Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1165 Agree

Chapter 1165 Agree
"Master Su, the two villains are unbearable and don't know what to do. You are laughing at me."

"Where is it, Yu Sanxia and Yin Liuxia are loyal and righteous, they are role models for my generation, and it is too late for me to admire them. Old Zhang is a good disciple."

Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng exchanged hands with emotion.

Zhang Sanfeng rushed back yesterday, bringing his two disabled disciples with him.

After Su Yi learned about it, he came to Wudang to visit the two men.

He promised Yin Liting at the beginning that he would cure Yin Liting's disability, or use black jade ointment intermittently, or pass on the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra that can make up for the incomplete.

As for Yu Daiyan, one sheep is herding, and two sheep are also herding, so they will be together.

Come today, Su Yi is here to fulfill his promise.

He gave Yin Liting and Yu Daiyan two options. One was what Su Yi suggested before, allowing them to become guest ministers of the Xiaoyao Sect without leaving Wudang. Even if he waited a little longer, he would be sure to get black jade ointment for the two of them from Ruyang Palace.

And Su Yi clearly told the two that both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The first method can guarantee that the two will recover as before, but there is no way to guarantee the time.

They are different from Su Yi. When Su Yi first practiced the I Ching marrow washing technique, he only practiced the method of absorbing stars. There is no internal force in the dantian, and all internal force is stored in the meridians, so there is no limit to the practice.

But Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting have Wudang internal strength, and then practicing the I Ching Xisui Jing will definitely conflict with each other, so they need to dissipate the original internal strength first, and then start from the beginning.

In this way, the time-consuming will naturally be longer.

But this method is better than safe, and it can definitely work.

The second method is faster, but the extent to which the Black Jade Ointment can recover is uncertain, and the effect is not clear.According to Su Yi's guess, it would be good if this Black Jade Ointment could make them stand up again, but if they want to be like normal people, they need to do a lot of rehabilitation training. If they want to restore their current martial arts and return to the peak, they hope slim.

In general, of the two methods, the first one is naturally more advantageous, and it can be started now.

But Yin Liting and Yu Daiyan discussed it on the way, and they both decided to use black jade ointment intermittently to treat the wound, and they sincerely thanked Su Yi repeatedly, expressing that their kindness will never be forgotten.

The reason is also very simple, they belong to Wudang, even if they don't leave Wudang and join other factions, they feel it is a betrayal of Wudang.

This kind of view seems a bit silly now, but Su Yi respects them very much.

Everyone living in the world will set a bottom line for himself, telling himself what he can do and what he can never do.

People who keep breaking their bottom line are not necessarily bad people, but they must be poor people.

Anyone who can stick to his bottom line, no matter what he sticks to, is absolutely worthy of respect.

The bottom line for Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting may be Wudang.

Although Su Yi didn't think that they would have any impact on the Wudang Clan if they joined the Xiaoyao faction at the same time and became the Qingyao Keqing, but since they made such a decision, Su Yi didn't feel disappointed or unhappy. people.

Even though Zhang Sanfeng scolded the two apprentices for being confused and ignorant of good and evil, he was afraid that he would be completely moved in his heart.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if it was Su Yi instead, and Zhang Wuji also had such a great sense of belonging to the Xiaoyao faction, Su Yi would also be very pleased.

"Wait for Xu Da to attack Gansu, if King Ruyang doesn't want to be attacked by the enemy, he will definitely come to us for peace immediately." Su Yi said to Zhang Sanfeng, "With Zhao Min's intelligence, he will definitely use black jade intermittent ointment as a gift, In exchange for our peaceful coexistence with them. Even if she forgets, we can remind them and ask for it directly. King Ruyang is not a short-sighted person, even if it is for long-term consideration, he will definitely establish a good relationship with us, so It’s basically not going to be a problem.”

"The negotiation between the two sides is a public matter. If this is the case, isn't it possible that Wudang is using it for private purposes?" Zhang Sanfeng hesitated.

"There is indeed such a disadvantage." Su Yi did not deny it, "Mr. Zhang will kill more Tartars in the future, and it will be counted as punishment."

"This is three cups of fine wine. It really makes the old man feel ashamed." Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly, and when he wanted to say more, Su Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he said with a smile: "Wuji is here, Mr. Zhang, let's go out and have a look together?"

Zhang Sanfeng became excited immediately: "Okay! Okay! Speaking of which, I haven't seen Wuji in ten years. Master Su, you said just now that there is another distinguished guest. Who is this honored guest?"

"This distinguished guest is both a guest and not a guest. Hehe, you will know when you see him later."

The two walked out talking and laughing, Zhang Wuji and a group of people just happened to come here from the other side.

