Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1188 Inexplicable

Chapter 1188 Inexplicable
Su Yi didn't know that the two double ghosts changed their plans because they were afraid of him, but he could guess that his sudden display of abilities would definitely trigger a chain reaction, so he decided to close the net as soon as possible to catch these two double ghosts.

The reason why it is captured instead of directly destroyed is because the mission requirement is to "transform".Therefore, there must be a process of transformation. If the result of not transitioning is to be sent to reincarnation or to be wiped out, or to be taken away by Yin soldiers, it depends on Su Yi's mood.

These two double ghosts are fierce ghosts, and it is not easy to catch them. How to prevent them from escaping is the key point, and Su Yi also needs to try his best to extract information about the Guitan Association from these two double ghosts.

Catching ghosts is not like beating people with martial arts, relying on strength is reckless.

This is a delicate job that requires careful planning and control of the overall situation in order to be foolproof.Otherwise, if one of the links makes a mistake, it is very likely that the goal of "transformation" will not be achieved.

Moreover, Su Yi must make a quick decision, and reserve energy and back-ups to guard against the Wei Tan Association behind the two stand-in ghosts.

Fortunately, Su Yi has not been idle for the past two days. He already has a plan and method in his mind to deal with these two substitute ghosts. To get more familiar with it, it is still necessary for Su Yi to complete the sacrifice of the mahogany sword and the preparation of the five elements formation.

Especially for the Danghun Jinling, Su Yi found that all magic weapons are not free to use, but have different consumption.

Chen You's compass in the world of "Zombie" needs to consume Taoist energy and blood.

And this soul-shaking golden bell consumes mental power.Su Yi's consumption of deterring the two ghosts before was not small, so he stopped suddenly.

Otherwise, if he could really catch Er Guijiang with the soul-shaking golden bell in one go, Su Yi would never delay it until later.

Before dark, Miao Xiaowei hurried over.

He came to Su Yi to get the amulet. Regarding the matter of ghosts and gods, Miao Xiaowei chose to believe that there is something rather than nothing.

But when Su Yi handed him an anti-ghost talisman and asked him to wear it under his underwear, he believed everything.

If there were no ghosts in the world, there would be no reason why a thin yellow paper talisman would weigh as much as a barbell.

This is completely unreasonable and contrary to the reality of science, so Miao Xiaowei has no luck.

He cautiously put on the talisman Su Yi gave him on the spot, and said to Su Yi: "Huang sir, from now on, if you say a word, if I, Ah Wei, frown, I won't be considered your good brother!"

Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "What are you doing? Young and Dangerous?"

"The police can also show loyalty!" Miao Xiaowei laughed, "Besides, Sir Huang is taking my life, the kindness of saving my life is beyond heaven! That is, I am a man, if I were a woman..."

"I have a wife." Su Yi interrupted him.

"I know Sir Huang that you are a good man in the Gu family, but if I were a woman, I can be a child, no status, I don't mind." Miao Xiaowei smiled and winked at Su Yi.

Su Yi shook his head and said, "Stop talking nonsense, aren't you going to work on a case?"

"We found a very suspicious woman today. This case is likely to be concluded soon!" Miao Xiaowei cheered up and said excitedly, "After finishing this case, I will definitely take a long vacation to relax for a while!"

"Then you go, don't delay work." Su Yi issued the order to evict the guest.

"Okay, then I won't bother you." Miao Xiaowei said hastily.

After hesitating for a while, he still pointed to the empty living room and the bedroom where Su Yi slept before: "Sir Huang, why do you need to empty these two rooms and pile up everything in other rooms?"

"You don't understand what I said, so why don't you say anything." Su Yi shook his head, "Just treat me as a quirk."

"Okay, then I'm leaving, bye Huang sir!" Miao Xiaowei's curiosity was not satisfied, he shrugged in disappointment, and left.

After Miao Xiaowei left, Su Yi took some measurements in the two emptied rooms, then dipped a new mop purchased earlier with the mixed liquid of cinnabar and cuttlefish juice mixed with his blood, and started Draw array.

The formation of the array is not as simple as drawing a gossip or Tai Chi, but needs to use runes as the foundation of the formation, and accurately arrange the formation according to the five elements and eight trigrams.

