Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1170 Waist Strength

Chapter 1170 Waist Strength
"Honey, I've misunderstood you for the past two years. I didn't expect you to always work hard for my sister. You never gave up on this family..."

After crying for a long time, Liu Qingfang finally calmed down.

She hugged Su Yi, put her head on Su Yi's chest, and murmured.

She reached out and stroked Su Yi's cheek, her eyes full of distress: "Actually, if you tell me the truth, even if I don't believe it, at least I know that you have been working hard for our mother and daughter. If you haven't given up on us, I might not It's been so hard."

"I have thought about it." Su Yi said, "But the reason why those people let me go is because I am a useless person to them. If they know that I went to learn magic, even if they don't believe it, but just in case They won't let me go, I'm not afraid of death, but if I die, what will you mother and daughter do?"

Liu Qingfang said bitterly: "They pushed Qingyuan as a scapegoat back then, which has already caused our family to become like this. What else do they want? Are they really going to force people to death?"

Su Yi said: "It's been two years, my sister is already eight years old, she can't go on like this, so I don't want to hide any more, and I don't want my sister to grow up and think her father is a ruthless and cowardly waste. "

"My sister will definitely be proud of you." Liu Qingfang said with tears in her eyes, "Do you know, husband? I have thought about countless results in the past two years, but each one is bad. Now I seem to be dreaming, I I'm afraid this is really just a dream. Husband, I love you."

Su Yi lowered his head, looked at this affectionate young woman, and thought to himself, who can stand this?


The four petals of lips touched together somehow, and the clothes became less and less unknowingly.

In the middle of the night, the two of them had already put on their pajamas and slept with their necks crossed. Although they relaxed their bodies and minds, neither of them felt sleepy, and they were chatting in low voices.

"My sister slept so soundly this time. We were so noisy before, and I was always worried about waking her up. I didn't expect her to sleep all the time. Husband, I have never seen her sleep so deeply! And she has been sleeping all the time today. I didn't have a nightmare." Liu Qingfang said.

"I cast a spell on her, and she used up some energy, so she needs to sleep well to make up for it." Su Yi said, "The reason why she didn't have a nightmare, I think it has something to do with my casting the spell of purifying the mind. She will keep it up for at least seven days. A good mood."

"What about after seven days?" Liu Qingfang subconsciously asked, but then she laughed and said, "I'm so stupid, now that my husband can go home at any time, I still ask such stupid things."

Su Yi sighed slightly: "In the next period of time, I'm afraid I still won't be able to accompany you."

Liu Qingfang was silent for a while, and said nervously, "Do you... have any other concerns?"

"That's not true." Su Yi said, "I cast three curses on my sister just now, but I didn't find any problems with my sister."

"But my sister is already much better." Liu Qingfang said, "As long as we persevere, maybe she will get better day by day."

"Spells and spells are not medicine and injections. They are things that will be effective soon. If they are useful, they are useful, and if they are useless, they are useless." Su Yi shook his head and said, "Now that this happens, I think there is only one possibility, and that is My ability is not enough to solve my sister's problems."

"Then what should I do?" Liu Qingfang asked worriedly, "If, as you said, my sister is not autistic, that means seeing a normal doctor is definitely useless?"

"It's useless." Su Yi gave her an affirmative answer, "Actually, I came back this time just to try. I myself don't have much confidence in being able to solve my sister's problem. But I found out about a real expert. Whereabouts, I plan to ask this expert for advice and see if he can help me."

"An expert? Where is he?" Liu Qingfang asked.

"Hong Kong Island." Su Yi said.

"Hong Kong Island?" Liu Qingfang was a little surprised, and said in a slight silence, "I remember you have a passport, don't you, husband? I will apply for the passports of my sister and me tomorrow, and it will take a week at most. Then I will be with you Go to Hong Kong Island."

"You can apply for the passport first, but you have to wait for my call." Su Yi said, "I plan to explore the way first, find that expert first, make sure he can help my sister, and then call you."

"Can you ask for leave?" Liu Qingfang asked.

"No need to ask for leave." Su Yi said, "This trip is on business."

