Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1183 Paparazzi

Chapter 1183 Paparazzi
There is a ghost next door who can come through the wall at any time, who can bear it?

Fortunately, when Su Yi came from Wanwan, there were still some leftover tools and materials such as cinnabar and yellow paper in the suitcase, so he simply got up, went to burn incense and light wax, and drew ten "anti-ghost charms" on the dining table. ", put a sticker on all directions in the room, and then measure it with the nine palaces, and recite a mantra in the middle of the room to enlighten the spirit.

"People come separated by heavy paper, and ghosts come separated by mountains. Thousands of evils cannot enter, and ten thousand ghosts cannot open them. There is no law of the highest truth!"

He bit the tip of his tongue with the pinching formula, and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood beads in the air split into ten strands as if being pulled, and shot out in all directions, submerged in the talismans that Su Yi had pasted in different directions just now. .

After doing this, the air in the room was obviously clear, which made Su Yi feel refreshed.

This is because this place is very close to the next door, and it is also affected by the aura of the ghost. In addition, the ghost just came here, so there is still a dirty yin in the air.

But now ten "anti-ghost talismans" form a ten-direction array, which promotes clearness and suppresses turbidity, and tends to avoid evil spirits. It will naturally purify everything in the room and keep all evil spirits out of the room.

This anti-ghost talisman may not be able to stop the Sheqing ghost, but it should be no problem if you want to keep the ghost from just now.

After doing this, Su Yi went to sleep with peace of mind.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Su Yi was woken up by the phone ringing.

When he answered the phone, it was Miao Xiaowei who called.

He asked Su Yi if he had any plans for today, and if he should come and accompany Su Yi.

Su Yi naturally refused.

Sometimes when I think about Su Yi, I feel that I am an ordinary person. If I change to a big girl who is as beautiful as a flower, Su Yi might agree.

No, no, no, I can't be so flowery. In this world, I am a married man, and I have my own owner.

To be loyal to marriage, even if it is a fake identity, you can't be a scumbag!

Su Yi secretly warned himself.

Thinking of marriage, Su Yi simply called Liu Qingfang again, asking her to get a passport as soon as possible and bring her daughter to Hong Kong Island.

Afterwards, Su Yi washed up and left the house. Today's task is to purchase all kinds of symbols and tools for drawing. Money can't necessarily buy it.

In addition, Su Yi also wanted to find a magic weapon for himself, which could restrain Xie Chong, or seal Xie Chong's.

This kind of magic weapon can only be seen in various avenues. Only the magic weapon that enjoys incense and is often worshiped by believers can have similar effects.

But such a magical weapon, I am afraid that the Taoist temples will not easily sell it to outsiders, so Su Yi needs to spend a lot of thought.

What Su Yi didn't expect was that when he was waiting for the elevator, he bumped into Yuan Xiaomin next door and that female ghost Yu Huiqi.

The second daughter talked and laughed and also walked out from the door.

Seeing Su Yi, Yuan Xiaomin immediately waved to Su Yi naturally, and greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Mr. Huang."

But Yu Huiqi smiled strangely, staring at Su Yi's face, her eyes full of hostility.

Su Yi nodded to Yuan Xiaomin and didn't say a word, his attitude was slightly indifferent, as if he was fulfilling his promise that the well water would not violate the river water.

This also made Yuan Xiaomin a little embarrassed, and with a sarcastic smile, she stood beside Su Yi and waited for the elevator.

Ding dong.

After the elevator arrived, Su Yi strolled in.

Yu Huiqi tugged at Yuan Xiaomin's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Sister Xiaomin, why don't we wait for the next trip?"

"What are you afraid of? He doesn't know how to eat people, so let's go!" Yuan Xiaomin was a little embarrassed by Su Yi's indifference, but now she got worried and pulled Yu Huiqi into the elevator together.

Su Yi stood at the back, and the second girl stood in front after pressing the elevator.

After the elevator closed, the atmosphere became awkward and deserted again.

Yuan Xiaomin deliberately had nothing to say: "Uh, Mr. Huang, why are you alone? Where was that sir yesterday? Why didn't he accompany you?"

"He has a job." Su Yi said concisely.

"Aren't you here to guide them in their work? Why did he leave you behind?" Yuan Xiaomin asked again.

"It's none of your business." Su Yi said lightly.

