Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1187 Punishment

Chapter 1187 Punishment
"Officer Huang! I haven't officially handed over to you yet!" Miao Xiaowei said holding back his anger.

"There's nothing to talk about." Huang Yaozu smiled and waved his hands, "This guy got addicted to drugs and had a heart attack. This is a normal death. Just ask the hospital to issue a certificate to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It has nothing to do with us."

"Normal death?" Miao Xiaowei was amused, he pointed to the corpse and asked, "Did you die like this, you said it was a normal death?"

"Hey, point at it, be careful that it gets angry." Huang Yaozu said seriously with no expression on his face.

Miao Xiaowei was so frightened that he withdrew his fingers and bowed to the corpse with a stiff expression, "Sau Rui, Saorui, don't blame me..."

"Pfft ha ha!" Huang Yaozu laughed suddenly, pointing at Miao Xiaowei, "Hey, do you really believe it? Just kidding! You are a policeman, so you are afraid of corpses?"

"I'm not afraid of corpses," Miao Xiaowei was a little annoyed, "I'm afraid of ghosts!"

Huang Yaozu, who was laughing loudly just now, suddenly changed his expression again, pointing at Miao Xiaowei and said coldly: "Remember, the first commandment of police officers, there are no ghosts in this world!"

Seeing him, Miao Xiaowei felt a little nervous, subconsciously swallowed, but muttered without speaking.

Huang Yaozu suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, this case is under the management of our miscellaneous affairs department. You have handed it over to me. You can go now. Work hard."

Miao Xiaowei hesitated slightly, and said, "Are you really going to treat it as a normal death? Would it be irresponsible to do so?"

"Otherwise you tell me how he died?" Huang Yaozu was a little impatient, "Suicide? Homicide? If it was suicide, why? If it was him who killed him? Please, since it's none of your business, don't ask for trouble." , and don’t make trouble for me.”

Miao Xiaowei couldn't hold back, he snorted coldly and planned to take Su Yi away: "I will definitely complain to you! Sir Huang, let's go!"

Su Yi didn't move, but looked at Huang Yaozu and said, "This is just the first one, it will kill many more people."

Huang Yaozu raised his eyebrows, looked at Su Yi again, and said with a sneer, "Are you bluffing me?"

"Uncle Feng and I are considered to be walking together." Su Yi said calmly, "He mentioned you to me."

Huang Yaozu was taken aback, then looked at Su Yi's expression and became a little more serious.

He pondered slightly, and asked, "Is it fierce?"

Su Yi nodded: "Very fierce."

"Is it useful to surround this building?" Huang Yaozu asked again.

Su Yi shook his head: "It's useless to circle anywhere, it is not restricted by region."

"That's really bad." Huang Yaozu didn't doubt Su Yi's words, his expression suddenly became serious, and he frowned deeply.

"Is there a way to resolve its resentment?" He pondered for a while and asked again.

"There must be a way, either to cross it, or let it calm down temporarily." Su Yi said.

Huang Yaozu nodded thoughtfully, smiled at Su Yi and said, "If necessary, I will ask you again."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded to him, then turned and walked out, while Miao Xiaowei, who looked confused, hurriedly chased him out.

When going downstairs, Miao Xiaowei leaned forward nervously and asked, "Huang sir, who is the one you mentioned just now?"

"Didn't you guess it?" Su Yi said casually.

"Really?" Miao Xiaowei suddenly raised the volume, grabbed Su Yi's arm, and his voice began to tremble, "You, you can all"

"I can, but I don't know if that yellow sir can see it." Su Yi said, "But he must know."

"It turns out that both of you are hermits!" Miao Xiaowei was stunned and said excitedly, "No wonder he is so cynical, he is not irresponsible, but he is carrying a big secret and silently saving this city! My God, I treated him so badly just now, should I go up and apologize to him?"

"I guess he doesn't want to see you right now." Su Yi said, "And you'd better not run around recently, remember to ask me to get a safe talisman before dark, or you will bear the consequences."

"Huang sir, don't scare me." Miao Xiaowei said in a trembling voice, "That thing won't get on me, right?"

"Not yet." Su Yi said.

"What do you mean not yet!" Miao Xiaowei widened his eyes in horror, "So it will be there later?"

The two of them happened to be at the door of the building at this moment, when a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind them: "Hello!"

"Ah..." The sudden voice made Miao Xiaowei scream and jump three feet high.

