Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1174 Uncle Feng

Chapter 1174 Uncle Feng
This Mike's condition is very strange, he looks very healthy and energetic, but his yang energy is almost disappearing.

What would happen to a living person without yang energy?

Of course it is dead!

The reason why Su Yi said that Mike could not survive seven days was because in Su Yi's eyes, Mike's little yang energy was still rapidly diminishing, and it would be completely emptied within seven days at most.

But Su Yi didn't find traces of sneaky possession or being cursed or cast a spell on Mike, which is why Su Yi felt so weird.

He had never seen anything like this before.

For a good living person, Yang Qi will never be stronger than this for no reason.

So where did Mike's yang energy go?
Because he didn't understand the situation and out of vigilance, Su Yi didn't act hastily. He watched Mike go away, thinking about how to face this matter.

He didn't have the idea of ​​secretly following up to investigate, because if it really involved ghosts and gods, no matter how dark you are, can you still be as dark as ghosts and gods?

What he said to Mike just now has actually crossed the line, and it can be regarded as a small temptation for Su Yi.

If ghosts and gods were really involved in this matter, Su Yi felt that he would be warned soon.

After all, ghosts and gods don't need to be affectionate like human beings. Generally, they will take revenge and will not offend.

The car that Director Ma gave to Su Yi was not bad, a red car that seemed to be [-]% to [-]% new.

Except for the color Su Yi doesn't like, there is nothing wrong with it.

In fact, it stands to reason that ghosts are taboo against red, so people like to dress up everywhere in red, including people, when holding some happy events.

But red can only restrain general sneakiness. For some very powerful ghosts, red will attract them instead.

But now many people, in order to seek peace of mind, often put some decorations on the car to protect the safety, such as putting a Buddha statue in front of the car, hanging a Buddhist bead, cinnabar or amulet, as long as it is obtained from a place with incense, or Those who are invited to worship by oneself are very useful.

Su Yi drove all the way to Dapu, but he kept thinking about how to intervene in Mike's matter.

His first task was to "transform a double ghost and destroy the Guild of Ghosts", so Su Yi wondered if the abnormality on Mike might be related to the "substitute ghost".

Double ghost?Ghost looking for a substitute?

This Su Yi is no stranger, he has personally captured several ghosts looking for substitutes, and even a water ghost.

But ghosts usually look for substitutes at specific places and at specific times to induce victims to die in specific ways.

Some ghosts have too much karma, and sometimes even one substitute is not enough, so several substitutes are needed.

The purpose of a ghost looking for a substitute is to allow other ghosts to suffer from the burning of karma on its behalf and to help it share the karma.

The ghost that is used as a substitute is very pitiful, because it not only has to bear the karma of its own life, but also bears the karma of the ghost that killed it.

These ghosts usually find a substitute to harm others, just like beating a drum to spread flowers, and distribute their karma again;

But what's more, it won't last long before being burned by the fire of karma and the soul will be scattered. After all, it is difficult for most ghosts to bear the karma of the ghost with a new ghost body.

Will Mike be a stand-in chosen by Li Gui?

But if this is the case, there must be marks of ghosts on his body, but Su Yi didn't find any problems with him.

Weird, really weird...

The car soon arrived at Dapeng Bay, Su Yi parked the car at the pier, spent 100 yuan to hire a boat to go to the island not far away.

This island is called Dongpingzhou, and it is the destination of Su Yi's trip.

It is said to be an island, but it is actually a very remote small fishing village.Few outsiders come to this fishing village, and the only means of transportation between the village and the outside world is boats.

There is a police station on the island, and there is only one policeman in the station, known as "Uncle Feng". This Uncle Feng is the target of Su Yi's trip.

When I arrived on the island, it was already dark. When Su Yi came, it was just in time for the Ghost Festival. Every household in the village was burning paper. Looking around, I saw little sparks all the way, like ghost fires, which seemed very strange. gloomy.

The fishing village is surrounded by dense forests, and the sea breeze is blowing. Walking along the way, the branches and leaves of the forests on both sides of the road sway wantonly, like countless ghost claws waving in the dark.The "rustling" sound of the wind blowing the leaves is like countless sneaks whispering maliciously in the dark.

As Su Yi walked, he always felt that something was following behind him.