"..." Yuan Xiaomin's expression froze immediately.

Her face turned blue and red, and she wanted to say something, but forcibly held back, but her clenched fists and heaving chest showed that she was very upset at the moment.

Yu Huiqi stood beside Yuan Xiaomin with her back to Su Yi, the corners of her mouth curled up when she heard this, but she didn't speak.

An awkward atmosphere fell into the elevator again until the elevator door opened again.

Yuan Xiaomin was about to pull Yu Huiqi out, but she couldn't hold back in the end, turned her head and said coldly to Su Yi: "Mr. Huang, I don't know why your attitude today is like a different person from yesterday, but you used Treating a neighbor who warmly greets you with such a cold attitude is very stingy and very rude!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Xiaomin turned around and was about to leave, but unexpectedly, the shutter sounded at the right time.


With the flashing lights and the sound of the shutter sounding, the three people here couldn't help but looked over there in unison.

Next to the door of the apartment, a woman with a ponytail was pointing her camera.

Seeing being discovered, the ponytail was not flustered, but took a few photos with a "click click", and then waved to this side with a smile: "Hello Yuan Xiaomin, I am Cissy, a reporter from the Second Weekly, and I have interviewed you before." , remember me? Would you mind chatting about what happened?"

Yu Huiqi, who was looking to the side, also waved her hand: "Hey, you look so similar to Yuan Xiaomin, are you two sisters?"

"It's none of your business!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled angrily, "Why did you take my picture without permission? You're violating my privacy!"

"Hey, as a public figure, the public has the right to know your words and deeds," Cissy said with a smile, "as long as I'm in a public place instead of breaking into your house to shoot, it's not considered privacy. Do you want to chat?"

"No!" Yuan Xiaomin became even more angry, "Nothing happened just now, I warn you better not to write indiscriminately, otherwise I will definitely sue you for defamation!"

"Actually, if you accept my interview, then I won't write according to my own imagination. How about it, do you want to talk?" Cissy is still smiling.

"I don't accept it!" Yuan Xiaomin felt that she was about to explode, "I tell you, as long as you write nonsense, I will definitely sue you!"

"That's really a pity." Cissy shrugged, "But if Ms. Yuan must sue me, you probably have to wait for a long time. Because before you, at least a dozen public figures sent me lawyer letters, I have to Finish the lawsuit with them first, and then it will be your turn."

"You—" Yuan Xiaomin was so angry that she pointed at Cissy and was speechless.

"Xiaoqi, let's go!" Yuan Xiaomin pulled Yu Huiqi away angrily.

"Hey, smile, I'll take a cover photo for you." Cissy smiled and held up the camera.

Yuan Xiaomin turned around and viciously gave Cissy two middle fingers.


Cissy pressed the shutter to freeze this scene in the camera.

"Thank you!" She smiled and waved to Yuan Xiaomin to express her gratitude.

"How shameless!" Yuan Xiaomin cursed, and pulled Yu Huiqi out quickly.

Yu Huiqi opened the door to go out to pay, turned her head to show Cissy a weird smile, took another deep look at Su Yi, and then turned and left.

After the second daughter left, the female paparazzi Cissy snorted and said in a sarcastic tone: "If it wasn't so peaceful recently, do you think my aunt would condescend to shoot you, a third-tier star? I wouldn't do it if I asked for money." , what are you pulling?"

After she finished speaking, she was just about to leave, but when she turned her head, she saw Su Yi walking out of the elevator, looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze.

"What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?" Cissy warned, "Be careful, I will report you for sexual harassment!"

Su Yi took out his police officer card and waved it in front of her eyes, and said solemnly: "Report, I am a policeman. What are you going to sue me for harassing you?"

Cissy was dumbfounded: "Damn, is it true or not?"

Immediately, he apologized with a smile: "Sau Rui, Sir, there was a misunderstanding, I was just talking casually."

She rolled her eyes, her eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Sir, why did Yuan Xiaomin argue with you just now? Was she involved in any case?"

"Can't you make up a story?" Su Yi smiled half-smile, "Just make up a story, why do you ask me?"

"The police officer misunderstood me. I was just talking casually just now for the purpose of interviewing the person involved. In fact, I am very professional." Cissy said with a smile.

"Meeting is fate, let me give you a piece of advice." Su Yi believed that she was a ghost, "When you go back, immediately delete the photo you just took, and pretend that this never happened."