Turning his head to take a closer look, he saw Cissy, a female reporter with a sluggish face.

"You scared me to death!" Miao Xiaowei recognized her, heaved a sigh of relief and stroked his chest, and said in shock, "Hey, why are you standing behind others so silently? Do you know that people are scary? "

"Who knew you were so timid, I didn't mention you yet, you suddenly yelled and made people jump!" Cissy muttered a few words, then looked at Su Yi, suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch Su Yi's arm twice, and touched Su again B's face was avoided by Su Yi.

"Ma'am, I have a wife, please be respectful and don't touch me!" He said righteously.

Cissy blushed, and hurriedly apologized: "Sau Rui, Sao Rui, I thought you were... Anyway, I'm sorry."

"What do you want from me?" Su Yi asked.

"The person who died above is my brother's friend." Cissy said, "I want to ask, how did he die?"

"No comment!" Miao Xiaowei interjected, "You paparazzi, do you all make excuses the same? Returning your brother's friend? I even said he was my neighbor's nephew! Tell you, want to Now that you know the facts of the case, wait for the next issue of the warning message, you can never get any news from us!"

"He's really my brother's friend!" Cissy said anxiously, "His name is Rubbish, right?"

"It's very professional to find out the name of the deceased so quickly!" Miao Xiaowei praised, "How old is he? How many people are there in the family? Why is he called Rubbish?"

Cissy paused.

Miao Xiaowei pointed at her triumphantly: "Hey, can't you tell? Still trying to lie to me? I won't be fooled by you!"

"Oh, I really didn't lie to you! My brother's name is Li Xiaoming. He has been taken to the West Kowloon Police Station by you. If it wasn't for waiting for you, I would have gone there to pick him up! They were here last night. Let's play psychic games together, right? After the accident, my younger brother first called the police and then called me, so I was the first to rush here!" Cissy explained with a depressed face, "Sir , I really didn't lie to you!"

Miao Xiaowei was skeptical and subconsciously looked at Su Yi.

"This matter should have nothing to do with your brother." Su Yi said to Cissy, "You can go to the police station and take him away later."

After a pause, Su Yi said to her: "I'll give you a second piece of advice, just remember to take care of yourself, be honest, don't run around, don't be a fuss."

As soon as she heard the word "advice", Cissy subconsciously shivered, and her eyes showed fear.

She wanted to ask again, but Su Yi and Miao Xiaowei had already turned around and left. She yelled at the back several times and neither of them turned back, so she had to watch them drive away.

Cissy was stunned for a few seconds, her expression changed, she hurriedly stopped a taxi by the side of the road, and told the driver to go to the West Kowloon Police Station.

Miao Xiaowei received a call from his boss on the way. It seemed that the drug case that their serious crime team had been following had some clues. Hearing that he was fine, he called him back urgently. He sent Su Yi downstairs and left in a hurry. up.

It was still early, Su Yi stood downstairs, thinking that he had nowhere to go.

On Uncle Feng's side, Su Yi doesn't plan to make frequent contacts, and we'll talk about it after Liu Qingfang brings her daughter.

For the stand-in ghost at the opposite door, the time has not yet come, and it may not be a good thing to make a premature move, so there is no need to rush.

Chu Renmei's matter can be prepared first, but he is not in a hurry to solve it so quickly, and he plans to take Uncle Feng with him when dealing with Chu Renmei.

After thinking about it, Su Yi realized that he didn't have anything to do for the time being, so he simply went home to draw symbols and carve formations, and sacrifice the mahogany sword.

When entering the door, Su Yi sensed a malicious look from behind the opposite door, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Su Yi frowned, stopped and turned around, staring coldly at the opposite door.


The door on the opposite side opened, and a tall figure came out with a rosy face, a sunny and kind smile, and waved to Su Yi with a smile: "Mr. Huang, we meet again."

It's Mike.

I remember the last time I saw Mike, he was full of yin energy, but there was not much yang energy left. Su Yi asserted that he would not survive seven days.

But now Mike's body is full of yang energy, with only a little yin energy lingering, and he looks completely no different from a normal person.

Did Su Yi read it wrong?
That's not the case. In fact, the "person" in front of me is no longer Mike.

It's an evil ghost occupying a magpie's nest!

The previous Mike has already made its stand-in!
"It's the first time I've met you, what did you say 'again'?" Su Yi said coldly.

