Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1169 Wife and Daughter

Chapter 1169 Wife and Daughter
After clearing out the rubbish in the house, Su Yi's mood immediately improved a lot.

Then he bought new towels and washing utensils, and went to the bathroom to wash off his stinky sweat.

Just as he was about to come out, a person pushed the door open.

The man was bare-chested, well-built, and tall.

Seeing Su Yi, he was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes moved down, and fell on the towel and washbasin in Su Yi's hand.

"Sleeping in the office again?" The man smiled disdainfully, "Is your office that comfortable?"

Su Yi looked at this person and didn't speak, because he didn't know what this person was doing.

"I don't go home every day, and I don't care about my wife and children. I spend every day in your office that smells worse than the toilet, playing a few games of chess. Who is sorry for you?" The man pointed at Su Yi's nose and cursed contemptuously. , "You look like a bird, do you still look like a policeman?"

Should be friends, at least ex-friends.

Su Yi looked deeply at the person in front of him, because although the person's words were harsh, there was a disappointment in his eyes.

He didn't speak either, just walked around the man.

He smelled alcohol on the man.

When going downstairs, Su Yi passed the office of the "Major Criminal Case Team", and the noise inside could be heard clearly through the door panel.

Push the cup and ask the cup, ghosts cry and wolves howl.

Where is this police station?

It is clearly KTV.

Seeing the big from the small, it can be seen that the police department in Wanwan these days has been rotten to the root. It is impossible for anyone with ideals and justice in their hearts not to be disappointed with this current situation.

Next to the gate on the first floor, there is a title column with photos of the main leaders of the police station posted on it.

Su Yi found the name of the person just now——Li Fengbo, who is the leader of the major criminal investigation team.

On the position of the leader of the foreign affairs team on the farthest edge, there is his name and photo.

However, someone had painted over his photo with a red pen beyond recognition, which shows how unpopular he is in this police station.

Su Yi was not as indifferent as the original owner. He took down the photo, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the trash can next to the gate.

Huanghuotu has a Volvo car parked in the garage of the police station. The car looks old, very old, and covered with dust. It looks like it hasn't been driven for a long time.

Su Yi tried to start it, but he didn't expect it to still start, and there was still half a tank of fuel in the fuel tank.

He took out the map of Beitai City that he had found in the office from his coat pocket, and quickly locked on an address—the address of his home.

After roughly looking at the route, Su Yi knew how to get there, so he skillfully shifted into gear and started on the road.

Men have more or less an inexplicable preference for driving. Some people think that driving is a kind of enjoyment, and some people think that driving is a kind of relaxation.

Maybe this has something to do with the man's desire to "control". Steel monsters like cars are conquered under his crotch, and he can drive at will according to his own wishes.

It's been a long time since I drove, and Su Yi quite enjoys this feeling, especially when the night wind is blowing into his hair, and he is enjoying the feasting and feasting of the city.

On the way, Su Yi stopped the car twice, once to withdraw money and once to go shopping.

Huang Huotu's home is in an old apartment building.

When he got downstairs, Su Yi looked up at the eastmost window on the fourth floor. The light was on, which meant that his wife Liu Qingfang was at home.

He locked the car and walked into the building with big bags and small bags.

Liu Qingfang's astonished expression when he opened the door was completely expected by Su Yi.

Obviously she didn't expect that her husband, who hadn't been home for nearly two years, would suddenly come back with big bags and small bags.

"You... This is..." She stood at the door, looking at her husband with some uncertainty, her eyes full of suspicion.

"Come and see you and sister." Su Yi looked at her and said.

The woman was wearing a silk black pajamas, revealing her fair neck and delicate collarbone.

The exquisite figure is looming, and the hair is wet, as if he just took a bath.

"Uh... oh, please, please come in!" The woman was a little flustered and hurried out of the way, wanting to pick up the things in Su Yi's hands, but she withdrew her hand in embarrassment and took two steps back, bewildered: " sit first, What would you like to drink?"

It's like entertaining a guest you haven't seen in a long time.

"Water is fine." Su Yi handed some of the bags in his hand to her, "I bought fruit, you can put it in the refrigerator; there are toys, I'll get them to my sister."

"...Okay!" Liu Qingfang took the bag in a panic, turned around and hurried to the kitchen.

It can be seen that she is not at all psychologically prepared for her husband to come home and buy things suddenly.

