Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1191 Tracking

"If I really want your help at that time, I hope that those god-like things will not be seen as much as possible." Huang Yaozu said, "Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain it to the public."

"It doesn't sound like you're begging me to do things, but I'm begging you to do things with me." Su Yi laughed.

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant." Huang Yaozu heard the beating and dissatisfaction in Su Yi's words, and immediately apologized, "Actually, I've been too busy recently, and a lot of things have happened that I haven't encountered before, so I'm in a hurry to talk and do things. Well, otherwise I'm usually a very polite person."

After a pause, Huang Yaozu said again: "Actually, if I didn't have you, this matter would be easier for me to handle. In my experience, they hurt people and usually go silent after a while, the only difference is how many people died. , I could just turn a blind eye and wait for it to close itself. If you weren't there, this must have ended up like this, but since you're here, I want to give those who haven't been killed a chance ."

"Since you have pity on those innocent people, why did you never ask Uncle Feng for help before?" Su Yi asked, "You should be able to imagine that many innocent people will survive with him."

"But he will also make the trouble bigger." Huang Yaozu said after a slight silence, "I pursue different things from him, in fact, catching them is more harmful than not catching them, and Uncle Feng is so high-profile, our ideas are different, There's no way we can live together."

Su Yi smiled and changed the subject: "I'm calling you because I have two ghosts here who have revived their spirits and become alive. One of them has already succeeded. Now I want to save one of them, and then destroy the other. One. In this case, at least one corpse will be left."

"Borrowing the corpse back to the soul... Do you want me to wipe your ass?" Huang Yaozu understood what Su Yi meant.

The death of a person on Hong Kong Island is not a big deal, but it is by no means a trivial matter. Unless you destroy the body and do not reveal any clues, the police will definitely come to investigate.

Su Yi's extermination of ghosts is for heaven, he doesn't want to do a good job but also destroy corpses and destroy traces, it seems very shameful.

So he needs a person who wipes his ass, and this person is none other than Huang Yaozu.

"Don't say it so badly." Su Yi said, "Actually, I am helping you."

"That's right." Huang Yaozu said, "But this... Forget it, you can do it first, just don't make a mess in the city, or it will be a disservice. Remember to call me when you're done."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi showed a thoughtful look.

It can be heard that Huang Yaozu's attitude towards the practitioners is very condescending, and he wants to use Xu Xingren's power, but is also afraid of the troubles caused by the practitioners.

As a practitioner, Su Yi is naturally opposed to Huang Yaozu's attitude, but he actually agrees with this concept.

Respect ghosts and gods and stay far away, this is the principle passed down by our ancestors.

If ghosts and gods really exist, as long as you keep them at a distance and ignore them, sooner or later, you will "should not be surprised if you see them, and they will be defeated."

But there is a premise that ghosts and gods do little harm to people, and their influence is limited.

If there are ghosts and spirits that cannot be avoided and cannot be avoided everywhere, and still want to "see the strangeness", then you are deceiving yourself and stealing the bell.

Anyway, now that there are people who wipe the buttocks, Su Yi can throw off his arms and give it a shot.

While Su Yi drove Yuan Xiaomin back, a man and a woman came to the place where Su Yi met Yuan Xiaomin.

It was Mike and Yu Huiqi.

At this moment, the two of them frowned, and their expressions were full of surprise.

"Impossible, she must be here in the end, there's no reason to disappear!" Yu Huiqi said in shock, "She should have died, but she's not dead yet, but I can't sense her! How is this possible? ? She... was hidden! Someone is playing tricks!"

"At this point, it stands to reason that no one in the world will recognize her." Mike said, "If no one can recognize her, naturally no one will hide her. But now that she is gone, only A possibility..."

Mike looked at Yu Huiqi.

"That damned Wanwan Slip!" Yu Huiqi thought of Su Yi instantly, gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "It must be that damned Wanwan Slip! Except him, no one has the ability to take care of him under my nose. People hide!"

"I guess it's him too!" Mike also gritted his teeth, "There is only one person who has a grudge against us, has a reason, and has the ability to do so!"

