Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1166 Situation

Chapter 1166 Situation

Seeing that Zhang Wuji also found his other half, Su Yi was really happy.

He is not the kind of person who pours all delicious food into his bowl, otherwise he wouldn't say that he only married four wives.

In fact, Yang Yaoqin is more compatible with Zhang Wuji. This woman has a very assertive appearance, which complements Zhang Wuji's gentle temperament.

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Su Yi took the initiative to mention the matter of his engagement with Zhou Zhiruo, Zhang Wuji was naturally sour.

Fortunately, he is no longer alone now, and he feels comforted in his heart.

Su Yi asked Zhang Wuji to visit Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting first, but soon the heads of the various factions came together again.

They didn't come to greet Su Yi, but to discuss matters with Su Yi.

The matter of the emperor's killing finally began to ferment.

The new emperor of Dadu succeeded to the throne and issued an edict to the world——

"Ding You, the first emperor was murdered and died in Dadu. He reigned for 24 years, and he was thirty-seven at the age of thirty. Min Tian was not in harmony, and he came down to be a murderer. It was a disaster in heaven to recommend Zhen, and the community was not honored. Four divisions and six divisions. People, I have consulted Shu Yin, and as for Hua Rong, I have given my life to arrest him. At that time, he was rejected, and the emperor's plan was weak. I flatter Hong Xu with my witty virtue..."

When the new emperor succeeded to the throne, not only did he not amnesty the world and celebrate with the whole world, but he also vowed in the imperial edict to avenge the former emperor, sweep up the world, and put down the rebellion.

It can be seen that the emperor is very enterprising.

The new emperor also ordered the deprivation of King Ruyang's title and fiefdom, and declared that King Ruyang was a rebellious and ambitious regicide, and called on the people of the world to punish him.

There were more than [-] members of Ruyang Wang's family, including distant relatives and confidantes, a total of more than [-] people. They were all beheaded at Caishikou on the third day after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, and their heads were bloody.

The emperor was angry, bleeding and drifting away!

Before that, King Ruyang actually had the luck of resolving the misunderstanding with Yuan Ting.

He even sent seven memorials to explain the matter to the prince, and wrote letters to many ministers in the court, even the political opponents who had never dealt with him, with humble and sincere words, hoping that the Yuan court would believe that he was also a victim The heart of killing the emperor.

Many of his subordinates turned to Yuan Ting and rebelled against him, but he didn't kill him. He just captured people and planned to send them to Yuan Ting, hoping that the court could see his sincerity.

Even when the crown prince summoned him to explain the order, he hesitated whether to take the risk of agreeing to explain it himself.

But he was firmly persuaded by Zhao Min and Wang Baobao.

They knew very well that even if the emperor was still alive, let alone the emperor's death, if they knelt down to Wang Baobao, the Ruyang palace would no longer be able to coexist with the Bo'erjijin family.

Zhao Min and Wang Baobao unanimously suggested that his father take advantage of the chaos in the Yuan court and unite with Mr. Guan to force Dadu, forcing the new emperor to release his family.

But King Ruyang couldn't make up his mind to completely break with the Yuan court and completely oppose his own nation, and he didn't want to join forces with the rebels to attack the capital he had been guarding.

He couldn't turn this corner, even if his son and daughter begged repeatedly, he would not be moved, and stubbornly believed that Yuan Ting would definitely believe in the loyalty of Ruyang Palace.

He also felt that even if Yuan Ting didn't believe in him, the court couldn't do without the Ruyang Palace, and there was a high probability that the court would just pretend to be a snake and forbear for the time being.In the process, he can also impress the new emperor with sincerity and make him change his mind.

When people are unwilling to face a certain reality, they will find a lot of reasons to convince themselves that this bad result can be avoided, and work crazily for it.

If this kind of thing is done successfully, it is called a Jedi reversal, and if it fails, it is called a fluke.

So you can't be too harsh on those who are lucky, because they just want to reverse it. What's wrong with them?

Unfortunately, the price of fluke is huge.

After the news that thousands of people had fallen to the ground, King Ruyang felt that his sky had collapsed.

His wife, his sister, his god-grandson, and so many relatives were all killed!
King Ruyang has only one daughter, Zhao Min, because he has a good relationship with his wife and does not want to marry again.

Wang Baobao was his sister's son, who was adopted as his adopted son.

But now, except for his son and daughter, all his relatives have been killed by the emperor.

King Ruyang fainted on the spot.

After waking up, he sat withered for three hours, then summoned his sons and daughters, and swore in tears that he would step on Dadu and cut off the head of the false emperor Aiyou Shili Dara!

The painful reality shattered all the luck of King Ruyang, and he finally woke up completely.

