Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1180 Sheqing

Chapter 1180 Sheqing
Ghost Story Association!

Uncle Feng's words lifted Su Yi's spirit again. He didn't expect that when he chatted with Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng actually mentioned two keywords related to his mission.

His first task was related to the Guild of Ghost Story, and this task required Su Yi to "destroy the Guild of Strange Story".

He didn't expect that Uncle Feng also knew about the Ghost Story Association.

And what he is talking about now is more than ten years ago, which shows that the Guitan Association existed more than ten years ago.

Su Yi originally thought that as the organization in the first mission, the Guild Story Association should not have a high risk factor, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

"At that time, I wanted to investigate the sorcery of resurrecting the dead, so I cast a spell and arrested the evil ghost for interrogation. I never thought that this question would reveal a shocking secret." Uncle Feng said solemnly, "The evil ghost confessed. It is said that it belongs to a ghost cultivating organization called the Guitan Association, which specializes in recruiting bardo bodies or new ghosts who died unexpectedly, and then teach them the method of resurrecting the dead to help them become human again."

"As long as this evil ghost knows, more than a dozen evil ghosts who have already found substitutes have successfully returned to the world, and they have returned to the world!"

"What's the purpose of this Ghost Story Association?" Su Yi asked, "What price will these revived ghosts have to pay?"

"Of course there is a price." Uncle Feng said, "Later, I caught several evil spirits who were successfully resurrected. I interrogated them one by one, and learned that this organization requires them to promise to help the organization complete three tasks before passing on the method of resurrecting their souls. And everyone's tasks are different, some are as simple as finding someone with certain characteristics and bringing them to a designated place; some tasks are very complicated, such as killing people for the organization or making money ,wait wait wait……"

"I don't know what the purpose of this Ghost Story Association is, so I don't know." Uncle Feng sighed, "I'm afraid I will never have the chance to find out, because this evil ghost cultivator organization has been destroyed by us."

"Destroyed?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

He was pretty sure that the Guild of Ghost Story still existed.

But it is impossible for Uncle Feng to lie about this kind of thing, so either the destroyed Guidan Association has revived again, or the Guidan Association has not been destroyed in fact, there are still fish that slipped through the net, or Uncle Feng destroyed only a part of it.

"Yes, the leader of this ghost cultivator organization is a green ghost. It has two right-hand men, one is a temple ghost and the other is a fire ghost. In addition, it has recruited more than a dozen red ghosts." Uncle Feng said.

Su Yi's scalp tingled when he heard it, and he couldn't help but gasped.

In the previous Zombie Plane, Chen You once specifically told Su Yi about the division of ghosts. According to their strength, ghosts are divided into discouraged ghosts, white shirt ghosts, yellow page ghosts, black shadow ghosts, and red ghosts from low to high.

2442 The pair of twin female ghosts are ghosts, but they are the honest and harmless ghosts.

There are also high and low points among the red ghosts, and the difference in strength can even be exaggerated to the point of ridiculous.

For example, some ferocious ghosts that have harmed countless people can easily eat those less powerful ghosts, and can harm normal people with strong yang energy at will, but the pair of red ghosts who once lived with Su Yi, as long as Su Yi If they don't see them and there is nothing wrong with their health, they have nothing to do with Su Yi.

No matter how powerful the ghosts are, practitioners have the confidence to touch them, because no matter how powerful these ghosts are, they are still within the category of ghosts, and they can all be eliminated with conventional spells. It depends on who is more skilled.

But Sheqinggui is different.

Strictly speaking, this kind of ghost has jumped out of the Three Realms and is no longer in the Five Elements.

Although it has not yet reached the level of ghosts and immortals, it is not something that ordinary practitioners can deal with.

Chen You once commented on this kind of ghost, saying that the birth of Sheqing ghost is a disaster for the world, and the only way to encounter this kind of ghost is to hide as far away as possible.

Even when encountering a ghoul like Ah Jiu, Chen You has the courage to fight to the death, but he admits that he has nothing to do with the Sheqing ghost, which shows his despair for the existence of the Sheqing ghost.

Now that Uncle Feng said that he once dealt with a Sheqing ghost, how could this not shock Su Yi?

The green ghost is also known as the ghost ghost. It is a ghost that ingests the energy of corpses and turns into a ghost. Whose corpse is it?

is its own.

The conditions for the birth of the Sheqing Ghost are extremely harsh and almost impossible to achieve, but once it is achieved, it will really be a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha.