Su Yi and the others stood still with a smile. Zhang Wuji saw Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng from a distance, and immediately showed excitement. He hurried forward a few steps and knelt down in front of Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Wuji greets Master, Grand Master! I kowtow to you!"

As he spoke, he knocked his head on the ground.

Tears welled up in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, he hurriedly helped him up.Lang smiled and said, "Okay! Good boy, it's good that you're not dead, Cuishan has a son!"

Zhang Wuji was also very excited, he choked up and greeted Zhang Sanfeng, and hurriedly saluted Su Yi again, Su Yi nodded with a smile.

"Weird student is stupid, I almost forgot to introduce to Master." Zhang Wuji smacked his forehead suddenly, and hurriedly introduced to Su Yi, "This Sister Yang is the master of this generation of the ancient tomb, Sister Yang, this is me Master, and my Grand Master of the Wudang Sect, he is my father's master Zhang Zhenren."

Zhang Wuji's introduction was messed up, but fortunately, Huang Shinu knew the background, smiled slightly, and bowed to Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, "Yang Yaoqin, the descendant of the ancient tomb, pays homage to Master Zhang of Wudang, the head of Xiaoyao Sect Su."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little moved, and said excitedly: "Ancient Tomb Sect... Could it be that the girl is the descendant of the Condor Hero?"

"It's my grandfather." Yang Yaoqin said.

"Brother Yang, he..." Zhang Sanfeng was very excited, his eyes flashed with reminiscence, "If it wasn't for Brother Yang, I would have died at the hands of Yin Kexi long ago. He has the grace of saving my life and the virtue of passing on art. I have always I want to see him again, but it is a pity that there is no chance or blessing, and I never want to see him again. I didn't expect that a hundred years have passed, and today I will meet the descendants of Brother Yang."

Su Yi sighed and said: "I only hope that I will live to be a hundred years old, and I will be able to tell the stories of a hundred years ago to younger generations like Zhang Lao."

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Yang Yaoqin burst into laughter.

Yang Yaoqin was surprised, thinking that Su Yi, a junior, could make such a joke with Zhang Sanfeng.

Although Zhang Wuji felt that something was wrong, he observed his words and saw that Tai Shifu was not displeased but smiled, so he relaxed and laughed along with him.

But Zhang Sanfeng's answer made them even more surprised.

"For Master Su, isn't it easy to live for more than a hundred years?" Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

Master Su?

Yang Yaoqin was shocked. She never thought that such a respected senior as Zhang Sanfeng would call Su Yi "Master Su",

She realized that she knew too little about the head of Xiaoyao!

Zhang Wuji was an honest boy, he was surprised and asked directly: "Grand Master, why do you call my master as...for..."

"A master is a master. I want to ask Master Su for advice on how to practice. It's already disrespectful to call Master Su." Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "It's just that Master Su is as modest as he is, and doesn't care about these red tapes."

After a pause, Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "In this way, Wuji and I have become senior brothers again? Isn't that right, Junior Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Wuji didn't expect Zhang Sanfeng to have such a childlike innocence that he would actually make such a joke, he was immediately embarrassed, and hurriedly said that he didn't dare.

Su Yi smiled and clasped his fists at Yang Yaoqin and said, "My apprentice, am I causing trouble for Miss Yang?"

"No." Yang Yaoqin was a little suspicious, she was no longer as generous as before, and a little cautious, "Wuji is...very good."

Su Yi nodded: "That's good, that's good!"

His eyes fell on Shi Hongshi, the little girl was looking at Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng curiously.

Seeing Su Yi looking over, she immediately stood up, respectfully bowed to Su Yi and Zhang Sanfeng respectively, and said: "Shi Hongshi of the Beggar Gang, I pay my respects to Su Daxia, head of Xiaoyao, Wudang Daoist Zhang."

"Little girl, you are welcome." Su Yi's face straightened, "Your surname is Shi, is it possible that your father is the leader of the Beggar Clan Shi?"

Shi Hongshi said: "Exactly."

"A few days ago, a villain named Chen Youliang was killed by me." Su Yi said, "This person claims to be the elder of the Eight Bags of the Beggar Gang."

As soon as Su Yi said this, Yang Yaoqin and Shi Hongshi said "ah" at the same time, and the latter looked at Su Yi with excitement.

Su Yi went on to say: "This person followed me in plotting against him, and I didn't bother to plot with him, so I killed him. Later, his accomplice confessed that the leader of Gang Shi had actually been killed a long time ago, and this person found someone similar to Gang Leader Shi to pretend to be Controlling the Beggar Gang behind the scenes. I have already sent someone to inform the leader of the Beggar Gang’s flag, little girl, you came here with Wuji, is it because of this?”

