Chapter 1163
Let alone the detoxification process.

Generally speaking, Su Yi is probably abiding by the rules.

And this is a life-saving thing, a joke is a joke, when they really do it, the two of them are still very serious.

Su Yi directly passed the I Ching Sutra to Zhou Zhiruo, and asked Zhou Zhiruo not to spread it to outsiders.

"This is a martial art of the Xiaoyao sect that will not be passed on to the outside world, but you are the wife of the head in the future, so it's okay to pass it on to you in advance now." Su Yi said jokingly, "After you have practiced this internal skill, I will keep it to teach you to keep your face forever."

Of course, this internal skill is very precious, but it is not so precious that even the people next to the pillow can't practice it.And even Yin Li got the incomplete version, so it doesn't make sense that Zhou Zhiruo, a lady in the palace, can't practice it.

Furthermore, with this internal skill, Su Yi and Zhou Zhiruo can work together to treat poison with one internal and one external, and it will be more effective with half the effort.

Zhou Zhiruo quickly sensed the magic of this internal skill, and was both moved and pleasantly surprised.She was originally a martial arts genius, although she was not as enchanting as Zhang Wuji, but she had a very high level of comprehension. Now that she had to teach a wonderful method, she immediately immersed herself in it and began to study this inner skill.After one night, she had entered the room, and her internal strength had greatly increased.

This is certainly due to Su Yi's contribution, but Zhou Zhiruo's own talent is also indispensable.

So in the second half of the night, it was basically Zhou Zhiruo's exercise to detoxify herself, and Su Yi's occasional assistance. Zhou Zhiruo was also familiar with the operation of internal energy, killing two birds with one stone.

Su Yi took time to use his internal strength to heal himself.His inner strength is strong, and after a few hours, his injury has improved a lot.

In the early morning, the two of them opened their eyes one after the other, both of them were in high spirits.

Seeing Su Yi's eyes move down, Zhou Zhiruo's eyes flashed shyness, she hurriedly picked up the clothes on the ground and turned around to put them on, her body as white as beautiful jade was immediately covered.

Su Yi smiled knowingly, and pulled his shirt over his lap calmly.

As a normal man, Chen Bo is a very normal phenomenon, absolutely nothing to do with what he sees.

Zhou Zhiruo tidied up her clothes, but she was still too shy to look back.

It's really strange for a woman, but it was much better last night when she didn't wear it.

"Brother, let's, let's go out." Zhou Zhiruo whispered, "Master has guarded us outside all night. The wind, cold and dew are heavy, she must be very hard."

"He's a filial child." Su Yi smiled, "He also knows that he loves Master."

"Brother Su, this sounds like an elder." Zhou Zhiruo said helplessly, "We are obviously of the same age, but you speak in an old-fashioned way."

"So I am the head, and you are the disciple." Su Yi said with a smile, "But after you pass the door, you will become an elder, and then you will be the wife of the head."

"It's a pity that you have four wives..." Zhou Zhiruo said quietly.

"Ahem!" Su Yi's face was serious, "The teacher's order is hard to break, and I can't help it, otherwise it's just you and Xiao Zhao, and I'm enough!"

"I believe in big brother." Zhou Zhiruo smiled sweetly, "Big brother, Zhiruo is not a jealous woman who can't tolerate others, I just hope that you can treat me with sincerity and don't let down my deep affection, then I will be content."

"I don't speak big words." Su Yi looked at her, "As long as you never leave, I will depend on you forever."

Old-fashioned love words, but the attitude is serious.

"Brother Su, you treat me so well!" Zhou Zhiruo was so moved that she took the initiative to hug Su Yi and buried her head in Su Yi's arms. It made Zhiruo terrified, fearing that this was a dream and it would be shattered when she woke up."

Su Yi patted her on the back and said with a smile: "I hope that when we are gray-haired, we will still see each other's kindness in our eyes."

Zhou Zhiruo thought that Su Yi was talking about love, so she hugged her even tighter.

"By the way, big brother!" Zhou Zhiruo suddenly remembered something, "Do you recognize the girl Azhu who was with Granny Jinhua last night?"

"I know." Su Yi said, "I also know what she asked you to bring."

Zhou Zhiruo wondered: "Could it be that the eldest brother really kept hiding in secret last night, so he knew the details?"

"I'll let Xiao Zhao tell you about this later." Su Yi smiled.

Although Xiao Zhao is well-behaved, it is impossible for her to have no grudges about her and Zhou Zhiruo's affairs.Xiao Zhao was the first one to know that he knew spells. This was his and Xiao Zhao's secret. If the third person should know this secret, it would be better for Xiao Zhao to tell it.

