Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1176 Empathy

Chapter 1176 Empathy
To be honest, if Su Yi hadn't seen Uncle Feng's hands trembling slightly, he turned around so gracefully, with such a calm posture, he would have been unable to help applauding Uncle Feng.

Are you handsome?

Although the bald skin on both hands is almost hot.

"Uncle Feng, go and wash your hands with ice water, otherwise it will foam." Su Yi kindly reminded.

"How come? I've used the technique of sealing ghosts with wax oil eight times if not ten times. I'm very familiar with it. How could it burn my hands?" Uncle Feng waved his hand, "But I just caught something dirty and I really need to wash my hands. You You just said you came to see me, did you want to ask me something? What kind of matter is it about?"

"Ghosts and gods." Su Yi's face was slightly serious, and he solemnly clasped his fists, "To be honest, Uncle Feng, I have encountered a problem that I can't solve, and I came here to ask you for help because of the name. Please see that I am from the same Maoshan lineage." Come on, please help me!"

Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi and nodded thoughtfully, and said: "You come in with me first, I'll go wash and change clothes, let's talk slowly."

"Thank you, Uncle Feng." Su Yi cupped his fists again to thank him.

Uncle Feng brought Su Yi to his home. Although it was dark, Su Yi could tell from the outline of the layout in the small courtyard that every building, decoration, and even the shape here were exquisite.

It can be seen that Uncle Feng is a master of Fengshui.

How to judge whether a person's home has been Feng Shui layout?

In fact, you don’t have to see the five emperors’ coins, evil mirrors, feng shui gourds and other feng shui ornaments, or things like sculptures of gods, to be regarded as having a feng shui bureau. Skilled feng shui masters often use local materials to simply adjust the existing home furnishing The environment can play a role in optimizing Feng Shui.

So if you go to a person's home and feel that everything is comfortable, everything is just right, and you feel unspeakable peace of mind, then this home is probably adjusted by a feng shui master.

For feng shui, the less human intervention, the better; those houses that need feng shui magic tools to layout are either houses that have "mishaps" and need to be remedied;

Ordinary people do not need to specially invite a Feng Shui master at all.

People should treat Feng Shui with the same attitude as they treat ghosts and gods—keep them at a respectful distance.

Of course, Uncle Feng is obviously not on this list.

He is a cultivator, using Feng Shui to make his house peaceful is just a matter of effort, why not do it?
From the yard to the house, Su Yi kept looking around, but it was a pity that there were not many tricks he could see.

Uncle Feng brought Su Yi to the main room and invited him to take a seat.At this moment A-Lian came back, and the voice came before anyone entered the room.

"Uncle, I have already sent the third wife home. She is too scared to go out. She has been hugging the Buddha statue in her house, saying that she will sleep with her at night...Huh? Is there a guest at home?"

When she said the last sentence, A-Lian stepped across the threshold, and when she saw Su Yi, she immediately stuck out her tongue, looking very embarrassed.

"What does a girl's house look like, blah, blah, blah?" Uncle Feng scolded, "Aren't you going to pour tea for the guests?"

"Oh." A-Lian ran out again with her head down.

"Really..." Uncle Feng shook his head, then said to Su Yi, "Then sit down for a while, I'll come when I go."

"Okay Uncle Feng." Su Yi nodded.

Uncle Feng nodded slightly, and walked into the back hall with his hands behind his back. As soon as he lowered the curtain, his face immediately changed, and his facial features were all wrinkled into a ball. In the wooden basin next to him, he quickly threw the water scoop into the water tank and put his hands into the wooden basin.

He widened his eyes, let out a long breath, with a relaxed expression on his face, and murmured: "Made, it hurts me to death..."

In the main room, there was a strange flash in Su Yi's eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

A-Lian quickly came in with a cup of tea, placed it in front of Su Yi, and said in a low voice, "Sir, drink tea."

"Thank you." Su Yi smiled and thanked him.

A-Lian did not leave, and asked curiously, "Are you here to look for my uncle? Has anything strange happened in your family?"

Su Yi said: "It's my daughter."

A-Lian was surprised: "You have a daughter? You look young, you don't seem to be very old."

"I'm in my thirties." Su Yi smiled at her, "My daughter is already eight years old."

"I'm 19 years old." A-Lian said, "Aren't you ten years older than me?"

