Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1178 ask for advice

Chapter 1178 ask for advice
As expected of an expert, Uncle Feng immediately guessed the special features of Huang Huo Tu, and directly deduced the horoscope of Huang Huo Tu's birthday.

"You are in your thirties this year... If it is the destiny of Taiyin and Shaoyang, it should be the birth of Renzi in the year of Kuichou, so that it can be the fate of Taiyin." Uncle Feng thought deeply, "Renzi Guichou Sangzhemu, There is a lack of fire in your life, so you have fire in your name; Shaoyang... that should be Bingzi Dingchou, when Bingzi Dingchou streamed into the water, you must have soil as a foundation, and if you don't have soil, you will die young, so you have soil in your name. "

"The fate of Taiyin and Shaoyang is rare, and it is even rarer when it is placed on a man." Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi, "To put it bluntly, it is not a good fate for this man to restrain his family and himself. But it is the so-called disaster It depends on blessings, and it depends on misfortune. If you can reconcile yin and yang, you can dissolve the power of evil and stimulate the reversal of fate, which is also called turning evil into power in the art of crape myrtle."

"Once this happens, your fate will become the appearance of holding yin and embracing yang, which is in line with the meaning of gossip and Tai Chi. It is a good fate for innate cultivation! No wonder you are such a genius..."

This passage may sound boring to others, but Su Yi listened mesmerizingly, and his admiration for Uncle Feng went up to a higher level in his heart. He secretly vowed to learn more about Maoshan from Uncle Feng, and one day in the future , He can also talk about various knowledge theories like Uncle Feng.

"Although your fate is very rare, it has nothing to do with others except your relatives." Uncle Feng frowned again, "If the matter about your daughter is because of you... I really can't figure out what's going on. What's the connection?"

Uncle Feng thought over and over again, but finally shook his head and gave up, asking: "You said Chen Daoyou has two guesses, what is the other one?"

"The second guess is a bit unbelievable. Even Brother You thinks it is unlikely." Su Yi said, "But Brother You said that this is the only reason he can think of to connect things together. No matter how absurd, it is not impossible. "

"What is it?" Uncle Feng couldn't help asking.

"Uncle Feng, have you ever heard of becoming immortal in the five prisons?" Su Yi asked quietly.

Uncle Feng was stunned, then his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Evil method! This is an evil method that harms others and oneself!"

Su Yi was taken aback, but he didn't expect Uncle Feng to react so strongly.

"It seems that you know Uncle Feng." Su Yi said.

"Of course I know, because I have encountered such a lunatic before!" Uncle Feng's face was ugly, as if recalling some very bad memories. "Murder mandrill, go through five prisons, and become a celestial being for your sins! Right? Taiyin Shaoyang... I should have thought of it a long time ago. People with Taiyin and Shaoyang fate, their fate itself is also the one where the sun and the moon fade away, and a hundred ghosts turn toward each other." Feng Shui Bureau!"

"For those who want to use the evil spells of the Five Hells to turn them into ghosts and immortals, you are not only the magic circle that conceals the secrets of heaven, but also the best weapon to use them to solve them. Taking the last step with your hands will not only reduce the risk, It can even absorb the power of your Taiyin and Shaoyang's destiny, making the body of ghosts and immortals get twice the result with half the effort!"

"What's the reason for this?" Su Yi couldn't help asking, "Why does the evil law of the Five Hells need the fate of Taiyin and Shaoyang so much?"

"You imagine yourself as a key carved from a hundred-year-old mountain ginseng, that's probably how it is." Uncle Feng said.

"... Uncle Feng's metaphor is really vivid." Su Yi said.

"Brother You once told me that if someone cultivating the Five Prison Immortals was after me, then what happened to my daughter would be explained." Su Yi continued, "This person regards me as the key to becoming an immortal. Naturally, I can't tolerate anything wrong with me, if something happens to my daughter, this man is afraid that I will go crazy and try my best, so he saved my daughter."

"Being able to control the flying bullet to turn, or make the bullet disappear out of thin air, and then appear on the other side, killing another person, this is by no means something that the evil cultivator who has not yet completed his cultivation can do." Uncle Feng's expression is solemn, "Anyway I don’t know any spells that can do this. If it can be done, we won’t be bullied by foreigners for decades. When we are fighting, we will go directly to a group of Taoist priests to make the bullets bend. What kind of guns do you care about? Invincible?"


Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi: "Unless it is a spirit body that has become a ghost fairy, it can do this, but if it has already become a ghost fairy, it doesn't need you anymore, so why save your daughter? contradiction?"