It is said that the first Sheqing ghost was born in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. At that time, there was a man who suffered a great injustice, but the grievance could not be repaid. Powerful people, no one dares to accept him.

Later, this person begged Zhong Liquan, a real person from Zhengyang, Zhong Liquan was about to ascend to Taoism at that time, how could his practice be ruined because of his contamination of the world?
But this person is really pitiful, Zhong Liquan felt compassion, so he taught him a way.

That is to ask him to find a very dark place, lie in the coffin by himself, without eating or drinking, if he can persist for seven to forty-nine days without dying, he can absorb his own corpse energy and turn into a ghoul, which can pass through walls Over the wall, thousands of miles in an instant, killing people invisible.

But the hope of success of this method is almost equal to no, because no one can go without food and drink for 49 days without dying, especially lying in an extremely cold place like the extreme shade.

But this person actually succeeded because of his huge hatred and resentment.

He really lay motionless in a coffin in a very dark place, and he survived without eating or drinking for 49 days, and finally turned into the first ghoul in the world!

The reason why the ghoul was later called the green ghost was because its body energy turned into a green glow, hence the name.

This kind of ghost has deeper resentment and more hatred than Li ghost, and it also has the bonus of corpse aura and extreme yin aura. Ordinary magic tools and Taoism can't restrain them very much, and ordinary practitioners are not its opponents at all. Therefore, the first green ghost took revenge easily.

Later, the Sheqing ghost left with Zhong Liquan, and was never seen again, but the legend of the Sheqing ghost has been handed down since then.

Although the birth of Sheqing Ghost is harsh and extreme, but for thousands of years, there have always been people with great perseverance who harbored great hatred and finally succeeded.

And every time a Sheqing ghost is born, it is accompanied by a bloodbath, which is a disaster for the practice world.

In ancient times, sometimes there would even be a matter of a Sheqing ghost destroying several cultivation sects.

Now that Uncle Feng said that they had destroyed a ghost cultivator organization established by the green ghost, how could Su Yi not be shocked?

As for the temple ghost and fire ghost mentioned by Uncle Feng, they are actually the names of some special ghosts.

Ordinary people stay in the world after death and turn into lonely ghosts. They will only turn into ordinary ghosts. According to their abilities, they are divided into levels such as discouraged ghosts, white shirt ghosts, yellow page ghosts, black shadow ghosts, and red ghosts.

However, some ghosts who died in a special way, or died in a specific place, or ghosts formed in a special scene, are not classified here, but will become special ghosts.

For example, the water ghost that Su Yi and Chen You crossed together before is a special kind of ghost. The weak water ghost is only equivalent to the black shadow ghost, but the strong water ghost is no different from the red ghost.

The so-called temple ghosts, also known as mud ghosts, refer to a kind of ghosts and ghosts generated from clay embryonic statues in temples, with different shapes.This kind of ghost got into the statues of some temples for various reasons, and after being worshiped by incense, it became this very special ghost, which can manipulate mud and has extraordinary abilities.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, as long as the clay sculpture it lives in is broken, it will be wiped out.

As for the fire ghost, as the name suggests, it refers to the ghost transformed by the person who was burned to death.

The spirit body formed by this kind of ghost is surrounded by flames all over its body, and its soul is bound in the fire. Once it appears, it will emit a burning smell, which can make people burn themselves to death. It is very powerful, and ordinary water cannot deal with it.

The disadvantage of this kind of ghost is that it is very afraid of beating gongs and drums. If you keep beating gongs and drums on it, the fire on it will be extinguished and it will become an ordinary ghost.

In addition, there are many spells and talismans that can also deal with this kind of ghost.

Not all special ghosts are very powerful, and some special ghosts are weaker than ordinary ghosts.

For example, there were ghosts in the examination hall in ancient times. The only ability of this kind of ghost was to confuse scholars into writing the articles they produced, and they had no other ability.

Another example is the Zu ghost, which is very common in rural areas. This kind of ghost is the ghost of a fish named squid after death. Because it likes soil, it often lurks in the fields.Some people who walk at night in the countryside will be blinded by it after encountering it. They will sleep in the fields and find that their mouths, noses and ears are filled with mud when they wake up.But Zu ghosts never kill people.

There are also some very special ghosts, which are unique to modern society, and they can be regarded as advancing with the times.

For example, there are ghosts possessing abandoned scrapped cars, turning into car ghosts, absorbing yang energy by soliciting customers at night, and even causing car accidents to find substitutes. There are many bizarre urban legends caused by such ghosts.

Special ghosts are not scary, they are just varied, novel and weird.