So Su Yi gave her time to calm down. He took the plush toy he bought for his daughter and walked into the bedroom.

The daughter was sitting at the desk reading a book quietly. When Su Yi came in, she looked up at Su Yi expressionlessly, neither happy nor sad.

Su Yi looked at her, walked up to her and squatted down, reaching out to touch her face.

The daughter remained motionless, still looking at Su Yi expressionlessly.

Su Yi put his hand on his daughter's wrist and felt her pulse.

He probed into a ray of internal energy and carefully searched his daughter's body for a week, but he didn't find any discomfort.

Daughter is healthy.

It is a remarkable thing for a mother to raise her sick daughter so pure and healthy. It can be seen that the wife must have suffered a lot in the past two years.

Su Yi stroked his daughter's hair, and said, "Don't be afraid of what you see or hear later, it's Dad who will help you check your body."

The daughter still looked at Su Yi blankly, without any reaction.

Su Yi squeezed his fingertips, pinched left and right, put the blood on his daughter's eyebrows with his right hand, and whispered in his mouth: "Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body, the soul of the disciple, the five internal organs and the dark, the green dragon and the white tiger, the battles are different, the red bird Xuanwu, the figure of the bodyguard, I obey the patriarch like a law, and all evils will be scattered!"

The daughter trembled all over, her eyes suddenly became much more agile, and a comfortable voice came out of her throat, and a clean smile hung on her face the next moment.

It was because the cleansing mantra worked, it sorted out her daughter's body and mind, and made her feel extremely comfortable and comfortable, so she reacted like this.

The daughter took the initiative to hold Su Yi's hand. Although she still didn't speak, she smiled happily at Su Yi, not as strange and indifferent as before.

She looked at Su Yi curiously, as if asking what was going on.

Su Yi frowned.

Because his purification spell did not find any abnormalities in his daughter's body.

He put his fingers between his daughter's eyebrows, and continued to chant softly: "Tai Shangtai star, constantly adapting, exorcising evil spirits, protecting life and body, wisdom is clear and pure, mind is peaceful, three souls are eternal, soul is not lost, Tai Shang is anxious Like a law! All evil will not invade, order!"

"Giggle..." The daughter suddenly laughed happily.

This is a meditation mantra, which can make people feel refreshed, peaceful, and get rid of all selfish distractions.

The daughter suddenly laughed because she was happy because of her comfortable body just now, but now the meditation spell dissipated her other thoughts, only happiness was infinitely magnified, so she laughed out loud.

But Su Yi frowned even tighter, because he still couldn't find any problems.

But it doesn't make sense.

Even if the daughter is really suffering from autism, Su Yi's two curses will definitely find out the name.

But now Su Yi didn't notice anything.

During his probing, the daughter was fine.

Isn't this the biggest abnormality?
In the kitchen outside, Liu Qingfang walked up and down in place, her heart was ups and downs, and she looked very nervous.

She couldn't figure out why her indifferent husband suddenly made such a huge change, but her heart was actually dying in the past two years.

She filed for divorce just to see if her husband would agree.

If the husband really agrees, then her heart will be completely dead, and the relationship between husband and wife will be over.

In the past two years, my husband has been avoiding me, but tonight he suddenly came back with a big bag, what's going on?

In the bedroom, the husband seemed to be saying something to his daughter.

Liu Qingfang couldn't hear clearly, but she was a little upset, even aggrieved.

If you really care about your daughter so much, why have you ignored her for two years?

Then she heard her daughter's laughter.

She was taken aback for a moment, and then hurried to the bedroom.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw her husband squatting in front of her daughter with one hand in a strange posture while the other was touching her daughter's forehead.

And the daughter is smiling happily, she smiles so beautifully, like a happy little angel.

Liu Qingfang stared blankly at this scene, her mind went blank for a moment.

Su Yi noticed Liu Qingfang's arrival, hesitated slightly, and continued to chant the mantra.

This time he recited the Golden Light Mantra.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi; extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, to prove my supernatural powers; inside and outside the three realms, only Tao is the only one; the body has golden light, covering my body; seeing what I don't see, hearing what I don't hear; encompassing the world, nourishing all beings; reciting Holding it ten thousand times, there is light in the body; the guards of the three realms, the five emperors welcome; the worship of the gods, and the use of thunder; the ghosts and monsters are frightened, and the spirits die; , Protecting the real person..."