He knew it wasn't an illusion.In fact, many people have the feeling of being followed when walking at night. This is not an illusion, but if it is an ordinary person, it is best not to look back frequently.

Because there may be no one when you watch it ten times, but you may see a shadow or a face when you see No. 11 times. At this time, you have to get sick at least to get rid of the evil in your body Qi.

The inaccessible suburbs are definitely a paradise for sneaky ghosts. A living person passing by here at night is as eye-catching as a red lantern. Although ghosts dare not approach you, they also covet your yang energy. Jealous of your vitality, so they will follow you far away.

Under normal circumstances, as long as people don't pay attention to it and just go about their own way, they will naturally "see the blame, and the blame will defeat itself".

But some people are really terrified, just spit in the palm of their hand and stroke the back of the head three times, and they will immediately feel much more at ease.

Ghosts are afraid of saliva, and they touch the back of the head because the back of the head is also called "different bone", which is the weakest part of the human body.Wiping the saliva on the back of the head is equivalent to guarding one's own vital points, and the heart will naturally be much more stable.

Psychologically speaking, this is called spreading anxiety, and it makes sense.

Su Yi naturally didn't care about these lonely ghosts wandering in the wild, let alone these ghosts came to harm him, even if they approached him, they would be burned.

But they don't know what fear is, they still instinctively follow Su Yi far away.

It wasn't until Su Yi reached the entrance of the village that the ghosts stopped.

Su Yi smiled and stopped to look back.

In his field of vision, many figures followed behind in the darkness, with gusts of wind and ghostly roars, the scene was very spectacular.

These ghosts are not all lonely and wild ghosts, and there should not be so many of them usually.It's just that today's Hungry Ghost Festival, the gates of ghosts are wide open, so there are so many sneaky people who come to the world to enjoy incense and paper money.

But the ghosts who can really eat joss sticks have already entered the village. These wandering outside the village are the kind of people who have no reincarnation, but have lost their descendants to worship.

They have been completely forgotten by posterity.

At this moment, Su Yi noticed that these ghosts were restless, and suddenly rushed towards the west of the village, as if they had been drawn by some kind.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he looked over there.

I saw that in an open space over there, someone lit a big fire and burned paper money and joss sticks.

These ghosts were all rushing over there, and Su Yi could see these ghosts fighting for something around the fire over there from a distance.

"So free to help ghosts? Looks like Uncle Feng is there." Su Yi smiled, he didn't expect to find someone so smoothly.

He walked over there.

When they arrived in the village, the faces of the paper burners on both sides of the road changed slightly when they saw Su Yi, and they bowed their heads in silence.If they meet head-on, they will hide and walk away, muttering words, as if seeing the plague god.

In fact, this is also a kind of taboo. During the days of Zhongyuan and Qingming, when you meet a stranger, you must not look at him, let alone say hello, because you don't know whether it is a human or a ghost.

The radio in the fishing village is still playing babbling operas: "Injustice is hard, hatred is hard to get rid of, kneeling and crying to the sea god, kneeling and crying to the sea god, saying that the eyes of the sky are clear, and the light of my Tao is shining everywhere..."

I don't know whether it is prejudice or stereotype, Su Yi always feels that Cantonese opera gives people a very eerie and strange feeling.

When Su Yi walked that way, he found that the person who gave money to ghosts had also left, and the direction happened to be coming towards him.

Then he was even less anxious and walked leisurely.

When he passed by an alley, he saw a young girl in her blooming season knelt on the side of the road and burned paper. The flame reflected on her face flickering and dimming, and the outline of her delicate facial features could be vaguely seen.

But this girl is not like other people, she was absent-minded when she burned the paper, and she was still looking around.

Seeing the grandma next to her throwing the papered TV and refrigerator into the fire, she said "Hey" and asked, "Third wife, why did you replace your son's electrical appliances again this year?"

The third wife laughed and said, "It's Zhuzhu who was filial to her dead father. She wrote back and said that she met a new boyfriend and found a new job."

The girl pouted when she heard the words, and muttered: "I also want to go out and find something to do, but my uncle won't allow it..."

The third wife over there cheerfully lit a handful of paper money and bowed to the four directions: "The paper money clears the way, and the package will be delivered to you! This year there will be a full set of color TV recorders, and next year I will give it to a car mansion and a wine cellar..."

