Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1167 Police

Chapter 1167 Police
Wanwan, Beitai.

This is the last office at the end of the third floor of the Zhongzheng No. [-] Branch of the Beitai Police Station. The office is cramped and messy, exuding a sour smell.

On the dilapidated desk, there are some things that can't be seen as waste paper or documents. The chairs that can no longer be seen in their original color are covered with grease stains. There are more than a dozen buckets of instant noodles on the table. Obviously moldy.

Although the window is open, it is no different from not opening, because a foot away from the window is the outer wall of the building on the other side.

Because of the heat, the office door was ajar, and the sound of karaoke could be faintly heard from another office.

Judging from the lyrics, it sounds like a passionate desert.

But judging from the tune, it sounds like it's number one in the world.

It can be seen that this person who sings has extraordinary skills, so howling like ghosts and wolves, he can actually have the style of two songs at the same time.

Su Yi frowned and covered his nose, checking his condition in disgust.

The good news is that the clothes on my body are still clean and don't smell too much.

The bad news is that his appearance has been "fine-tuned" and he has obviously become a little older.

But this is considered normal, after all, this time her identity is different from before, she is no longer a bachelor, and her daughter is already eight years old.

Su Yi's identity this time is a policeman, but he is a salted fish policeman who is so free that he can sit in the office all day.

His name is Huang Huotu, he is 33 years old, and his current department is called "Foreign Affairs Group".

He is the only one in the department, he is both the team leader and a team member.

A neighborhood police station has set up a foreign affairs department, one can imagine how idle this department will be.

Huang Huotu usually has nothing to do. The only job is to clock in and out of get off work normally, and then at the end of the month, he will change the date of last month's report and hand it in, even if it is mixed with this month's salary.

Of course, occasionally there will be some foreigners whose visas expire in the jurisdiction, or foreign illegal households working illegally, which requires him to step in.

But does such a thing make any difference?
So unless someone reported it, even if Huang Huotu knew about such a thing, he would not bother to step out of the office.

Huang Huotu also has a beautiful wife named Liu Qingfang.

Although the name is a bit earthy, she is definitely a big beauty.

When Huang Huotu and Liu Qingfang got married back then, many friends envied and hated him, and they didn't know what he could do to win the beauty back.

It's a pity that time has passed, and Huang Huotu hasn't been home for almost two years now.

In the past two years, he has been indifferent to his family, which is personally unbearable, so his wife Liu Qingfang naturally planned to divorce Huang Huotu.

The divorce agreement was placed in the pile of waste papers beside the table, but Huang Huotu hadn't signed it.

He also has a lovely eight-year-old daughter named Huang Meimei, nicknamed Sister.

Two years ago, an accident caused the cheerful and lively younger sister to never speak a word again. After being diagnosed by a doctor, she was diagnosed with autism.

This is also the main reason why Huang Huotu gave up on himself in the past two years.

And the reason for the accident two years ago was actually caused by Huang Huotu.

Two years ago, Huang Huotu was in high spirits, exposing to the outside world the ugly phenomenon of collective corruption and fraud within the police force. He was full of enthusiasm and thought that he could become a warrior who slays evil dragons.

But the reality quickly gave him a stick. How could he, a hot-blooded police detective, defeat those sophisticated politicians and bureaucrats?
Those bureaucrats and politicians quickly diverted the disaster to Huang Huotu's wife and brother, who is also a policeman.

Huang Huotu's brother-in-law is also a black policeman who has embezzled a lot of money.

Don't you Huanghuotu want to report corruption?

Okay, now you are going to fight your wife and brother in the first level, will you fight or not?
If you turn a blind eye to the corruption of your brother-in-law, then you should stay somewhere cool as soon as possible.

At that time, Huanghuotu was already ready to kill relatives righteously, so why was he afraid of this?
His choice is - to fight without mistake!
So the tragedy happened like this.

His brother-in-law Liu Qingyuan couldn't accept that he was reported by his own brother-in-law and was sent to a prison cell.

Not to mention that his bright future was ruined, he would spend 15 years in prison.

So Liu Qingyuan completely collapsed, and he decided to take revenge on Huang Huotu. He took Huang Huotu's daughter Huang Meimei hostage, and planned to kill Huang Meimei in front of Huang Huotu.

