Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1172 Hong Kong Island

Chapter 1172 Hong Kong Island
Su Yi quickly forgot about the police affairs, which was just a small episode for him.In fact, whether he has this police status is not important to him, so why should he care?
It's just that he is too lazy to make unnecessary changes.

However, since the first brother of the police force in Wanwan was arranged by the director to understand, Su Yi also believed that there would be nothing wrong with his troubles.

The fact is just as Su Yi expected, this incident didn't even get out of the scope of the first branch, and was suppressed by the crazy head of the bureau.

Su Yi found an air ticket company on the street, paid a little more money, and asked them to help him order the air ticket.

Then he drove to the place where his wife Liu Qingfang worked.

Liu Qingfang works as a clerical worker in Beitai Electric Power Company. After receiving Su Yi's call, she came out quickly. She looked around and saw Su Yi's car parked on the side of the road, and immediately ran over in small steps.

I don't know if it's an illusion or because the relationship is different, but Su Yi always feels that this woman is especially swaying when she runs today.

Liu Qingfang panted slightly and sat on the passenger seat, and closed the car door.

"Husband!" She smiled shyly at Su Yi, looking somewhat restrained.

Although there was a deep breakthrough in the relationship between the two last night, after all, the estrangement and strangeness caused by the two-year cold war are not so easy to eliminate.

But if you break through a few more times, it should be eliminated.

After all, Zhang Ailing once said that the shortest way to a woman's heart is the driveway.

Su Yi glanced at her and said, "I always feel that your complexion and skin are much better today."

Liu Qingfang said with joy in her eyes: "Really? Several colleagues said that today. I guess it's because people feel refreshed on happy occasions, but it seems that their skin is really much better. They said..."

Liu Qingfang paused, bit her lips and said, "They asked me if I was nourished by a man."

Su Yi started the car: "Then did you get wet?"

"I hate it!" Liu Qingfang chuckled and slapped Su Yi lightly.

"Where is your unit's garage?" Su Yi asked, "I parked the car in the garage, and I will take a taxi from here to the airport later."

"I asked our director to ask for a day off." Liu Qingfang blinked, "If you send you to the airport now, then you have enough time to pick up your sister at school."

Su Yi smiled and said: "That's good, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Qingfang reached out and stroked Su Yi's neck, and said softly, "It's you who worked hard."

Su Yi was startled, and while driving, he glanced at Liu Qingfang and said, "Is there something else in your words?"

Liu Qingfang approached Su Yi, suddenly licked Su Yi's earholes, exhaled like blue and said, "Husband, I like how you looked last night, like a general who charged into battle. Your it still good today?"

Su Yi took a breath and said, "Where is it?"

"There is a road bridge on the way to the airport. Few people go under the bridge. The car can drive directly!" Liu Qingfang bit her lip, her eyes blurred.

Su Yi suddenly reached into her collar and pinched it fiercely, and said viciously amidst the latter's exclamation: "You are playing with fire!"

Liu Qingfang giggled: "Yes, but I'm not afraid, because I have water..."

"Depend on!"

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped under the bridge that Liu Qingfang mentioned, and soon the car started shaking rhythmically.

The Great Buddha Temple was flooded and Lingyun Grotto was burned.

The person from the midway ticket company called and said that they had bought the latest ticket, but Su Yi was in dire straits, so he put down the phone and continued to work.

When Su Yi arrived at the airport, he almost missed his flight.

"There are several talismans in the bag in the back seat. I stick one on my sister's chest every ten days, and tell her not to take it off. Also, there are 60,000 yuan in the fruit bag I gave you last night—— Did you not pay attention to putting them in the refrigerator together? When you go back, take it out and you can keep some of it, and you can save the rest to supplement your household income." Su Yi explained, carrying the suitcase and preparing to get off the car.

"I know my husband, remember to call when you get there, and if you have any news, remember to let me know in time." Liu Qingfang said softly with disheveled hair.

"You look like this...will you still be able to step on the accelerator later?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"Then your fuel injector can still spray oil?" Liu Qingfang asked, biting her lip, winking like silk.

Su Yi clasped his fists resolutely: "Farewell, female hero!"

Do you really eat this thing as a meal?


Liu Qingfang suddenly rolled down the car window and shouted.

Su Yi turned around with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Bon voyage." Liu Qingfang smiled brightly at him.

This smile shocked Su Yi slightly.

Perhaps for many men, this smile is worth their hard work in the world.