Many trivial things that seem insignificant still need to be taken seriously, otherwise it will only stimulate Xiao Zhao's sensitive heart even more.

Su Yi changed the subject and said, "You can talk about Xie Xun's matter again in front of your teacher later. Your teacher needs to know about this matter."

Zhou Zhiruo asked curiously, "It's said that the Supreme Master of the Martial Arts uses the sword to slay dragons, brother, don't you want to monopolize the dragon sword at all?"

Su Yi smiled lightly: "Xie Xun got the dragon sword, is he the supreme martial artist now?"

Zhou Zhiruo was stunned, and argued, "That's because he failed to comprehend the secret of the sword, otherwise he might not be able to rule the roost in the martial arts world."

"Dragon Slaying Knife, Dragon Slaying, what a name." Su Yi felt a little emotional, "It's a pity that the person who holds the Dragon Slaying Knife does not know how to slay dragons, and may not really be able to slay dragons. A knife has the ability to slay a dragon, and it can really kill a real dragon! It can be seen that the key to being a supreme person is the person, not the knife."

Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful eyes sparkled and her mind was turbulent. The closer she got to Su Yi, the more she couldn't extricate herself from Su Yi's confidence.

The two worshiped the mountain god again, and when they went out, they saw Miejue Shitai sitting under a tree ten feet away.

The two looked at each other and could not help but smile.

When they got to the front, both of them bowed to Master Miejue in thanks.

Juejue looked at Zhou Zhiruo expressionlessly, nodded and said, "You look pretty good, are you okay?"

"The poison my disciple suffered is gone, and there is no serious problem." Zhou Zhiruo said, "Thank you, Master, for your concern."

Miejue Shitai nodded: "That's good, let's go back."

"Master, I forgot to report something yesterday." Zhou Zhiruo called Miejue Shitai, told Xie Xun's whereabouts, and explained that Yin Li asked her to tell Su Yi privately, but Su Yi asked her to report to Master .

Miejue Shitai said angrily: "This is already bought for your future husband before you get married? Don't worry, Master accepts his love!"

Zhou Zhiruo's pretty face flushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "Master, this disciple doesn't mean that."

Su Yi watched this scene with a smile, but didn't speak.

"Master Su, when we were in the Western Regions, we talked about the Dragon Slaying Knife." Miejue Shitai looked at Su Yi, "You said that day that your disciple Zhang Wuji would bring the Dragon Slaying Knife. It's just that we have been busy fighting against the Yuan Dynasty. Big plan, this matter has been delayed. Now that Xie Xun is actually invited to Spirit Snake Island by Granny Jinhua, the Dragon Slaying Saber may also change hands, but this matter cannot be delayed."

"It's just... After all, the Dragon Slaying Saber is of great importance. If Zhang Wuji is the only one to pick it up, it will be bad if something happens. It's not that the old nun doesn't trust his disciples. It's just that he's young after all, and Xie Xun is old after all. His adoptive father, I am afraid that he will do stupid things without understanding the righteousness because of his affection."

Isn't that just unbelievable?

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I plan to go to this matter myself."

In the original plot, this turmoil was not small, and even Yin Li died.

The death of Yin Li is actually very confusing in the original plot. Yin Li was diagnosed as dead by Zhang Wuji himself, and then buried in a coffin.

It stands to reason that Zhang Wuji is a master of Xinglin, and this diagnosis is absolutely correct.With such high medical skills, you can't even tell the difference between the dead and the living, right?
What's more, Yin Li must be sure before daring to draw a conclusion, so Zhang Wuji must be sure that Yin Li is really dead before burying her.

After burying Yin Li, Zhang Wuji and the others stayed on Spirit Snake Island for more than ten days before leaving. Before leaving, they even went to the grave to pay respects to Yin Li, nothing unusual.

In the end, Yin Li, who had been dead for so long, finally came back to life?

This is a bit unreasonable.

Not to mention the world of martial arts, even the world of ghosts and gods is a bit unbelievable.

Unless it wasn't Yin Li who crawled out at the end...

Closer to home, Su Yi said to Miejue Shitai: "Before I asked Shitai to pass on the letter to Wuji Feige, counting the days, he should have arrived. This time I went to Dadu and I was seriously injured. I will take care of the injury for a few more days." , wait for Wuji to arrive by the way, and then we will be on our way."

Miejue Shitai said: "The Tartar emperor has just died, and the current situation has changed. If you walk away at this time, will you..."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Our purpose of doing this is to divide the Yuan court and give ourselves time and space for development. It is not to take advantage of this opportunity to do anything. We can proceed steadily according to the established plan and wait and see. The conflict between the sub-royal family broke out. In a short period of time, both sides must stabilize the situation, and nothing will happen."

