Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1189 The Light

Chapter 1189 The Light
When Yuan Xiaomin came to her senses, she hurriedly wanted to call Mrs. Chen to stop, but at this moment a phone call came, so she had no choice but to give up and answer the phone first.

The call came from the company, telling her that the previously negotiated advertising contract would be voided because the partner still wanted to cooperate with Yuan Xiaomin.

"What kind of plane are you doing? I'm Yuan Xiaomin! Your future proprietress!" Yuan Xiaomin shouted angrily into the phone.

But the other side of the phone cursed "crazy" and hung up the phone.

Yuan Xiaomin was furious, thinking that she must have not read the almanac when she went out today, otherwise how could it be so troublesome?
She held back her anger and planned to rush to the company to scold the fool who called just now.

She hailed a taxi to go to the company, but when the car passed the International Commerce Plaza, Yuan Xiaomin suddenly remembered that she had ordered a bag from a luxury store here, and the appointment was to arrive today, so she asked the driver to stop here first. Went to the store to pick up the bag.

What made Yuan Xiaomin very upset was that the salesperson in this store didn't recognize her, and asked her for an order form before she would pick up her bag. She was so angry that she swore never to tip the salesperson again.

When swiping the card, Yuan Xiaomin swiped every card, but was told that her card had been reported as lost and invalidated.She called the bank, but the bank told her that she had just reported the loss herself this morning, but she had never done so before, so she was so angry that she scolded the bank and vowed to find lawyer Gao Bank.

Yuan Xiaomin felt aggrieved when she couldn't buy a bag, so she decided to call her boyfriend Mike, tell her grievance, and act like a baby for comfort.

But as soon as the call was made, I heard a woman's coquettish laughter from over there.

Yuan Xiaomin became alert instantly, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are you?"

"I'm at home." Mike said casually on the phone.

"Who are you with? How dare you mess around behind my back?" Yuan Xiaomin shouted angrily.

"Crazy, I don't know what you are talking about!" Mike cursed and hung up the phone directly.

"Ahhhh..." Yuan Xiaomin yelled frantically, she felt that all the unlucky things happened to her today, and now even her boyfriend, who has always been honest, has problems. go out?

Yuan Xiaomin endured her anger and returned home again. As soon as she entered the door, the pet dog she had always kept barked at her.

"Okay, even you bastard dare to bully me today? Get out!" Yuan Xiaomin kicked it angrily, but unexpectedly the dog bit her calf.

"Ahhh!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled in panic and kicked away the pet dog. At this moment, she felt someone walking down the stairs. When she looked up, she was stunned.

She felt as if she was looking in a mirror, watching another self come down the stairs.

The same short hair, the same temperament, wearing his own silk pajamas, with a smile that seemed to be sneering or ironic at the corner of his mouth, he walked downstairs step by step.

"This dog is very afraid of strangers." The man said.

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, Yuan Xiaomin immediately came to her senses, shook her head vigorously, and then took a closer look, where is the other self in front of her?It's clearly Yu Huiqi!

"Xiaoqi, it's best not to touch it if it's okay, lest it bite you." Yu Huiqi said with a half-smile.

Yuan Xiaomin was about to ask her why she was wearing her pajamas, but she was stunned when she heard this: "What did you call me?"

"Little Qi, isn't your name Yu Huiqi?" Yu Huiqi said with a smile, "You are a second-year student at City University, why, you don't remember who you are?"

Yuan Xiaomin looked at Yu Huiqi with wide eyes in disbelief: "Are you insane! Why did you suddenly cut your hair short?"

"Xiaomi, why are you down?" At this moment Mike came down from the stairs.

Yuan Xiaomin saw her boyfriend was about to go up to him, but unexpectedly Yu Huiqi walked over first. Mike hugged Yu Huiqi and kissed her on the lips, then smiled and waved to Yuan Xiaomin: "Hello, Xiaoqi."

"You, you..." Yuan Xiaomin trembled with anger, pointing at Mike, "You kissed her? You actually kissed another woman in front of me? What are you doing? You don't recognize me anymore?"

Mike showed a puzzled expression and said, "Miss Yu, what are you talking about?"

"Stop playing with me! Stop making fun of me like this!" Yuan Xiaomin broke down and yelled, "Hey, I'll give you one last chance. If you drive this crazy woman out now, I will forgive you!"

"Miss Yu, if you are so rude to Xiaomin, don't blame me for falling out with you!" Mike's expression turned cold.

"You, I am Xiaomin! Are you blind?" Yuan Xiaomin was so angry.

