded solemnly, and then recruited a few female disciples, and asked them to invite the heads of various sects to come.

After a while, the heads of the other five sects all came.

They were summoned by Miejue Shitai in the middle of the night. They thought there was an emergency, and everyone came in a hurry.

Miejue Shitai didn't go around the bush, and straight to the point said that everyone should come and be a witness.

They didn't hide Zhou Zhiruo's poisoning, after all, you suddenly said in the middle of the night that you wanted to get engaged, there must be a reason.

Although they are all informal people, Su Yi's ability to abide by etiquette and be responsible to other women has won unanimous praise from all the heads.

The leaders of each faction expressed their goodwill, and gave Su Yi their own detoxification pills, Shaolin's Xiaohuandan, Wudang's Eight Treasures Purple Gold Ingot, and so on.

They are all the precious medicines at the bottom of the box of the major factions.

And the reason why they were so generous was of course not because of Zhou Zhiruo's apprentice who killed the master, but because of Su Yi.

Some of these medicines can really work on the poison that Zhou Zhiruo has been poisoned by. Among them is the antidote of Panacea Balm, which can undo many toxoids.

But after all, it is not the right medicine. The effect of detoxification is open to question. Moreover, Su Yi's direct use of internal force to treat the poison must have the best effect.

In the final analysis, it is one sentence -

You have to take it off!

All the heads said congratulations, and the marriage was settled.

No one objected to this marriage, they all said it was a match made in heaven.

"Sister Zhiruo, congratulations." Xiao Zhao suppressed the sadness in her heart, forced a smile to Zhou Zhiruo, "We fought back and forth, and I lost in the end. But think about it, my sister is a student of Emei, but Xiao Zhao She is a little girl with nothing, how can I compete with you? I used to be overwhelmed and wishful thinking..."

Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but took her hand and said, "Good girl, didn't you hear that bad guy say that he wants to marry four wives? Sigh... I only hope that he has the two of us..."

Xiao Zhao immediately felt relieved when she heard this. She was most afraid that Zhou Zhiruo would get her wish and become Mrs. Su, so she would turn her back on her and never let her stay with her elder brother again, so she said that on purpose.

Now it seems that she is overthinking, at least Zhou Zhiruo still recognizes her.

The little girl's thoughts came and went quickly, and she was obedient and flattering, so the two sisters were chatting and laughing after a while.

All the sect leaders also knew that the matter of detoxification could not be delayed, so they said goodbye after a little greeting.

Su Yi asked Xiao Zhao and Su Sanqi to stay here, and he took Zhou Zhiruo and Miejue Shitai to the mountain temple to the west.

The reason why Miejue Shitai was brought along was indeed just in case.With Miejue Shitai as an expert protector, Su Yi can heal Zhou Zhiruo's wounds in the temple without distraction.

Although the breeze and bright moon are good, it is a mountain temple, and the two little ghosts may not dare to come out for activities.

The facts were exactly as Su Yi had expected. When they arrived near the mountain temple, the two little ghosts really showed fear. Su Yi tried to appease them, but did not let them come out, and let them stay in the wood carving.

This mountain temple has obviously been repaired, and it is often worshiped with incense, and the inside is fairly clean.

When Su Yi came, he prepared a blanket, lit a candle, and after closing the doors and windows, spread out the blanket in front of the mountain god statue.

All three of them knew what was going to happen next, Miejue Shitai was also a little embarrassed, coughed lightly and said, "I'll go outside to protect the law for you, Head Su, I'm sorry."

"Sure, thank you, Mrs. Su!" Su Yi hastily replied.

Miejue Shitai walked out the door and closed it from the outside. When she saw the stone pier next to the door, she sat down and closed her eyes to rest.

In the flickering light of the fire, Zhou Zhiruo's cheeks were so delicate and beautiful, she hung her head in silence, her hands were restlessly stirring the ends of her hair, not daring to look at Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and said: "We have shared weal and woe. Now that we have a status, we will get married soon. Why are you so shy?"

"You, you suddenly proposed marriage to the master, and made up your own mind, and didn't care whether he should or not." Zhou Zhiruo turned her back to Su Yi, her voice was shy and weak.

"Then should you?" Su Yi asked.

"If the little girl doesn't respond, wouldn't it greatly damage the prestige of Young Master Xiaoyao?" Zhou Zhiruo said.

"You agree, I'm tough too, we're done." Su Yi smiled, stepped forward and suddenly hugged Zhou Zhiruo from behind.

Zhou Zhiruo trembled all over, like a frightened rabbit, her breathing immediately became rapid, and she felt very hot all over.

Su Yi's mind flashed the words of "hot body, beautiful body", etc., took a deep breath to calm himself down, and warned himself that he was seriously injured now, and if he got into the car by force, he would easily be unable to get off...

He blew into Zhou Zhiruo's ear, causing the latter to tremble slightly again, before he smiled and said, "The reason why I asked your master to marry me is because I don't want you to worry that you have no name and no place to follow me. In fact, you had a cold before. Poison, I still get it from the perineum..."

"Don't say it!" Zhou Zhiruo stomped her feet in embarrassment, as if she remembered some embarrassing gestures she had taken when treating the cold poison.

Although I didn't take off my clothes at the time, but——

My God, is that a gesture that a decent woman should make?

Thinking about it now, Zhou Zhiruo felt that she must have been crazy at the time to cooperate with Su Yi in that pose to heal the poison.

