Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1185 Psychic

Chapter 1185 Psychic
The soul-shaking bell rings, which proves that there are powerful sneaky and evil things nearby.

In fact, ghosts can be found everywhere, but it is impossible for ordinary ghosts to cause the Dangling Bell to react, otherwise Su Yi's journey would have been like jingle bells.

Only ghosts that have reached the level of black shadow ghosts, or those special sneaks, will cause the soul-shaking bell to react.

As soon as the soul-shaking bell rang, all evil spirits retreated.

The sound of this thing has a great restraint effect on the sneaks, and the sneaks who heard the sound immediately dispersed, not daring to stay nearby.

But in a house on the fourth floor of the middle unit, the ghostly energy was tumbling, and the Yin energy was still strong and lingering for a long time, as if it was completely unmoved by the soul-dangling bell.

Su Yi held the soul-dangling bell and rubbed it lightly, to stabilize the trembling bell, otherwise it would keep ringing.

Looking up at the house, he secretly guessed that this should be the house where the murder happened.

With such a ghostly aura, it is obvious that this is not an ordinary murder case, it should be a murder case of a ghost.

"It's you!" Suddenly a woman yelled in horror and pointed at Su Yi, attracting everyone's attention.

It is Cissy.

Cissy pointed at Su Yi, hid behind the reporter next to him with a face full of horror, tremblingly said: "Can you see him? Can you see him?"

"Which one? The young one or the middle-aged one?" the person caught by her asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's middle..." Cissy said half a sentence in a trembling voice, and suddenly reacted and widened her eyes, "You can see him too? Can you all see it? The two people who came just now, there is a middle-aged man, that is him !"

Cissy pointed at Su Yi again.

"He's standing there, shouldn't we be able to see it?" Everyone was at a loss.

"So I'm not the only one who is unlucky, and you all can see ghosts?" Cissy was a little confused.

Here Miao Xiaowei was also puzzled, looked at Cissy, then at Su Yi, and said, "Huang sir, do you know her?"

"A female reporter following Yuan Xiaomin may have misunderstood me." Su Yi waved to Cissy with a half-smile, making the latter tremble again.

It was the first time Su Yi encountered being treated as a ghost. Although he didn't know what the misunderstanding was, he had to say that this woman had a big brain.

"Brother, this is..." In the cordon, the police officer checking the IDs of the two people also wondered why Su Yi was a Wanwan policeman.

Miao Xiaowei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sir Huang is the expert consultant we invited, a big shot here."

This kid is used to patting people and patting horses, let alone patting them comfortably.

"Which big shot did you see that you dragged to the scene early in the morning?" Su Yi squinted at him.

"This proves that Sir Huang is close to the people!" Miao Xiaowei said with a smile.

"Sir, there are paparazzi over there. If you laugh like that, be careful to be photographed saying that you don't respect the dead..." The police officer in the cordon reminded Miao Xiaowei in a low voice while letting him go.

"Ahem!" Miao Xiaowei immediately became serious when he heard the words, "Why are there so many reporters?"

"Who knows how these reporters got the news?" the police officer said helplessly, "They arrived earlier than us. Zhao sir was still furious up there just now..."

"It's really troublesome!" Miao Xiaowei scolded, "Let's leave, Sir Huang!"

Cissy watched Su Yi and Miao Xiaowei enter the building door, and wanted to call Su Yi to stop, but after all, the lingering fear was still there, so she still didn't dare to speak.

Su Yi and the others went upstairs along the flat and long stairs. The higher they went, the heavier the yin energy became.

Miao Xiaowei hugged his arms subconsciously, and muttered, "It's only been a few months since it's been cold?"

When we reached the fourth floor, there was a policeman on the phone at the door of the room. Seeing the two people coming up, he immediately said to the phone: "The colleague who took over is here, let's not talk about it."

Then he hung up the phone and hurried forward to salute: "Is it from the serious crime team? I'm Zhao Shazhan from Jordan Police Station."

"Miao Xiaowei of the Serious Crime Team, this is Sir Huang, a consultant from Wanwan." Miao Xiaowei briefly introduced, and asked, "What's going on in Sir Zhao?"

Zhao Shazhan's face was very ugly: "Evil! Very evil! A group of young men and women who are high on drugs are playing some kind of psychic game here, and they don't know what happened. One of them was scared to death."

"Scared to death?" Miao Xiaowei interrupted, "How do you know you were scared to death?"

"As soon as you see the deceased's body, you will know why I said he was scared to death." Zhao Shazhan's eyes flashed with horror, "The dead is the owner of the house, whose name is Sun Wei, and his English name is Rubbish... ..."