He became the Mongolian prince who called the wind and rain in the court and was invincible on the battlefield again, cruel, violent, bold, and intelligent...

He summed up and reflected on his mistakes during this period, and decided to cheer up and start over.

The first step is to rectify the name.

He declared war on the Yuan court under the banner of "killing the false emperor and rectifying the imperial court". He insisted that the false emperor killed his father, a great treason and immorality, and pushed the crime on King Ruyang because the new emperor had rebelled once before. The experience of forcing the palace.

This argument is actually very popular. After all, King Ruyang was a staunch royalist party before, but the crown prince and King Ruyang's political opponents are very close. It is definitely not a good thing for the Ruyang palace to have the crown prince.

The second step is to clean up and rectify.

King Ruyang killed all the "traitors" who were going to send to Yuan Ting to express his sincerity, and carried out internal rectification, strengthened his control over the army, and gave his sons and daughters more rights.

Wang Baobao took control of more troops, while Zhao Min took over intelligence and diplomacy on his own initiative.

The third step is to stabilize the rear.

King Ruyang sent gifts to Mr. Guan and the rebels in the Gansu-Shaanxi area, and wrote letters, using both hard and soft words, to persuade these people not to attack him when he was fighting with Yuan Ting, otherwise he would be retaliated a hundredfold .

In fact, Zhao Min and Wang Baobao suggested that King Ruyang and Mr. Guan join forces, but King Ruyang categorically rejected it. He thought that if he could win Dadu, he might be able to help the new emperor succeed and continue to return to the Mongolian camp.

But if he joins forces with the rebels to attack Yuan Ting, it will really be completely self-determined on the grassland.

King Ruyang hated the new emperor who killed his whole family, but he also hated Su Yi who plotted against him, but this hatred was not only deeply buried in his heart, but also tried to play down in front of Zhao Min and Wang Baobao.

Because he knows very well, what is the Ruyang Palace in his eyes, a madman who can go deep into the palace and kidnap the emperor?
Unless the timing is right, it is basically impossible for Su Yi to seek revenge.

Not to mention, he had to plan for worse.

If the current situation is bad, and the Ruyang Palace is about to survive, the only person who can help them at that time is Su Yi, who plots against them.

Behind the fact that the emperor was killed, the great achievements of Su Yi, Zhang Sanfeng, and Miejue Shitai in entering the palace were completely downplayed, or even not mentioned at all, because if this incident was publicized everywhere, it would be very difficult for them. The blow to Yuan Ting's prestige and morale was fatal.

The heroes of the various factions gathered together today, and one of the issues was whether to publicize this incident to damage the prestige of the Yuan court and boost the morale of the rebels from all walks of life. cast.

But this matter was vetoed by Su Yi.

It's not because of being low-key, but because the relationship between King Ruyang and Yuan Ting is like a raging fire, and it's just a matter of time.

At this time, you jumped out and claimed to be responsible for the killing of the king. Aren't you trying to excuse Ruyang Palace?
Once the "sighted people" on both sides over there take the opportunity to work harder to allow the two parties to reach a settlement and agree to the outside world, then Su Yi's previous efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, Su Yi's strategy is to stay still rather than move, take this opportunity to continue to accumulate strength, and wait for the right time.

The heroes agreed with Su Yi's judgment, but they all felt very sorry.

Because if he really has the title of "King Killer", it will definitely make the heroes of the world flock to the seven coalition forces, which will be of great benefit to the growth of the rebel army, and the personal prestige of Su Yi and others will also be qualitatively improved.

Another topic is about Mr. Guan.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Mr. Guan originally planned to march his army northward, go wild on the grassland, and go straight to the royal court of the capital.

In the original plot, Mr. Guan also did the same. After he captured Shangdu, he moved to the Northeast, and finally broke the Koryo royal court.

But with the news of Emperor Yuan Ting's assassination, Mr. Guan changed his mind.

He decided to stay temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

With the breeze and bright moon, Mr. Guan's every move can't be hidden from Su Yi, and Su Yi will know any decision he makes at the first time.

Su Yi knew that Mr. Guan had received the letter from King Ruyang, which was both soft and hard, and also received the heavy gift from King Ruyang.
Mr. Guan thinks that King Ruyang is more threatening than Yuanting, so he intends to pretend to agree, and even make the illusion that the army is going north, but in fact he wants to wait for King Ruyang and Yuanting to fight fiercely, and sneak attack King Ruyang from behind. Completely destroy the power of King Ruyang.

He believed that once King Ruyang died, Yuan Ting's strength would also be exhausted.

I have to say that this person's vision is still very precise, and from his standpoint, it is indeed in his best interest to do so.