"Why, sir doesn't want to appear in the newspaper?" Cissy said with a smile.

Su Yi took a deep look at her, shook his head and turned to leave.

Cissy didn't stop Su Yi either, and after watching him leave, she sneered and said, "What's the air? Sir, you're amazing? I didn't break the law, you bit me? Delete the photos? I'll lose them!"

Cissy came here on purpose this morning to capture Yuan Xiaomin. She wanted to discuss with this little celebrity about hype and gossip, to see if she could increase the sales of her newspaper. Senior paparazzi, how could she let go of such an opportunity?

Gossip or something is too old-fashioned.All the stars in Hong Kong Island are making gossip, where are the third-tier stars who have conflicts with others?

Especially since this person is a policeman!

On the way back to the agency, Cissy had already thought of the title of her report——Exclusive: The newly promoted advertising girl Yuan Xiaomin was summoned by the police for suspected of smoking alone!
Yuan Xiaomin didn't smoke independence?
Please, they all said it was suspected, but they didn't say it was sure. If you didn't smoke it, you didn't smoke it. We didn't cover it up.

What the public likes to watch most often are the stories of these high-ranking figures in the past who fell from the altar and were knocked into the dust. Although Yuan Xiaomin is just a small commercial star, her recent commercials are popular, and they are just right. Cissy is sure that this news must be explosive.

After returning to the company, Cissy walked all the way to her office, and colleagues greeted her enthusiastically wherever she passed.One "Cissy" sister at a time.

This is not because she is senior or respected, but because her boyfriend is the boss of this newspaper.

They have already decided to get married at the end of the year, and the wedding candy has been distributed, so Cissy is actually the prospective proprietress of this newspaper.

After entering the office, Cissy was humming a song while plugging in the data cable, intending to export the photos from the camera.

But when she was browsing the photos she had taken on the computer, Cissy suddenly realized something was wrong.

She was stunned for a while, looked at all the photos she had taken in disbelief, and carefully recalled what happened before. Suddenly, a chill rose from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai, and her whole body was cold!

She was shocked to find that in all her photos, there were only Yuan Xiaomin and the policeman!

And the woman who looks very similar to Yuan Xiaomin doesn't even exist in all the photos!

But how is this possible?

She clearly remembered that the woman was standing very close to Yuan Xiaomin at that time, there was no reason why she would not be in the camera.

She was sure that that woman was photographed in almost all of her photos!

But why not now?

Even though it was broad daylight, Cissy felt cold all over, and her teeth were chattering.

Hell, really hell!Damn it in broad daylight, how unlucky is this?

At this time, she remembered the advice Su Yi gave her before leaving, and she suddenly realized that those words were actually very meaningful.

"Could it be stained with unclean things?" The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and hastily deleted all the photos, only keeping a photo of Su Yi standing in the elevator.

She was still worried, so she decided to find Su Yi and ask him.

She had friends in the police force, so she faxed Su Yi's photo to find out which department Su Yi belonged to.

Soon this friend called her back-there is no such person in the entire police system on Hong Kong Island!
Cissy confirmed it several times and still got this answer, and she was completely in a bad mood.

"Could it be that this sir is also..."

She trembled, and even deleted the photo of Su Yi.

She decided to go to the nearest temple to worship, to get rid of bad luck.But she knew that her boyfriend Jack had always scoffed at such things as ghosts and gods, and she didn't believe them at all, so she simply called her brother.

"Xiao Ming, where are you?" She called her brother, who quickly called back.

"I'm near... Huangmen Village." Xiao Ming said on the phone, "What's wrong, sister?"

"Huangmen Village? Where is that?" Cissy was a little confused, she had never heard of this place before, "How did you go there? Who are you with?"

"My friend, what's the matter?" Xiao Ming asked impatiently.

"Are you messing around with your cronies again?" Cissy yelled angrily, "How many times have I told you, don't hang out with those young and Dangerous boys, they will only take you to jail !"

"I know you look down on them and me, but there's no need to curse me like that, right?" Xiao Ming said angrily on the phone, "You don't care about me anymore!"


When the phone was hung up, Cissy was furious, but soon she was dominated by fear.

Hesitating slightly, she made another call: "Hey, hairy, do you have time? Can you accompany me to a place?"

(End of this chapter)

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