As Su Yi chanted while making the formula, the daughter's body gradually emitted a golden light visible to the naked eye.

Liu Qingfang who was behind her came back to her senses the first time Su Yi started chanting the mantra, her eyes widened.

She didn't know what the hell her husband was doing, but she didn't interrupt after a little hesitation.

It wasn't until now that her daughter's body was emitting a golden light, she opened her eyes in disbelief, dumbfounded!

She couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes.

what is this?
How is this going?

After Su Yi finished chanting the spell, the daughter still kept smiling, but gradually closed her eyes and fell backwards.

Su Yi sighed, released the seal and caught his daughter, all the visions disappeared immediately.

"Sister!" Liu Qingfang exclaimed and was about to rush forward.Su Yi stretched out his hand to block it and said, "Don't worry, she just fell asleep."

The Golden Light Mantra is very powerful, and the brilliance of this mantra can drive away ghosts, kill evil spirits, and serve gods and generals.

But her daughter was only eight years old, even if she was only a subject, her spirit could not bear the power of the Golden Light Curse, so she fell asleep in a state of exhaustion.

But Su Yi controlled the measure, and this is the biggest harm this curse can do to her daughter.

Su Yi picked up his daughter, put her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Then he straightened up and turned around.

Behind him, his wife was looking at him in surprise. Seeing him looking over, she took a step back subconsciously.

"Go out and talk." Su Yi said.

In the living room, Liu Qingfang was still afraid of Su Yi's appearance, and asked hesitantly, "You, what happened just now?"

"What did I tell you about the incident two years ago?" Su Yi asked, "Did I tell you that the shot was abnormal?"

Liu Qingfang took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and said: "You have said it before, but your mental state was very poor at that time, and everyone said you were stimulated."

"I'm not stimulated, what I said is true." Su Yi looked at her, "That shot could never have misfired, and even if it misfired, the bullet could not turn ninety degrees."

"They said that Qingyuan's conscience may have discovered it..." Liu Qingfang said.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I'm sure now that my daughter was saved."

"Who saved her?" Liu Qingfang asked nervously.

"I don't know, I've been investigating for the past two years, and the only one who can be sure of saving her is definitely not a human being." Su Yi looked at Liu Qingfang, "Maybe it's a ghost, maybe it's a god."

"This, this is ridiculous!" Liu Qingfang wanted to laugh, but thinking of the scene in the bedroom just now, she couldn't laugh at all.

Su Yi suddenly slapped his palm in the air, and a pack of tissues and a cup on the table two meters away were immediately sent flying.

He made the seal with his hands again, muttering a word, and popped out a drop of blood from his fingertips, the blood suddenly exploded in mid-air, turning into a ball of fire.

"Is this ridiculous?" Su Yi asked.

In fact, the previous palm is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, not a magic spell.

Liu Qingfang yelled "Ah" in fright, took another half step back, and said in disbelief: "You, you..."

"This is magic." Su Yi said, "Two years ago, I guessed that my daughter was saved by ghosts and gods. If she doesn't speak, she must have something to do with ghosts and gods, not autism! If you want to save your daughter, go to the doctor. It's useless, the only way is to prescribe the right medicine and use spells to deal with ghosts and gods."

"So I visited an expert, and he told me to stay away from my family, to be pure-hearted, and to recite scriptures every day, so that I can attain the Tao and practice spells."

"You saw it just now. Now that I have practiced spells, this at least proves that there are ghosts and gods in this world. My daughter's illness must also be related to ghosts and gods!"

Liu Qingfang had a collapse that was overturned. She was breathing heavily, like a fish out of water.

"But, but why didn't you tell me this?" She stared into Su Yi's eyes, her eyes flushed.

"If I told you then, wouldn't you think I was crazy?" Su Yi said lightly.

Liu Qingfang burst into tears: "In the past two years, you have ignored our family, and you have not cared whether our mother and daughter are dead or alive. You didn't even come to see her sister when she was sick... I thought, I I thought you didn't want to be responsible to us anymore!"

"I'm sorry." Su Yi said sincerely, "It's easy to say the eight words of being pure-hearted and silent, but it's extremely difficult to do. I have to completely close myself up, let myself be ruthless, free from selfish distractions, Only in this way can we succeed. Qingfang, you have worked hard for the past two years."

"Husband!" Liu Qingfang burst into tears, rushed over to hug Su Yi, and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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