Rebellion is a violent movement in which one class overthrows another class. This kind of thing is not a fight, nor is it a arena where the winner is determined in a few rounds. It is a long-term and complicated struggle, so there is no rush.

All that Su Yi has done before is just to develop and accumulate his own strength, to create conditions that are more favorable to him for the future situation, not to change or subvert something all at once.

Therefore, this period of time is a rare period of peace, and it is better to be still than to move.

Su Yi happened to be able to take the time to go to Binghuo Island.

When I come back again, it will almost be the time of the Great Controversy.

Miejue Shi nodded as if she understood, but she was actually very worried, after all, it was the first time she was involved in such an important matter.

But since Su Yi said so, she felt a little more at ease in her heart, and decided to play the role of Emei according to Su Yi's previous plan.

The three of them returned to the station, and before Su Yi had time to go back to rest, he was called to a meeting by the heads of the various factions.

The heads of the various factions also had no idea. They all knew that they had completely torn face with Yuan Ting this time, and the next step would definitely be to go underground from above ground, and they could no longer stay under Yuan Ting's rule.

Last night, each faction flew pigeons to send letters to their respective sects, asking them to take refuge first, but they have no idea what to do in the future.

Su Yi had already prepared a draft of this matter, telling them that one was to publicize the news that the Tartar Emperor was assassinated and killed by King Ruyang, and the other was to announce the news of the uprising of various factions, and then waited for righteous men to come and defect, and the news was brewing and fermenting. up.

As I said before, it is better to be still than to move at this time, and letting the bullets fly for a while is the best choice.

Of course, there are still some details that need to be discussed in detail, after all, the situation of each faction is different.

At the meeting, Su Yi proposed the concept of "special forces", that is, experts from various factions form a small but elite force, responsible for special operations such as attacking fortifications, sneak attacks, assassinations, and intelligence.

He hoped that all the factions would gather together and develop a set of battle formations suitable for fighting on the battlefield, with high lethality and ability to deal with various battle situations.

This suggestion made all factions very interested, and they all expressed their willingness to participate. However, Su Yi hoped that the Emei faction would take the lead in this plan, and some people were quite critical.

But nothing happened in the end. After all, theoretically speaking, this rebel army was first formed by the Xiaoyao faction and the Emei faction.The rest of the factions, as latecomers, cannot catch up from behind, and turn their backs.

In the next few days, while Su Yi was recovering from his injuries, he held small meetings with various factions from time to time to arrange future developments and discuss the current situation together.

After Su Yi found out the news, Mr. Guan led his troops to march northward to the grassland in a short time. Naturally, the territory here was about to be abandoned.

This place is located in a blank area where the forces of Ruyang King and Yuan Ting meet. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and its strategic location is very important.

Mr. Guan is gone, but this place can't just be thrown to Yuan Ting.

But the problem is that the army formed before is still thousands of miles away, and it is not realistic to come here to take over the territory.

The influence of the Skyhawk Sect is also far in the south, and the Skyhawk Sect is a nail wedged in the south by Su Yi, and he does not want the Skyhawk Sect to come to the north.

Therefore, after discussion among the various factions, it was decided that the six major factions would simply use this place as a garrison, recruit troops and train soldiers here.

The rebel army sent by Kongtong can be transferred here first and stationed here.

Coupled with the power of each faction, it is not a big problem to keep here.

I didn't expect to get a piece of land for nothing, which was a surprise.

I didn't go out of my way to communicate with Mr. Guan about this matter. The heroes just borrowed a place to rest temporarily and sent representatives to pay a visit. Very indifferent.

Zhang Sanfeng personally went to Wudang Mountain to pick up Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting. There was no movement in Shaolin, but there was news from Central Henan that the thousand-year-old temple was burned down early in the morning of the third day after the Dadu Incident.

A group of monks chanted together for a long time that day.

The other three factions didn't move much, they simply gathered together to study the battle formation technique that Su Yi mentioned before.

Not to mention, it was really well known by their research.

The positive and negative sword formations that Huashan and Kunlun factions performed on Guangmingding before were taken out again, and the Kongtong Five Elders joined the Kongtong faction's swordsmanship. The three factions studied together every day, and the sword formation The power is much greater than before, and the progress is rapid.

Day by day, Su Yi's injury is almost healed, but Zhang Wuji still hasn't arrived, which makes Su Yi wonder, where did this apprentice go?
This is the most troublesome thing in this era, the transmission of information is too slow and backward.Zhang Wuji never sent a letter, and he didn't know where he was or what happened to him.

Su Yi is not a fairy either, so he can only wait.

(End of this chapter)

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