Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1192 Confrontation

How to ensure that a normal person will not be tricked into doing stupid things?
The answer is-

There is no guarantee.

The reason is very simple, a person can believe nothing, but he will definitely believe in himself.

You will believe what you hear, see, and feel.

If you hear the sound of a knife slitting your throat, you see your blood gushing out, you feel the piercing pain, you feel yourself losing strength, and your consciousness begins to die, in such a situation, you would do What judgment?
Do you feel like you're dying?Or do you think it's all an illusion?
So let's change the scene again. You find that a lunatic hit your head with a sledgehammer. Can you avoid it?

If you dodge and just fall into the illusion, the ghost is waiting for you to run out of the safe zone before harming you; if you don't dodge, how can you judge that the hammer is fake?

If it's true, wouldn't your brain bloom?
A risk that can be avoided as long as you hide, are you willing to be stupid and sit there and bet that it is an illusion?
Maybe you are smart, you dodge the point but still don't move, the hammer hits your shoulder, the blood splashes, the broken bones, the heart-piercing pain, the piercing fear, everything is so real, when the second hammer Hit your head again, will you sit still and wait for yourself to be hit to death?

No one will be so ruthless that they will not move at all, and stubbornly gamble with their lives that this is an illusion.

This is just the simplest way to deceive people and seduce people, so don't believe that ordinary people will not be deceived by ghosts.

Su Yi suffered this kind of loss when he was on the "Zombie" plane, but fortunately, there was no danger. Of course, he would not make the same mistake twice.

Therefore, he didn't believe Yuan Xiaomin's guarantee at all.

It is easy to destroy ghosts, but difficult to save people, especially to save a person who is full of ghosts.

Miao Xiaowei was the first to arrive.

"Remember, you can do whatever I want you to do later, and don't make your own decisions." Su Yi said in the first sentence after opening the door.

"Don't worry, Huang sir!" Miao Xiaowei stared at the arrangement in the room, feeling overwhelmed with excitement.

This scene greatly satisfied his fantasy about catching ghosts.

He quickly noticed Yuan Xiaomin in the field, and said "Huh": "Why is there a girl? Hi, my name is Miao Xiaowei, what's your surname?"

Yuan Xiaomin looked at him speechlessly: "And you said you are my fan? You don't even recognize me even in front of you?"

Miao Xiaowei was puzzled, scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Excuse me, have we met before?"

Yuan Xiaomin sighed and said to himself: "Forget it, I don't blame you, even my parents don't recognize me, let alone you?"

Miao Xiaowei wanted to ask again, but was beckoned by Su Yi and went over to the balcony to ask questions.

"Have you brought a gun?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course," Miao Xiaowei patted his waist, "I told the above that I was here to dispatch the police, and of course I had to bring a gun."

Su Yi nodded and said, "That's good, you are likely to use it today."

Miao Xiaowei was startled and said, "Can a bullet hit a ghost?"

"You won't be allowed to shoot ghosts, but you need to shoot the sky to warn you." Su Yi pointed downstairs, "Did you see? You need to shoot, stop these people below, and tell them not to act rashly."

Miao Xiaowei followed Su Yi's fingers and looked down, his eyes widened and his scalp tingling.

"Damn! How come there are so many young and dangerous boys!" His voice suddenly increased.

I saw more than a dozen vans parked downstairs, each of which was getting off people one after another. After a while, the downstairs was densely packed with people, and it seemed that there were at least a hundred people.

"Huang sir, don't tell me, they're here for us?" Miao Xiaowei was upset and stared at Su Yi with wide eyes, "Are we catching ghosts or sweeping black?"

"The ghosts are also caught, and the blacks are also swept away." Su Yi was amused by him.

These two ghosts actually asked Young and Dangerous Boys to support the scene, which Su Yi did not expect.

But this little scene was nothing to Su Yi.Not to mention a hundred, even if the number is increased tenfold, Su Yi will not frown.

But for Miao Xiaowei, it was a matter of life.

He stayed for a while, then screamed: "Huang sir, you killed him!"

Then he took out the phone and prepared to make a call.

Su Yi held him down: "What are you doing?"

"Of course it's calling for support, sir!" Miao Xiaowei said anxiously, "You don't think that just the two of us will be able to handle more than [-] people below?"

"When your support arrives, the daylilies are cold." Su Yi shook his head, "Don't cause me trouble, I said, as long as you come, you can do whatever you want. If you're afraid, you can leave now. come in time."

Miao Xiaowei was stunned for a while, then said in a trembling voice: "Huang sir, there are more than [-] people!"

