1186 Handover
For ordinary people, black shadow ghosts are already very powerful ghosts, and this kind of ghosts, like fierce ghosts, can find substitutes to harm people.However, with the ability of the black shadow ghost, it can only induce others to die like it by hallucinations in the place where it died, and it cannot wander around.

This is fundamentally different from Li Gui. Li Gui is a ghost that can wander around, but most of Li Gui just don't want to run around, not that they can't.

Moreover, the way of killing ghosts is not as simple as that of black shadow ghosts. It can cause people to die in various ways.

It was precisely because of this that Su Yi concluded that Rubbish's death had nothing to do with the owner of the corpse oil, that is, the red-clothed black shadow ghost.

One is because it, as a shadow ghost, cannot kill like this; the other is because if it kills Rubbish, it will definitely induce Rubbish to go to the place where it died, and die in the same way as her.

So Su Yi must have killed Rubbish for something else.

"Awei, this case is not an ordinary murder case, you should report the general situation here first, and see what they say." Su Yi suggested to Miao Xiaowei.

"How should I report it?" Miao Xiaowei scratched his head with a headache, "I said the deceased was frightened to death? Will the higher-ups believe it?"

"I suggest you report directly to Sir Ma, he will definitely believe it." Su Yi said, "Psychic games, corpse oil, people who were scared to death... remember to mention these three factors."

If Sir Ma was really Uncle Feng's partner back then, he would have guessed that this was a case of murder by a ghost and sent "professionals" to handle the case.

Miao Xiaowei was skeptical, but still accepted Su Yi's suggestion, going to the bathroom to call Ma Sir.

"Hey, go to the corridor to fight." Su Yi called him to stop.

There are two ghosts in the bathroom. Although there is a high probability that they will not have the time to talk to Miao Xiaowei, but in such a distorted magnetic field full of ghosts, it is not unusual for Miao Xiaowei to see something that he should not see.

Miao Xiaowei followed suit, waved to Su Yi, and went outside to make a phone call.

Su Yi searched around in the living room, but found no valuable clues or traces, so he went straight to the bathroom.

It is early morning, and the sun has not yet broken through the barriers of high-rise buildings. The light in the low-rise buildings in this old community is very poor. The lights in the room are not turned on, and it looks a bit foggy.

In fact, this is also caused by evil spirits.Generally speaking, people's senses are more sensitive in this aspect, but if the surrounding environment makes people feel uncomfortable and gloomy, there is no doubt that there are probably dirty things in this place.

The bathroom is not too big, with a bathtub, a toilet, and a sink, there is very little space left.

The ghost aura in the bathroom is already so strong that it can block people's qi and blood. Normal people will feel extremely cold when they come in, and even Su Yi can feel the slightest chill.

Suddenly a hand came out from behind the door and slapped it on the door.

This hand was black and bloodless, with black nails. It pressed hard on the door panel, and soon a head poked out from behind the door.

It was Rubbish who died tragically in the living room outside, but what Su Yi saw at this moment was Rubbish's bardo body. His face was pale, his eyes were lifeless, and his expression was distorted and full of pain.

"Help me, save me..." Rubbish begged, leaning out from behind the door as if trying to escape.

But the next moment, another arm wearing a red sleeve stretched out, grabbed his hair, and pulled him back.

Su Yi could clearly feel that there was another cold and gloomy gaze staring at him from behind the door, conveying fear and uneasiness.

This is not to be afraid of Su Yi, but to be afraid of the Dangling Bell in Su Yi's pocket.

Su Yi controlled the soul-dangling bell in his pocket to prevent it from making a sound, shrugged and said, "Go ahead."

After that, he turned around.

The cold gaze behind him gradually disappeared, and Rubbish's piercing screams and wailing soon came out, but Su Yi turned a deaf ear to it.

He stared gravely at the faucet on the sink.

In his induction, the yin energy emitted by the faucet was even richer and more sinister than the two ghosts behind him combined.

The most sinister thing Su Yi has ever seen is the ghoul after the combination of Uncle Dong's corpse and Ah Jiu's spirit.

But that was just a newly born ghoul, and its yin and resentment were far inferior to the richness and terror emanating from the faucet in front of it.