Here lies the problem. In the plot of "Double Eyes", it is not one person who needs to be dissected into a fairy, but two people, a pair of twin sisters.

The pair of sisters have been reincarnated for several lives, and the golden elixir avenue has long been hopeless, so they can only cultivate ghosts and immortals.

They didn't know what secret method of reincarnation they used. After reincarnating in this life, both of them had a vision of double pupils, and they had excellent physiques to become immortals.

The elder sister has accumulated more in her previous life, and she has already attained the Tao in her mother's womb, and became a fairy after her corpse was dissected.The younger sister's cultivation level is low, and she needs to practice hard for more than ten years after she was born. After going through the hardships of the five prisons and killing the five elements, she can cultivate into the five prison ghosts and immortals.

Uncle Feng said that ordinary practitioners and ghosts can't do it, but what about "immortals"?

Not to mention the elder sister, even though she is the younger sister, although she has not yet become a fairy, she is only one step away from becoming a ghost fairy after several reincarnations, which is enough to be called a "quasi-immortal".

Su Yi couldn't be sure whether it was an "immortal" or a "quasi-immortal" who saved Huang Meimei, but no matter which one it was, he couldn't deal with it now.

At least he couldn't turn the bullet, and neither could Uncle Feng, who was more capable.

"Uncle Feng, I came to Hong Kong Island just for this purpose." Su Yi said, "My daughter is growing up day by day, but she can't keep silent. I don't care who saved her or what saved her. , what is the purpose, I just want her to be able to speak and live like a normal person."

Uncle Feng solemnly said: "I haven't seen anyone, so I dare not say anything sure! Huotu, I have to see your daughter with my own eyes before I can make a judgment."

"That's no problem." Su Yi said seriously, "Actually, if she and her mother didn't have passports, they would have come with me. They can come to Hong Kong Island within a week at most."

Uncle Feng nodded: "Okay, when they arrive, you can just bring them here. Don't worry, I will do my best."

Su Yi got up, and solemnly clasped his fists to Uncle Feng: "Thank you, Uncle Feng!"

Uncle Feng hurriedly supported Su Yi, and said: "You and I belong to the same family, and we are both policemen, so why should we be polite?"

Su Yi burst into a smile and said, "How lucky am I? To let me meet Brother You first and then Uncle Feng, God has treated me well!"

Uncle Feng laughed and said: "The so-called Dao helps more, if it weren't for Huotu, you are honest and sincere, I am afraid that even if you and I face each other, we will have different ways and do not seek each other."

The two smiled with arms crossed, without saying anything.

At this moment, A-Lian on the other side interjected, "Uncle, I feel weird."

"What's weird?" Uncle Feng asked.

"You asked me to call Mr. Huang Uncle Huo Tu, but Mr. Huang also called you Uncle Feng, and you are also my uncle... Our generations are so messed up." A-Lian frowned and pouted.

Uncle Feng smiled when he thought about it: "Really, I'm only in my forties this year, Huo Tu, you call me old."

"Then I'll call you Brother Feng." Su Yi followed suit.

"That's right!" Uncle Feng smiled and slapped his hands, "Did you have any supper when you came here? How about I ask A-Lian to serve you a bowl of noodles?"

Su Yi was really a bit hungry, so he was not polite, and said: "Then it will be troublesome."

"No trouble, no trouble!" A-Lian stood up happily and said, "Uncle Huotu, it's rare for me to have guests at home. My uncle is usually bored at home alone. He doesn't know how happy you are to talk to him."

"You need to talk too much? Do you think Huotu has nothing to do every day like you?" Uncle Feng raised his face, "Aren't you going to cook noodles?"

"Oh, let's go, what is so fierce!" A-Lian muttered and went out.

Su Yi said: "Brother Feng, if my daughter's matter is really related to the Five Prison Immortals, in your opinion, will this matter be very difficult?"

Uncle Feng pondered slightly, and said: "If your guesses are all right, then this Immortal of the Five Prisons is probably not far from becoming an Immortal. Normally, we can only see how it is at that time. If it still has human nature Weiming, maybe it will cost you more than ten years of life at most, but if it is too ruthless, I'm afraid you... As for whether your daughter can speak in the future, it depends on its mood."

"However, everyone who practices the evil law of the five prisons will be punished. Now that I know about this, I will definitely not stand idly by." Uncle Feng said solemnly, "Even if I risk my life, I will fight against it." A fight!"

"If it really becomes a fairy, will it do great harm?" Su Yi asked.

