Chapter 1179

Among the spells, there are two methods that are hated by people, one is to seize the fetus and reincarnate, and the other is to resurrect the soul with the corpse.

Needless to say, the former means that the cultivator relies on his spiritual strength to directly guard the place where the essence and blood reconcile. Once the conception is successful, he will drive away or even devour the spirit body that should have been reincarnated, and replace it by himself. .

This is a very wicked thing, because most of the ghosts who can be reincarnated don't know how much they have suffered in hell, and how many lines they have lined up to get their turn. If they got the quota, they would even be beaten out of their wits.

Therefore, seizing a fetus and reincarnating is definitely an evil law and cannot be tolerated by the righteous way.It's just that this method is beneficial to the practitioner after all, it can avoid the confusion in the womb, and preserve the memory of the previous life, so there are still many methods that are secretly passed down in the world.

As for returning the soul from a corpse, the so-called "corpse" does not refer to a corpse, but the body of a living person.

In the earliest days, it was indeed a corpse that was borrowed to resurrect the soul. For example, Li Tieguai, one of the legendary Eight Immortals, was said to have borrowed the corpse of a beggar to be reborn.But in fact, those who need to resurrect their souls are all practitioners who have not yet become immortals, and immortals don't need them at all.

However, this method is shocking to the world after all. The resurrection of a person after death often shocks one side, causing a lot of troubles, so in the end this method was "improved" by someone with a heart, and became a method of reviving the soul.

Even so, the method of resurrecting the soul from a dead body was still a small and unpopular method in ancient times. It was not until a ghost cultivator used this method to find a substitute and take the body back to life that this method spread and was not tolerated by the world.

It is different from reincarnation by seizing a fetus. Seizing a fetus is a competition between a person and a ghost for an opportunity, but reincarnating from a dead body is a ghost snatching the body from a living person.

In terms of the degree of evil and the corruption of the influence, the latter is actually even worse.

Others have worked hard for half of their lives, working hard to create a family business, a beautiful wife, and a prosperous career. At this time, a lonely ghost from nowhere comes to forcibly occupy other people's bodies, sleep with other people's wives, inherit all the fruits of other people's struggles, and return to the world. Snatched away the remaining decades of other people's lives.It caused that person to become a lonely ghost and become its substitute.

Different from seizing a fetus and reincarnating, reincarnating from a dead body is actually very short-sighted. It is completely a practice of drinking poison to quench thirst, harming others and benefiting oneself, and vicious.

Don't think that if you keep reviving the dead, you can achieve a different kind of longevity, it is actually impossible.Usually at most three times, the ghost cultivator will become insane and muddleheaded. This is the side effect of the backlash of the spell.

But the reason why some ghosts are willing to do this is because it is too difficult to be a ghost, especially the lonely ghosts lingering in the human world. I hope that even if it is a pit, many ghosts are willing to jump.

What's more, it is a pit full of temptations for them to be able to be a human being again.

Even if they drink poison to quench their thirst, they will admit it.

The matter of reincarnation is very secret, if it is concealed intentionally, it is unlikely to be known to outsiders unless the parties and insiders expose it.

However, it is easy for a practitioner to see such things as returning the soul from a dead body. After all, the body and the soul body do not fit together, and there will still be flaws.

Moreover, the resurrection of the dead is very harmful to the social order. First, it damages the ethics and morality, which is not tolerated by the world. Second, the temperament of the person involved changes drastically. The transformation from a ghost to a person is often extreme, weird, dark and treacherous.

Therefore, the practice world has always severely cracked down on the phenomenon of resurrecting the soul through corpses, and is merciless, unlike turning a blind eye to reincarnation.

"That man succeeded in resurrecting his soul through the corpse. To the law, he is the original person, and there is nothing he can do about it." Uncle Feng said solemnly, "But in fact, we all know that this ghost is vicious and vicious. You shouldn’t ignore this matter! What do we practitioners practice spells for? Isn’t it just to do justice for the heavens? If I see evil spirits harming people and don’t punish them, I will be ashamed whether I am a policeman or a practitioner. Own occupation and identity!"

Su Yi frowned: "If Uncle Feng wants to deal with this ghost, there are many ways, why did you choose the most violent one?"

Ghosts harming people can avoid the laws of the world, and warlocks catch ghosts, of course they can do this too.Not to mention anything else, now that Su Yi wants to harm someone, if he uses magic, he can die as he wants, and the police can't find Su Yi after the incident.