"You bastards dare to spoil my good deeds!" Yu Huiqi's eyes were resentful, her expression grim, and her hair was windless. "If you say that well water doesn't make river water, you're lying to me! He came after me from the very beginning!"

"Now you are only one step away from melting your body and returning to the sun, but without this step, you will be back to your original shape by the backlash, and this time you will be completely forfeited!" Mike looked at her and said.

"I wasted this opportunity? Do you want me to bear the pain of the seven-day reincarnation? I'm not reconciled! I will never be reconciled!" Yu Huiqi's face was twisted, and she yelled resentfully, "I'm going to fight with him! Brother Qiang, please help Won't you help me?"

Mike's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he hesitated slightly: "Of course I want to help you, but I have returned to Yang now, and my flesh and blood will fight with him, I am afraid of me..."

"We agreed to advance and retreat together, but now you actually..." Yu Huiqi was surprised and suspicious.

"Sorry, I finally survived, I don't want to take risks." Mike said, "You also listen to my advice, there is still a chance, there is no need to die."

Yu Huiqi's expression was gloomy and distorted: "If you don't help me, I have no choice but to die! I have no way out. Do you think I will let you fly away and be a happy man?"

Mike's eyes suddenly became ruthless, staring at Yu Huiqi.

The two ghosts glared at each other fiercely, and after a long time Mike gritted his teeth and said, "It's true, you can trust each other as people, but as a ghost, no one can believe it!"

"I thought Brother Qiang already understood this truth!" Yu Huiqi sneered.

"Okay, I'll help you!" Mike said coldly, "but I won't help you fight that Wanwan Tiaozi surnamed Huang, I'll only help you kill your stand-in,"

"How do I know that if my family name Huang is entangled, you won't leave me and run away?" Yu Huiqi said quietly, "Brother Qiang, I don't want you to work hard. You are a man now, and you have more ways than me. Compared with me, you are more able to entangle the surnamed Huang to buy time for me. Even if you spend a little money to find some young and dangerous boys, you can achieve your goal. This is better than killing people, right? Isn't the year a waste of time?"

"Okay, I promise you!" Mike weighed for a moment and responded.

"But now you can't even sense the avatar, where are we going to find him?" Mike asked again, "In case it's past twelve o'clock tonight, or your avatar dies and you don't have time to get on her, or Be busy."

"You've been a ghost for a long time, don't you know how to be a human being?" Yu Huiqi sneered, "I'll go to him, you go to Young and Dangerous, and we'll act separately."

Mike nodded and turned to leave.Yu Huiqi took a deep breath, put on a sweet smile, and walked to a convenience store on the side of the road.

"Uncle, can you help me? I want to inquire about one thing. During this period of time, was there a woman who looked sick and was taken away by a man at your door?"

"I seem to have the impression that not long ago... a red car went in this direction..."

The uncle of the convenience store pointed in one direction and wanted to explain, but when he turned around, he found that the sweet girl just now disappeared, as if he had been talking to the air just now.

The uncle was stunned, and it took a long time for his hair to stand on end, and he shivered: "What a hell..."

In Su Yi's room.

Yuan Xiaomin looked at the empty living room full of runes, the bedroom, and the bell hanging in the middle of the living room in surprise, and couldn't help saying, "Huang sir, are you ready to deal with them?"

"It is my duty to conquer demons and conquer demons." Su Yi lit six incense sticks and distributed them to Yuan Xiaomin, "This is the tablet of the patriarch and Sanqing that I sent. You also come to pay homage, it will be good for you."

"Yes." Yuan Xiaomin now regards Su Yi as the only life-saving straw, and naturally regards his words as a reference, hurriedly stepped forward to take the incense, and bowed his head to the tablet enshrined on the incense stick with a full face, "Please bless me from the gods and the patriarch, Help me get through this..."

Su Yi also bowed three times, pointed at the position at the bottom of the bell in the formation, and said solemnly: "You are sitting in this position now, don't move at all. No matter who tells you to leave here, or if anything happens, you see anything. , you don't even listen, don't care!"

"What about you?" Yuan Xiaomin asked.

