Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1190 Help

Chapter 1190 Help
When the whole world no longer knows who you are, are you alive or are you dead?
For Yuan Xiaomin, she was awakened by Su Yi's sound just a second before she was about to die, and was pulled back by Su Yi at the moment when she fell into the abyss.

There is great terror between life and death, and at the moment of resurrection, she realized how precious life is, and she realized that being alive itself is a very happy thing.

So she burst into tears.

When Yuan Xiaomin came back from desperation, the female reporter Cissy on the other side was scolding her younger brother Xiao Ming bitterly.

"I told you to stop meddling in other people's business, why don't you listen?" Cissy said loudly, "Your gang of cronies don't have a good thing, and I told you to stop playing with them, and you still go? Are you Don't you want to piss me off?"

Xiao Ming said with a dark face: "Big B suddenly fell ill, I just went to his house to see him, that's not okay? Are you too lenient?"

"It's because I didn't care too much about you, so let's see what you look like now?" Cissy became even more angry when she heard that, "You don't learn well at a young age, go to smoking alone, and play psychic games! And That Rubbish, a normal person, how could he call himself trash? Isn’t it okay to call him by another English name? Is it necessary to sensationalize, lest people not know that he is a trash?”

"You don't need to swear like that, sister?" Xiao Ming said angrily, "He is dead, can you show some respect?"

"Respect? Did I come up with his name?" Cissy sneered.

"His mother is a cleaner. He was raised by his mother picking up trash from a young age. To commemorate his dead mother, that's why he called himself trash!" Xiao Ming stared at Cissy with red eyes.

Cissy was stunned, unable to speak for a moment.

"Okay, you two, don't quarrel as soon as you meet, okay?" Cissy's boyfriend Jack on the side smoothed things over, "Xiao Ming, don't take drugs anymore, what the hell, it's all yours It came out of taking drugs. Besides, you only know that you care about your friends now? Why did you go so early?"

With a sullen face, Xiao Ming said coldly: "I have always cared about my friends!" After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

"What are you doing? Xiao Ming! Stop!" Cissy hurriedly called him, but Xiao Ming didn't stop.

On the other side, Fa Mao, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said, "I'll go see him."

After that, he chased him out.

Jack sighed and said, "Your brother is really, you really need to know your brother better in the future."

"They played psychic games last night, they must have recruited something unclean!" Cissy said worriedly.

Jack was speechless: "We have been in the news for more than ten years, what has not been seen? Cissy, where is the ghost in this world? He died of a heart attack caused by taking drugs, don't think so complicated."

"Then how do you explain what I experienced that day?" Cissy asked back, "I obviously...Huh?"

When the words came to her mouth, Cissy suddenly couldn't remember Yu Huiqi's face clearly, and couldn't help frowning deeply.

Jack smiled, pointed at her and said, "Hey, I said a long time ago that you misremembered. Look at you, you can't even remember yourself now."

"How could I remember wrong!" Cissy stomped her feet angrily, "Forget it, I won't tell you, you are too stubborn, I'll go find Fa Mao, at least he believes what I say."

Jack rolled his eyes, and said in a strange way: "Yes, it's right to find him. He looks like a ghost on weekdays."

"Why do you hate him so much?" Cissy frowned.

"I'm in trouble if I like him!" Jack shrugged.

"It's useless to tell you! I'll go find them!" After saying that, he hurried out.


Fa Mao caught up with Xiao Ming who left angrily, and persuaded him, "Don't be angry, she is also your sister."

"I can't do anything wrong! Is it wrong that I have a group of friends?" Xiao Ming said excitedly.

"She just loves you too." Fa Mao said.

"She loves you more!" Xiao Ming said angrily.

Fa Mao sighed: "She told me that she will marry Jack at the end of the year."

Xiao Ming was startled, shrugged but said nothing.

Fa Mao forced a smile and said, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about your affairs, I think the problem lies in the bottle of corpse oil."

When Xiao Ming heard him talking about business, he immediately became serious.

"This ghost must have entered your brain with the help of the smoke from the corpse oil, thereby creating hallucinations." Mao Mao said, "Rubbish must have been hallucinated by what he saw, and frightened to death."

This is what Xiao Ming likes to be hairy the most. This person will never easily refute your point of view or what you have said, and will always try to stand in your position to help you solve problems.

