Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1171 Conflict

Chapter 1171 Conflict
Anyway, Li Fengbo can be regarded as Su Yi's only friend in this world.And it can be seen that this rude guy is very happy with Huang Huotu's transformation, so he keeps making such dirty jokes.

No matter which world you are in, if there is someone who can look forward to your well-being, this person is at least worthy of being your friend.

Except for Li Fengbo, Su Yi didn't get a good face from the rest of the police station.

The news that he got a fat job on Hong Kong Island has spread throughout the police station. Many people can't figure out why. See an orthopedic surgeon in Hong Kong Island.

Although Li Fengbo suppressed the people from their criminal investigation team to trouble Su Yi, but he couldn't help but the mentality of people from other departments was out of balance.

Su Yi went to buy cinnabar, yellow paper and other things for drawing talismans and returned to the office. After drawing a few talismans, a group of people reeking of alcohol rushed in, cursing and rushing to teach Su Yi a lesson.

This time, Su Yi was not polite. He didn't use his internal strength to control the dozen or so people who came in. He only used [-]% of his strength, and all of them broke two ribs.

But Su Yi knew how to make people feel so much pain, so now a group of people are rolling all over the floor crying for their parents, in excruciating pain.

Naturally, the commotion was not small. After a while, the office was full of people. Even the director was alarmed and hurried over.

The department leaders of these people also came, and he stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.

"It's against the sky, it's against the sky! Catch this bastard for me!" The chubby leader pointed at Su Yi and yelled angrily, "The police committed crimes openly, Huang Huotu, I won't send you to prison, My surname is not Wang!"

Su Yi ignored him and still packed his suitcase by himself.

"Uh, Director Wang, there must be a misunderstanding in this matter, why don't you ask for clarification first?" Li Fengbo was speechless, he didn't know when his useless friend was so good at fighting?

There were more than a dozen people, all of them tall and big, but in the end, they were all laid down by Su Yi without any damage.

Even if Bruce Lee Tyson came, it would be difficult to do it, right?
Such a fact is beyond his understanding. He feels that these people deliberately lie on the ground and pretend to be injured. The purpose is to blackmail Su Yi, so that Su Yi cannot go to Hong Kong Island.

In fact, Director Wang also had the same idea as Li Fengbo, and he also felt that his subordinates were deliberately acting to blackmail people.He yelled in his heart that there was a big spectrum, it was enough for one person to pretend to be injured, so what is the purpose of making trouble with so many people pretending together?
Only a fool would believe that Huang Huotu is Bruce Lee!
But my subordinates have to support themselves, and this yellow fire soil is really annoying, what are you, you can actually travel to Hong Kong Island with public funds?
My dignified director doesn't even have this chance...

"What misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding in this matter!" Director Wang, a senior officer, didn't give Li Fengbo face at all, and waved his hand angrily, "Li, you can't hear me asking you to arrest someone, right? Are you sure you want to go with Li Fengbo?" Huang Huotu wearing a pair of pants? I'll say it again, catch this bastard!"

"What qualifications do you have to order our Criminal Division? Director Wang, don't forget, you are not my direct superior!" Li Fengbo also became angry.

"What are you doing!" Just then the director arrived, with a dark face, "What's the noise like? Is this a vegetable market?"

"Boss, Huang Huotu blatantly beat his colleagues in the police station, causing many people to be seriously injured. His crime is heinous and the impact is very bad!" Director Wang went forward immediately, and spoke to the director in a righteous manner. sue.

The chief looked at the police officers who were rolling and screaming all over the floor, and then at Su Yi who was packing his luggage with no expression on his face, showing disgust, and scolded: "Are you an idiot for me? How many people are injured? Your people hurry up, don’t embarrass yourself here! If they love acting so much, then take off their skins and go to Pingtan tomorrow to play tricks.”

"Huang Huotu really beat up his colleagues, boss..." Director Wang showed a flattering smile, and hurriedly waved his hands behind him, signaling his subordinates to get up.

The director looked at Su Yi and frowned, "Huang Huotu, how do you explain this matter?"

"Get up, still pretending?" Li Fengbo kicked a person angrily.

But the man screamed even harder.

"My bones are really broken, take me to the hospital, take me to the hospital!" the man howled.