Moreover, the formation must have magic tools as the eyes of the formation, and Taoist blood must be used as the formation to activate the formation, especially the five-element formation arranged by Su Yi. Once it starts to operate, it cannot be stopped and irreversible, otherwise the formation will backfire, and it will be extremely dangerous .

Su Yi has never dared to be careless about matters of life and death.He's not afraid to take risks, but when he puts himself in danger because of a low-level mistake, that's another matter.

The five-element formation that Su Yi arranged was much more complicated than the five-element formation that Chen You arranged outside the gate of 2442, and the steps were much more cumbersome.

First, this formation is far more functional than the large formation that Chen You arranged urgently. Second, the eye of Chen You's formation is a compass, which itself is a five-element formation, saving a lot of steps, but Su Yi's formation eye is a soul bell , so he needs to draw information such as the direction of the eight trigrams, the celestial stems and the earthly branches in the five-element array.

In addition, each direction has different runes to match, in short, it is very troublesome.

Su Yi has been busy for half the night, but only completed less than half of the workload.

On the second day, he didn't go out at all, locked himself at home and continued to work.

This busy work lasted until the evening before it was considered a success.

Su Yi inspected his "masterpiece" with satisfaction, and his confidence in hunting ghosts doubled.

After rehearsing in his mind, Su Yi felt that there should be no major problems, so he planned to go out to eat something.

After a busy day without touching the ground, he is already hungry, and now he just wants to have a good meal and reward himself.

At the same time, Yuan Xiaomin, a third-tier star who lives opposite, is going through a strange event that makes her hair stand on end.

Things have to start from midnight last night.

Last night, Yuan Xiaomin was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night. She sat up from the bed breathing heavily, and her mind was terrified.

In the past two days, she didn't know why, but she felt that her body was much weaker, she always had nightmares, and her spirit was also very poor.

Sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, I feel strange.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, and her heart was filled with uneasiness.

Once again dreaming that she was crying and running in a dull and dark world but there was no end to escape, Yuan Xiaomin felt that she must be sick.

Subconsciously, she wanted to touch her boyfriend Mike who was sleeping next to her, but it was in vain.She was startled and was about to open her mouth to call out, when she suddenly heard some noises from downstairs, besides her boyfriend's voice, there seemed to be a woman's laughter.

A woman's sixth sense immediately alerted Yuan Xiaomin.

She got out of bed quietly, walked out of the bedroom as quietly as possible, and walked downstairs.

As soon as she got out of the stairs, she saw a man and a woman hugging each other on the sofa watching TV.

The man was her boyfriend Mike, and that woman was her closest best friend Yu Huiqi!
Yuan Xiaomin just glanced at it, and suddenly she became angry, her eyes widened instantly, and she was about to rush up and angrily scold the couple, asking why they dared to be so close behind their backs.But at this moment, the conversation between the two came into her ears clearly, which made her subconsciously stop and listen.

"Look, it's my commercial. How about it? Am I pretty?" Yu Huiqi asked with a smile, holding Mike's hand.

"Of course you are beautiful, you are the most beautiful." Mike's tone was full of indulgence.

"Hee hee, you're the only one with a sweet mouth! Husband, are you going on a business trip again? Can you not go?" Yu Huiqi buried her head in Mike's arms and acted like a baby.

"I don't want to either, but it depends on what my foreign boss says." Mike sighed.

"I don't want you to go, people will be scared if they live alone at night!" Yu Huiqi pouted and pretended to be angry.

"How about you find someone to share the rent with you?" Mike thought for a while and suggested, "But it's better to be a girl, otherwise I will be jealous."

"I'm not, I'm going to find a muscular man to see if you're afraid!" Yu Huiqi said with a playful laugh.

Hearing the conversation between her boyfriend Mike and Yu Huiqi, Yuan Xiaomin felt a chill all over her body in an instant.

This conversation was clearly the conversation the two had had the night before his boyfriend went on a business trip!

At this moment, the two people in front of them replayed the scene at that time. Not only did the dialogue remain unchanged, Yu Huiqi even imitated her tone and posture at that time perfectly.

Yuan Xiaomin even had a feeling of trance at a certain moment, feeling that Yu Huiqi was herself a few days ago!

She shook her head vigorously to get rid of her absurd feeling, but she couldn't get rid of the horror and fear from her heart.

She couldn't figure it out, Yu Huiqi obviously moved in the day after that night, why did she know about the conversation between her and Mike the night before?

Is this a prank?