And he did.

He pointed the gun at Huang Meimei's head and frantically pulled the trigger.

But the moment the gun fired, the bullet made a strange ninety-degree turn.

He clearly pointed the gun at Huang Meimei's head, but the bullet grazed Huang Meimei's head, entered Liu Qingyuan's chin, and then passed out from the back of his head.

Liu Qingyuan died on the spot, but Huang Meimei was only scratched and survived miraculously!
Afterwards, everyone thought that the gun in Liu Qingyuan's hand went off and accidentally injured himself.

But Huang Huotu knew that this was impossible.

At that time, Liu Qingyuan held the muzzle of a gun against Huang Meimei's head. How did the gun go off?

His gun was held parallel to the ground and fired, but why did the bullets shoot straight up and hit his chin?

Huang Huotu believed that ghosts and gods saved his daughter from disaster, but the price was that her daughter became aphasia and lost the ability to speak.

This accident was a heavy blow to Huang Huotu.

He never thought of killing his wife and brother, let alone that what he did would hurt his daughter.

In fact, not only his daughter, but also his wife.

After this incident, he soon received another threat. Someone threatened him that if he continued, it would be his wife's turn next time.

Huang Huotu was scared, and at the same time doubted himself.

He felt that he was completely overestimated. He was not a warrior at all, but a reckless man who harmed others and himself.

So Huang Huotu backed down. He changed from the warrior who wanted to slay the dragon alone to a coward who even spurned himself.

He felt that he had betrayed his ideals and his career.

He sacrificed his relatives, but still powerless to change the dark reality.

He is full of guilt towards his wife and daughter. He caused his wife to lose her younger brother, his daughter almost died tragically, and he also lost the ability to speak.

He didn't dare to face his wife and daughter, so he didn't dare to go home, and he ignored his wife and daughter like an ostrich.

Worse, he ended up paying for what he did.

The colleagues in the unit began to isolate him. No one wanted to work with a person who ruined everyone's jobs, and no one wanted to be friends with a cold-blooded guy who even reported his own wife and brother.

Huang Huotu soon discovered that everyone in the police station stopped talking to him, and he became an outlier in the police station, and he became a stinky dung that everyone hides from.

In addition, the superiors of the unit quickly "cast him into the cold palace" and arranged him into the Qingshui yamen of the foreign affairs team.

Career, family, future, relationship...

As if overnight, Huang Huotu lost everything, so he chose to exile himself, and lived in numbness ever since.

This is the past of Su Yi's identity.

In fact, in the accident two years ago, it was not a gun that went off, but someone rescued Huang Meimei.

The person who saved her was a "quasi-immortal"!
This is the world of "Double Pupils". This story tells the story of a woman with double pupils who wants to become a fairy with the method of "becoming a fairy in five prisons".

But this is not just the world of "Double Eyes", because no matter how strong Su Yi is, he will never have the ability to fight against a "quasi-immortal"!
In fact, the world Su Yi chose this time is one of his reward film sources - "The Exorcist Police".

He intends to continue to learn his Maoshan Taoism on this set, so that he can go further on the road of Taoism.

But No. 032 asked him a question: "Su Yi, in five studios, you will be participating in 031's "The Cabin in the Woods". Can you survive?"

Su Yi actually felt the urgency himself, so he was not only in Yitian World just to be a scumbag.

If he became the master of the world, he would have more knowledge and resources at his disposal.

Even if there is no extraordinary existence in the world of Yitian, if he gathers all the Taoists in the world to study spells for him, he doesn't believe that there will be no results.

This is also the reason why Su Yi works hard in Yitian World to fight for the world, he is not just to get addicted to the emperor.

"Director, if I don't want to act step by step, how should I act?" Su Yi asked.

"Integrated studio!" No. 032 said, "Only by taking the road of integrated studio, you will experience several films in one film, so that your progress will be faster and your ability improvement will be more efficient."

Su Yi has experienced a fusion set before, and more than once, so he is no stranger to it.

However, any integrated set is more difficult than a single set.

And the key is how to integrate?