Zhang Wuji and Yang Yaoqin looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Zhang Wuji hurriedly told about Shi Hongshi, and finally said: "Sister Yang and I were going to visit the master, so we went to the main altar of the beggar gang to ask for sister Hongshi. To be fair, I didn't expect that Master's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he had already seen through this matter, and put things right!"

Shi Hongshi suddenly fell to his knees with a thud, and wept bitterly: "Thank you, Master Su, for taking great revenge on Hongshi. This kindness is equivalent to rebuilding. I kowtow to you!"

After saying that, he knocked his head on the ground with a bang bang sound.

Su Yi stepped forward to help her up, sighed and said: "Don't be grateful, someone else killed your father, not Chen Youliang. Chen Youliang was just an accomplice."

"I know." Shi Hongshi wiped away his tears, and hatred flashed in his eyes, "It was a Shaolin monk who killed my father. He competed with my father. The two of them matched more than twenty palms. The monk was beaten by my father until he vomited blood. I ran away, but I didn't expect that my father was also affected by his vicious internal force, and he couldn't make it through..."

"This person's name is Yuanzhen, and he is also called Cheng Kun. Although he is a Shaolin monk, he has nothing to do with Shaolin." Su Yi said, "Ten days ago, Shaolin announced that this person will be expelled from Shaolin."

"Cheng Kun!" Zhang Wuji exclaimed, "Hunyuan Thunderbolt is Cheng Kun?"

Su Yi nodded, and changed the topic: "Wuji, you and Miss Yang came together, do you have something to say to me?"

"Here, nothing can be hidden from Master." Zhang Wuji's face flashed a trace of embarrassment, but he quickly mustered up courage, and cupped his hands and said, "Qi, Master, Grand Master, this disciple and Sister Yang are in love with each other, and we have decided to live together in this life." We are all together, we will never be separated again! Disciple's parents are not here, in this world, Master and Tai Shifu are Wuji's closest people, such a major event in life, we have to tell Master clearly."

"Disciple implores Master and Grand Master to agree with me and Sister Yang!"

As he spoke, Zhang Wuji flicked his robe, and knelt down on the ground again.

Yang Yaoqin on the side hesitated slightly, and followed Zhang Wuji to kneel down.

"Get up!" Su Yi helped Zhang Wuji up, gave him a little help again, smiled and nodded at Yang Yaoqin, signaling that Zhang Wuji also got up.

Su Yi smiled and turned to Zhang Sanfeng, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think?"

"You are Wuji's respected master, master master, you are both a teacher and a father. The major events in life are the orders of your parents, and this matter should be decided by Master Su." Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Yang Yaoqin.

The latter suddenly felt a little nervous, which was inconceivable to her.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Miss Yang, what do you think about Wuji?"

"Reporting to Sect Master Su, little girl... You will not marry unless you are not forbidden in this life." Yang Yaoqin gave a slight blessing, but her words were extremely firm.

"Master, I'm not going to marry Sister Yang!" Zhang Wuji said excitedly.

"Since we are in love with each other, how can I beat mandarin ducks?" Su Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I have no opinion on your matters."

Zhang Wuji was both surprised and happy, and said to Yang Yaoqin: "I said that Master will definitely agree!"

If I disagree, will you listen to me?
Su Yi laughed and said: "But Wuji, right now we still have to focus on the great cause. When you get married, you need to postpone it."

"Well, we're not in a hurry." Zhang Wuji scratched his head embarrassedly, looked at Yang Yaoqin, then at Su Yi, and said, "One more thing, sister Yang is a little older than me..."

"What's the matter?" Su Yi said, "I'm older than you, so I can take care of you and take care of you! As the saying goes, the third year of the female college holds the gold bricks, the thirty female college students give away the country, and the third hundred female college students are ranked in the fairy class! Well, it’s your good fortune to grow up.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then couldn't help laughing, Yang Yaoqin also couldn't laugh or cry, and Xiao Zhao, who had been silent all this time, was amused to giggle.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed and said: "Master Su's words are quite mysterious. They are very reasonable."

Su Yi smiled and said to Yang Yaoqin: "You don't have to worry about this matter, as long as there is love, age is not a problem. Miss Yang, I will be my family from now on. I, a fool, will leave it to you."

Yang Yaoqin bowed to Su Yi sincerely, "Thank you, Master Su!"

Seeing that Zhang Wuji was still smirking, Su Yi said: "Wuji, although our Xiaoyao School has the word 'Xiaoyao', it doesn't mean that we are too ruthless and just care about ourselves. Since you are in love with Miss Yang, then You must treat others sincerely, and don't let down the hearts of other girls."

"Disciple, remember Master's teaching carefully." Zhang Wuji said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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