"So what?" Su Yidan asked.

Miao Xiaowei's face was blue for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "If you die, you will die, I believe in you! Give your life to accompany the gentleman!"

"Although you will fire a warning later," Su Yi said, "You can delay the time as long as you can, it doesn't matter if you can't, it's important to save your life, let's go, let's go out."

"Do you still want to go out?" Miao Xiaowei said in a trembling voice, "Elder, are you afraid that we won't die badly enough?"

Su Yi smiled and dragged him out: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Huang sir, what should I do?" Yuan Xiaomin shouted in panic behind him.

"Sit with peace of mind, I can't see anything, I can't hear anything." Su Yi said.

"Okay! Okay!" Yuan Xiaomin was very nervous, closed his eyes tremblingly, and kept muttering, "I can't hear anything, I can't see anything..."

Su Yi and Miao Xiaowei came to the door, staring at the direction of the stairs, waiting for the coming young and bewildering boys.

"Huang sir, is it too late for me to regret it now..." Miao Xiaowei's legs trembled and he swallowed.

"It's too late." Su Yi said with a smile.

Miao Xiaowei wiped his cold sweat: "Forget it, I have to be loyal."

"Don't worry, with me here, it's hard for you to die." Su Yi saw that the child was so frightened, he smiled and patted him on the shoulder, as a little encouragement.

However, Miao Xiaowei obviously did not regain any confidence.

After a while, I heard the bustling noise from the stairwell, accompanied by footsteps like thunder.

It is obviously impossible for more than [-] people to get up from the elevator, so these young and dangerous boys all came by stairs.

Miao Xiaowei was so nervous that his heart was in his throat, but Su Yi closed his eyes.

Holding Yuan Xiaomin in his hand, he was not afraid that Yu Huiqi would not come. Before, he was a little worried that Mike would run away and cause trouble for himself, but he was relieved when he saw Mike mixed with the young and the bewildered.

The door of the stairwell was slammed open, and a group of ferocious young and bewildered men filed out, panting towards this side.

That's right, not aggressive, but breathless.

The eleventh floor is not too high, but it is quite tiring for normal people to climb up.

"Stop! Police!" Miao Xiaowei roared, took out his gun and aimed it in front of him.

"Damn, Tiaozi!" Young and Dangerous, who were walking at the front, froze for a moment, and cried out.

"Tiaozi, there is a note!"

"Damn, didn't you mean to teach a Wanwan old man a lesson? How did it become a slap? Is it true?"

"He has a gun, stop! All stop!"

The young and the bewildered were all in a commotion. The ones in front stopped and those in the back had to move forward. Many people didn't even come out of the stairwell. The small corridor was already crowded with people, and it was dark at first glance.

"I'm a police officer of the heavy eucalyptus team, and I'm performing important official duties. What do you want to do? Attack the police?" Although Miao Xiaowei was afraid to die just now, he was fierce and did not show weakness at this time.

"You say that you are a scorpion or a scorpion? I also said that I am the governor of Hong Kong!" A young and dangerous boy said yin and yang strangely.

Miao Xiaowei took out the police card that he had prepared for a long time, and said loudly: "The police of the West Kowloon Heavy Eucalyptus Unit, number 2667! Who are you guys? Come out and talk!"

He was much calmer at this time.

A young and dangerous boy stepped forward and took a closer look, "Damn, it's really a sliver, Brother Rafi!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw another commotion in the young and dangerous crowd, and someone shouted, "Let's go ahead, Brother Rafi is coming out!"

Young and Dangerous people crowded to make way, and soon a burly man wearing a tight vest and tattooed arms came out.

The man had long flowing hair, half a cigarette in his mouth, and an inadvertent smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking very cool.

This made Su Yi think of his past.

"Brother Lafite? I know you, the person from Xinji, Zuo Dun is in charge!" Miao Xiaowei sneered, "Why, Brother Lafite, do you want to attack the police?"

"Damn, it's not like you haven't attacked the police before, are you scaring me?" Brother Lafite smiled, "West Kowloon Heavy Eucalyptus... Hey, I'm very familiar with you Sir Lin, but I haven't seen you before, you're new here. of?"

While they were talking, Su Yi's eyes swept through the crowd, searching for Mike's trail.

But at a glance, there was no one at all.Did you hide in the stairwell and didn't come out?Still didn't come up?

Su Yi's eyes flickered, he flashed back to the room, took five incense sticks and lit it.

