Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1184 Murder Case

Chapter 1184 Murder Case
While female reporter Cissy is "working hard to save herself", Yuan Xiaomin takes her new good sister Yu Huiqi to the company she signed with.

Like Cissy, Yuan Xiaomin's boyfriend Liu Weisheng is also her boss, and Yuan Xiaomin is a contract female artist under her boyfriend's company.

The reason why she brought Yu Huiqi to the company was because the latter was worried about where to go to find a job during a work-study program. Yuan Xiaomin loved Yu Huiqi so much, it was naturally obligatory for her to enthusiastically recommend her to her boyfriend's company as a model.

The two sides hit it off.

Like Cissy, the employees of the company here have a very warm attitude towards Yuan Xiaomin, and Ai Wu and Wu have a very good attitude towards Yu Huiqi.

But when everyone sees Yuan Xiaomin and Yu Huiqi, they have to say: "Miss Xiaomin, Xiaoqi looks similar to you."

Someone even asked Yu Huiqi if she was Yuan Xiaomin's younger sister.

Because of Yuan Xiaomin's relationship, Yu Huiqi successfully found a job here, but when signing the contract, Yu Huiqi asked Yuan Xiaomin to sign on her behalf under the pretext that she was underage.

Later, under Yu Huiqi's suggestion, Yuan Xiaomin took her back to her parents' house.

This family is very kind and ordinary people, and they are also very enthusiastic about Yu Huiqi.

"Oh, if I hadn't been sure that I had only one, I would have doubted whether you and Xiaomin were real sisters." Yuan's mother took Yu Huiqi's hand kindly and smiled, "Xiaoqi, from now on, this place will be regarded as a My own home, come here often."

"I will." Yu Huiqi smiled shyly and lowered her head, no one noticed the strangeness that flashed away in her eyes.

"Are Xiaoqi and I really that similar?" Yuan Xiaomin looked at Yu Huiqi and asked doubtfully, "Are we two completely different? I have short hair, she has long hair, I am mature, and she is cute. From looks to styles, how do we resemble each other?" gone?"

"Like, why not?" Yuan's father said with a smile, "just now your grandma mistook Xiaoqi for a scorpion. Xiaomin, I will often take Xiaoqi home from now on. I don't know why, but when I saw this child, I also It feels very cordial, as if seeing another you."

"Oh, if you do this again, I'll be jealous!" Yuan Xiaomin stomped her feet with a smile, pretending to be angry.

I don't know what Yu Huiqi said in Yuan Xiaomin's ear, but the latter suddenly burst out laughing, and started to fight with Yu Huiqi intimately.

After the two had dinner at Yuan's house, they didn't return until dark.On this day, they fully explained what it means to be "inseparable".

Coincidentally, while they were chatting and laughing while waiting for the elevator, Su Yi, who had been traveling all day, also walked in from the door carrying a suitcase.

Su Yi was obviously taken aback when he saw the two of them.

It's not that he was surprised, but that he recognized the wrong person.

The first time he saw Yu Huiqi just now, he mistook it for Yuan Xiaomin.

It is normal for ordinary people to admit the wrong person, but it is unbelievable for Su Yi.

Whether it is the practice of martial arts or spells, Su Yi has developed the ability to have a sharp eye.For the people he has seen, he doesn't even need to look at them with his eyes. He can usually tell who is approaching him just by listening to footsteps or direct sensing.

So how could he recognize the wrong person?

He took a deep look at Yu Huiqi, turned around and went out of the unit again, as if keeping the two of them at arm's length.

Yuan Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became amused, pointed to the direction of the unit door and said, "I really don't understand, how did I offend him? He hates me so much? He avoids me when he sees me?"

"He ignores you, and you ignore him." Yu Huiqi smiled and said, "Anyway, we are just neighbors, and it is not certain whether he will live here forever."

"Yes, why should I be angry with an insignificant stranger?" Yuan Xiaomin comforted herself with a sneer, "Hmph, this kind of man with no manners and no manners really deserves that he is still renting a house in his thirties!"

Yu Huiqi took her arm and comforted her in soft words, until the two entered the elevator and disappeared on the first floor, Su Yi walked in again, looking in the direction of the elevator thoughtfully.

He felt a little cold, because he had already seen how this female ghost found a substitute.

When I saw them yesterday, people were people, and ghosts were ghosts.

Goodbye this morning, people have ghost spirits, and ghosts have popularity.

Tonight, it is already difficult to distinguish between human and ghost.

What about tomorrow?