Mike's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Huang is really astute, but we are all neighbors. Wouldn't it be too unfriendly for Mr. Huang to do those messy things in your house?"

"Then what do you think?" Su Yi asked.

"I suggest that Mr. Huang get rid of those useless things." Mike said with a smile, "We are all neighbors. If you do this, it will make us feel that you don't respect us. If something bad happens because of this misunderstanding , that would be bad."

Su Yi stared at him, frowned slightly and said, "Did I ignore you, making you think I'm easy to bully?"

"Hahaha..." Mike suddenly laughed, as if he wanted to say something.

But Su Yi didn't give him a chance to speak.

"It's such an ugly smile." Su Yi said coldly.

He directly took out the Danghun Golden Bell.

"Jingle bell... Jingle bell..."

Not only did Su Yi not control himself, he even rang the soul-stirring golden bell.

The crisp bell rang through the corridor.

The face of Mike on the opposite side changed drastically at the first moment, and he suddenly hugged his head, his face was instantly distorted, his veins bulged, and he fell to his knees with a "plop", wailing in pain.

"Ah ah ah..."

He rolled on the ground screaming in pain.

At the same time, Yu Huiqi screamed in pain from the room.

Yuan Xiaomin ran out quickly, and when she saw Mike rolling all over the ground, her expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly pulled him up.

"Mike, what are you—ah!" She was thrown away by Mike and exclaimed.

Su Yi stopped suddenly and pressed the bell.

His hand holding the bell trembled slightly. Looking at Mike who stopped crying and showed a jealous and resentful expression towards him, he said coldly, "If you dare to mess with me next time, I won't let you even be a ghost!"

After that, he turned around and turned the key to open the door.

"Hey, what do you mean! What did you do to my boyfriend!" Yuan Xiaomin shouted angrily behind him.

But Su Yi ignored her at all and closed the door directly.

"Ignore me?" Yuan Xiaomin was about to rush forward angrily, but was stopped by Mike.

"Xiaomi, forget it!" He hastily called Yuan Xiaomin to stop.

"Mike, what happened?" Yuan Xiaomin asked worriedly, "Did he hit you? Why did I hear Xiaoqi screaming upstairs?"

Mike looked at the closed door on the opposite side with apprehension, slowly shook his head and said, "It's okay, Xiaomin, forget about it, let's go in."

Yuan Xiaomin wanted to ask again, but was dragged back into the room by Mike.

Just as she was about to question her boyfriend, she suddenly sensed something and couldn't help but look up, only to see Yu Huiqi standing at the stairs with a pale face.

"Xiao Qi, were you screaming just now? What's wrong with you?" Yuan Xiaomin asked.

"I'm fine, I just accidentally fell down, it's okay." Yu Huiqi smiled at Yuan Xiaomin, "Sister Xiaomin, I want to drink the soup you mentioned yesterday, can you make it for me?"

"Okay, just to celebrate Mike's early return." Yuan Xiaomin clapped her hands with a smile, "You guys wait at home, I'll go grocery shopping!"

"Okay, thank you Miss Xiaomin." Yu Huiqi smiled sweetly.

"Xiaomi, be careful on the road." Mike said.

"Crazy line, what's the point? Such a short road..." Yuan Xiaomin sneered, "You guys rest for a while, I'll be back soon."

After that, he went out the door.

After he left, Yu Huiqi's face immediately darkened.

"What happened just now?" She asked sternly, "Just now I felt like I was almost being suppressed, what happened to the bell?"

"It's the Wanwan policeman next door!" Mike gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "This guy is a practitioner, and he is the one who rang the bell! This guy suddenly moved to the next door, and he definitely has bad intentions!"

"How dare he ruin our affairs?" Yu Huiqi said angrily, "Didn't he say that well water does not violate river water?"

"He said, do you believe it?" Maxson said, "I have a feeling that this person is definitely a threat to us! This place is not suitable for staying for a long time, we have to leave as soon as possible!"

"Let's join forces, can we kill him?" Yu Huiqi's eyes were murderous.

Mike shook his head: "I'm not sure, the bell in his hand is too powerful."

As he said that, he said again with lingering fear: "Can't afford to offend, can't we still hide? Let's go as soon as possible, as soon as you succeed, we will go and stay away from him!"

"I still have at least five more days!" Yu Huiqi said.

"Three days!" Mike gritted his teeth, "I'll help you, it only takes three days at most! Once the three days are over, let's leave immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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