Others followed suit.

Li Fengbo's complexion changed, and he murmured: "Ma De, if this is pretending, your acting skills are too good?"

He finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly squatted down to check, touched the broken bone of the man, and froze for a moment.

"It hurts, hurts..." The man screamed and pushed Li Fengbo away.

Li Fengbo woke up like a dream, and hurriedly checked the second person, and then the third...

At this time, the others also realized that something was wrong, and rushed forward to check the injuries of these people who were rolling all over the ground. They were shocked to find that these people were not pretending, they really had broken bones!
All have broken ribs!
"How is this possible..."

"Why is this happening?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, horrified, and looked at Su Yi on the other side in disbelief.

"Boss, they, they were all broken bones, and you saw this too!" Director Wang was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he wanted to scold Su Yi, but he didn't dare to speak, so he ran away. Go complain to the chief.

"Huang Huotu, did you do this?" The director stared at Su Yi in surprise.


Su Yi closed the suitcase, smiled and said, "Boss, I'll hit more than a dozen, do you think it's possible?"

"It's not who you are!" Director Wang boldly shouted at Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes suddenly focused, and he slapped the table with his palm.

It was a good desk, and it was shattered and exploded by his palm. Everyone who was frightened by the huge movement trembled in their hearts, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Do you think I'm Bruce Lee!" Su Yi asked with staring eyes, "Do you think I can beat a dozen of them by myself?"

The whole place was silent!

With the sound of swallowing saliva a few times, there was an uproar and a loud buzz.

At this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Su Yi were full of horror and disbelief.

Everyone didn't believe that Su Yi could fight more than a dozen at one time.

But who doesn't believe it when they see this torn desk now?Who dare not believe it?
Su Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at Director Wang. Director Wang swallowed, with sweat on his forehead, subconsciously avoiding Su Yi's gaze.

Su Yi stared at him for a while, then retracted his eyes and said slowly: "They are full of alcohol, they must have accidentally fallen while drunk, what does it have to do with me? Otherwise, could it be that they came to beat up because they were jealous of their colleagues? Director Wang?"

"Huang Huotu, you are too arrogant!" Director Wang was so angry that his teeth itch, "Boss, you have also seen that this guy is already crazy, he doesn't take us seriously at all!"

"Why don't you come and catch me." Su Yi said with a smile, "But you have to call Brother Yi to see if he agrees."

"Who do you think you are!" Director Wang wanted to yell and curse again, but was interrupted by the director.


The director stared at Su Yi for a while, with an uncertain expression, and said, "I don't care who is behind you, and I don't care what you do in Hong Kong Island, but you'd better not cause trouble for me!"

"Okay, boss." Su Yi said with a smile.

The director looked at Su Yi deeply for a while, nodded, then turned his head and said: "Send them to the hospital and inform the finance department. These bastards will have all their salaries deducted this month, and they are not allowed to pay a dime!"

"Director..." Director Wang was in a hurry, how could he handle it like this?
"I said, don't cause trouble for me, and you too!" The director suddenly snarled at Director Wang angrily, and sprayed him all over the face with saliva.

Director Wang trembled, and mumbled, "I, I..."

But the director has already turned and left.

It was obvious from his attitude that this was the end of the matter.

But why?
Leave this mess alone?

These dozen or so police officers were beaten for nothing?

The place was silent.

Su Yi smiled and walked out carrying the suitcase. When he passed Director Wang, Su Yi suddenly stopped, turned to him and said, "By the way, when your subordinates first came in, they broke my desk. Director Wang remembers to pay me a new desk."

"You! You smashed your desk yourself!" Director Wang jumped back in horror and screamed at Su Yi.

"Don't be kidding, I'm not Bruce Lee, how can I have such great strength." Su Yi smiled and picked up a glass from the side cabinet, and with a strong hand, there was a "bang" and the powder fell down immediately.

There was a dense gasp from the audience, Director Wang was so frightened that he retreated to the base of the wall, his legs began to shake.

"Remember to pay me an extra cup." Su Yi looked at him with a smile, "When I come back from Hong Kong Island, I hope the new table and cups are all in my office, otherwise, I will go to Director Wang to ask for them. "

After that, he didn't wait for Director Wang to reply, so he smiled and turned around and walked out.

