Chapter 1175
"Looking for someone?" Yizimei asked, "I know everyone in Dongpingzhou, who are you looking for?"

"Uncle Feng is what I'm looking for." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Looking for me?" Uncle Feng frowned, looking at Su Yi, "but I don't recognize you at all."

Su Yi smiled, put his palms and five fingers together, palms pointing downwards and fingertips against each other, forming a "person" shape, then turned his right palm upwards, bent his five fingers and held them together with his left hand, making a gossip shape, turned again, and held them with his right hand The left wrist, the thumb of the left hand is tilted up, and finally the palms are turned again, the right thumb is held in the tiger's mouth of the right hand, and then the left palm is wrapped around the right fist, forming the knot of the Eight Diagrams Meridian Seal.

When Uncle Feng saw Su Yi's actions, his expression changed immediately.

This is the secret code used by Maoshan Dao disciples when they meet each other. Only the disciples who have obtained the true biography of Maoshan will know that this young man has made such a move, and his identity is beyond doubt, he must be a descendant of Maoshan's lineage.

I just don't know which one he is.

Although Su Yi's identity was confirmed in his heart, Uncle Feng was not surprised, but rather vigilant.

In the era of the end of magic, magicians are on the decline. Some people can endure loneliness and barely make ends meet, and use magic arts as a side job to assist them, but more people are unwilling to decline, so their swords take a slant and go evil.

In the past few decades, Uncle Feng has seen a lot of Maoshan disciples becoming evil and endangering one side, so he almost subconsciously repelled Su Yi's arrival.

His face was cloudy and he was thinking about things, and he didn't realize that the third wife behind him also ran out trembling with a basin of water, and poured it into the burning brazier without saying a word.

Su Yi could have stopped it, but his heart moved, but he just watched with cold eyes.

"Hey!" Uncle Feng came back to his senses and exclaimed, but it was already too late.

However, seeing the extinguished ashes in the brazier whirl around suddenly as if swept by a whirlwind, the extinguished paper money swirled and danced above the brazier, condensing and not dispersing, which looked very strange.

Although the third wife was old and dim-sighted, she could still see the scene clearly, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she pointed in front of her and shouted tremblingly, "Ghost, ghost..."

"Don't be afraid, third wife!" Uncle Feng didn't care about thinking too much at this time, and hurriedly shouted: "Alian, take paper money for joss sticks, water, wine and rice bowls! Quick!"

Immediately behind the courtyard door came a crisp voice: "Oh!"

It seemed that the uncle knew the niece quite well, and knew that the niece must be hiding behind the door and eavesdropping.

"Third wife, kneel down!" Uncle Feng supported the third wife and knelt down slowly.

Su Yi hid to the side, because he was standing behind the brazier, if he didn't leave, it would be as if Uncle Feng was kneeling before him, which would be impolite.

"Ghosts are more realistic than humans, why should Uncle Feng be polite to them?" Su Yi said with a smile.

The whirlwind was naturally created by the dead ghost son of the third wife. When the incense is extinguished, its benefits will be cut off suddenly, and it will naturally become angry. When a ghost is angry with a stranger, it will generate a strong resentment, like a ghost under a fierce ghost. It will set off a whirlwind around one person's height.

Many old people often teach children to avoid the whirlwind on the road. This is the reason. As the saying goes, "the god who spins up, the ghost who spins down, three sickles cut off the legs." This means that after being caught in the whirlwind, you have to spit while While slashing three times with a palm knife, even if you threaten ghosts, you are not easy to provoke. Under normal circumstances, ghosts will choose well water instead of river water, and respect you at a respectful distance.

The whirlwind on a sunny day is naturally fine, but if it is cloudy or at night, you can still hide when you encounter a whirlwind.

There is a high probability that some ghost has provoked the nameless anger, generated resentment, and vented wantonly.

Generally speaking, there is a grievance and a debtor, and ghosts may not necessarily implicate the innocent, and there is a certain probability that nothing will happen when people are involved in the whirlwind.

But there is also a probability that bad luck will happen. This is the ghost who spreads the nameless wrath on you.

As Su Yi said, ghosts are impersonal and don't know how to compromise. They are the most realistic, or the most direct.

When the ghost is angry, is it useful for you to tremble and kneel and beg for mercy?
It's useless, doing so will only fuel his arrogance.

Either you immediately promise to burn paper money to it, or immediately threaten it to let it go, money clears the way or threat of force, these two methods are the most effective.

That's why Su Yi said this to Uncle Feng.

But Uncle Feng obviously has his own ideas, and he said with a blank face: "Many people don't blame people, and ghosts are the same. This matter is that people made mistakes first, and the right and wrong are so obvious. Shouldn't it be an apology?" ?"

"Does Uncle Feng think ghosts are reasonable?" Su Yi laughed.