"The Tao is learned from the heart, and the incense is passed on from the heart. The incense is hot in the jade furnace, and the heart is in front of the emperor..." Su Yi choked the magic formula with his hands, and said a few words in his mouth.

In fact, many Taoist mantras have more than one function. Just like this incense mantra, it can be used to communicate with gods before worshiping incense, and it can also use incense as a guide to find ghosts and spirits.

As Su Yi said a few words in his mouth, the five incense sticks in Su Yi's hand burned into three long and two short.

This shows that there are two sneaky creatures, one is next door and the other is downstairs.

Mike didn't come up?
Su Yi frowned.

He looked back at Yuan Xiaomin, the woman sat there with her eyes closed and trembling, her face full of horror.

The ghost next door should be the female ghost Yu Huiqi. She should be waiting for the opportunity to destroy the magic circle and stay in Yuan Xiaomin.

But what does this Mike mean when he doesn't come up downstairs?
If the situation is bad, run away at any time?

Su Yi had never been in contact with ghost cultivators before, so he didn't know whether these ghost cultivators had any unique way to escape, so he planned to set up a formation to trap the two ghosts.

But now that Mike can't come up, it's very troublesome.

After thinking for a while, Su Yi simply stood at the door, staring at Yuan Xiaomin and stopped going out.

Outside the door, Su Yi suddenly entered the door. Although he attracted everyone's attention, no one cared about him for the time being.

Miao Xiaowei seemed to be calm, but in fact, he was in a panic, confronting the young and the bewildered.

On the opposite side, Rafik sees Su Yi as a turtle in a urn.

At this moment, the dialogue between the two sides is full of gunpowder, and the swords are drawn.

"Sir, I also use money to do things. I can't help it. People give more money, but they just let us make a big scene to teach a Wanwan old man. I have no reason to earn this kind of waste money. I advise you to have less. Mind your own business and delay my making a small fortune." Brother Lafite was half-smiling, as if he didn't care that Miao Xiaowei pointed his gun at himself, "You only have a few bullets in your gun? I brought more than [-] brothers today, you How many people can you kill with a single gun? Hey, it’s just a salary, so there’s no need to work so hard, right?”

"I don't believe that you dare to mess around!" Miao Xiaowei saw sweat on his forehead, but he didn't give in. "If you dare to mess around, you're attacking the police! If things get bigger, even the King of Heaven can't protect you!"

"Hehe, Sir, you think too highly of you, do you really think you guys will make a big deal with our Xinji because of you, a little police officer?" Brother Lafite had a playful look on his face, not waiting for Miao Xiaowei to speak. , he waved his hand impatiently and said: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you make way, I'll do things, everyone is hello, I'm good, don't interfere with each other! Want me to run for nothing? Even if I agree, the brothers behind me will not agree. !"

"Step aside!"

"Damn, go to hell!"

"We each spit and drown you!"

Young and Dangerous, under the fanning of Rafi, shouted loudly and had a very arrogant attitude.

The sweat in Miao Xiaowei's hand was so slippery that he could barely hold the gun, and he even felt that his calf was cramping.

Su Yi, who could have given him a little confidence, suddenly entered the room at this moment. If he hadn't caught a glimpse of Su Yi standing behind the door, he really didn't have the courage to continue confronting more than [-] people now.

Seeing the young and the bewildered moving forward, Miao Xiaowei's eyes slammed, and the muzzle of the gun was raised, and a shot slammed into the ceiling.

This shot startled everyone, and the scene was instantly silent.

"Whoever dares to approach, I'll shoot!" Miao Xiaowei roared sharply, "If you don't want things to get worse, just leave!"

The sound of gunfire temporarily shocked the young and the young, and Su Yi, who was behind the door, gave Miao Xiaowei a thumbs up.

Miao Xiaowei looked at it and complained secretly, and said in his heart, what are you doing, eldest brother?If we can't scare this group of young and dangerous, we will die!
"Is it really worthless?" Brother Lafite squinted his eyes and looked at Miao Xiaowei, reached out to call a younger brother, and said in his ear: "Tell that kid, now there are more lifeless policemen, and the previous price is lower , I want him to add another fifty thousand."

"Okay, eldest!" The little brother turned around and squeezed out.

Brother Lafite didn't speak any more, just squinted at Miao Xiaowei, as if to remember the person in front of him.

The younger brother's shouting soon came from the corridor. He shouted loudly what Lafite had just said, and after a while, Mike's reply came from downstairs.

Although he only said the word "good", it made Su Yi keenly capture his position!

This guy was actually on the fifth floor and didn't come up!

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