If Uncle Feng really wants to do justice for the sky, there is no need to shoot and kill people directly, right?

Doing so will cause too much trouble, killing people pays for their lives, and practitioners must abide by the rules.

"It's also because I was too young and vigorous." Uncle Feng shook his head, he suddenly glanced at A-Lian who was still listening, and said with a straight face: "A-Lian, it's getting late, go to rest."

"Uncle, can I be late..." A-Lian timidly said.

"No! Rules are rules!" But she was interrupted by Uncle Feng before she finished speaking.

"Stupid!" A-Lian muttered.

"What did you say!" Uncle Feng "raised his brows upside down".

"Slightly slight!" A-Lian stuck out her tongue at Uncle Feng to make a face, and then ran out quickly.

Uncle Feng shook his head, heaved a long sigh, and seemed to be planning to say something.

Su Yi had expected this, and Uncle Feng suddenly sent A-Lian away. He guessed that what Uncle Feng was going to say might have something to do with A-Lian.

"The situation at that time was actually a last resort." Uncle Feng said in a deep voice, "When we found this ghost, he was carrying his luggage and planning to go abroad, and he will never come back again."

"I saw that something was wrong with him at the time, so I directly tested it with the blessing curse, and I really found out that it was an evil ghost that had resurrected from a dead body."

The incense wishing mantra is one of the basic Taoist mantras. This mantra was originally recited by Taoist priests to offer incense to the gods of the ancestors.

However, due to the principle of "the Tao is born from the heart, and the false fragrance of the heart is passed on", this mantra also has the function of distinguishing the false from the real, so when chanting this mantra, it can make evil spirits appear and reveal their flaws.

However, Uncle Feng directly probed the root of this ghost in front of him, it was a bit too contemptuous of this ghost, and he was indeed young and vigorous.

"The evil spirit was exposed by me, and turned into anger from embarrassment. He made a sarcasm, saying that it left Hong Kong Island and flew far away. What can I do to it?" It was concocted, but it was not easy for it to possess this man's wife, and he actually knew Brother Guilao at the time, and after a phone call, all the guys and I were ordered to be released immediately, and they would be punished when they returned."

"The evil ghost looked at us, and even sneered at us. I couldn't bear it, so I shot him!"

Su Yi looked at Uncle Feng speechlessly. If he had been Uncle Feng's partner back then, he would definitely be in a bad mood at that time.

Do you want to be so impulsive?

"Actually, even if I didn't collapse it at the time, I would do something to make it die again afterwards, and then I still can't get rid of the responsibility." Uncle Feng saw Su Yi's thoughts and defended himself, "Then I might as well simply Slightly."

This is completely different, okay, Uncle Feng!
Afterwards, as long as others can't get evidence, they can't do anything about you, but if you shoot and kill on the spot, who can protect you?

Sure enough, Uncle Feng sighed and said: "Because of this incident, I was suspended from my job, and the woman still wants to sue me, saying that I killed her husband. She doesn't believe me no matter how I explain it."

No wonder people can believe it...

"Fortunately, our boss believed me at the time, and finally forced me to protect me, and sent me to the miscellaneous affairs department..."

"Miscellaneous Affairs?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"It's called the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, but it's actually a department that deals with supernatural events." Uncle Feng explained, "It's just that things like ghosts can't be announced to the public, after all, everything is about science now."

Su Yi wanted to ask further about the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, because he also had tasks related to the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, but after thinking about it, he still didn't expand this topic, but continued to listen to Uncle Feng's talk.

"Actually, when I came to the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, it was more to my liking, but it's a pity that I always don't like the way I do things." Uncle Feng snorted, "They want to deceive their ears and steal the bell, completely disguising things like ghosts as scientific phenomena, But this is an insult to us practitioners!"

Su Yi actually wanted to say that I didn't feel insulted...

"And this is also fooling the public, treating the citizens as fools!" Uncle Feng said, "They have come up with some idea of ​​the first commandment and want me to abide by it. Do you know what the first commandment is?"

"There are no ghosts in this world?" Su Yi said.

"How do you know?" Uncle Feng asked in surprise.

"Things about ghosts and gods will definitely cause panic among the public, which is not conducive to social stability." Su Yi said.

Since Uncle Feng mentioned it himself, Su Yi simply asked the question he wanted to ask: "Uncle Feng, is the miscellaneous affairs department also in charge of practitioners now?"