In Su Yi's field of vision, more than a dozen red silk threads protruded from the faucet, wriggling and dancing non-stop, and the silk threads emitted traces of lingering black mist, covering them in clusters.

The red thread is a symbol of the materialization of the ghost's resentment, and the black mist can be regarded as a qualitative change phenomenon when the yin is thick to a certain extent. The simultaneous appearance of the two shows that this ghost is by no means ordinary.

But these two often only appear in the "ghosts" of Li Gui, such as 2442 in the world of "Zombie", which is the site of twin female ghosts, but when you go out, you will be in the normal world, and the red threads of resentment and black mist will not appear at all. In places other than 2442, unless the two female ghosts move out of the room.

But the current situation is that there are red threads of resentment only in the faucet, but not in the bathroom.What does this mean?
This ghost is in the water pipe?

No, it's worse than that!

Su Yi is very clear that Chu Renmei, the big boss of "Old Corpse in the Mountain Village", is in a pool, and its resentment spreads throughout the pool, as well as all the water flowing out of the pool.

Such a majestic resentment is simply unbelievable.All the people who drank the water in the pool were contaminated with Chu Renmei's resentment, and Chu Renmei could use the resentment to control this person to harm others or commit suicide.

All the residents in this block use water from that pool, so in theory, Chu Renmei can kill all the residents in this block who have drunk water at will.

From a certain point of view, this ability is even far superior to ordinary ghosts. After all, ghosts can't ignore spatial distance when killing people, and they can't use other media to harm people.

But on the other hand, this ability also has great limitations, that is, it is possible to be killed by Chu Renmei only after drinking the water in the pool soaked in Chu Renmei's skeleton.

Su Yi's second task is to "transform Chu Renmei". This task is not ordinary. Chu Renmei has existed for almost a hundred years, and has accumulated such great resentment. It is a hundred times harder than destroying it.

Su Yi stepped forward, held the faucet switch, and turned it gently.

Those waving red silk threads and black mist seemed to be disturbed, and retreated back one after another.

The faucet was turned on, but no water dripped.


The whimpering sound of the wind came from the pipe, like a ghost crying.

Just as Su Yi was about to turn off the faucet, he heard the faint sound of babbling and singing——

"When the husband is in love and the concubine is heartbroken, I will know how wronged I am..."

As the singing came out, the red silk thread suddenly began to spew out, and the entire bathroom was instantly enveloped in black mist.

Jingle Bell!
Su Yi immediately let go of the soul-swinging bell, making it unrestricted and making a crisp sound. The flying silk threads and black mist were all sucked back by the water outlet of the faucet in an instant, and the babbling and babbling singing stopped abruptly!

A man and a woman screamed in pain from behind the door. Su Yi pressed the soul-dangling bell, took a deep breath and slowly exited the bathroom.

Awesome Chu Renmei!

Not only can it use water as a medium, but anyone who hears its singing voice will also be infected by its resentment and become one of the targets it can attack from a distance.

Su Yi has read Maoshan School's "Hundred Ghosts", and knows that Chu Renmei's ability to transmit grievances through sound belongs to an extremely rare ghost, called grievances.But ordinary resentment cannot use water as a medium to infuse others with its resentment. Chu Renmei can do this, which seems to be a new ability of resentment after mutation.

"Huang sir, what are you doing in there?" Miao Xiaowei came in at some point, standing at the door of the bathroom with a mobile phone in his hand, looking at Su Yi with a puzzled face, "Why did I hear a woman singing? Hear the ringing of the bell?"

"Did you hear that?" Su Yi frowned slightly.

"Shouldn't I..." Miao Xiaowei looked bewildered.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Before it gets dark tonight, remember to come to me to get an amulet."

"Amulet?" Miao Xiaowei's eyes widened. "Sir Huang, don't scare me. You've confused me. What's going on here?"

"What did the above say?" Su Yi asked back.

"Ma sir said that someone else has been hired to take over the case, so let's not get involved in this case." Miao Xiaowei said truthfully, "I asked him why, and he said it was a matter of jurisdiction. It's really strange, since it's not our serious case Team management, why did you send me here before, and asked me to call Huang sir and you come with me?"

After a pause, Miao Xiaowei shrank his neck, leaned close to Su Yi and said nervously: "Huang sir, this case is really strange, how can someone die so horribly? And the sound of singing just now...you still ring the bell, why should I?" Feeling, is it...is it..."

