Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1181 Routines

Chapter 1181 Routines
Uncle Feng narrates the past more than ten years ago. Even if he restores the scene in his mind with the mentality of listening to the story, Su Yi can still feel the thrilling and thrilling crisis.

The Sheqing Ghost who is about to be born, Zhe Peng Xixiu who locked himself in the secret room, one of the four people has been seriously injured and comatose, and the remaining three soldiers are divided into two groups. While doing their best to prevent the birth of the Sheqing Ghost, they want to kill Tomomo Yamaguchi as soon as possible. With this old evil cultivator.

No matter which side of the two sides has a problem, it will lead to the failure of this battle, and the more serious consequence is the birth of the green ghost, which will cause disaster to the world!
The city of more than seven million people is ignorant and ignorant, and people are feasting and enjoying themselves, unaware that they are only one step away from dying.

And just this one step away, under the desperate struggle of these three young people at that time, is becoming an insurmountable moat!

Heroes who save the world are sometimes so unknown to the world. They bear everything silently, living far away from the rivers and lakes, starving and drowning themselves. study.

The power of the Sheqing Ghost is far beyond Uncle Feng's imagination, even if it is an unborn and "artificially bred" Sheqing Ghost, even if it is just sealing the Sheqing Ghost through the coffin instead of being hostile , Alian's parents also found in despair that they couldn't do it at all.This kind of ghost seems to be something that mortals can't deal with at all!
Just the majestic corpse aura has already caused great trouble for the two couples, making it difficult for them to even get close to the coffin.

Later, they tried their best to get close to the coffin, but found that no spells would work. Even if the two of them blessed the spell of "Please Master" at the same time, the effect would be minimal.

Seeing the coffin shaking, the Sheqing ghost seemed to break out of the trap in the next moment. In the end, Alian's father chose to seal the coffin with a blood sacrifice. In doing so, he was actually sacrificing his own life to buy time for Uncle Feng.

"The technique of blood sacrifice is the most profound technique of the Meishan school. It is a method of using one's own blood as a guide and using flesh and blood as an array to sacrifice to the ancestors and seal the evil!" Uncle Feng tremblingly said with tears in his eyes. , "The situation at that time was urgent. They tried all kinds of methods to no avail, and they couldn't even delay the time. They had to do this as a last resort."

Uncle Feng showed pain on his face, and slowly closed his eyes, two lines of clear tears slipped down quietly.

The scene from that year seemed to reappear before his eyes...

A-Lian's father stretched his limbs and hugged the shaking coffin tightly. Mother cut open her husband's forearm and calf with a dagger, causing the blood to spurt out like pillars, while chanting a mantra tearfully.

"The canopy canopy, the nine yuan kills children, devours demons and ghosts, drinks the wind across the body, fights the bones of the big dipper, breaks the bones of the four lights, sacrifices my life with blood, kills evil and wipes out traces, with a magic knife, defends me at the ninefold level, I serve my master ... hurry like a law!"

A pair of blood priests cursed every word and wept blood. Alian's mother cut open her husband's limbs with a knife, let the skin open and the flesh gushed, and finally burst into tears, and plunged the dagger in her hand into the back of her husband's head.

The two of them supported each other for half their lives, loved each other closely, and raised their eyebrows together, but now, the wife sacrificed her own blood to the person who accompanied her day and night. This is the most painful tragedy in the world.

The Taoist priest's flesh and blood and his life of cultivation finally restrained the Sheqing ghost, sealed its coffin, and trapped it in the coffin.

A-Lian's mother held up the eight trigrams mirror, a magic weapon passed down by their master, so that the sunlight would refract on her husband's chest through the eight trigrams mirror.

The husband's flesh and blood boiled and rolled, covering the entire coffin like a film, making the entire coffin seem like a coffin of flesh and blood.

Alian's mother turned her husband into blood and mud with her own hands, leaving no bones left. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't accept this fact. In fact, she had already completely collapsed, and she was just holding on.After finishing what she was supposed to do, she bumped her head against the fleshy coffin and fell into a pool of blood like crazy.

On the other side, seeing the tragic death of his best friend and his wife, Uncle Feng couldn't restrain his grief, but he couldn't let the sacrifice of Alian's parents be in vain, so he still reluctantly completed his mission - killing Tomoho Yamaguchi!
"The secret room was closed at that time, and I couldn't get in at all. If I wanted to break in, I don't know how long it would take." Uncle Feng tremblingly said, "I couldn't see Tomoho Yamaguchi at all, and I don't know if there will be someone behind the secret room. There is another secret exit."