What about the day after tomorrow?
When people turn into ghosts and ghosts turn into people, everyone in this world will think that the female ghost is Yuan Xiaomin, but the real Yuan Xiaomin will become a lonely ghost.

The worst thing is that even the female ghost's karma has to be transferred to Yuan Xiaomin, because she is a substitute, and the substitute is a complete substitute, replacing everything about the female ghost.

This kind of "I'm still me, but everyone in the world thinks I'm not me anymore" is actually very scary to think about.

This ghost cultivator's substitute spell is really vicious and vicious.

Su Yi took the second elevator to go upstairs. When he got home, he opened the box and took out all the fruits he had harvested today.

Cinnabar, yellow paper, wolf hair...

Although the tools and materials used for these symbols are relatively common, it took Su Yi a lot of work, running around, and looking for a lot of places to find the best ones.

The compass with precise scale and the Yinshan peach wood are really hard to find. The former, Su Yi, came from a pawnshop.Su Yi is sure that this thing was made by a Taoist priest who is good at geomantic omen, but it is not a magic weapon, but an ordinary utensil.It's okay to use it to divide Jinding acupuncture points and hunt for evil ghosts, but if you want to use it to form a formation to catch ghosts, it's purely extravagant.

As for the Yinshan peach tree, it was Su Yi who discovered a century-old peach tree beside an ancient well in a mountain village in Tai O.

This mountain village is located in the north of the mountain, and the north of the mountain belongs to Yin, so this peach tree is undoubtedly a Shanyin peach tree.

The ancient well is also yin, and the ancient well in the mountains is yin on top of yin.

The century-old peach tree that has grown in such a shady place already has some spirituality. Even if it is not blessed with any charms, it will have a great restraint effect on sneaking. This is a very rare spirit tree.

Therefore, Su Yi purposely broke off a few more branches, preparing to make a few more mahogany swords, so as to be prepared.

However, this is not a real magic weapon after all. It is okay to deal with ordinary sneaks, but it is still slightly lacking in dealing with fierce ghosts, or some other very powerful ghosts.

So Su Yi spent a lot of energy today on his desire to find a real magic weapon.

This is of course hard to find, and it is almost impossible to obtain it by conventional means, so Su Yi inevitably became a gentleman on Liangshang, visiting various avenues and some rich houses with exquisite layouts.

The formation of magical artifacts is very difficult to come by. Maoshan method has a special method of refining magical artifacts, but the fastest magical artifacts take ninety-nine and 81 days to take shape. Su Yi has no time to sacrifice a magical artifact of his own.

The most common and widespread method of sacrificial ritual artifacts is to use blood as a guide and worship with incense.The more blood the magic weapon sucks and the more incense it enjoys, the greater its power will be.

Therefore, Su Yi mainly went to Taoist temples where gods from all walks of life were enshrined when looking for magic artifacts. This kind of place received a lot of incense, and it was easy to sacrifice magic artifacts.

In fact, there must be magical artifacts in the temple, but it would be too nondescript for Su Yi, a Taoist monk, to hold Buddhist artifacts, and his heart of worshiping Buddha is not sincere, and he cannot exert the power that Buddhist artifacts should have.

As for why to look for it in a mansion with a good feng shui layout, the reason is also very simple.

But for rich families who believe in feng shui, it is very likely that they will spend a lot of money to hire magical artifacts to guard their houses.Although most of them will be deceived and take home something useless, there are also some who actually find treasure.

The magic weapon that Su Yi found really came from a mansion in Taiping Mountain.

This is a golden bell, and the bell is engraved with runes of suppressing demons and exorcising evil spirits. From the looks of it, it looks like something from the lineage of the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain.

As for how Su Yi found this thing, it is also very particular.

Of course, Su Yi would not be so stupid as to go in and search a Taoist temple or a mansion with a Fengshui bureau, let alone a day, even ten days.

Su Yi's method is very simple. He caught a black shadow ghost, sealed it in a talisman, and then took it to enter and exit various avenues and mansions.

As long as it is easy to get in and out without hindrance, Su Yi turns his head and walks away without hesitation.

What good things can there be in a place where even shadow ghosts can't guard against it?

In other words, where even the shadow ghosts are not very afraid, even if there is a magic weapon, it is probably not a good thing.

Relying on this method, Su Yi was actually very efficient, and he locked on the target really quickly.

When he approached the mansion with the golden bell, the black shadow ghost immediately sent out a very frightened mood swing.

Moreover, Su Yi clearly heard a clearly audible bell coming from somewhere in the mansion.