"Rubbish? Garbage?" Miao Xiaowei interrupted again, "Are you sure you remember correctly, why would someone call yourself a trash?"

"That's right, that's the name." Zhao Shazhan and his dissatisfaction glared at Miao Xiaowei, "Hey, don't interrupt me again!"

"Sau Rui sir!" Miao Xiaowei hastily apologized.

"In short, this Rubbish called his friends. A group of people played psychic games after taking drugs. They didn't know whether they had collective hallucinations or what happened. This Rubbish was scared to death. When someone died, they panicked and called the police.”

"He died from a drug overdose, why did you ask us to come here?" Miao Xiaowei said disappointedly.

"This case is not simple. In short, you just go in and have a look." Zhao Shazhan shook his head and said, "I have sent someone to send the other four to your serious crime team for urine testing. The bodies have not been moved. Before I came A few reporters broke in and took pictures, but fortunately I drove them away in time without causing any major impact."

"Hey, this case will be handed over to your serious crime team. What happens next has nothing to do with our Jordan Police Station! I will reserve the people below for you for the time being, but you have to find someone to take over as soon as possible. Going to patrol the streets."

"Don't worry, my buddy is coming here." Miao Xiaowei told him.

"Then I'll leave first, take care!" Zhao Shazhan didn't seem to want to stay any longer, and hurried downstairs.

"In such a hurry? It's like seeing a ghost." Miao Xiaowei muttered dissatisfied.

He took out two pairs of shoe covers from his pocket, handed Su Yi a pair, and the two walked into the scene together after putting them on.

The room was filled with a nauseous stench, Miao Xiaowei couldn't help retching a few times, choking tears down.

"Made, why is it so smelly?" He frowned and covered his mouth and nose, "Is something rotten?"

Su Yi also held his breath, entered the room and looked around.

The house is not too big, and the furnishings inside are very simple.

There is a square table in the middle of the living room, and on the table is a glass basin, which contains half a basin of light red unknown liquid.

There is also an aromatherapy candlestick, with candles underneath, but where the aromatherapy powder should have been placed on the top, there are some beige grease inside.

Miao Xiaowei sniffed close to his nose, almost spit it out again, hurried away from the table, pointed at the scented candle holder and shouted: "Made, this is the smelly thing, what kind of oil is this? Why is it so smelly?"

Su Yi also felt that it stinks, but fortunately, it's okay for him to hold his breath for a while.As for the oil, it must be corpse oil.

He looked around and saw an empty trash can not far away, so he went forward and put it on the candlestick on the table, covering the corpse oil.

Then went to the balcony and opened the window.

"Huang sir, you can't open the window..." Seeing this, Miao Xiaowei hurriedly tried to stop him.

But Su Yi waved his hand: "It's okay, this case is not an ordinary homicide case, and the scene will not be damaged even if the window is opened."

The windows were opened to allow air to flow inside and outside, and Su Yi blocked the source of the odor, and the air environment in the room soon became much better.

"We haven't even seen the dead body, how do you know what kind of murder it is?" Miao Xiaowei looked puzzled, "It's not an ordinary murder, shouldn't the scene be protected more?"

Su Yi went behind the sofa and found the body.

He waved to Miao Xiaowei: "Come and see."

Miao Xiaowei walked over as promised, and also saw the corpse behind the sofa.

With just one glance, he was so frightened that he yelled "Wow!" and jumped back.

"Oh my god! What, what's going on?" Miao Xiaowei cried out, his face was full of horror, he hid aside and didn't dare to look at the corpse for a second time. "how so?"

It's no wonder that he, a man of seven feet, was so frightened, even Su Yi's heart shuddered when he saw the corpse for the first time.

This has nothing to do with cowardice, but the corpse itself is spreading fearful emotions.

Anyone who saw the body would immediately know why he died—

He must have been scared to death!

The corpse's eyes were wide open, its expression was extremely distorted, its mouth was opened wide, and its face was filled with extreme horror, as if it had seen something extremely incredible.

His limbs were raised stiffly, as if he was resisting something approaching, his five fingers were bent and stiff, his whole body was a corrupt blue-gray, with bulging veins all over his body, which looked extremely strange.

Whether it was killed by someone or caused a myocardial infarction due to drug overdose, it is impossible for the corpse to appear like this.

The dead body is almost clearly expressing extreme fear to the people who saw it, telling people that it was scared to death.