"Although A-Lian's parents sacrificed their lives to seal the Sheqing Ghost, it was only temporary. The Sheqing Ghost will break the seal for at most one stick of incense!"

"If I can't find Tomoka Yamaguchi within a stick of incense and kill him, all our hard work will be in vain, Alian's parents will also sacrifice in vain, and the whole of Hong Kong Island will still inevitably suffer death!"

"As a last resort, I can only use the most vicious curse killing technique, curse Yamaguchi Tomoho to death! This is the only way I can kill Yamaguchi Tomoho without seeing him!"

"Curse to kill..." Su Yi murmured solemnly.

"That was the only time in my life that I cursed someone, and I hope it will be the last time." Uncle Feng said, "When we fought this Zhe Peng devil before, he vomited blood and left bloody clothes and hair on the scene. "

"Our Maoshan sect has a spell called Yin Tan Five Ghosts Curse, do you know that?"

Su Yi shook his head, he had never heard of it.

"This is a certain killing curse for inviting Yin soldiers to kill people. It is one of the most powerful killing curses in Maoshan Dao." Uncle Feng said, "However, this curse cannot be used easily. Once it is used, it will definitely hurt people. already."

"Invite Yin soldiers? Yin soldiers in the underworld?" Su Yi was moved.

He had seen the scene of Yin soldiers crossing the border once, that kind of nightmare experience, he never wanted to go through it again.

"That's right." Uncle Feng nodded, "The premise for you to invite Yin soldiers is that the person you want to curse and kill must have committed a serious crime that cannot be tolerated in the Three Realms. It is to curse and kill this person with the mentality of doing justice for the heavens. If it is only for personal enmity, or if the crime committed by the cursed person is not a serious crime worthy of their actions in the eyes of the Yin soldiers, then you will be miserable , Yin soldiers will not take that person away, they will take you away directly!"

Su Yi's heart trembled slightly, and he nodded slowly.

"Yamaguchi Zhihe actually cultivated a green ghost. This is something that cannot be tolerated in the Three Realms, so the Yin soldiers will definitely take care of this matter, and I don't have to worry about the backlash of this killing curse." Uncle Feng continued, "I will The altar method casts this curse, invites the Yin soldiers and five ghosts, and kills Yamaguchi Zhihe."

"Following the death of this old fellow Zhe Peng, the Sheqing ghost was also implicated, suffered a great backlash, and his strength was greatly reduced. But then I don't need to do it anymore."

"The Yin soldiers and five ghosts I invited took action together, and took down this badly damaged Sheqing ghost, and took it to the underworld to be punished."

"That's the end of this matter."

After talking about the past, Uncle Feng sighed, and said: "Huotu, in fact, I have been thinking all these years, if I hadn't been so stubborn at that time, if I hadn't devoted myself to investigating the case of resurrecting the dead, maybe I wouldn't have done it." What happened later, Alian's parents will not die, Xiao Ma will not suffer from the root of the disease, and I will not hurt the root because of casting the Yintan Five Ghosts Curse. Much the same."

"Actually, now that I think about it, if the sky falls, there will be someone tall enough to hold it up. If there are really green ghosts raging in the world, how can it be my turn to worry about it? I'm just a little policeman, why should I worry about the country and the people?"

"Because of my stubbornness and persistence, I ended up harming others and myself. Is it worth it? Is it worth it..."

Uncle Feng was deeply moved.

"Then do you regret it now?" Su Yi asked.

"Regret, why don't you regret it?" Uncle Feng said, "But I know that if I were asked to choose again, it would still be the same result. I was born with such a temperament, I can't rub the sand in my eyes, and I can't change it. I just think I'm sorry for A-Lian's parents, they shouldn't have been involved, and I'm also sorry for A-Lian."

Su Yi said: "If Alian's parents really want to stay out of the matter, they can also choose to get out in time after seeing the coffin of the Sheqing ghost and run away immediately. I believe there is still time. But they didn't do this, they chose sacrificed himself."

"It can be seen that they know their responsibilities as practitioners, and they feel that it is their duty to subdue demons and demons. Therefore, even if they were not there at the time, as long as the Sheqing ghost really ravages Hong Kong Island, they will still come forward. But at that time I don't know how many people died."

"It is precisely because they sacrificed themselves that Hong Kong Island was saved from a catastrophe. Brother Feng, they are seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, and they sacrifice their lives for righteousness. Just like Brother You, it is worth every practitioner of us to take them as an example .”