Seeing that the two were still performing in front of her, Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help but stepped forward and scolded: "What are you two doing! What tricks are you playing?"

The two people on the sofa turned their heads in unison upon hearing the words, and all four eyes were fixed on her face.

For some reason, Yuan Xiaomin felt a sudden chill in her heart, and subconsciously took a step back.

The corners of Yu Huiqi's mouth curled up, and she said happily, "Huh? Why did you wake up?"

This question made Yuan Xiaomin even more frightened, because it was clearly her tone and intonation!

"You, what are you kidding?" Yuan Xiaomin was a little scared, "I don't like such jokes! I will be angry! Why are you watching TV here in the middle of the night?"

"I can't sleep, and I'm afraid of disturbing you, so..." Mike shrugged.

"That won't work either! Go back!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled.

Mike shrugged, stood up and walked upstairs.

Yuan Xiaomin looked at Yu Huiqi angrily, and asked, "Why did you do this?"

Yu Huiqi's eyes were strange, and she said with a smile: "Our good sisters, why are we divided? Am I not you?"

These words shocked Yuan Xiaomin, she suddenly felt as if something had shattered in her mind, and then suddenly felt that what Yu Huiqi said made sense.

Strong exhaustion came to mind, Yuan Xiaomin yawned, and then forgot everything that happened before.

"Xiaoqi, I'm going to bed first, you should go to bed early too." Yawning, Yuan Xiaomin waved to Yu Huiqi, then turned and walked upstairs.

Yu Huiqi looked at Yuan Xiaomin's back, showing a strange smile.

Yuan Xiaomin returned to the room in a daze, and fell asleep in a daze.

Mike, who had returned to the room before her, stood behind the door with his arms folded, looked at Yuan Xiaomin coldly for a while, then went out and turned back downstairs.

At this moment, Yu Huiqi was standing in the bathroom on the first floor, holding a pair of scissors, cutting her long hair into short hair like Yuan Xiaomin's.

"Why bother?" Mike leaned against the door, "This body is only temporary, and it will be useless after tomorrow."

"The more I resemble her, the faster the transformation." Yu Huiqi said with a smile, "The dead guy next door is so annoying, it makes me feel insecure, so the sooner we can, the better."

"As soon as we succeed tomorrow, we will fly away immediately!" Mike said, "This identity is a rich man, we can live comfortably for decades when we leave Hong Kong Island and go wherever we want."

"I'm afraid we won't leave so easily." A trace of worry flashed in Yu Huiqi's eyes.

"If we really fight, this guy may not be our opponent!" Maxson said, "We just don't want to cause trouble, but we are not really afraid of him! Just steal his rotten bell first, and then steal his gun. I can't believe how powerful he is!"

"I'm not talking about him." Yu Huiqi looked at Mike from the mirror and said faintly, "It's him."

Mike was startled, and looked at Yu Huiqi in the mirror, both of them showed sincere fear in their eyes at the same time.

After a moment of silence, Mike said: "In the rules of the association, there is nothing saying that we are not allowed to leave Hong Kong Island. has ignored us since we came out. Compared with other ghosts in the association, what are we? It They might not care about us."

"I hope so." Yu Huiqi said, but her expression was still worried.

Early the next morning, Yuan Xiaomin went out as usual. When she got up, it was already late. She thought that Mike and Yu Huiqi had already left, so although she was still a little surprised about what happened last night, she decided to come back in the afternoon. Ask them both carefully.

When the elevator reached the next floor, she saw Mrs. Chen downstairs also got on the elevator.She was familiar with this Mrs. Chen, so she happily greeted her: "Mrs. Chen, are you leaving so early? Are you going shopping?"

Mrs. Chen did not greet her enthusiastically as usual, but looked her up and down strangely, with a look of disgust in her eyes, and muttered: "I don't know what to wear other people's clothes indiscriminately!"

Yuan Xiaomin felt baffled, looked at her clothes, and said strangely: "Improperly dressed? I went to the specialty store with you to buy this clothes. At that time, you praised me for looking good. Did you forget?"

Mrs. Chen gave her a strange look, and said with a smirk: "Xiaomin tells you everything, but you must be grateful! If you have a conscience, stay away from Xiaomin's boyfriend."

Yuan Xiaomin was stunned for a long time before she could react. When the elevator arrived, Mrs. Chen hurried out.

(End of this chapter)

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