Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1164 Yellow Shirt

Chapter 1164 Yellow Shirt
People can't stand nagging, Zhang Wuji should come or come.

But he didn't come alone, but with a woman in a yellow shirt and an eleven or twelve-year-old girl who didn't look so cute.

It is self-evident who the girl in the yellow shirt is. Zhang Wuji passed Zhongnan Mountain all the way east, thinking of going to see Yang Buhui. The girl in the yellow shirt met Zhang Wuji, and the two even had a fight.

It turned out that Yang Buhui had arrived at Zhongnan Mountain before, and had been looking for the tomb of the living dead, but she couldn't find it, so she came up with a bad idea, which was to offer a huge reward in a nearby town.

In this way, the commotion naturally became louder.The girl in yellow didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she just showed up to see her.

Knowing that Yang Buhui came to apprentice, she of course refused, the ancient tomb has never had the habit of recruiting disciples outside, the only exception over the years is Yang Guo.

But the girl in yellow was very curious about how Yang Buhui knew about the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Yang Buhui didn't want to talk at first, but she didn't have much experience in the world, so she was so provoked by the yellow-shirted woman's few words that she said everything like a bamboo tube.

Only then did the girl in yellow know that such a big thing had happened in the Jianghu, but she knew nothing about the Xiaoyao Sect.

But this is nothing, not many people know about the Ancient Tomb Sect, but it does not prevent the Ancient Tomb Sect from having been passed down for more than two hundred years.

She just blamed this Xiaoyao Sect Su Yi for causing trouble for herself, but she didn't want to get to the bottom of it.

She didn't want to accept Yang Buhui as an apprentice, but Yang Buhui was pampered and spoiled by his father since he was a child, and he had a temperament that would never give up until he reached his goal.

The girl in the yellow shirt refused to agree, so Yang Buhui kept pestering the girl in the yellow shirt, even threatening to announce the news of the Ancient Tomb Sect to the world, and took advantage of the girl in the yellow shirt who wanted to keep a low profile.

How can the yellow shirt girl be threatened?
They took Yang Buhui back to the ancient tomb and locked her up. He only fed her some honey and water every day, and starved her like this.

Huang Shinu told Yang Buhui that she would let her go as long as she gave in, but Yang Buhui refused to give in.

Just like this stalemate, Zhang Wuji arrived.

Like Yang Buhui, Zhang Wuji also inquired about the whereabouts of the Ancient Tomb Sect, attracting the attention of the maids who went out to buy.

The woman in the yellow shirt thought that she had stabbed a hornet's nest recently. The Ancient Tomb Sect has been clean for decades, so why are people asking around?
Go out and ask, Xiaoyao Sect disciple.

Then there is nothing to say, hit it.

Zhang Wuji was quite polite at first, but after hearing that Huang Shannv lied that Yang Buhui had been killed by her, he was stimulated and fought with Huang Shannv.

The girl in yellow was only interested in teaching lessons, but Zhang Wuji was honest and honest, and he left room for every move.

One used the Jade Heart Sutra, the Nine Yin Manual and the Ancient Tomb Sword Technique, and the other used the Nine Yang Divine Art and the boxing and sword techniques taught by Su Yi.

The two sides fought several times for a period of three days, with breaks and breaks, but still no winner.

Fighting and fighting, the two sides became more and more admiring of each other's martial arts character, and they also had strange thoughts.Huang Shinu learned that it was Zhang Wuji's master who instructed Yang Buhui to find the Ancient Tomb Sect, and Zhang Wuji also knew that Yang Buhui was not actually dead.

Huang Shinu thought that Zhang Wuji and Yang Buhui were a couple, so she cared so much.

But I didn't expect Yang Buhui to like his master, which immediately surprised the girl in yellow.

Zhang Wuji knew everything, and told Huang Shinu about these relationships and stories, but Huang Shinu felt that Zhang Wuji was very pitiful, and the two childhood sweethearts fell in love with his master...

For Zhang Wuji's sake, Huang Shinu accepted Yang Buhui as a disciple, and took him under the sect of the Ancient Tomb Sect.

But there is a condition, that is, no one is allowed to leave the ancient tomb for ten years.

Originally the rule of the Ancient Tomb Sect was that one could not leave the ancient tomb for a lifetime, but as time passed, such an inhumane school rule was naturally changed long ago, so that one could not leave the ancient tomb after ten years of entry.

As for the girl in the yellow shirt, she has been in the ancient tomb since she was born, and she went out several times after she became sensible. Only then came back to live in seclusion.

Within ten years, Yang Buhui agreed to such a harsh condition regardless of Zhang Wuji's objection.

She dreamed of defeating Su Yi, but instead of killing Su Yi, she forced him to marry her sweet dream, and devoted herself to hard training day after day.

