Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1182 Warning

Chapter 1182 Warning
The reason why Su Yi has to leave tonight is, on the one hand, because the first contact with Uncle Feng is just right, and it is too late; A heart that subdues demons and demons to help the world and save people also has a good talent for cultivation, but it is a pity that the ability is not good due to insufficient inheritance.

Once such a person is established, coupled with the threat of the Guitan Association, the next step of "light skills for spells" will become a matter of course.

Seeing Su Yi's elegant figure, stepping on a bamboo pole and paddling across the water with his hands behind his back, before disappearing into the vast night, Uncle Feng couldn't help himself.

Cool, isn't it?

Which Taoist priest has never imagined that he can fly into the sky and escape from the earth?

After cultivating the Tao for half a life, there is no hope of becoming a fairy, and the realm of flying through the clouds and riding the fog is becoming more and more unattainable, but if he can learn the lightness kung fu and fly over the walls, Uncle Feng also feels that his life is full of comfort.

In fact, this is also the main reason why Su Yi's lightness kung fu is so tempting to practitioners.

The two exchanged contact information with each other, but they both kept their landline numbers. The reason is very simple. Su Yi's mobile phone is a brick when it arrives on Hong Kong Island.

As for Uncle Feng...

The mobile phone is so expensive, how can Uncle Feng afford it?
On the other side, Su Yi drove back to his residence without saying a word.

This trip to Dongpingzhou, in general, met all of Su Yi's expectations, and he was very satisfied, and he was also in a good mood.

Back at the residence, Su Yi felt something was wrong as soon as he stepped out of the elevator.

It's freezing cold!

Although it is autumn, it shouldn't be so cold in the corridor.

Su Yi's gaze immediately fell on the door of Room 11B at the end of the corridor.

The lights were pale, and against the light, the crimson door looked like sticky blood, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

The corridor was narrow and empty, but there were chuckles and whispers from the door from time to time, and someone was talking inside.

Su Yi recited the cleansing mantra silently, closed his eyes, and opened them again, the chuckling and whispering in the room stopped abruptly.

The door is still the same door, but in Su Yi's vision, there are many red blood threads spreading and wriggling like spider webs on the door and the wall on the other side of 11B, like blood vessels, which is very strange.

Su Yi is not unfamiliar with this scene. In the world of "Zombie", every time he sees 2442's twin ghosts, the surrounding illusion will become like this.

The blood-red environment, the blood-colored threads squirmed and spread everywhere...

This is because of the influence of the red ghost's aura, the area she is in is polluted by her ghost aura, forming such a domain of resentment.

During the day, Su Yi didn't see anything unusual, but when he came back at night, there was such a change at the opposite door.

Could it be that Mike has been replaced by Li Gui?

But when they met during the day, Yuan Xiaomin meant that Mike was going on a business trip, so she posted a rental advertisement outside, hoping to find a roommate for herself.

When Su Yi saw Mike, the latter was indeed carrying a suitcase, as if he was about to go on a long trip.

Could it be because of Su Yi's temptation during the day before, the other party changed his mind and stayed?
Su Yi stared at the door for a while, then retracted his gaze, turned around and walked to the door of 11A, took out the key, opened the door and walked in.


After the door closed, the corridor returned to silence.

After more than ten seconds, the voice-activated lights also went out, and the entire corridor was pitch black.

"Hehehe..." In room 11B, whispers and light laughter sounded again.

Su Yi didn't act rashly, naturally out of fear of the organization of the Guitan Association.

Moreover, turning into a ghost is not a simple matter. It's not like Su Yi killing people with martial arts, as long as he has a hand, he can do it anytime, anywhere.

He needs to prepare a series of magic tools such as mahogany sword, compass, cinnabar, joss stick, etc., in order to transform into a ghost.

If he wants to catch Li Gui, he must at least need a container that can hold Li Gui.

But Su Yi has nothing now, so naturally he won't roll up his sleeves like a stunned young man and get on it.

He decided to prepare these things during the day tomorrow.

After washing up, Su Yi lay on the bed.