"The current head of the miscellaneous affairs department is called Azu. He was a buddy with me back then. He is not a practitioner, and he supports the first commandment made by the higher-ups." Uncle Feng said, "The higher-ups basically deal with ghosts and monsters. Just let it go, they don't want to solve the trouble at all, they just wipe their ass and don't do anything, all these years of rampant monsters and ghosts outside are all because of their inaction, hmph, they are simply incompetent!"

Uncle Feng seemed to be very concerned about this, and his face was full of resentment when he mentioned it.

Su Yi pondered slightly, but he could understand the reason why the higher authorities implemented this policy.

The reason is simple—more is worse than less.

Ghosts are rampant, which sounds serious, but is it really serious?

What is the probability that a normal person will encounter a ghost and harm someone?
There are millions of people on Hong Kong Island, how many people die at the hands of ghosts every year?
In fact, this proportion is very small, not even as many as accidental deaths such as car accidents.

Moreover, ghosts and monsters are very subtle. Such cases are either unknown to outsiders, or they can be easily disguised as various accidents. Coupled with the policy of deliberate concealment, such cases can be completely suppressed.

And ghosts don't always harm people, they all have interests, or they do harm out of emotional catharsis, there is always a period of calm.

The most important thing is that the ghosts in Yangjian don't do whatever they want without any scruples. They also have to take into account the evil spirits to cross the border to enforce the law.

In short, under the influence of various reasons, the harmful influence of ghosts and monsters must be controlled within a certain range, and this range is tolerated by those in power, so they will naturally feel that this policy is the most suitable.

Just imagine, what would happen without the first commandment?
Do the police want to explain to the public why there are ghosts that harm people?
Does science need to be redefined?
Under the temptation of life and death, will more people be attracted to take risks?
Will various organizations or religions that study ghosts spring up like mushrooms after rain?
How are these organizations managed?

Should there be a law on the crime of ghosts?

How to define the standards and boundaries of such enforcement?

Should the government take the lead in signing an extradition agreement with the underworld on illegal and criminal matters?
Do you want to establish diplomatic relations with the underworld?

Etc., etc……

In fact, if these problems are confirmed and accepted by the public, they must be gradually considered, and will definitely cause many social problems and even chaos, and even have a subversive impact on the existing social structure.

After all, life is the greatest appeal of human beings.

Therefore, the question arises, is it worth paying such a huge price to subvert society for a small number of supernatural cases that can be suppressed?
The answer is obvious - it's not worth it.

So the first commandment is very necessary.

As for whether the existence of ghosts will trigger the pursuit of longevity and immortality by those in power?
That's another topic, but it's not a big deal.

Because throughout the ages, how many people can prove that they have cultivated into immortals?

Most cultivators have wasted their time and become ghouls, but they are not as handsome as ordinary people.

Moreover, no one can tell whether becoming a fairy is a good thing or a bad thing. There must be a price for longevity. Is this price really worth paying for people?
So in fact, in this "low magic world", ghosts have little impact on social structure and order.

As a cultivator, Uncle Feng feels that the higher authorities are "lazy and inactive", and they are completely limited to their identity and position. It is reasonable for the higher authorities to suppress people like Uncle Feng.

That is to say, raising Uncle Feng may be useful at some time, otherwise, if the hat of "promoting feudal superstition everywhere and causing social unrest and panic" is taken off, will Uncle Feng still have a chance to turn around?
Su Yi diverged his mind and thought a lot, but in fact it only happened in a flash.

But Uncle Feng skipped this episode and continued to talk about the events of that year.

"After I entered the Miscellaneous Affairs Division, I continued to investigate the car accident case at that time, because there are still strange things in that case, and there will definitely be a follow-up." Uncle Feng said, "You should also know that this kind of case where a ghost finds a substitute is easy to develop. It has become a tragedy of beating drums and passing flowers, the victim turns into a ghost, and then becomes the new perpetrator, and the cycle continues like this.”

"The most important thing is that the source of the evil method of resurrecting the soul must be eliminated, otherwise the symptoms will not be cured at all. This kind of ghost harming people will never be solved, so I will continue to investigate."

Having said that, Uncle Feng took a deep breath, his expression became obviously much heavier, and his tone became low.

"Who knew that I dug up an organization called the 'Ghost Talk Association' in this case. In order to deal with this organization, we paid a very painful price."

(End of this chapter)

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