"Think less about things you shouldn't think about, and don't ask about things you shouldn't ask. Only by doing so will you be at ease." Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, "If you must know, I will tell you, but in addition to scaring you, I don't think there's any other use for it."

Miao Xiaowei shuddered, and said with a mournful face: "Huang sir, you said that...you told me so clearly? The Bodhisattva blesses nothing, the Bodhisattva blesses the Bodhisattva..."

Trembling, he clasped his hands together and bowed in all directions, swallowed with a pale face, and said, "Why do I feel so cold in this house? Huang sir, anyway, we have nothing to do here, why don't we go out and wait?"

"Let's go." Su Yi nodded in agreement.

The screams and wailing in the bathroom sounded again, but Miao Xiaowei couldn't hear the sound.

There was nothing to see at the scene, and the case was already clear to Su Yi at a glance.

When the two came to the corridor, Miao Xiaowei breathed a sigh of relief.

Miao Xiaowei hesitated slightly, and asked Su Yi, "Sir Huang, are there really ghosts in this world? Was this Rubbish killed by ghosts?"

"What do you think?" Su Yi asked.

"I think it is." Miao Xiaowei said, "Actually, I used to hear stories about other people seeing ghosts, but I have never seen it myself, so I have been half-believing. But the corpse inside was clearly frightened to death." Yes, I can't think of any reason other than ghosts."

"If there are ghosts, what do you think?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course I'm very scared." Miao Xiaowei said, "But I'm also relieved, because at least I know that after death, everything is not finished, and you can even become a ghost. Actually, I used to be very afraid of death..."

After chatting with Miao Xiaowei for a while, the latter finally stabilized his mood.

Under Miao Xiaowei's repeated questioning, Su Yi also admitted that he had dealt with ghosts before, and the bell was used to catch ghosts.

Miao Xiaowei envied and admired this very much, and pestered Su Yi to teach him the art of subjugating demons, but Su Yi saw that the young man was immature and lacked sincerity, so he smiled and dealt with it.

About ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in a windbreaker with a stubble came upstairs.

Before the person arrived, the smell of alcohol was already coming to his nostrils.

This made Miao Xiaowei frowned immediately. The policeman drank alcohol during working hours, which was a serious violation of police discipline, which made his first impression of the visitor very bad.

The visitor lazily showed his ID to Su Yi, yawned and lazily said: "Senior Inspector Huang Yaozu of the Miscellaneous Affairs Division, who are you from the West Kowloon Crime Squad? Why haven't I seen you before? From another district?"

"This is Sir Huang from Wanwan, a police officer who came to our Hong Kong Island for exchange and guidance, not a member of our police force!" Seeing that Huang Yaozu spoke casually and impolitely, Miao Xiaowei was even more displeased, so he couldn't help shouting .

"I'm Miao Xiaowei from the Serious Crime Team. I'm just a small police officer. This officer should be rude to me, which is what he should do!" Miao Xiaowei saluted with a cold face.

Huang Yaozu didn't take it seriously when he heard the words, instead he laughed and patted Miao Xiaowei on the shoulder, saying: "Speaking so aggressively, I can see that you are new here. I always speak like this, it doesn't matter if you are not used to it, because if you There is no accident, and we will not have any intersection in the future."

As he said that, he raised his chin again to Su Yi: "Wanwan's colleague? Also surnamed Huang? Fate, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Without waiting for Su Yi's answer, he walked into the room with a smile.

"Drinking at work is too much!" Miao Xiaowei muttered, "Huang sir, come in together?"

Su Yi nodded, and the two re-entered the room.

Huang Yaozu stood in front of Rubbish's corpse with a serious face. He stared at it for a while, took out a wine jug from the pocket of the windbreaker, unscrewed the cap and took two mouthfuls, then took out the phone and informed the forensic doctor that he was not coming. Then I called again and asked the funeral home to collect the body.

"Officer Huang, you don't know how people died, so you let someone take them to the funeral parlor?" Seeing this, Miao Xiaowei couldn't help but questioned.

He originally planned to hand over to Huang Yaozu, but he didn't expect that he had no intention of handing over to him at all, and he didn't even intend to investigate the scene.

"Huh? You haven't left yet?" Huang Yaozu turned around and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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