"Tolerance?" Liu Qingfang was very surprised. She knew that her husband was assigned to a Qingshui yamen with no future. In such a department, there is still a chance to go to Hong Kong Island for business?

This question is also a question that the director of Zhongzheng No. [-] Branch Bureau where Huang Huotu works in is puzzled.

The first brother above suddenly assigned Huang Huotu, a police officer from the Foreign Affairs Department of the sub-bureau, to go to Hong Kong Island for exchange and study for a period of three months.

Errands like this kind of expatriate exchanges and studies have always been fat jobs. Basically, they are paid to travel, eat, drink and have fun for three months, and come back as comfortable as possible.

Under normal circumstances, they go to "exchange and study" in various cities in the province of Wanwan, and the police officers have to squeeze their heads and grab such places.

But this time I actually want to go to Hong Kong Island for exchange and study, and I want to go out of the province to Hong Kong Island!

This is tantamount to asking you to go to Hong Kong Island for three months at the expense of the government. Such a good opportunity, let alone ordinary police officers, even the chief is very excited.And those who can really grab this kind of quota must be the people with the most connections and the hardest background in the bureau.

But I didn't expect that the first brother directly assigned this spot to Huang Huotu!

That waste yellow fire earth who was squeezed out by the entire police force!
Afraid that he heard it wrong, the director asked twice, but still got the affirmative answer from above.

He couldn't understand it at all, and carefully speculated: "Leader, this time I just arrived for a study exchange, is there something tricky? Is it going to be a scapegoat?"

He only had this guess, otherwise there was no way to explain why it was Yellow Huotu.

But the above directly denied it, and said impatiently: "Don't guess randomly, who knows why the first brother thought of this Huanghuotu on a whim, and why he arranged a place for him to go to Hong Kong Island to study and exchange. In short, you don't have to worry about it, let him know After that, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

"Leader, this Huanghuotu was two years ago... You know, if he is released now, will it cause misunderstanding to the brothers in the bureau, thinking that we are going to use him again? What do you think? It makes people panic It’s not good.” The director thought a lot.

"The sky won't fall!" The leader hung up the phone impatiently.

The director was stunned for a while, cursed and hung up the phone.

At the same time, on the other side, Su Yi was wearing a suit that had been in the closet for two years, planning to go to work.

The breakfast made by his wife is very simple, milk, omelette, bread and ham, but he eats it very comfortably.

Before going out, the wife turned her head and saw that the child was eating sullenly, so she hooked Su Yi's neck and kissed him passionately for nearly 2 minutes.

Seeing his wife panting and eyes spitting fire, Su Yi was terrified, knowing that he was pestered to ask for it twice when he got up in the morning.

If this continues, the power of Jindan will be squeezed dry.


"Uh, Qingfang, it's running out of time, I have to leave quickly." Su Yi waved his hand hastily, "I'll find you at your work place later, and I'll give you a few heart-cleaning charms for my younger sister, so that she can always Keep a good mood. I'll draw a few more, and you can use them too."

His wife caressed Su Yi's face, then his neck, rubbing back and forth.

Su Yi felt his neck stiffen.

This woman is really powerful.

"My sister and I rely on you, husband, you must be good." The wife reminded.

"Don't worry." Su Yi smiled, hugged his wife and kissed her forehead, but the next moment his wife sucked his mouth.

5 minutes later, Su Yi got into the car in embarrassment, looked down at his two-winged angry dragon with a wry smile, and murmured, "Who can stand this?"

Shaking his head, Su Yi started the car.

After returning to the police station, when Su Yi entered the door, he received surprised looks from all his colleagues.

Most of the gazes showed undisguised malice and contempt, and some even spat on the ground and cursed when they saw him.

Su Yi turned a deaf ear and walked towards his office.

When I got to the door, I found that the door was open, and there was still a large bunch of keys hanging on the door.

Su Yi frowned and walked in.

Li Fengbo was standing in front of his desk frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

He looked back at Su Yi and asked, "Did you go home last night?"

Su Yi nodded: "I'm back."

"How did you figure it out?" Li Fengbo asked.

"My mind turned a corner." Su Yi said.