But it’s not right to be scared to death, because everyone who has studied criminal investigation courses knows that death from excessive fright is usually caused by myocardial infarction, or fright causes one’s own physical diseases, such as epilepsy, asthma and other symptoms of acute attack, leading to death.

But this all needs a process, that is to say, it does not happen instantaneously from being frightened to the onset of illness, so people who are frightened to death will not maintain the frightened posture and look when they die, but will maintain the same state as when they were ill. Die with a painful expression.

The severe illness would even make them forget their fear, instead of dying completely without even withdrawing their frightened expressions.

So anyone with common sense would know that this corpse is definitely weird and abnormal.

Miao Xiaowei was still in shock, his teeth were chattering, but he still didn't dare to approach the corpse.

Now he finally knew why Zhao Shazhan was so sure that the deceased was frightened to death.

He also somewhat understood why Su Yi said that this was no ordinary murder.

"Huang, sir Huang, what's going on?" Miao Xiaowei asked tremblingly.

"Heaven's crimes are forgiven, but people's crimes cannot live!" Su Yi shook his head, "This guy's death is entirely his own fault, and he doesn't deserve sympathy."

He looked in the direction of the bathroom with a serious expression.

In his field of vision, there is a black shadow ghost in red clothes, tormenting a dead bardo.

The tormented bardo is the soul body of the newly dead body.

The red-clothed black shadow ghost completely ignored the arrival of Su Yi and Miao Xiaowei, and just tormented the bardo body wholeheartedly, full of resentment.

Su Yi kept pressing the trembling soul bell in his pocket with one hand. As long as he let go of it a little, the soul bell would make a sound on its own, launching a sonic attack on the two soul bodies in the bathroom.

The red-clothed shadow ghost full of resentment will be "focused on treatment" because of its heavy grievances. It will either be driven away by the soul-swinging bell, or will be blown away by the continuous attack of the soul-swinging bell.

But Su Yi had absolutely no intention of letting go of the soul-swinging bell to drive away the red-clothed black shadow ghost.

On the contrary, he was completely happy to see this scene, and he even felt very refreshed to see this scene.

Killing ghosts is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it is a good thing.

Because some people do things that are enough to make people angry, but the law can't play any role in this kind of thing.

But what made Su Yi look serious was not how powerful this black shadow ghost was, nor how damnable this victim was.

It was because of the strong resentment and yin energy in this room, and it was definitely not caused by the red-clothed shadowy ghost in the bathroom.

This was caused by another ghost.

This psychic incident is the original plot that happened in "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village".

There is no doubt that the ghost that makes Su Yi so afraid is the big boss Chu Renmei in "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village".

Fortunately, Chu Renmei is not here now, so Su Yi doesn't have to face the big boss right from the start.

But just the resentment and yin qi left by Chu Renmei made Su Yi terrified. It can be seen that this ghost is so powerful that it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary ghosts.

"Huang sir, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Miao Xiaowei calmed down a little, but he still didn't dare to come over to see the corpse. He stood at the door and asked calmly.

"Do you know what the smelly oil is?" Su Yi asked.

Miao Xiaowei shook his head like a rattle.

"It's corpse oil." Su Yi said coldly, "The dead guy went to dig other people's graves and scraped corpse oil from the dead."

"Corpse, corpse oil?" Miao Xiaowei widened his eyes in horror, smelled the lingering stench in the room, immediately covered his mouth, and retched again.

"Ma De, what a bunch of perverted bastards, they dare to do anything!" Miao Xiaowei covered his nose and scolded, "Corpse oil...doesn't necessarily mean digging graves, right? Maybe it came from the crematorium."

"There is no corpse oil in the crematorium." Su Yi shook his head and said, "Under the high temperature incineration in the crematorium, there is no way that there will be grease left. There is only one way to obtain corpse oil similar to this form, and that is from Scraped from highly decomposed corpses."

"In other words, someone must have dug a grave and destroyed the corpse for this bit of corpse oil."

"It's really perverted! It's devoid of conscience!" Miao Xiaowei said in disgust, and then asked worriedly: "Is there any poison in this corpse oil?"

Su Yi shook his head: "That's not true, but how can there be no retribution for doing such a damned thing?"

The dead Rubbish couldn't even wait for retribution, so he waited for revenge.

The owner of the corpse oil is the red-clothed black shadow ghost. It was destroyed and insulted by someone, and filled with resentment, it followed to take revenge on those who disturbed its rest.

But with the ability of the shadow ghost, it is actually impossible to directly scare a person to death, so there must be another mystery behind this Rubbish's death.

(End of this chapter)

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