Once Mr. Guan succeeds, the entire Gansu-Shaanxi region and half of Jizhong will fall into his hands. At that time, the connection between Yuan Ting and the Northwest and Central Plains will be cut off, and the power of Yuan Ting will be cut in two.

Moreover, once King Ruyang died, the most capable fighters among the Tartars were gone, and the countdown of Yuan Ting's spirit indeed accelerated the pace of the countdown.

But Su Yi didn't think that Mr. Guan could succeed, because Zhao Min and Wang Baobao were definitely not easy-going lamps.

Mr. Guan's wishful thinking is good, but he is afraid that he will use his tricks and make a fool of himself, and instead let him become King Ruyang and win again.

Su Yi didn't have much hope for Mr. Guan, but he couldn't stop this matter, and it was impossible for him to persuade Mr. Guan to act according to the original plan.

Su Yi brought out his worries to the group of heroes for discussion, and some of them did not agree with Su Yi's judgment, and felt that if Mr. Guan could destroy King Ruyang, although it would deviate from Su Yi's plan, it would be a big deal for the Han people. It's a good thing to say.

There are also some people who agree with Su Yi's judgment, but feel that they should wait and see what happens and let Mr. Guan suffer a little. He knows the pain and knows that King Ruyang is not easy to mess with, so he will naturally leave and do what he should do.

All the heroes have a bad impression of Mr. Guan, because this person is indeed very indifferent to high-ranking people.

Before, Shaolin Kongwen, Kongzhi and Kunlun head couple took the initiative to ask for military rations from Mr. Guan, but not only did they fail to borrow, they were also ridiculed by Mr. Guan.

What kind of military affairs do people think you Jianghu people are meddling in?
Just go grab the territory and fight for strength. Don't do things that you are not good at.

He Taichong was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword to kill someone, but Mr. Guan was not afraid at all, and he immediately killed him, saying that even though you killed me, it would be tantamount to cutting yourself off from the world.

He Taichong really didn't dare to kill Mr. Guan, because Mr. Guan is now on the front line of the anti-Yuan. If he dared to kill Mr. Guan, it would really stink the street.

Not only that, a considerable part of the heroes and righteous men who came to seek refuge with the coalition forces of the seven factions these days were intercepted by Mr. Guan.

Kong Wen asked him to reason, but Mr. Guan said: "Think of it as rent for your occupation of my land."

Monk Kong Wen had such a good temper, he was almost pissed off.

The only one who has given a good face is Emei.

A few days ago, the Emei Sect went to negotiate with Mr. Guan, because Mr. Guan seized some of the grain and horses provided by the outer disciples of the Emei Sect.

The person leading the team was a monk disciple of the Emei Sect. He originally thought that a group of women would be treated coldly if they went there. Unexpectedly, Mr. Guan's people returned them without saying a word, and even apologized and compensated them.

Su Yi was also very surprised when he learned about this, because he was sure that Mr. Guan did not take the name of Miejue Shitai, but that he really looked at the Emei School differently.

But having said that, Su Yi and his group are indeed in Mr. Guan's territory.

Some time ago, it was just a group of gangsters who got together, and they stayed away from them, as if they couldn't see it.

But this group of people is not leaving now, and they are starting to recruit soldiers. How can Mr. Guan have a good impression of the group of heroes?

Although they are all rebels, these days, rebels are often killing each other, but the Tartars are more relaxed.

Mr. Guan was already very jealous of the high-ranking quacks and kept them at a respectful distance. Now that the quacks started recruiting soldiers and buying horses to set up camps, he was even more upset.

Mr. Guan sent people to protest several times, but they all got soft nails and finally nothing happened.

Maybe thinking of leaving quickly, Mr. Guan didn't bother to talk to the heroes anymore.

At this time, I feel good about myself.He Taichong ran to borrow military rations from him, honestly speaking, he had a good temper if he didn't directly draw his sword to kill people.

It is precisely because of this contradiction that the relationship between the heroes and Mr. Guan is very tense. Now that Mr. Guan may not leave, it is actually not good news for the heroes.

Just when the heroes were expressing their opinions, Yang Yaoqin, who was allowed to listen in on a special case by Su Yi, suddenly saluted Su Yi and said, "Master Su, the Mr. Guan you are talking about is named Guan Mingduo?"

Su Yi was startled, and said: "This man is called Guan Duo, why, Miss Yang knows him?"

"If it's not a person with the same name, I can confirm this person." Yang Yaoqin said, "But whether it is this person or not, the little girl still needs to verify it. Master Su, why don't you ask Wuji to accompany me to Mr. Guan's barracks Once. If it’s really the Guan Duo I know, maybe I can make peace with it and let everyone clear up the misunderstanding.”

(End of this chapter)

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