"So you have to call me uncle." Su Yi said.

A-Lian stuck out her tongue: "No, maybe you're lying to me. Uncle said that the men outside are the best at lying."

"Your uncle is right, but men who are deceitful are actually very easy to distinguish." Su Yi said with a smile, "I have a secret that can help you quickly distinguish which men are liars and which men are more reliable. Do you want to study?"

"Is there really such a way?" A-Lian was surprised and delighted, "Then teach me!"

"Call uncle to me first." Su Yi deliberately sat up straight, putting on a majestic look.

A-Lian made a face at Su Yi, and then said obediently: "Uncle, tell me."

Su Yi smiled and said: "The secret is very simple. It can be summed up in two sentences. If you meet a man for the first time and think that everything he says is nice, elegant and humorous, everything is perfect, this man is not a liar. Just badass; if you meet a man for the first time and you feel that this man is stupid, stupid, and even makes you angry, then this man is basically reliable."

"Why..." Alian was a little at a loss.

"The reason is also very simple," Su Yi said, "You are so beautiful, a normal and honest man will definitely be nervous when he sees you, and he will say and do wrong things when he is nervous. Playboys, they are different, they know how to please girls, how to make girls like them, you naturally think that this kind of person is good everywhere."

"But what if there really is such a perfect man?" A-Lian said.

"There is such a man, do you think it's your turn, little girl?" Su Yi said with a smile, "This kind of man has long been snatched up by the beautiful women outside."

"Then what if there is such a perfect man who is not discovered by other beautiful women?" A-Lian asked.

"Even if you find this kind of man, you can't keep him, because soon other women will snatch him away from you! Hmph!"

It was Uncle Feng who said this, and he walked out from behind with a straight face.

In fact, he had been listening behind the door for a while, and he was quite impressed with Su Yi's way of distinguishing between good men and bad men.

My niece has read some dubious love novels, and always imagines that she will meet some kind of prince charming, but where is there such a prince charming in this world?
Even if there is someone, why don't they marry the princess instead of you, a country girl?
It's a pity that Uncle Feng has no children and doesn't know how to teach A-Lian. The only thing he can do is to watch A-Lian and not let him run around, so as not to be deceived.

Su Yi taught A-Lian how to identify liars, which made Uncle Feng's eyes shine. He felt that if A-Lian really used this method, at least he could find a normal and honest person.

"Uncle." A-Lian stuck out her tongue when she saw her uncle walking in, "Then I'll go back to my room first."

"Remember what this... this uncle said!" Uncle Feng said with a stern face, "Those young people who are glib in front of you are all liars!"

"That's not it!" A-Lian pouted and ran out.

"This child is really spoiled by me!" Uncle Feng shook his head.

"The more you control a girl of this age, the more she wants to break free. It's hard to teach." Su Yi laughed.

"You are very good at teaching children!" Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi, "Do you have children?"

"I have a daughter who is eight years old. I came to ask Uncle Feng for help this time because of her." Su Yi said.

Uncle Feng nodded: "Have you asked your surname yet?"

"Miangui's surname is Huang, Huanghuotu." Su Yi said, "I'm from Wanwan, and I'm a policeman just like Uncle Feng."

Su Yi took out his ID and showed it to Uncle Feng.

When Uncle Feng took the certificate, Su Yi clearly smelled the smell of medicine on his hand, which seemed to be some kind of burn ointment.

Su Yi didn't realize it, and continued: "This time, I came to Hong Kong Island on a business trip to exchange and learn from the experience of my counterparts in Hong Kong Island, but in fact, I came to seek help from Uncle Feng."

Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi's certificate, and finally let go of most of his vigilance.

The identity of the policeman, coupled with the impression he left just now, at least made him feel that Su Yi didn't seem like the kind of evil way to use magic to do evil.

"How do you know me?" Uncle Feng asked.

"It's a long story!" Su Yi looked serious, "It starts with an incident that happened two years ago."

"Two years ago, I was young and frivolous, thinking that I could change the world. I hated the corruption in the Wanwan police force, so I secretly collected evidence and wanted to expose these ugly things to the public and change the atmosphere of the police force..."

Su Yi told the story of Huanghuotu in a deep voice.

Uncle Feng was moved and respected Su Yi in awe.