I wanted to close my eyes and take a good rest, but unexpectedly there was a bedroom next door, and the sound of playful chatting and laughing came from next door.

This time Su Yi heard clearly, it was the voices of two women.


Not Mike?

Is it a female ghost?

Su Yi was puzzled, hesitated slightly, and did not use the purification mantra to open the sky eye.

When you watch ghosts and gods, ghosts and gods are also watching you.

Just like just now, when Su Yi opened his sky eyes, the talking and laughing on the other side stopped immediately, apparently aware of it.

But if you don't open your eyes, it doesn't mean that Su Yi can't hear what the neighbor is saying.

He circulated his internal force, stretched out his hands and gently rubbed his Tinghui acupoint, the frequency of the subtle sounds around him suddenly multiplied, and the sound from the next bedroom also clearly reached Su Yi's ears.

It was true that there were two women, one was Yuan Xiaomin and the other was very strange.

Coincidentally, the two women next door happened to be talking about Su Yi.

In the bedroom next door, Yuan Xiaomin, who Su Yi had seen during the day, was wearing silk pajamas, lying on the bed with another woman.

This woman looks very young, with a pure and sweet appearance, a plump mouth, and is very sexy.

The woman was also wearing a very cool white dress and pajamas, sleeping next to Yuan Xiaomin.The two daughters are both delicate and beautiful, and now the jade bodies are juxtaposed side by side, but seeing the white flowers, the waves are magnificent, and they are very seductive.

Yuan Xiaomin was using the remote control to turn on the video recorder, ready to watch the video with this woman.

This woman is Yu Huiqi, a tenant who just came today. Yuan Xiaomin thought she was cute and a student of City University, so she chose her to be her roommate.

Speaking of it, she also found it a bit incredible that she and Yu Huiqi met on the first day, but they could chat so well, they became friends who talked about everything after only a few hours of knowing each other, and they even slept in the same bed to watch videotapes at night.

But despite such a rapid development, Yuan Xiaomin didn't feel any awkwardness or embarrassment. She felt that everything was natural, and she and Yu Huiqi should be such good girlfriends who talked about everything.

She is full of affection for this little girl who loves to laugh and smiles very cutely.

"Sister Xiaomin, across from us... who lives there?" Yu Huiqi suddenly asked with a smile, seeming to pick up the topic at random.

"It's a policeman from Wanwan, and he just moved here today." Yuan Xiaomin answered casually while fiddling with the remote control, "He looks quite simple and honest, and his English is very poor."

Perhaps thinking of Su Yi's phrase "Shut Q" during the day, Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help laughing.

Yu Huiqi curiously asked her what was wrong, and she recounted the day's events.

Yuan Xiaomin imitated Su Yi's tone and said "Shuan Q", and Yu Huiqi giggled with a lifelike look.

At the end Yuan Xiaomin said again: "I think this person is quite honest, but I don't know why, but Ah Sheng told me that he is not a good person, and told me to stay away from him."

Yu Huiqi's eyes flashed, and said: "Your boyfriend is a big boss, he should have a good eye for people. Maybe there is something wrong with this Wanwan policeman."

"What's none of my business?" Yuan Xiaomin shrugged and said indifferently, "My neighbors sometimes don't see each other several times a year."

Just as Yu Huiqi was about to speak, Yuan Xiaomin pointed to the TV and said, "Okay, you can watch it. I really don't know why I want to accompany you to watch this kind of movie. What should I do if I see your heart fluttering?"

Yu Huiqi's attention was drawn back, and she said with a smile: "Isn't there still you, Miss Xiaomin? Will you help me?"

"Hey, aren't you?" Yuan Xiaomin looked at her warily, "You can't be..."

Yu Huiqi smiled and said, "Sister Xiaomin, do you want to try?"

Yuan Xiaomin said: "Just try it, are you afraid of you?"

Yu Huiqi approached with a smile, and the two gradually came together. For some reason, Yuan Xiaomin suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart. She pushed Yu Huiqi away suddenly, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared instantly, as if it was just an illusion.

Yuan Xiaomin vomited and exaggerated: "No, no, I can't do this kind of thing, so forget it."