Everyone watched Su Yi leave, and the scene was still eerily dead silent. Everyone's eyes were dull, looking at the broken desk and the glass in the room.

"He, even if he practiced some bullshit martial arts, he is so arrogant!" Director Wang's pale face slightly recovered blood, he gritted his teeth and growled, "If Kungfu is even better, it will be knocked down by a single shot, what era is it now?" ? Are you good at kung fu?”

At this moment, everyone has no choice but to accept the "fact" that Huang Huotu, who has kept a low profile for two years, has secretly practiced good kung fu.

Li Fengbo suddenly sneered and said: "People dare to use force at will, do you dare to shoot at will? Director Wang, if you really dare to use a gun to fight Huang Huotu to your death, then I respect you as a man."

After all, he did not look at Director Wang's dark face, pointed to the people on the ground and ordered his subordinates: "Help lift them up and send them to the hospital!"

After that, he chased him out.

He has a lot to say to Su Yi.

"Director, you have to be the master for us!"

"That's right, is our beating in vain?"

"The old yellow fire earth is so ruthless!"

The subordinates wailed, Director Wang's face changed for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You go to the hospital first, and I will go to the director!"

Not surprisingly, Director Wang was scolded by the director again.

"Are you a pig! The first brother hand-picked the surname Huang to go to Hong Kong Island. What does this mean? Do you need me to say this? Your gang of short-sighted men will be sent to your door at this time. The new enemy Old grudges, if you don’t beat them for nothing, you won’t beat them for nothing! Let me tell you, even if this matter is reported to the first brother, I will suppress it! Mad, a bunch of people who don’t have eyes, deserve to be beaten!”

"Boss, what is the Yellow Huotu? How can the brothers be convinced that such a good thing happened to him suddenly?" Director Wang said with a sad face, "Two years ago he ate and smashed the pot, and we gave him a way out. He killed everything, but what is this now? If Brother Yi reuses this person, ask the brothers, who will be convinced?"

"Not necessarily reuse." The director's eyes flickered.

He started to make up his mind, thinking that when he went to Hong Kong Island this time, it was likely that the first brother noticed that Huang Huotu was secretly dormant to accumulate strength, and wanted to play some tricks to turn the salted fish back, so he simply sent Huang Huotu to Hong Kong Island to kill people with a knife to prevent future troubles, once and for all .

On the other side, Su Yi was about to drive out of the police station, but Li Fengbo chased him down.

Su Yi rolled the car window, smiled and raised his chin at him: "Are you handsome just now?"

Li Fengbo looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression: "So you've been pretending to be so decadent in the past two years? You actually secretly practice martial arts every night?"

"That's right." Su Yi nodded and admitted, "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

"You are now middle-aged brother!" Li Fengbo sighed, "And you also tried in the wrong direction. Although you smashed the table with one slap and smashed the glass with one hand, you are very powerful, but can you dodge the bullet? No matter how good your martial arts are, one bullet is enough to kill you. There is no use in learning martial arts secretly."

"I've learned everything, it's useless to say anything now." Su Yi said with a smile.

Li Fengbo's eyes were complicated: "Huotu, if you really treat me as a friend, listen to my advice, don't bother! You can't change anything, just accept your fate!"

Su Yi said: "Life lies in tossing, life is endless, and tossing is endless."

The corner of Li Fengbo's mouth twitched and said: "Then what about your wife and children? Have you ever thought about them? Back then it was all right if you stopped them in time, but can't be so selfish all the time, can you?"

Su Yi nodded, with a serious expression and said: "Don't worry, I was joking with you. I am not so naive anymore. I plan to join forces with them. In fact, I am ready for corruption now, but it is a pity that I have been No one sent me money."

"..." Li Fengbo looked at Su Yi speechlessly, "Can you...forget it! Let me ask you, what exactly are you going to Hong Kong Island this time? Who told you to go? Have you ever wondered why it was you? ?”

"I want to go by myself, I know it in my heart." Su Yi smiled at Li Fengbo, "Don't worry, see you in three months."

Li Fengbo wanted to say something else, but Su Yi smiled at him and waved his hand, and started the car.

(End of this chapter)

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