The scary thing is the green ghost!
"At that time we didn't fight this Sheqing ghost head-on, and it didn't form naturally." Seeing that Su Yi was shocked, Uncle Feng explained.

"The wind of raising ghosts has both good and evil ways. Generally, raising ghosts is raising little ghosts, but some evil cultivators raise fierce ghosts for the purpose of harming people." Uncle Feng went further, "The green ghost I met, It was bred by a Zhe Peng Xiexiu."

"Zhe Peng Xiexiu?" Su Yi frowned.

"Jiuju School, have you heard of it?" Uncle Feng asked.

That's too much to hear.

This Jiuju faction is a veteran villain. It is said that all the legends about Feng Shui bureau and lock dragon nails were created by this Jiuju faction.

In this world, Uncle Feng will soon be fighting with the descendants of Jiuju's school, and Su Yi's third task is to fight against Jiuju's school.

Seeing Su Yi nodding, Uncle Feng continued: "This Zhe Peng Xiexiu belongs to the Jiuju faction, and he also founded the Guild of Ghost Story. After I found out about him, I realized that I was alone and could not fight against this evil. organization, so I found three helpers. One of them is Xiao Ma, the guy who investigated the car accident with me before, and the other two are Alian's parents."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully. It seems that the death of A-Lian's parents was related to this incident. Uncle Feng regarded A-Lian as his own daughter, probably because of this incident.

No wonder he had to send A-Lian away before continuing.

"A-Lian's parents are both practitioners, but not from our Maoshan branch, but from the Meishan school." Uncle Feng said, "They are both husband and wife, and brothers and sisters."

Su Yi of the Meishan School also knows about it. This school is not as famous as the Maoshan School, but it is also a school that specializes in catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits. It is Zhang Wulang and "Master" who believe in it.

The so-called master is the same as the patriarch of Maoshan, but the name is different.

This faction also has real skills.They have a very powerful and well-known spell called "Inviting Master to Upper Body", which sounds like inviting a god, but it is actually a very magical spell.

"A-Lian's parents are my best friends, Xiao Ma... Although this kid and I have different ideas, he is still an upright policeman. He knew that what I was about to do was dangerous, so he took the initiative to help." Feng Uncle's expression darkened, and his tone became low, "Everything went well at first, we first wiped out several fierce ghosts in this association, and also killed the fire ghost and temple ghost, and met the Jiuju faction. Tomoka Yamada."

"Tomoka Yamada came to Hong Kong Island in the name of praying for blessings and exchanges. On the surface, he is the host of a Taoist temple. In fact, he is ambitious and secretly established a ghost talk association on Hong Kong Island. The plan is very big!"

"He was over ninety years old back then. Although he was old, he was capable. But when the three of us fight him together, no matter how great his ability is, it's useless." Uncle Feng said, "Just when we all thought we had the chance to win." At that time, that old guy finally chanted a spell to attract ghosts."

Speaking of this, Uncle Feng paused for a moment, with a look of horror in his eyes: "I still remember how terrifying the corpse aura was when the Sheqing Ghost was born, and all of us present were immediately frozen to death Now, the whole body is covered with frost!"

"Little Ma is not a practitioner, and he was standing on top of the place where the Sheqing Ghost was buried. He was the first to bear the brunt of the cold and was thrown out. Although we rescued him in time, the blood vessels in his legs were still severely injured. As a result, he fell into the root of the disease, as long as it was cloudy and rainy, he had to sit in a wheelchair and could not walk at all..."

Uncle Feng's words reminded Su Yi of Director Ma of the West Kowloon Police Station.

When Su Yi went to Director Ma's office before, he saw a wheelchair on one foot of his office, but Director Ma seemed to be moving freely, and he felt a little strange at that time.

Now it seems that the pony that Uncle Feng mentioned should be the current director Ma.

"We knew at that time that we must never let that ghost come out. Once the Sheqing ghost is born, the lives of Hong Kong Island will be ruined!" Uncle Feng said solemnly, "You should know that generally as long as it is a ghost raised by humans, if something happens to the owner, it will either be killed. Its main karma backfired, and if it was more serious, it would even be wiped out on the spot. So as long as we could kill Yamada Zhihe in time, we could have avoided a catastrophe!"

"It's a pity that the ghost thing will break out of the coffin soon, but Yamada Zhihe has isolated himself in a secret room. It will take time for us to break in, and it is too late."

"Alian's parents made a decisive decision. They resolutely sealed the coffin together to prevent the birth of the green ghost, and my task is to kill Yamada Zhihe as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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