"Ghosts don't tell, I will!" Uncle Feng said.

While talking, A-Lian has brought a lot of things and put them next to Uncle Feng.

"Uncle, I brought them all!" A-Lian said crisply.

"Stand aside first!" Uncle Feng began to arrange the things she brought without looking back.

A-Lian looked up at the paper money flying around and stuck out her tongue, but she didn't look scared at all. Obviously, under the influence of her uncle, she was used to these ghostly things.

Uncle Feng swiftly set up a tripod on the ground with three chopsticks, and then put the rice bowl on it.

The rice bowl is obviously used to insert incense. The reason why it is not placed directly on the ground, but to be placed on a shelf is superfluous, which actually means "burning high incense".

Burning incense is a sacrifice, but burning high incense is generally used to express reverence, gratitude, and apology. The incense burner of high incense cannot touch the ground, so there are generally incense tables for worshiping Buddha and gods, or the incense burner is supported by three legs.

If the incense burner in any temple or Taoist temple is just an ash basin, you can just turn your head and leave when you see it. This kind of Taoist temple is either a counterfeit product that deceives people, or it is a deceitful offering of incense to the dead. Bad kind.

Especially in temples or Taoist temples that have the business of enshrining tablets of the undead, you must look carefully when burning incense. The incense burner has legs but not legs, or whether it is placed on the incense table.If not, then you burned the wrong incense, you burned it for the gods, and you burned it for the ghosts. This is not a good thing, it is very bad luck.

After Uncle Feng set up the rice bowl, he quickly lit candles and stuck them on the ground on both sides.

The wax is red wax with long pointed bamboo sticks specially used for sacrifices. This kind of wax does not touch the ground, and the bamboo sticks below can be directly inserted into the soil.

After lighting the wax, Uncle Feng quickly made a paper figurine out of yellow paper, then lit three sticks of incense with the candle, wrapped the tail of the incense around the hair of the third wife and pulled it out, and finally passed the tail of the incense through the paper figurine In this way, the hair of the third wife was just baked by the incense and stuck to the head of the paper figurine, making it look as if the paper figurine had grown hair.

Uncle Feng put the incense on the incense burner, leaned the paper man against the edge of the incense burner, made it stand, and then immediately arranged the three wine glasses in the shape of "pin", and poured wine into the wine glasses stacked on top.

The reason why they are arranged like this is the same as the reason for burning high incense.

The wine overflowed the glass, and soon flowed to the feet of the paper figurine, soaking through the yellow paper.

Uncle Feng continued to pour the wine with his right hand, but made a formula with his left hand, chanting words, and a miraculous thing happened, the paper figurine twisted, knees bent and knelt down.

"Third wife, sincerely kowtow to admit your mistake!" Uncle Feng said in a deep voice.

The third wife hurriedly followed her advice.

The strange thing is, as the third wife kowtowed, the paper figurine also bowed down along with the third wife, as if they had the same consciousness as the third wife.

After three prostrations, the whirlwind on the brazier immediately fell slowly.

The third wife's hair suddenly caught fire, and even the whole paper figurine was on fire.

At the same time, the paper money that had been extinguished in the brazier also ignited the flame again and started to burn again.

Seeing this, Uncle Feng's expression softened, and he said to the third wife: "Okay, third wife, it has accepted your apology, it's fine. Alian, help the third wife to get up."

After watching the whole process, Su Yi can be said to be amazed.

He could see that Uncle Feng's move was to bribe the ghost with the yang energy of the incense candle, and at the same time, he showed his hand and calmed the ghost.

Yang Qi is the third wife's lock of hair. For the third wife, the loss of Yang Qi will make her feel mentally weak for the past two days at most, but it will not be a serious problem.

The reason is very simple, but the technique shown by Uncle Feng made Su Yi's eyes brighten, and his heart was slightly disturbed.

This is not a complicated or powerful spell, it is just a very simple technique of taking yang and piercing paper.

But even such a small spell needs to be passed on. There are tricks in how to do it and how to cast it.

Seeing the big from the small, Uncle Feng can handle even such trivial spells at his fingertips. It can be seen that the Maoshan inheritance system he got must be much more complete than Su Yi.

Up to now, Su Yi can only draw talismans and chant incantations. He doesn't know anything about rituals, spells, or even sacrificial artifacts.

This is also the reason why Su Yi came to find Uncle Feng, he also came to learn art from a teacher.

"Ah Feng, is it really all right? Does it really not blame me?" The third woman was very worried, and asked tremblingly.

While helping her up, A-Lian comforted her: "Third wife, if uncle says it's fine, then it will be fine, don't worry."

Uncle Feng's eyes fell on Su Yi again, and he said lightly: "Although ghosts are unreasonable, people have to distinguish between right and wrong. You can't just bully it because it is a ghost, knowing that you have done something wrong. This is against the law. It is the purpose of our being a human being and cultivating the Tao.”