Su Yi waved his hand with a smile, turned and walked into the crowd.

The voyage from Wanwan to Hong Kong Island is only over an hour, but it takes more than an hour to queue up at the customs. Su Yi was quite impatient with the wait, but in the end he held back and did not use his means to enter the customs secretly.

It's easy to get in, but if it's found to be a black household, it's boring.

The household registration system in modern society severely restricts the right of heroes to fly over walls.

As soon as he got out of the boarding gate, Su Yi saw someone holding a sign saying "Yellow Huotu Police Officer" looking around at the pick-up gate.

He looks like a very handsome young man, with a strong body and a very capable appearance.

Su Yi walked over with the suitcase and stood in front of this man.

"Are you... Officer Huang?" The man asked uncertainly.

Su Yi took out his ID and handed it to him.

The man looked at it, and immediately handed it back in surprise, saluting: "I am Miao Xiaowei, Police Officer No. 2237, Serious Crime Unit, West Kowloon Police Station, Hong Kong Island. On the order of our Inspector Lin, I am here to greet you on behalf of the entire police station. Officer Huang, welcome Officer Huang to our police station for exchange and guidance!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Hello, Officer Miao, I've caused you trouble."

"No, no, I'm not a police officer, I'm just a boy." Miao Xiaowei smiled and waved his hands hastily, "Officer Huang, please call me Awei."

Ah Wei is dead...

Su Yi smiled at him: "Ah Wei, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard work, it's my job." Miao Xiaowei said with a smile, he looked at Su Yi's hand, "Huh? Officer Huang just carried a suitcase? Why didn't he bring any other luggage?" ?"

"Is there anything you can't buy on Hong Kong Island?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Miao Xiaowei was stunned, "Oh", he laughed and said, "That's right, you can buy everything here, but Officer Huang, you travel light, it's really easy. Let's go, this way please!"

Su Yi nodded and followed Miao Xiaowei out.

This Miao Xiaowei was very talkative, from the airport to the car, he never stopped talking.

Su Yi smiled and listened, while looking around, sometimes he would calmly respond with a few words, leading the topic to what he wanted to know.

Miao Xiaowei has nothing to hide, even if he doesn't know something, he is willing to speak out his thoughts and guesses. It is obvious that he is a newcomer in the workplace, and he is a rookie.

Su Yi likes this kind of people the most, because they are enthusiastic, direct and cheerful, and they always have the greatest kindness towards people and things.

All the way back from the airport, Miao Xiaowei was either introducing the roadside scenery to Su Yi, or introducing the situation in their police station.

By the time the two arrived at the West Kowloon Police Station, Su Yi had basically checked Miao Xiaowei's social relations and the general situation of the entire West Kowloon Police Station.

And Miao Xiaowei also regards Su Yi as a congenial brother.

This is also a common problem among young people. They love to make friends, and they are easy to show their hearts to people. They value the word "loyalty" the most.

And when people become more "sensible" and more mature, the circle of friends shrinks instead, and they even think that "a few bosom friends are enough in life".

In fact, Su Yi is no stranger to the West Kowloon Police Station. He has either been here or passed by in the previous few worlds.

Coming here again, there is a feeling of revisiting the old place.

It's just that things are different and people are different. After all, this is a plausible world, and there is no familiar face of Su Yi here.

The director here, surnamed Ma, is a kind-hearted old man. He is very kind to Su Yi and speaks some very polite words.Very official kind.

Su Yi came to Hong Kong Island under the banner of "exchange and study". Although it was a public trip, he had to put on a show anyway. Su Yi needed to communicate with the group in depth and participate in the actual work here.

Director Ma soon called another police officer surnamed Lin, and introduced him to Su Yi as the leader of the serious crime team.

He told Su Yi that in the next three months, Su Yi would join Police Officer Lin's serious crime team as a consultant, and work with Officer Lin and the others.

Officer Lin was very upset and expressed his dissatisfaction on the spot.

"Ma sir, is there a mistake? We are now dealing with a transnational luxury product transaction case. We have been following it for a long time. Now it is at a critical moment. You let an outsider follow me? Who knows if he is clean or not? What if he leaks the news?" Officer Lin spoke very aggressively, regardless of Su Yi's presence.

"What are you talking about! Police Officer Huang is an elite of the Wanwan Police Force, he came to us to exchange and guide our work, he is not an outsider! He is a trustworthy person!" Director Ma scolded, "Apologize to Officer Huang immediately! "

Officer Lin snorted coldly and turned his face away, his face looked stinky.