The bell has its own mana fluctuations, and when it rings, it can deter and harm the shadowy things.

This is a real Dangling Bell, and it is a Dangling Bell that has the functions of suppressing evil and exorcising evil spirits.

Therefore, as long as there are evil things approaching this mansion, the Dangling Bell will automatically warn and drive away the ghosts.

The efficacy of this thing immediately made Su Yi jealous, so he decided to borrow it first.

Using this black shadow ghost, Su Yi quickly locked the location of the soul-shattering golden bell—this thing was hanging in the tile niche in the middle of the roof of his villa.

Perhaps because of the lunch break, the golden bell rang just now, but no one in the mansion was disturbed.

Su Yi sneaked in to take away the golden bell, and blessed two anti-ghost charms on the spot as a temporary replacement.

He just borrowed this magic weapon temporarily, and before he left this world, he would remember to return it to its original owner.

Of course, no matter how you say it, it’s considered stealing, and it’s injustice.

With this soul-shaking golden bell, Su Yi's confidence in himself greatly increased.

That night, Su Yi painted talismans until midnight, and set up an incense table at home to sacrifice the six newly made mahogany swords.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

Although it was a bit hasty and the effect was limited, at least it was better than doing nothing.

In order to enhance the effect of the mahogany sword, he also engraved magic-suppressing charms on each sword, which can be regarded as enchanted.

There was nothing to say all night, the second day and night of Su Yi's visit to Hong Kong Island, passed so plainly.

Early in the morning of the third day, before dawn, Su Yi received a call from Miao Xiaowei.

"Sir Huang, there is a new case, are you interested in taking a look?" Miao Xiaowei asked in a tired voice on the phone, "Last night, there was a murder case in a community in Jordan, and I was temporarily transferred to take charge of it." Regarding the case, Sir Ma said let me ask you, if you are interested, you can join this case as a consultant."


Su Yi is very clear that this is a kind of appeasement. He, the Wanwan policeman who came to exchange and study, was thrown into limbo as soon as he came.

Another homicide happened to happen, so they simply brought themselves along, which was regarded as having completed the Zheng Zhi mission of "communication".

The reason why Su Yi didn't refuse was because he also needed Xiaolu's help to let his colleagues on Hong Kong Island know how much he was worth, so as to put away his underestimation and negligence.

Su Yi immediately put on his suit and took a simple wash. Before going out, he hesitated a little, and took the newly acquired golden bell with him and put it in his coat pocket.

When he got downstairs, Miao Xiaowei had already parked his car at the entrance of the building and waited for him.

"Morning, Sir Huang." Miao Xiaowei smiled and waved to Su Yi, raising the cup in his hand, "I brought you coffee."

Then he yawned.

Su Yi took the coffee and thanked him. Seeing that his complexion was very bad and his eyes were bloodshot, he asked, "Did you sleep last night?"

Miao Xiaowei shook his head, and complained while getting in the car: "Where is the time to sleep? I stayed up all night again! I really have had enough, because of this drug case, I haven't had a normal rest for a month."

"Is there no progress yet?" Su Yi asked casually.

"I guess there is." Miao Xiaowei replied while starting the car, "Sir Lin got a tip that buyers and sellers will trade in a 24-hour western restaurant in the near future. We..."

In the middle of the conversation, Miao Xiaowei suddenly became alert, and changed the subject with a laugh: "Hey, what do I do with these useless things, let's talk about our case. This case was reported by the community police department below. I heard that It was a few young people who got high, and somehow caused a fatality. When the guy who received the police arrived at the scene, he found that the matter was not simple, so he reported it to the police station, now, isn't it our turn to act?"

Su Yi nodded, took a sip of his coffee and stopped talking, turned his head to look out the window, admiring the night view of Hong Kong Island in the early morning.

The car drove into an old community and stopped in front of an old residential building.

The two of them could see the cordon in front of the unit from a distance, and some reporters were guarding outside with long guns and short cannons, but were blocked by several police officers.

"Damn, these paparazzi are really dog-nosed!" Miao Xiaowei cursed and pulled over the car.

The two got out of the car and walked over there.

Su Yi saw an acquaintance from a distance, the female reporter Cissy whom he met yesterday, and thought that this world is really small.

When the two arrived at the cordon, they were about to enter with their documents, when suddenly a bell rang out from Su Yi's pocket.

Su Yi was startled, and his expression changed slightly.

"Hey, Sir Huang, why did you install a bell?" Miao Xiaowei turned around curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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