"Uncle Feng makes sense." Su Yi nodded and said, "It's just that ghosts are greedy, and they are the most aggressive. Your idea is good. You want to use both soft and hard methods, and surrender without fighting. It's a pity that you are just playing the piano against the cow. won't understand your intentions."

Uncle Feng may know better at catching ghosts, but Su Yi understands human nature better.

Ghosts are the continuation of humans, and ghosts and humans have similarities.

For example, this ghost is the son of the third wife. Judging by the solid appearance of its soul and body, it is obvious that it enjoys incense on weekdays.

Although the ghost has lost the spirit of being a human being, and has lost the distinction between good and evil, at least it still has a basic nature. This ghost is just because the third wife extinguished its paper money and made it enjoy less incense. The mother-in-law is angry.

A ghost's anger is not like a human being's anger. There is no such thing as thunder and rain. If a ghost is angry, it will definitely vent its anger, unless it is calmed down like Uncle Feng did just now.

So if it wasn't for Uncle Feng just now, this ghost must be going against the third wife.That being the case, is this ghost a good ghost?

Kowtow to such a ghost to admit its mistake, can it really calm down its anger?

From Su Yi's point of view, this ghost was only overwhelmed by Uncle Feng's compensation and the ability shown by Uncle Feng, and it would never have the concept of accepting an apology.

Uncle Feng wanted to argue a few more words with Su Yi, but saw the third wife tremblingly picking up a stack of paper money and throwing it into the brazier.

But the ghost's lingering anger did not dissipate, seeing that the third wife dared to approach, the fire suddenly burst into flames.

The third woman screamed in fright and backed up again and again, but bumped into a wooden board against the wall.

The plank fell down, the direction is exactly where the brazier is!
Su Yi watched this scene, but still didn't stop him, allowing the wooden plank to overturn the brazier, and let the paper money go out again.

This ghost is already angry, how can it not explode now?
But I saw a whirlwind suddenly rising, sweeping towards the third wife.

Uncle Feng's eyes were fixed, he picked up the candle on the ground, dodged in front of the third wife, and shouted sharply: "Back off!"

But how could the ghost listen to him?At that moment, he bypassed him and directly rolled up the third wife and slammed into the wall fiercely.

"Toast, don't eat and eat fine wine!" Uncle Feng yelled angrily, poured the half bottle of wine left over just now, and poured the wine into the whirlwind, causing the whirlwind to stagnate slightly, Uncle Feng took advantage of this time He rushed forward to block between the third wife and the wall.


He smashed the wine bottle on the wall, pointed the mouth of the bottle at the wall and inserted it in, murmured something, and roasted the gap in the bottle with a candle.

woohoo hoo...

The candle flame seemed to be pulled and sucked into the bottle inserted in the wall. Black smoke came out from the cracks in the bricks of half of the wall, and there was a faint roar of pain and hatred in the wall. bounced back.Uncle Feng caught the third wife and quickly stuffed her into A-Lian's arms and said quickly: "Quick, help the third wife in first!"

Just as he was talking, he heard a "boom", and the brick wall on the other side suddenly collapsed towards him.

Uncle Feng's eyes were fixed, and the burning incense candle in his hand was thrown forward suddenly. The wax oil seemed to burn something, and it made a "sizzling" sound in mid-air, but the collapsed brick wall was swept by the whirlwind and formed a circle behind Uncle Feng. The wall pushed him towards another intact wall, as if he wanted to trap Uncle Feng in the middle.

"How dare the evildoer be presumptuous!" Su Yi no longer watched, squeezed his fingertips and quickly wrote the word "town" on the palm of his hand, making it the head and tail of a charm, and slammed his palm on the brick wall behind Uncle Feng with one step. .

With this palm, the wall formed by the whirlwind suddenly collapsed.

The whirlwind swept towards Su Yi and Uncle Feng again. Su Yi and Uncle Feng snorted coldly. Knead the torches into clay and cover them with hands, grabbing them forward.

Su Yi slapped the air, and the ghost screamed and flew backwards into the opposite wall. Uncle Feng rushed forward and quickly wrote a big word "burn" on the wall with his hands covered with burning wax mud.

Then he turned around and picked up a piece of yellow cloth that A-Lian used to wrap things just now, covered the burning characters with it, and stuck it to the wall.

All the burning wax slime stuck to the cloth, and Uncle Feng quickly wrapped up all the wax slime and tied the cloth into a knot.

The cloth ball kept beating in Uncle Feng's hands, as if something inside was trying to struggle to get out.

Uncle Feng made a tactic with one hand, bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood on the cloth ball in his hand, and the cloth ball fell silent instantly.

After finishing these, Uncle Feng turned around to look at Su Yi, and said, "The talisman is well drawn, which branch are you from?"

(End of this chapter)

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