"Neither can I!" Su Yi shook his head, "These sneaks are the best at creating illusions to deceive people. They are likely to pretend to be me and let you leave, so even if you see me asking you to get up, you should never get up. Maybe you In the fantasy world, you will feel attacked, for example, a tiger suddenly pounces on you, or even bites you, you feel pain, and you feel like you are about to die, but even so, don’t move!”

Having said that, Su Yi approached Yuan Xiaomin with a serious face and said word by word, "You must remember that this is your only chance to survive, as long as you move, you will surely die! But if you don't move, you will die. Now, you can live too!"

Yuan Xiaomin looked terrified, but still nodded, "I will listen to you!"

In fact, even if Yuan Xiaomin was deceived by the sneaky illusion and left her position, she might not necessarily die, but she would definitely cause trouble for Su Yi, so Su Yi deliberately exaggerated the threat to scare her and make her feel that the matter was serious. thereby avoiding trouble.

"This anti-ghost talisman should be placed close to your body, preferably where your heart is." Su Yi took out another talisman and handed it to Yuan Xiaomin, "If a ghost confuses you with an illusion, or attacks you directly, it will It will work, remember, don't take it out no matter what." Su Yi ordered.

Yuan Xiaomin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But Su Yi was sure that she would definitely take it out, because this is the thing that ghosts are most afraid of. They want Yuan Xiaomin's life, and the first one will deceive Yuan Xiaomin to invalidate the anti-ghost talisman.Yuan Xiaomin has no experience in fighting ghosts, so she will most likely be bewitched by ghosts and throw away the anti-ghost talisman.

This is also the reason why many mortals are still killed by ghosts when they sometimes ask for a magic talisman.

Yuan Xiaomin stuffed the anti-ghost talisman into her bra, feeling like she was carrying a heavy lump of iron, but she felt much more at ease.

Whether it's the arrangement of the room or what Su Yi did, she felt that there were only four words - professional and practical.

Because professional, so very practical.

"Huang sir, you suddenly became cold to me, is it related to these two ghosts?" Yuan Xiaomin asked.

"That female ghost warned me not to ruin her good deeds." Su Yi smiled, "I couldn't tell you directly at that time, so I had to take it upon myself, deliberately stay away from you, and let them relax their vigilance."

"Why can't you tell me?" Yuan Xiaomin asked curiously.

"If I told you at the time that your boyfriend and close friend living with you are ghosts and they want to kill you, would you believe me?" Su Yi asked.

Yuan Xiaomin was stunned, shook his head and said, "I might... think of you as a lunatic. Now that I think about it, I'm so stupid. Mike never talks about other people's bad things behind his back, but he keeps saying bad things about you and keeps me away from you. But I never doubted him."

"It's not your fault, ghosts are deceiving people, they will always make you ignore those unreasonable things." Su Yi said, "Of course I won't watch ghosts harm people, but the trust of the parties is also very important. If you and I are not in the same mind. , instead of being bewitched by ghosts and standing on their side, not only will I not be able to save you, but I will be implicated by you and lose my life."

"So serious?" Yuan Xiaomin was at a loss, she couldn't figure it out at all.

"It's more serious than you think." Su Yi said, "For example, if you saw that I was going to kill your boyfriend with a knife, and you happened to have a knife in your hand, and I turned my back to you, would you stab me from behind? "

"This..." Yuan Xiaomin thought for a while, if that were the case, she would really do this to save Mike.

"But the real situation is that I fight with ghosts and can't move, and you are tricked by ghosts to plot against me at a critical moment." Su Yi said, "If you kill me, even if you are not killed by ghosts, you will have to go to jail. already."

Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help shuddering at the thought of such a situation.

"So you have to fully trust me before I can help you." Su Yi said, "For example, now, I tell you that no matter what happens, you have to sit here and don't leave. If you trust me 100%, you will listen to me But if you have doubts about me, if the ghost bewitches you later, that doubt will be infinitely magnified, making you suddenly distrust me completely, think that I am the one who hurt you, and then leave here, this will be It's called a ghost."

"I absolutely trust you, Sir Huang, 100%!" Yuan Xiaomin hurriedly stated, "Don't worry, Sir Huang, I will never be obsessed with ghosts. I know very well that the only one who can save me now is you."

"I hope you always think so." Su Yi shook his head, not holding out much hope for this.

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