"Of course it can't be arbitrarily merged." No. 032 said, "It is best to have a unified theme in the merged studio, rather than being scattered and messy."

"If you want to learn spells, why not use the theme of 'Seeking Immortals'."

"Seeking Immortal?" Su Yi frowned, "My current ability is far away from the word Immortal, right?"

"Of course it's not a real fairy, otherwise I'll send you to death." 032 said lightly, "Do you know "Double Eyes"? It's a fairy similar to this."

"I can't deal with such a fairy, can I?" Su Yi said.

"So you need to proceed step by step." No. 032 said, "After the preparation of the previous few other studios, after improving your strength, you will face the fairy of "Double Eyes". It's like playing a game of breaking through levels. .”

Su Yi thought for a moment, nodded firmly and said: "Okay, I really have to put some pressure on myself, and I can't always stay in my comfort zone."

"Actually, since the theme is to seek immortality, then the result must be to seek nothing." No. 032 said, "The immortal in "Double Eyes" is not your way, and..."

She shook her head, smiled and said, "I will integrate more films into it, so that you have enough foreshadowing, so that you won't face a strong enemy as soon as you come up."

""The Exorcist" is a story that happened in Hong Kong Island, and "Double Eyes" is a story that happened in Wanwan. How about I help you integrate four films in Hong Kong Island, so that all your departments can enter the state and improve your strength; I'll also prepare another one for you, in this's like fusing six films together, and when you finally face that fairy, at least you won't have no chance of winning."

"The performance task..." Su Yi asked.

"This kind of studio that integrates multiple films, as a first-line actor, you usually have one task for one film." No. 032 said.

Su Yi asked again: "Did the fairy in "Double Eyes" really become a fairy in the end?"

"Of course." No. 032 said, "But that's just a kind of fairy."

"Ghosts?" Su Yi asked curiously.

"You can say that." No. 032 laughed, "However, ghosts and ghosts are also different. The gap between some ghosts can be described as the difference between clouds and mud."

After a pause, she said again: "If you want to see the real ghost fairy in advance, I can help you fuse another one at the end. But in this way, the probability of your death will be greatly increased!"

Su Yi didn't flinch, and asked after thinking for a while: "If this is the case, do I have a chance to use the death-free card?"

No. 032 smiled and said, "I promise you will have a chance."

"Then come on!" Su Yi said, "As you said, for me now, the more I experience a film, the better it is for me. If I can see stronger power and take on more It's worth the risk."

"I thought Ruan Ruanxiang had drained your courage, but I didn't misunderstand you." No. 032 smiled, "I hope you will treat this set as a trial trip. I will increase the difficulty appropriately. , This is not a small test for you. But if you can pass, when you leave the set, you will definitely feel that it is worth the money."

"Please take care of everything, director!" Su Yi said solemnly.

When he came back to his senses, Su Yi's consciousness returned to "in reality".

The seven films were merged, and the seven missions have been released in his terminal.

What he has to do is to leave Wanwan temporarily and go to Hong Kong Island.

He doesn't need to think about the reason, the director has already arranged it.

But it's getting late now, and there should be news tomorrow.

Su Yi pondered slightly, and decided to leave the police station first to visit his wife and daughter in name.

He replaced Huang Huotu not just through soul travel, but directly replaced him with his body, so it was equivalent to him being Huang Huotu now.

That being the case, he has to correct the mistakes made by his predecessor, and he has to make up for the regrets left by his predecessor.

His predecessor shrank like an ostrich. To be honest, he was quite a grandson, but he couldn't take care of it when something happened. His mental capacity was too poor. It was true to say that he harmed others and himself.

Su Yi found a big garbage bag and filled three big bags with garbage in the entire office. Then he dug out the original owner's wallet and bank card from the office drawer, and checked the balance on it.

Unexpectedly, there are still more than [-] yuan.

This is no small sum.

But thinking about the life of the original owner for the past two years, Su Yi also understood how the money was saved with the original owner's meager salary.

I eat instant noodles and fast food, live in an office, and have almost no spare time, so it's no wonder that I can't save money.

But if you save 80,000 yuan and don’t say that you use it to supplement your family, isn’t that too selfish?
(End of this chapter)

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