Both the girl in yellow shirt and Zhang Wuji were moved by her persistence.

Zhang Wuji decided to stay and continue to persuade Yang Buhui, so he simply stayed in the ancient tomb temporarily.

This is also the reason why he has not heard from him for a long time.

But in fact Zhang Wuji had other ideas.

Different from the original plot, he has not had any in-depth contact with any of Yitian Simei.Although Yin Li was looking for him everywhere, he was already half-abducted by Su Yi.

As for Zhou Zhiruo, let alone, when I saw him, my heart was already full of Su Yi.

Xiao Zhao?

That was the pretty maid beside the master, he didn't dare to make any plans.

Zhao Min?

Zhang Wuji didn't know Zhao Min until now.

Even Yang Buhui, whom he escorted thousands of miles away when he was a child, has a deep-rooted affection for Su Yi, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Zhang Wuji saw his master surrounded by beauties, it would be a lie to say that he didn't envy him.Now it's hard to meet a girl in yellow shirt who is outstanding in appearance, martial arts, personality and other aspects. If you say that you don't have any other thoughts in your heart, you won't believe it.

Huang Shinu is 27 years old this year, six years older than Zhang Wuji, so Zhang Wuji always calls her "Sister Yang".

He said he wanted to comfort Yang Buhui, but in fact he spent most of his time talking to the girl in yellow.

The girl in yellow is not a fool, how could she fail to see what Zhang Wuji was thinking?
She also has a crush on Zhang Wuji, and Zhang Wuji is the first man in her life who has come into contact with so many men.

So Huang Shinu set up a game to test Zhang Wuji, Zhang Wuji did not disappoint her, he would rather die by himself than protect her well.

Ancient Tomb Sect Tradition - If a man is willing to die for you, then you can break the Tomb Sect oath and go with this man.

Huang Shinu and Zhang Wuji showed their hearts to each other in this way.

Both of their parents died early, but Zhang Wuji now has a master, of course he should report this kind of matter to the master and let the master decide, otherwise it would be unreasonable fornication without a matchmaker.

Zhang Wuji felt that he had found true love, and wished he could fly to Su Yi immediately to report the matter, so he began to urge the woman in yellow to go on the road with him, to meet the master, and report the two of them.

In fact, Huang Shinu doesn't pay much attention to secular etiquette, and she doesn't think it's necessary to care too much about Zhang Wuji's master, thinking that love is a matter between two people.

But since Zhang Wuji respected his master very much, and he was determined to do so, Huang Shannu agreed.

Just at this time, someone found the ancient tomb again, this time it was to find the woman in yellow.

Those who came were the widow and orphan daughter of Shi Huolong, the leader of the Beggar Clan. The mother and daughter held tokens from the Beggar Clan and knelt down in front of the ancient tomb, begging the owner of the ancient tomb to be the master for their orphan, daughter and widow.

Because of the family's grandfather's relationship with the beggar gang, Huang Shannu agreed to this matter, and just happened to go out with Zhang Wuji.

The group of three left Zhongnan Mountain and headed east all the way. First, they rushed to Jiulong Town to meet Su Yi. After meeting Su Yi, they planned to meet Chen Youliang and others who dared to occupy the magpie's nest at the headquarters of the Beggar Gang in Bianliang.

The little girl with them is Shi Huolong's daughter Shi Hongshi.

The three of them traveled all the way, and soon arrived near Jiulong Town. After finding out where the six major sects were stationed, they rushed over here.

After these days, this valley has long since changed. The six major factions have set up camp here and settled down completely.

The first batch of righteous men who had defected had already settled down in various factions and started training and resting, and the whole camp was bustling with activity.

The three of them stood outside the camp, but Zhang Wuji felt uneasy.

"Sister Yang, Master ordered me to lead the rebel army and fight against the Yuan court, but I was not doing my job properly. I fell in love with Sister Yang at first sight... Master, will he blame me for not doing my job properly?" Zhang Wuji said anxiously, "As the saying goes, the Xiongnu are still alive. Now I haven't started fighting with Tartar yet, but I have already... Could this be..."

The woman in the yellow shirt said: "Your master is accompanied by a beautiful woman, why not let you rely on it? If he is really like this, he will only allow the state officials to set fires, and not allow the common people to light lamps. What he did is unfair."

Zhang Wuji smiled wryly and said: "Actually, Master is very generous and open-minded. He has never said harsh words to me, but I am quite afraid of him and respect him. Thinking about it now, in fact, we are like this, and I don't regret what my sister will do in the future." ?”

"Her master is with the apprentice of the person she likes, so if she and her master have a lover and finally get married, how should we call each other? I can't call her teacher's mother, she can call me teacher, right?"

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled and said, "What are you thinking about all this mess in your head? Don't be afraid of being ugly, let Hongshi laugh at you."