Yu Huiqi smiled and said, "You are unlucky."

"I'd rather not have this kind of luck." Yuan Xiaomin said.

Yu Huiqi's expression was very strange: "That's up to you, sister Xiaomin."

In what Yuan Xiaomin couldn't see, the yang energy in her body was dissipating, sinking into Yu Huiqi's body like an endless stream.

However, Yu Huiqi's originally ghostly and cold temperament gradually took on the breath of a living person.

Yuan Xiaomin was unaware of all this, and the two daughters were still laughing and playing.

Soon, Yuan Xiaomin gradually fell asleep, but her Yang Qi still poured into Yu Huiqi's body continuously, making Yu Huiqi more like a living person.

When Yuan Xiaomin frowned in her dream and groaned in pain, Yu Huiqi let go of her, caressed her face lightly and murmured: "Don't worry, don't worry, it will take seven days, don't rush..."

Yuan Xiaomin frowned, and fell asleep again.

With a strange smile on the corner of Yu Huiqi's mouth, her eyes fell on the wall next to her. At a certain moment, her body suddenly began to blur and disappear.

But in the virtual enchantment, her ghost body floated to the wall, passed through the wall, and came to the next door.

Half of her body was stuck in the wall, and half of her body was hanging in the air on Su Yi's bed. Her whole body was covered with red filaments waving and wriggling, half of her body was covered with red fruits, her chest was rolled with flesh and blood, her face was blue and black, and under her lifeless skin were covered with similar blood vessels that spread like centipedes. She only has the whites of her eyes, no pupils.

And she stared at Su Yi who was lying on the bed with these pupilless eyes.

Su Yi here has been paying attention to the movement next to him, and has not slept at all, but has been closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Su Yi noticed it as soon as Yu Huiqi came over, the temperature of the whole room dropped suddenly, and an extremely dangerous feeling quickly filled Su Yi's heart.

His heart tightened, and he was thinking quickly, thinking about the most appropriate response for himself.

Do not know, let this ghost relax its vigilance?

Or show some strength and warn it not to cross the line?

Su Yi quickly made a decision, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Yu Huiqi's location.

It's not beautiful to hide your clumsiness, after all, he has already alarmed the other party just now, and he also alarmed the ghost who used Mike as a substitute during the day.

These two ghosts came to stand in for the young couple, and the two must be related. Maybe the female ghost came here was sent by the male ghost during the day to negotiate with Su Yi.

If Su Yi pretends to be too weak, it may give them wrong information. In case they feel that there is nothing to talk about with the weak and directly fight Su Yi, it will instead prompt Su Yi to reveal all his strength.

In this case, it would be better to let the other party be afraid from the beginning, and then put on a posture that the well water does not violate the river water, so as to paralyze the other party.

Su Yi's idea was right, Yu Huiqi was not surprised when she saw Su Yi saw it, the corners of her mouth curled up ferociously, and she said grimly: "You are really extraordinary, you are a practitioner?"

"Get out!" Su Yi said coldly, "I don't care about your business, you'd better stop messing with me!"

"What did you say?" Yu Huiqi's figure was fluttering, her face became more ferocious, as if she was forcibly suppressing something.

Su Yi looked into her eyes and said calmly again: "Get out! If you cross the line again and provoke me, I will kill you!"

Yu Huiqi's expression was distorted, and she exuded a breath of resentment. The bloody silk threads all over her body twisted and wriggled crazily, but in the end she slowly retreated into the wall and disappeared in front of Su Yi.

"Well water... don't violate the river water, you'd better keep your word!"

In the air, she dropped a warning full of resentment.

After the ghost left, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of the hand holding the seal.

This is really the first time Su Yi has seen a ghost who can speak human language.

He can't judge how powerful the opponent is, he has to fight to know.

But it is undoubtedly very unwise to have a conflict with the other party now, so it is best to scare this ghost away.

Su Yi hoped that he could learn more information, and then face this strange talk association, so that at least his eyes would not be blackened and he would not know anything.

But he also knew in his heart that these ghosts would never let it go, and would definitely test him further.

(End of this chapter)

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