In fact, more than ten years ago, the police circle on Hong Kong Island was similarly dark. It was only after the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the downfall of the "Four Inspectors" that the atmosphere in the police force gradually changed.

Uncle Feng came from that era, and he knew very well how much courage it took to stand alone against the entire police force in such a big environment.

So how could he not admire Su Yi's courage?

Uncle Feng is also a man of temperament. When Su Yi mentioned that the corrupt executives used Huang Huotu's brother-in-law as a scapegoat and asked him to make a choice, Uncle Feng was so angry that he beat the case and cursed through gritted teeth: "Despicable! Shameless! These People are like beasts in clothes! They are nothing but policemen! The scum of the police force!"

When Su Yi said that Huang Huotu withstood the pressure, resolutely sent his wife and uncle to prison, and wanted to fight the ugly to the end, Uncle Feng was greatly shocked, and he completely sympathized with Su Yi emotionally.

"What happened next?" He looked at Su Yi with a moved face, his eyes full of respect.

Outside the gate, A-Lian also covered her mouth with her eyes wide open, her eyes full of shock.

"Later..." Su Yi sighed, and immediately made the two people inside and outside the door "click" in their hearts.

"Later, in order to retaliate against me, they sentenced my brother-in-law severely." Su Yi said in a low voice, "My uncle was unwilling to go to jail, so he took my daughter hostage. She was only six years old at that time."

Uncle Feng and Alian Qiqi said "ah", their expressions were full of nervousness.

Su Yi said: "My brother-in-law shot my daughter in front of me. He wanted me to suffer and make my life worse than death."

"Bastard, it's a beast!" Uncle Feng was so angry that his face was ashen, and his teeth were gnashing loudly.

"A strange thing happened." Su Yi looked at Uncle Feng with a serious face, "At that time, the muzzle of my uncle's gun was clearly pointed at my daughter's temple, and the muzzle of the gun was perfectly fitted with my daughter's head. At that time, he fired directly. Say, my daughter will never be spared!"

Uncle Feng was stunned for a moment, and said, "Your daughter survived?"

Su Yi nodded: "The bullet grazed my daughter's scalp, made a [-]-degree turn, and shot through my uncle's chin. My uncle died on the spot, but my daughter only suffered skin trauma."

Uncle Feng was dumbfounded, and then he frowned for a while and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you read it right? Didn't the muzzle of the gun come up at that time?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "No, I'm definitely not mistaken, I can see clearly! But everyone thinks the gun went off, because they don't believe that the bullet will bend!"

"After this incident, my daughter never said a word again!" Su Yi continued, "The doctor said that my daughter got autism because of excessive fright, but I don't believe it! I think it is Something saved my daughter, but at the cost of my daughter never being able to speak."

Uncle Feng pondered for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Have you ever thought that maybe it was just an accident, that the gun really went off? The bullet turned around... Even if there is something to save someone, you should see the muzzle of the gun raised, not The bullet turned suddenly. This is impossible! Have you ever thought that you were too nervous at the time, so you didn't see it? Your really too frightened to stop talking?"

Su Yi slowly shook his head, looked at Uncle Feng and said, "Uncle Feng, I'm pretty sure this wasn't an accident. If I wasn't sure about this, I wouldn't have spent two years learning Maoshan Technique..."

"Wait!" Uncle Feng interrupted Su Yi, his eyes widened, "You said you only started learning magic two years ago? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Su Yi nodded.

"It's impossible!" Uncle Feng said with disbelief, "Two years? How many times have you recited the "Huang Ting Jing"? How many times have you written down the talisman map? You can only recite the scriptures for four thousand and nine times. It is possible to draw talismans with spiritual energy! Two years is only more than [-] days, and you have to recite scriptures and learn talismans, how can you do so many things in such a short time?"

"My master also said that if I want to achieve success, it will take at least ten years." Su Yi said, "But in fact, after I have studied for more than half a year, I can clearly see ghosts and gods."

"The more you say it, the more absurd it is, half a year, it's even more impossible!" Uncle Feng sneered and shook his head, "Mr. Huang, I am also a Taoist. What you said is simply not something a human can do!"

Su Yi didn't answer, and slapped his palm in the air, and a vase placed on the cabinet two meters away immediately fell to the ground and shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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