Li Fengbo's eyes were a bit complicated: "I cleaned up the office and went home again. It seems that you have really turned around. I hope you don't do stupid things again. In this life, there are not many opportunities to get up after making mistakes."

Su Yi nodded: "Thank you."

"Be polite and paralyzed with me!" Li Fengbo cursed, "Shit! You're so special, your brain is twisted, and your luck is also twisted. I really don't know if this world has gone crazy!"

"What's wrong?" Su Yi probably guessed a little bit.

"Come with me! Boss is looking for you!" Li Fengbo said angrily.

He put his arms around Su Yi's neck and said in a low voice: "Hey, don't blame me for not reminding you. If the boss scolds you later, you will treat him as farting. In short, you are pretending to be a grandson! Only by pretending to be a grandson can you get benefits. Otherwise, the benefits of getting it will fly away, don't blame me."

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "Okay."

"You really have changed." Li Fengbo said with emotion.

The two arrived at the director's office one after another. The director waved his hand and signaled Li Fengbo to go out directly.

After Li Fengbo went out and closed the door, the director looked Su Yi up and down, and asked straight to the point: "What relationship do you have with brother one?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head.

"Have you asked anyone to do something recently?" The chief asked again, and he mentioned a few names. These people are all high-level police officers and belong to different factions.

Su Yi still shook his head.

"Did you see a ghost?" The director scolded, stared at Su Yi with an unfriendly expression, pointed at him and warned, "Huang Huotu, I let you go two years ago because Feng Bo pleaded for mercy, saying that you have old age. You kid, I said you were confused for a while. If I didn't look at Fengbo's face, see you pitiful, and willing to repent, you would have been stabbed to dermatitis by those prisoners in prison!"

"You remember how you survived! You'd better remember clearly, we can make you live, and we can make you die again! Don't think that you will be safe if you climb someone's high branch! I tell you, If you still play the way you did two years ago, I will still kill you! But next time, you will not be able to get away so easily, and it will be useless for anyone to talk, understand?"

"Understood." Su Yi smiled.

The director snorted coldly and said, "You know what happened?"

"I know." Su Yi said.

The director showed such an expression as expected, and said in a bad mood: "I will call the financial office, and you go to collect the money. You book the air ticket yourself. After booking, send the flight number to the external relations department above, and let them communicate with Hong Kong Island. Go get in touch. That's it!"

"Thank you, Director." Su Yi nodded slightly, turned around and left.

The director stared at Su Yi's back, and when he closed the door, he cursed again.

Li Fengbo was waiting for Su Yi outside the door. Seeing Su Yi coming out, he was a little surprised: "Pass through so quickly?"

"What else?" Su Yi smiled, "I'm too lazy to know his level."

This is the truth, Li Fengbo curled his lips, wanted to scold him but didn't say anything in the end, he just said: "You should keep a low profile about this matter, you will be hated by others! You might as well not go to work these few days, lest someone make trouble with you."

"I'm leaving today." Su Yi said.

"So urgent?" Li Fengbo frowned, but immediately said: "That's good, so as not to cause complications. Huotu, if you can make a comeback this time, really stop doing stupid things."

"Don't worry." Su Yi smiled at him.

Li Fengbo heaved a sigh of relief, thumped Su Yi on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember our previous ambition? If there is a chance to go to Hong Kong Island, we brothers will each have a gun, and we will go to Bolan Street!"

Su Yi was startled, and sighed: "Young and frivolous."

"I don't have a chance to go, but you have to help me come back! Let the women in Hong Kong know how powerful our Wanwan men are." Li Fengbo said.

"My daughter is eight years old, you want me to go whoring?" Su Yi said, "And we are the police!"

"Hey, it's not like I asked you to raise a mistress, so what's the point of going out whoring? It's fun to spend money to buy comfort!" Li Fengbo cut off, "And what's wrong with the police? Don't the police have any demand? You just go undercover. Hey, I heard that there are really skilled women hiding drugs in Billy, you just go to find out, I'm afraid you won't find out..."

Damn, how did such a rude and nasty guy end up as a cop?
How did they become friends?
Su Yi looked at Li Fengbo who winked and was speechless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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