"Don't think you can pretend to be my girlfriend just because you suddenly cut your hair short," Mike sneered, "You are insulting my IQ, Miss Yu, please leave here immediately, we don't welcome you!"

Yu Huiqi sighed, and said: "Xiaoqi, I kindly took you in, but unexpectedly, I brought a poisonous snake into the house."

"You, you!" Yuan Xiaomin pointed at them, too angry to say a word.

"Xiaoqi, I won't bother with you about your fraudulent swiping of my credit card." Yu Huiqi said again, "You can go now, don't force me to call the police."

"Call the police? Okay! Even if you don't call the police, I will!" Yuan Xiaomin took out the phone and dialed 999 directly.
He quickly told the police the address of his home. Yuan Xiaomin only said that he had encountered a burglar and told the police to come quickly.

She was very emotional, pointing at Mike and Yu Huiqi and yelling.

But the two of them just frowned and looked at her coldly, and didn't speak back.

Yuan Xiaomin kept cursing until the police arrived.

"What's going on?" the police officer who came asked.

"Sir, you came just in time!" Yuan Xiaomin pointed at Yu Huiqi angrily, "This house belongs to me and my boyfriend, I want you to drive her away immediately!"

As soon as the words fell, Mike stepped forward and pointed at Yuan Xiaomin and said, "Sir, this woman is a tenant here, she is crazy, don't trust her."

"Mike! You still say such things at this time!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled in disbelief, "Why! Why are you doing this to me!"

"Sir, I hope you drive this crazy woman away, and don't let her hinder me and my boyfriend." Yu Huiqi stepped forward and said.

"Stop pretending to be me, you bitch!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled angrily.

"Quiet!" the police yelled impatiently, "Who is the landlord?"

"It's me! I'm Yuan Xiaomin!" The two girls said in unison.

"Take out your ID cards!" the policeman said.

Yu Huiqi said: "My ID card was stolen by this woman."

"If you can't take it out, you can't take it out. Don't you think it's clumsy to tell such a lie?" Yuan Xiaomin sneered, took out his ID card from his bag, and was about to hand it to the police when he glanced at the photo on the ID card. She was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes widened. There was a "boom" in her mind, and she went blank for an instant.

The photo on her ID card turned into Yu Huiqi's at some point!

"Impossible, this is impossible..." Yuan Xiaomin murmured tremblingly, her eyes filled with fear, she tried hard to wipe the photo on her ID card, trying to prove that she was only dazzled, but no matter how hard she tried, the photo still had a faint Smiling Yu Huiqi!

The policeman saw something was wrong, snatched the ID card from Yuan Xiaomin's hand and took a closer look, his face darkened immediately, and said: "Miss, this ID card is not yours at all, you have been lying to me all this time!"

"I'm really Yuan Xiaomin, but I'm really Yuan Xiaomin!" Yuan Xiaomin cried out in horror, her emotions were on the verge of collapse.

The police ignored her, first handed the ID card to Yu Huiqi, told her to keep it, turned around after the latter thanked her politely, and warned Yuan Xiaomin: "Hey, miss, you have two choices now, the first is One, leave this house immediately! Second, follow me back to the police station for investigation!"

Yuan Xiaomin looked at the three of them in horror, pointed at them with trembling fingers, and shouted, "You're all in the same group, you're all in the same group! Liars! You liars!"

Then she yelled and ran out.

Looking at Yuan Xiaomin's leaving back, Yu Huiqi and Mike showed strange smiles at the corners of their mouths.

When Yuan Xiaomin left the house, she first went to the neighbors downstairs, wanting to ask them to testify that she was Yuan Xiaomin. However, some of the neighbors said they didn't know her at all, and some directly called her crazy and threatened to call the police if she didn't leave. .

Yuan Xiaomin was full of panic, she didn't know the reason for all this.

She ran out of the building in a hurry and arrived at the security room at the gate, but the security guard who usually greeted her with a smile was very indifferent to her and called her "Miss Yu".

Yuan Xiaomin was in despair, she felt that the world was crazy.

Why does everyone do this to her?

No, there are parents, parents must recognize themselves!
Hope was reborn in Yuan Xiaomin's heart, she hailed a taxi and rushed to her parents' house.

After arriving at her parents' house, she knocked on the door vigorously. When she saw her mother's familiar face, Yuan Xiaomin was excited and wronged. She called "Mom", then hugged her mother and began to complain, saying that everyone was targeting her today.

But before she finished speaking, she was pushed away by her mother.

I saw the mother's face full of embarrassment and doubts: "Xiaoqi, what are you talking about?"