Su Yi smiled knowingly, and it even rhymed.

In fact, it is completely wrong to talk about buying off ghosts and snake gods. The third wife's son is standing by the fire, waiting to receive the goods. What's the matter with ghosts and snake gods?

If there are ghosts and snakes who come here and take the three wives' words seriously, the ghosts and snakes will share the money burned by the three wives.

In fact, burning paper money, burning TV ingots, and even beauties in villas, would ghosts really receive these things?
That's not the case, what ghosts receive is only "incense", which can strengthen them and is also hard currency in the underworld.

Of course, families with conditions will also set up confessions and worship their ancestors with food and wine. These things are not eaten or drunk by ghosts, but these things are also counted as incense, and they are incense with yang energy. Ghosts are even more precious.

Some people ate the tribute after worshiping. Does this count as stealing from ghosts?
Not so, what ghosts eat is just the incense, thoughts and yang energy in these foods. Food is still food, and it is just a carrier for ghosts, just like the bowls we eat and the cups we drink from.

In the eyes of ghosts and gods, after they enjoyed the food, how could they care if the younger generations ate the bowls, chopsticks and cups?

The same is true for paper money. You burn ingots or paper money, incense or candles. In fact, to ghosts, they are just packaging. What is really important is the incense contained inside.

Does the amount of burning paper have anything to do with the amount of incense?
This is for sure, the more sincere the heart, the more incense.How do living people show their sincerity?
There are two ways, either you burn incense and worship every day, or you spend more money to burn paper during Qingming and Zhongyuan.

Money often represents sincerity, which is an indestructible truth that prevails everywhere.

Su Yi's arrival also caught the girl's attention, perhaps because there are very few strangers in this village, the girl stared at Su Yi with wide eyes, looking very curious.

The third wife on the side was also attracted by Su Yi, and accidentally bumped into a burning refrigerator one person tall.

The fire suddenly became bigger and burned to the haystack on one side.

The third wife was startled, stomped her feet and exclaimed, "Oh, it's not good!"

She was so anxious that she stomped her feet on the spot, but her old brain couldn't react, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

The girl screamed and tried to put out the fire but failed, and hurried back to the yard on the other side.

Su Yi happened to encounter this incident, of course he would not stand idly by, without saying a word, he touched a wooden board in the corner, and quickly used her to pick apart the burning fire, separating the haystack from the fire.

"Oh, I'm so confused, why did it catch fire?" The third woman stomped her feet anxiously, turned around and ran into another yard after speaking.

Su Yi was about to call her to stop, when he heard shouts from the yard, "Water is coming, water is coming", just now the girl ran out with a basin of water, and she was about to splash it on the water without saying a word.

"Don't splash!"

The two voices stopped her in unison.

The first sound came from Su Yi, but the latter sound came from the intersection on the other side.

The girl stopped in time and stared at Su Yi with wide eyes.

"It's all right." Su Yi smiled at her, "Let the fire here burn itself out."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the other side of the intersection, and he saw a middle-aged man in a police uniform with a monogram walking towards him quickly.

He looked at Su Yi seriously, and came over and pulled the girl behind him.

"Ah? It's uncle." The girl called out.

Without turning back a single brow, he said: "The most taboo of burning paper is to extinguish half of it. Remember not to use water to extinguish the fire that burns at night."

"Why?" the girl asked, but her eyes were still looking at Su Yi curiously.

"Because living people worship ghosts and gods only a few times a year. For them, this opportunity is rare and should not be missed," Su Yi said with a smile, "If they come back in a bad mood, they will be angered." .It’s fine if you have a good temper, but if you have a bad temper, you will definitely settle accounts with me.”

The girl shrank her neck when she heard the words, stuck out her tongue and said, "Is it true? It's so serious?"

"It's true," Yizimei looked at Su Yi, "Alian, bring the water back first!"

"Yes, Uncle." A-Lian made a face behind her back, then glanced at Su Yi, then turned and walked into the yard.

"This gentleman looks very strange. I don't know what you can do to come to Dongpingzhou so late?" asked Yizimei.

"I'm here to find someone." Su Yi smiled, "I have something very important to ask him for advice."

(End of this chapter)

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