Xiao Ming has yin and yang eyes, but he doesn't know when to use them. Occasionally, he sees some ghosts wandering around the city.

He didn't believe anyone he told about this matter, even his sister felt that he was deliberately attracting others' attention, but Fa Mao didn't deny him directly, but used him to describe the appearance of the ghost, and then inquire about the information of the dead, so that Proved he wasn't lying.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Ming likes to share what he has seen and heard with Fa Mao, especially some supernatural events.

"Mr. Mao, what you said makes sense, but there is one thing I can't figure out." Xiao Ming frowned, "If it's really the problem of corpse oil, I also inhaled a lot of smoke from corpse oil, why did the four of them see red clothes?" But what I saw was a female ghost in a blue dress? No reason for such a big difference? I thought they were bullshitting at first, but after Rubbish's accident, all three of them said they saw a red dress ghost, but I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken..."

Mao Mao frowned, and said: "This is really a bit contradictory. Could it be that there are two female ghosts at the scene? But why are there two? Which one killed Rubbish?"

"Oh, no matter that much, I'm going to see Big B," Xiao Ming said, "He called me and said that since Rubbish died, he has been feeling cold all over his body, as if he was soaked in water , It was like a big stone was pressed on his chest... I persuaded him to go to the hospital but he refused, so I plan to persuade him myself."

Hairy frowned and said: "But your sister said before that she asked an expert, and the advice given by that expert is to keep your mind on your own business and stop running around."

"This is my friend's business, it's not an idle matter. Do you want me to be disrespectful?" Xiao Ming shook his head, "Don't worry, I'm only going to Big B's house, and I won't run around."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ming waved goodbye to Fa Mao, turned and left.

When Cissy came running, she learned that Xiao Ming had gone to meddle in his own business despite being persuaded, so she stomped her feet angrily: "Why didn't you stop him? I'll call him back!"

Fa Mao stopped her and said helplessly: "Do you think Xiao Ming will be obedient?"

"Then what should I do? The second advice from Mr. Huang from Wanwan was very clear. He must be an expert. If you don't listen to him, what should you do if something happens? I'm the only younger brother!" Cissy said very worry.

"I think we'd better pay a visit to this yellow sir." Hairy looked at Cissy, "This matter is full of fog, but this yellow sir obviously knows a lot of truth. And according to what you said, he seems to be a very capable person .We go to ask him for help, and at worst we can learn the whole story from him, which is better than wasting time guessing."

Cissy thought it made sense and nodded: "I don't have his contact information, but I know where he lives, so let's go find him now!"

"But it's so late now, if we rush to find him, will it be very disturbing?" Fa Mao hesitated.

"Human life is at stake, boss!" Cissy said angrily, "Even if he blames me again, it's better than my brother dying."

"That's true, I'll go with you." Fa Mao was persuaded.

On the other side, Su Yi drove Yuan Xiaomin home, called Miao Xiaowei on the way, and asked him for Huang Yaozu's number.

"Huang sir, is there a big move?" Miao Xiaowei was very excited, "Can I come over to help? Don't worry, I'm very capable!"

"No need, you better stop making trouble." Su Yi ruthlessly refused, "And isn't your drug case at a critical moment?"

"Two shifts, Sir Huang, I've been busy and disappeared, and it's my turn to rest for a while. I decided to sacrifice my rest time and go to help you!" Miao Xiaowei said with a smile, "Sir Huang , I promise not to cause you any trouble, so just take me with you, don’t I still have the amulet you gave me? Don’t worry, I will listen to you when I get there, please, Huang sir!”

Su Yi thought for a while, and felt that even if Miao Xiaowei came, there would be no danger, and it would be good to have such a temporary boy on Hong Kong Island, so he said: "Well, for the sake of your sincerity, you can come, but remember , when the time comes, everything has to be obeyed by me, otherwise it will be just this one time, and the next one will never be an example!"

"Huang sir, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you! Haha, that's great, I love you!" Miao Xiaowei was so excited that he was incoherent.

"Send me Huang Yaozu's number, hurry up!" Su Yi shook his head, wondering if this young man came to hell because of Mao?
Too much curiosity is really not a good thing.

He turned his head and looked at Yuan Xiaomin who was sitting in the passenger seat. The girl was wearing his coat, shivering all over, looking very cold.