Yuan Xiaomin was stunned for a moment, and her whole body fell into an ice cave instantly. She swayed, her face was pale, and she said in a trembling voice: "Mummy, you, you don't recognize me anymore?"

"I'm not your mommy, Xiaoqi, are you drunk?" Mother smiled awkwardly.

"What's the matter?" At this time, the father also came out from the inside, and when he saw Yuan Xiaomin, he gave a "huh" and asked, "It's Xiaoqi, why are you free to come to my house? Where is my daughter?"

"You, you..." Yuan Xiaomin's eyes widened in horror, and she trembled all over, "I'm Xiaomin, Dad, Mom, I'm Xiaomin, you guys, don't you recognize me? Why don't you even recognize me?" ? I'm Xiaomin!"

The parents looked at each other.

"I knew you came here to make trouble!" Yu Huiqi's voice suddenly came from outside the door, and the three of them followed the prestige, and saw Yu Huiqi walking in with a sneer.

Seeing Yu Huiqi, the mother breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over and said, "Xiaomi, Xiaoqi doesn't know what's can persuade her quickly, do you want to send her to see a doctor?"

The father also said: "Good girl, something is wrong with Xiaoqi..."

"What's the matter with you!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled frantically, "I am Yuan Xiaomin! I am! You are crazy, you are all crazy!"

"You are the one who is crazy!" Yu Huiqi's face was frosty, "Look carefully at the photos in this room and see who is in the photos!"

"Yes, photos! Photos!" Yuan Xiaomin's eyes lit up, as if he had found a treasure, he murmured excitedly, and rushed to the wall to look at the photos hanging on the wall.

There were many photos of her and her family hanging in the living room, from childhood to adulthood. These photos must prove that she is Yuan Xiaomin.

But Yuan Xiaomin had just given birth to hope, and fell to the bottom again, and the light in her eyes dimmed again.

She looked through all the photos in disbelief, but the self in all the photos turned into Yu Huiqi!
Finally, she stood in front of a mirror in a daze, looking at herself in the mirror.

She was shocked to see that the self in the mirror was Yu Huiqi's appearance.

On the other side, Yu Huiqi looked like herself.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled and ran out.

The corners of Yu Huiqi's mouth curled up, her eyes were strange.

"Xiaomi, what's going on?" Mother asked worriedly.

"Mom, it's okay." Yu Huiqi comforted softly.

Coming out of her parents' house, Yu Huiqi's figure flickered, and she walked back to her home through the barrier.

Mike is packing, putting valuables in the suitcase.

Seeing Yu Huiqi coming back, he asked, "Is everything going well?"

Yu Huiqi closed her eyes and sensed for a while, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she said with satisfaction: "It's ninety-nine percent! This person is out of his mind now, and she will always wander around insanely in the street until the last ray of yang energy reaches me , I become her, and she replaces me. Soon, soon!"

"That's good." Mike said, "I booked a ticket for twelve o'clock in the evening to go to Australia."

"It's in time." Yu Huiqi smiled, "We can set off after packing up our things. When I go to officially take over my body, we just go straight to the airport."

"I hope there are no surprises," Mike said.

"No." Yu Huiqi smiled, "Unless someone can recognize her now, but is it possible? Hahaha, hahahaha..."

She laughed outrageously.


Yuan Xiaomin with dull eyes walked among the vast crowd, feeling that such a bustling and bustling city seemed like a lonely and dark wilderness.

"Does anyone know me? I'm Yuan Xiaomin..."

"Do you know me? I've done commercials."

"I'm Yuan Xiaomin, you call me by my name, can you call me?"

"I'm Yuan Xiaomin, why don't you know me..."

She was in a trance, and she grabbed everyone she met, hoping that they would recognize her.

But everyone thought she was a lunatic, and they were afraid to avoid her and avoid her.

No one recognized her, no one knew her.

Yuan Xiaomin staggered, full of fear and despair.

The more she walked, the more tired she was, the weaker she walked, and she felt like she was dying.

So be it, just fall like this.

She's given up completely, she just wants to end it all.

Just when she fell down like a withered petal and was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, a strong arm grabbed her!
A familiar face appeared in front of her, Yuan Xiaomin's eyes were already in a trance, and she could only vaguely recognize that this person was the new policeman opposite her, the very rude policeman she hated.

The policeman looked at himself and smiled, "Yuan Xiaomin, are you okay?"

Yuan Xiaomin trembled all over, as if struck by lightning.

The next moment, her whole body was shaking like chaff, and tears were pouring down like rain!

(End of this chapter)

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