Su Yi smiled and said: "In short, we are justified now, you are my fiancée, and I am your fiancée, even if there is some skin-to-skin relationship, it is just in advance..."

"Who wants to advance with you?" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help stomping her feet when she saw Su Yi talking more and more embarrassingly, "Detoxification is detoxification, you, what are you doing ahead of time? If you bully me like this again, I will ask Master to come in!"

"Where did I bully you?" Su Yi said helplessly, "And why did you ask the teacher to come? It's not her who was poisoned."

"I asked Master to watch over you so that you won't make trouble!" Zhou Zhiruo said.

"I did something wrong? What did I do wrong?" Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You did it, you did it last time!" Zhou Zhiruo yelled angrily, "You just know how to bully me. If Master is poisoned, you would never dare to do the same to her."


Miejue Shitai coughed heavily from outside the door.

The two were silent at the same time.

Immediately, Miejue Shitai's serious voice came: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and expel the poison!"

Immediately there was the sound of Miejueshi's footsteps going too far.

Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that this is right, although it is only to detoxify and heal the wound, but you, as a master, sit at the door and listen to the room, Zhiruo will not let go.

Huh?It's just to get rid of the poison, why let it go?

confused confused confused...

Su Yi came back to his senses, only to see that Zhou Zhiruo was already staring at him in embarrassment: "It's all your fault, I'm dying of laughter when Master laughs at me!"

"Have you ever seen the teacher laugh?" Su Yi said helplessly.

"Although she doesn't smile on her face, she definitely smiles in her heart!" Zhou Zhiruo argued, "You are not allowed to look at me while you are blindfolded!"

"I don't want to see how you find acupuncture points?" Su Yi's eyes widened.

"I'll hold your hand so you don't mess around!" Zhou Zhiruo said.

"You're making people innocent, Zhou Zhiruo!" Su Yi said angrily, "I'm an upright gentleman, you actually suspect that I'll take advantage of others?"

"You messed around last time!" Zhou Zhiruo said, "You have such high martial arts, how could you fail to hit one acupoint three times?"

"How can you blame me? Who told you to pose like that?" Su Yi cried out.

"Then what should I do? You want to order there, I can only do that! Even if the master changes, she still has to..."

"Bastard! Can you two stop talking about me!" The Miejue Shi outside the door couldn't bear it anymore, "What are you talking about--a mess! It's simply--indecent and indecent!"

Su Yixin said who told you not to go far?
"Master, it was Zhiruo who said it, not me." Su Yi said.

Zhou Zhiruo glared at Su Yi, and said in a low voice, "I know I was wrong."

"Don't talk anymore, hurry up and expel the poison!" Miejue Shitai said angrily.

Su Yi sighed: "Take it off."

Zhou Zhiruo blushed again, and said in embarrassment, "You knock me out!"

"If I knock you out, aren't you afraid that I'll take the opportunity to grope?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"It's so unreasonable!" Juejue Shitai cursed outside the door, got up and went to a further place.

"Look at you, you've blown Master away." Zhou Zhiruo stared at Su Yi and said.

"It seems that you are more angry." Su Yi said.

"The little girl is just cooperating with Su Daxia." Zhou Zhiruo bit her lip, and said with anger and embarrassment, "You dare to say that Master is outside the door, are you not awkward?"

Su Yi looked at Zhou Zhiruo in surprise, "Yes, you little girl."

"It's Su Daxia who taught me well." For a long time, Zhou Zhiruo has also gotten used to this relaxed way of talking with Su Yi.

The two laughed at the same time.

But Zhou Zhiruo was still very shy, after all, she was going to take off her clothes later.

"Brother Su, Zhiruo has entrusted her to you in this life." Zhou Zhiruo suddenly said softly, her eyes full of affection, "If Zhiruo had you in her heart, she would have died of poison, and it would never be like this. Do you know that Zhiruo mind?"

"Of course I know." Su Yi's smile softened a lot, "If it wasn't for that, how could I ask my wife for marriage?"

Zhou Zhiruo bit her lip and looked deeply at Su Yi, then suddenly lowered her head and turned around, sitting cross-legged on the carpet.

"Brother Su, please undress Zhiruo." She said in a weak voice.

Su Yi felt troubled in his heart, otherwise why would he be so wild?
He was startled, and said: "Zhiruo, then you have to stand up, because you have to take off your pants."

"...Okay." Zhou Zhiruo stood up shyly.

Su Yi took a deep breath, stepped forward and was about to move, stopped suddenly, thought for a while, took off his outer shirt, walked to the mountain god sculpture, first bowed, muttered words, and then put his clothes on the statue on the head.

"Mountain god, mountain god, even if you are a god, you can't take a peek, no wonder!" Su Yi bowed again.

At the same time, Zhou Zhiruo was nervously waiting for Su Yi to undress with her eyes closed, but when she heard Su Yi walking away, she looked back and saw just such a scene.

She felt it was funny, shy, and sweet.

But when Su Yi turned around, she hurriedly turned around again, not daring to look at Su Yi.

Su Yi walked up to Zhou Zhiruo again, took a deep breath, put his hands on Zhou Zhiruo's shoulders, and grabbed her collar.

Zhou Zhiruo's breathing suddenly became rapid, and she suddenly felt a chill in her upper body, followed by the cool wind blowing all over her body. She knew that she had been honest with Su Yi.


Zhou Zhiruo muttered something, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, but a line of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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