"You are full of yin energy now, much heavier than ordinary dead people, that's why you are so cold." Su Yi said, "The reason why I don't dispel the yin energy on your body now is because I can't startle the snakes now, otherwise they will be so cold." Come directly to the door and stop us halfway, I'm not sure I can keep you then."

Yu Huiqi and Yuan Xiaomin, one person and one ghost, have now established a very wonderful connection, like "one body with two souls", but one living soul, one ghost, one inside the body, and one floating outside.

Without Su Yi's interference, the living soul and the dead soul would transform into each other, and Yu Huiqiu would occupy the magpie's nest, occupy this body, and become the real Yuan Xiaomin.And Yuan Xiaomin will bear all of Yu Huiqi's karma, becoming a lonely ghost with two karma.

If Yu Huiqi was not revived for the first time, then Yuan Xiaomin would even have to bear three times the karma!
Waiting for Yuan Xiaomin's end, or he couldn't bear the fire of karma, and his soul would fly away.

Either there is nothing to do for the time being, but it is necessary to "throw the blame" as soon as possible before the karmic backlash occurs, and then find a substitute to dump the karma to the next unlucky person.

Just now, Su Yi used the life-continuing talisman to temporarily keep Yuan Xiaomin's last ray of yang energy alive, and also temporarily cut off Yuan Xiaomin's contact with the outside world with his own Taoist blood. In this way, Yu Huiqi was temporarily unable to sense Yuan Xiaomin's existence. .

But this is just a measure of power, Yuan Xiaomin's yang energy is now all on Yu Huiqi's body, if Yuan Xiaomin wants to recover, he must lure Yu Huiqi over, catch this ghost, and only then can Yuan Xiaomin's yang energy be recovered.Otherwise, whether Yu Huiqi was killed or Yu Huiqi ran away, Yuan Xiaomin would still be dead, and Yu Huiqi would be a lose-lose situation, which was not what Su Yi wanted to see.

Therefore, Su Yi must lead Yu Huiqi to the magic circle arranged at home, so as to ensure the greatest degree of safety.

"Huang sir, Mike... Mike is really not him anymore?" Yuan Xiaomin asked with trembling lips.

"The last time I saw him leave, I felt that something was wrong with him." Su Yi said, "But I'm so ignorant, I didn't see what was wrong at the time, so I just reminded him a few words."

"Later I went to visit an expert, and it was only from his mouth that I knew what you guys had provoked." Su Yi sighed, and continued, "It's a pity that when I came back, your boyfriend had gone out, and There is another ghost beside you. When your boyfriend comes back, it will be too late."

Yuan Xiaomin trembled, weeping silently, and asked again: "The real Mike..."

Su Yi was silent for a moment, and said: "If it goes well this time, I will recruit its soul and do a ritual for it to save it, so that it can be reincarnated instead of being a lonely ghost. Ghost, find an innocent substitute. If this is the case, then I have no choice but to act for the heavens."

At this time, the phone vibrated, but it was Miao Xiaowei who sent Huang Yaozu's number.

Su Yi didn't shy away, and directly dialed Huang Yaozu's number.

After the call was connected, I could only hear the crying over there, which was very noisy.

"Who is it?" Huang Yaozu didn't save Su Yi's number.

"Yellow Huotu." Su Yi said, "I have something, I think it is necessary to say hello to you."

After a pause, he said again, "Are you busy?"

"Wait first!"

After a while, the environment on the other end of the phone quieted down.

"Okay, now we can talk." Huang Yaozu's voice came again, with a serious tone, "Actually, you didn't call, and I was just looking for you. Another dead person, Fushan Village, is very close to the last time. This The second time was a middle-aged woman who hacked her husband to death with a kitchen knife and then committed suicide. Do you think the same one did it?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't tell for sure." Although Su Yi guessed that there was a high probability that it was Chu Renmei's handwriting, he still said conservatively, "If it's the same ghost, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing to do." The other end of the phone said silently for a moment, "I just want to know how many people it hurts before it will give up. Or is there any way to resolve its grievances."

"It's still the same sentence, I have to see it with my own eyes to make a judgment." Su Yi said.

"Okay, I need your help on this matter, I will apply to the above, please help." Huang Yaozu said, "I don't know how you deal with this kind of thing in Wanwan, but in Hong Kong Island, we The first commandment must be obeyed!"

 Back, sorry for the long wait.

(End of this chapter)

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