"This will set a very bad example!" Uncle Feng said solemnly, "The most important step to becoming a fairy in the five prisons is to kill five human mandrills and let mandrills replace Du Jie. To endure the five hells, but there is no fear of life."

"If there is someone who can become immortal in five prisons, many people will follow suit. After all, who can resist the temptation of immortality? But once this happens, people who want to become immortal will probably look for human beings everywhere to kill them. Ten, ten does not make twenty!"

"According to reports, only those with double pupils who can see thousands of miles by day and ghosts and gods by night can distinguish the mandrills who are suitable for him in this world. Others have no way of distinguishing who is the mandrill. In order to become immortals, these people probably It’s going to keep killing, it’s happened before.”

Uncle Feng sighed: "The evil law of the five prisons has always been regarded as a taboo, because countless innocent people lost their lives in order to practice this law. These evil practices have ruined the reputation of the entire Taoist sect. It is really a mouse Shit ruined a pot of porridge, everyone got it and punished it!"

"Is there anyone who has cultivated the evil law of the Five Hells?" Su Yi asked.

"As far as I know, there are." Uncle Feng nodded, "If you really succeed in cultivation, then you don't have to worry about it, because if you really become a ghost, you have to stay away from the world, so as not to be polluted by the mortal world and pollute your spirit body and fairy heart. "

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

Next, Su Yi and Uncle Feng chatted casually about some spiritual issues. Although Su Yi was eager to seek a teacher, he did not rush to ask for a teacher. Instead, he first asked Uncle Feng some spiritual issues with a very sincere attitude.

Uncle Feng didn't hide his secrets, he knew all the answers, and patiently pointed Su Yi.

Su Yi happened to talk about what he had encountered before.

"I met a person this afternoon who lives opposite me..."

Su Yi told Uncle Feng about Mike's weirdness, and Uncle Feng frowned and said, "If I'm not wrong, there should be ghosts using him as a substitute in this situation."

"The ghost looking for a substitute?" Su Yi was a little puzzled, "What does the ghost looking for a substitute have to do with the fact that his yang energy is so scarce?"

"Normally speaking, it shouldn't be like this, but seven years ago, I encountered a case where a ghost found a substitute. It was very similar to the situation you encountered." Uncle Feng said, "I was still in the I was on duty in West Kowloon, and one day I received a report from someone saying that I had run over and killed someone. But when I rushed over with another guy, there was no body, and there was no blood on the ground, but there was someone in his car that was hit trace."

"I remember that it was sunny that day, and it was after two o'clock in the afternoon. It was so hot that the other guy thought the driver was crazy and decided not to file a case. I didn't think much of it at first, but the driver said he knew him and was killed by him. I thought I would be responsible as a policeman, so I decided to investigate."

Uncle Feng's eyes showed reminiscence: "I remember that the guy who was with me was very unhappy, but I forced him to go with me to find the person the driver said."

"Did you find it?" Su Yi was fascinated and couldn't help asking.

"I found it." Uncle Feng nodded, "But when the driver saw this person, he immediately said that he had identified the wrong person, and changed his words to say that he just bumped into a person who was very similar to this person, and then simply changed his words to say that he did not Hit people."

At this point, Uncle Feng paused, looked at Su Yi and said, "There are no victims, no blood, and the driver has never been able to tell whether he hit someone or not. If it was you, what would you do next?"

Su Yi said: "Normally speaking, the driver must be arrested and questioned. He can't call the police for no reason, and his car does have signs of being hit."

"This is indeed a normal practice." Uncle Feng nodded, "Do you know how I do it?"

Su Yi shook his head.

"I shot and killed the man the driver took us to identify!" Uncle Feng stared at Su Yi word by word.

Su Yi was taken aback, but he quickly realized: "Is there something wrong with this person?"

Uncle Feng nodded: "That's right, this person is no longer the original person, but was resurrected by a ghost."

"Borrowing a dead body?" Su Yi frowned, "Borrowing a dead body is a kind of ghost cultivating technique. I remember Brother You once told me that this method is taboo. As long as there is a ghost who can do this evil method, no matter whether it is the underworld or the yang It is absolutely not allowed!"

"In the early years, the method of reviving the dead was still spread, but with the joint efforts of the ancestors of the past generations, this evil method should have been cut off long ago."

"It stands to reason," Uncle Feng said, "but I would never have misread it at the time! I can be sure that the person I saw was resurrected by a ghost!"

"He took someone else's body and turned into a human, but he made the owner of the body become a ghost. Isn't this murder for money?"

"So I shot him down with one shot!"

(End of this chapter)

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