"Over the years, I have been comforting myself like this, but unfortunately I am sorry." Uncle Feng smiled bitterly, "You don't have to comfort me anymore. In fact, I understand the truth. I just can't bear it and can't let it go."

"However, over the years, I have never said these words to anyone. I never thought that today, when I met you for the first time, I would talk about these past events that I don't want to mention. I feel much more comfortable when I say these words gone."

Su Yi said seriously: "Brother Feng, are we cultivators really at a loss when we face Sheqing ghost?"

"Actually, it's still a question of cultivation." Uncle Feng said, "If you can really cultivate to become an immortal, how dare the Sheqing ghost do anything wrong? But becoming an immortal is impossible. If you use evil methods to cultivate immortals, even if you succeed in cultivation, there will be no good end. Fa-rectification The road to cultivating immortality has been cut off long ago, and the immortality of mortals has disappeared, it is impossible."

"So I can only think of another way. In fact, I have thought about this problem for more than ten years. If the green green ghost was really born at that time, who would be able to stop it? I thought about it and only thought of one way. "

Su Yi suddenly lifted his spirits: "What method?"

Uncle Feng couldn't help laughing: "It's useless to do anything! It's not easy to find one Sheqing ghost in hundreds of years. We won't be so unlucky and encounter a second one in our lifetime."

Su Yi looked at Uncle Feng quietly, and said to Uncle Feng, you set the flag too early...

The Ghost Talk Association is still there, and the Jiuju faction is still secretly stirring up troubles. In the first commandment, what kind of ghost is the ghost who can get on someone with just one touch in broad daylight?Could it be the green ghost?
Su Yi is not sure, in the practice world, he is just a toddler, there are too many unknowns waiting for him to explore and learn.

"Huo Tu, it's getting late, and there are no boats leaving the island, so you can stay here tonight." Uncle Feng said, "It's just that the countryside is a bit rough, so don't dislike it."

"I am also from the countryside, and the environment in the countryside will only make me feel kind." Su Yi smiled, "But I won't stay tonight. A ghost who seems to be resurrected from a dead body suddenly appeared at the door. I don't know about it. , I'm not at ease."

Uncle Feng slapped his forehead: "Look, I'm so old and confused. I was so busy chatting with you that I forgot such an important thing."

He said sternly: "Huotu, if it is really a ghost looking for a substitute, this matter must not be simple. It may involve the resurgence of the evil method of resurrecting the dead, because normal ghosts looking for a substitute cannot see the sun. A ghost on the street?"

"Even a ghost can't do it?" Su Yi asked.

"Ordinary ghosts are of course not acceptable, unless they are ghost cultivators." Uncle Feng said, "These ghosts who dare to come out to find substitutes during the day must be ghost cultivators. Be careful when you encounter them, and don't take it lightly."

Uncle Feng hesitated slightly, and said: "Why don't you wait for me, and I will accompany you to see it tomorrow? The two of us have a mutual support."

Su Yi shook his head and refused: "Brother Feng, you are also busy with other things. Besides, I am also a practitioner. I will always encounter such and such things in the future. I can't keep bothering you, Brother Feng, can I?"

"I'll find out what's going on first, and if I can't figure it out, I'll come to Brother Feng again."

Uncle Feng nodded: "Then I will leave you my phone number. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time. Let's go, I will help you clean up a room."

"No, no, I really want to go." Su Yi said hastily.

"It's said that there is no boat, how do you go?" Uncle Feng spread his hands.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Brother Feng, have you forgotten that I am a martial arts student? Have you ever heard of a martial art called Yiwei crossing the river?"

Uncle Feng was startled, looked at Su Yi for a while before asking, "Are you kidding me?"

"If it weren't for the crowds during the day, it would be shocking to the world, and I wouldn't have to be so troublesome by boat." Su Yi laughed.

Uncle Feng took a deep breath, and suddenly became excited: "Huotu, when you cross the river with one reed, do you mind if there are several people watching? Don't worry, I will never reveal it!"

"Brother Feng, I don't have so many taboos, I'm just afraid of trouble." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you want to watch it, of course I'm fine, and you just want to learn it's fine."

"Really?" Uncle Feng was both surprised and delighted, "Your master's kung fu can't be spread casually, right?"

"I am the teacher, and I want to teach whoever I want to teach." Su Yi smiled, "It is true that the law should not be passed on lightly, but Brother Feng and I are from the same school, so it is not a light transmission. If Brother Feng is interested in Qinggong, I'll teach you in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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