Director Ma put on a smiling face and said to Su Yi: "This kid is right and wrong, Officer Huang, don't take it to heart."

From Su Yi's point of view, how could he not see that these two people are singing a good face while the other is a bad face?

He didn't expose it, and said with a smile: "Sir Lin is responsible for the work, I can understand. Since it is a very important case, I should avoid suspicion. I just came to Hong Kong Island, so I can go around and see the scenery of Hong Kong Island .I'll bother you when this case is over."

As soon as these words came out, Officer Lin's expression softened, and Director Ma also smiled even wider.

The latter held Su Yi's hand and said: "Officer Huang is really considerate, so that's fine. When they catch someone, I will immediately ask Officer Huang to guide the work. In the past few days, you can appreciate Hong Kong Island." I will ask someone to be your 24-hour guide. By the way, your accommodation has been arranged. If you don’t mind, you can go and see the accommodation first. If you have any other requirements, you can just let me know .”

"Can I have a car?" Su Yi said, "I think it will be much more convenient for me to travel if I have a car."

"Of course it's no problem!" Director Ma responded, clapping his arms, "Ah Xian, you take care of the car! There is also a guide, send a smarter person to follow Police Officer Huang, and all the expenses these days will be borne by the police. Reimbursement by the department!"

"That's unnecessary." Su Yi said politely.

"Yes, you must not be polite to us, you have come so far, you must let us do our best as landlords!" Director Ma said with a smile.

Officer Lin on the side also stretched out his hand and said, "Huang sir, it was my mouth that smelled just now, don't be as knowledgeable as me, just treat me as a fart."

Su Yi smiled and said, "How come?"

After Miao Xiaowei took Su Yi out of the police station again, Director Ma and Officer Lin stood by the window and looked at Su Yi downstairs.

"It should have nothing to do with your case." Director Ma said, "Now let's find someone to follow him. You should close the Internet cafe as soon as possible. As long as you close the Internet, you don't have to be afraid of any ghosts and snakes."

Police Officer Lin sighed and said: "The higher ups will really cause us trouble, it's fine, why send a Wanwan policeman here? Who doesn't know that all the colleagues in Wanwan are paid for their work? What if he and the independent dealer If there is a connection, wouldn’t that be leading the wolf into the house?”

"Don't complain!" Director Ma patted him on the shoulder. "It's useless to complain about others. If you have time, you should think about your case more! You have been with me for more than half a year, and you have spent so much financial and material resources. If there is no result , even if I help you again, the higher-ups will definitely be held accountable."

"I know." Officer Lin said, "I've got important clues. They will contact the seller in the near future. As long as we follow the clues, we will definitely catch big fish!"

"I hope so." Director Ma shook his head.

"Shengyueju, Hongjingtai, Yuqingxuan, Bihailantian, this is a residential area and is also called the Four Little Dragons of West Kowloon, Sir Huang! Director Ma arranged for you to live in Shengyueju, it is definitely costly! Here The house faces the sea with its back, and the Feng Shui is very good! Besides, there are many celebrities living here, and the quality of the neighbors is also very high."

Miao Xiaowei happily led Su Yi into a building with Su Yi's suitcase in his hand, and introduced him to Su Yi dancing.

This is a high-end residential building with two households on one floor and three units. It seems that the environment is very good.

On the first floor of the building is the service desk, which looks very clean. On the bulletin board next to it, a tall young woman is posting an advertisement for a house for rent.

When the two passed by, Miao Xiaowei suddenly said "Hey", pointed at the woman and exclaimed in surprise, "You, aren't you Yuan Xiaomin? The one who shot the underwear commercial!"

"I'm carrying you, can you recognize it?" The woman said helplessly, then turned around, showing a pretty face with delicate features.

"It's really Yuan Xiaomin! Hello, hello, I'm your admirer, can you sign me?" Miao Xiaowei said excitedly.

"Of course." Yuan Xiaomin took out a pen with a professional smile, "Where is the signature?"

"Here it is!" Miao Xiaowei pointed to his clothes and said, "Don't worry, I will treasure this clothes when I go back, and I will never wash it in my life."

Yuan Xiaomin covered her mouth and smiled, signed her name on the clothes flamboyantly, then looked at Su Yi: "Hey, do you want it?"

(End of this chapter)

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