"Sister Yang, I can't hear anything." Shi Hongshi said with a smile, this little girl is very well-behaved and sensible.

The woman in the yellow shirt stroked her hair, and said to Zhang Wuji, "It's nothing. In fact, my grandfather and grandmother were a pair of master and apprentice. At that time, their marriage was criticized. Even Guo Daxia, whom he respected the most, objected to their proposal." However, they still insisted on their original intentions, and finally came together after going through all kinds of calamities, and this is how my father and I came together."

"Wuji, worldly views are not important, the most important thing is that we two are of one mind. As long as we are firm with each other, no matter what your master's attitude is, you can't separate us."

Zhang Wuji smiled and said, "Sister Yang, you seem to be very worried that Master will oppose us?"

"I heard from you that your master is only 24 or [-] this year, and I am older than your master. It is not uncommon for him to oppose us for the sake of his precious disciple." The woman in yellow said lightly.

"How about..." Zhang Wuji thought for a while before making a suggestion.

But the girl in the yellow shirt knew what he was going to say, she shook her head and smiled, "I'm twenty-seven this year, and it's not something shameful, why should I hide it? Wuji, you don't have to cover it up for me. In fact, I'm just using common sense Save people, maybe your master will not be what I think."

"Master, he is by no means an ordinary man, he will definitely not care about these things!" Zhang Wuji said.

"Let's go, then go meet him." The woman in yellow looked at the camp in front of her, "Actually, I'm also very curious about your master, Wuji is already so outstanding, what kind of master will it be to teach Wuji?" Outstanding person?"

Zhang Wuji subconsciously puffed up his chest and smiled broadly.

Being appreciated and praised by the woman he loves makes him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

And the woman in yellow shirt always praised him and encouraged him, which gave Zhang Wuji an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

The garrison had been turned into a barracks, with trenches dug around it and fenced towers erected.

There were people guarding the entrance, but they were righteous men who had defected recently, and they didn't know who Zhang Wuji was.

Just as he was stopping Zhang Wuji to interrogate him, he saw a pretty woman running towards him.

Zhang Wuji recognized that this was Xiao Zhao, the maid beside Master, and hurriedly waved his hands in surprise: "Miss Xiao Zhao! It's me! I'm Zhang Wuji!"

Xiao Zhao flew over and stopped lightly at the door.

The guard recognized Xiao Zhao and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "This is Zhang Wuji, my son's apprentice. You know he's coming, so let me come to greet him."

In front of outsiders, Xiao Zhao no longer calls Su Yi the eldest brother, but the son.

The guard saluted Zhang Wuji fearfully: "I don't know that Zhang Xiaoxia is in front of me. He really has no eyes and no eyes. He deserves death!"

"Where is it, we have lived a simple life, and it is normal that you don't recognize me." Zhang Wuji hurriedly returned the gift, explaining seriously.

Xiao Zhao looked at this scene with a smile, and looked at the girl in yellow again.

The latter was also looking at Xiao Zhao, the two made eye contact, fisted each other, and smiled at each other.

Seeing this, Zhang Wuji hurriedly said: "Miss Xiao Zhao, let me introduce you. This sister Yang is the master of the Ancient Tomb Sect. Miss Xiao Zhao is the closest person to my master..."

"I'm the little maid next to you." Xiao Zhao smiled, and she rolled her eyes, and said, "Is this elder sister Yang specially here to visit you?"

"It's not..." Zhang Wuji was a little embarrassed, "Sister Yang and I... want to report to Master, we, uh, our..."

"What about this and that?" Xiao Zhao asked strangely after struggling to hear it.

"We... are in love with each other." Zhang Wuji finally choked out a sentence after holding back for a long time.

"So what if you two are in love..." Xiao Zhao was stunned, and then realized that he couldn't help covering his mouth and giggling.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji was embarrassed, the woman in yellow also smiled and stood aside, not showing any signs of shyness or attempting to relieve the siege.

After Xiao Zhao laughed, he was obviously relieved, and when he looked at the girl in yellow, his eyes became much closer, and he even took the girl's hand and said with a smile: "No wonder the young master is very happy, saying that it is a distinguished guest."

"Master Su knows I'm coming?" Huang Shannu asked in surprise, "And how does Master Su know that Wuji and I are coming at this time?"

Xiao Zhao didn't speak, Zhang Wuji smiled and said, "I told you earlier that my master is not an ordinary person, this kind of thing is not unusual for my master."

After finishing speaking, he asked Xiao Zhao, "Master, is he all right?"

"He is very good." Xiao Zhao pouted for some reason, but soon smiled again, "He is talking with Zhang Zhenren, I am very glad to know that you are here, and I specially asked me to welcome you .Come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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