People who have died once cherish their lives more than anyone else.

Therefore, Mike, who knew that Su Yi was a dangerous person, only dared to stay on the fifth floor to wait and see the development of the situation.

If Yu Huiqi hadn't threatened him, he wouldn't even want to go upstairs, he just wanted to wait in the car downstairs, and if something was wrong, he would immediately start the accelerator and leave.

In the same way, a person who has died once, looks forward to living again more than anyone else.

Yu Huiqi knew that Su Yi was likely to be an unfathomable master, but she still risked herself. Why?
It is because of the desire for life that she has ignored the risk and decided to take it.

And these two ghosts feel that they are not without a chance of winning.

As long as the Young and Dangerous Boys could entangle Su Yi, they took the opportunity to kill Yuan Xiaomin and succeeded in reviving him from the dead, and then they flew away and never returned to Hong Kong Island again.

This is a last-ditch effort.

It's the equivalent of "after tonight, it'll be fine again".

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was destined to be wrong.

The moment Su Yi succeeded in determining the exact location of Mike, he almost did not hesitate to dodge out the door, jumped up, stepped on the densely packed heads or shoulders of the young and bewildered, and disappeared into the stairwell on the other side of the corridor in a blink of an eye.

The two sides who were confronting in the corridor only felt their eyes blink, and a dark shadow flashed past, and some young and dangerous boys felt as if they had been stepped on, but they were not sure.

The two sides suddenly quieted down, looking around and each other blankly.

"Did you see that?"

"I... didn't see clearly, what?"

"I don't know, it's gone in a swish."

"I feel like I've been stepped on..."

"Me too……"

The young and the bewildered were uncertain, and the more the discussion, the more terrifying. Brother Lafite looked at Miao Xiaowei, whose eyes were gradually widening, and was also a little bit suspicious. He swiped over his head, and when he looked back, he saw only a back disappearing into the stairwell.

Compared to the young and the bewildered, Miao Xiaowei saw more because he was facing the corridor.

He was quite sure that it was Su Yi who flew away just now, and he recognized Su Yi's back!
So Miao Xiaowei's mind was blank at the moment, and there was a voice that kept saying "I rely on" excitedly.

"Hey, what was that just now?" Rafiq asked in a deep voice.

The most important thing about being a young and dangerous boy is to have eyesight, knowing who can be provoked and who can't be provoked.

It is because he is very "aware of current affairs" that Rafi is the leader of the party.

At this moment, he had realized that something was wrong, and his heart suddenly became vigilant.

"Brother Lafite, right? Some people are not something you can afford!" Miao Xiaowei sneered, "For some things, let alone you, even your elders would not dare to mess around with them. Do you think it's worthwhile to take your life in?"

Rafiq's expression was gloomy and his eyes flickered.

Meanwhile, the fifth floor.

Mike was frowning and waiting for the movement above, when a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he flashed to the side subconsciously.

A figure flew down from the patio and landed on the position where he had just stood.

Mike was startled, and looked closely, not who is Su Yi?

He was stunned.

"The reaction is very fast." Su Yi grinned, and stepped forward with a flash.

But in the next moment, his eyes froze, and the whole environment changed suddenly. A sea of ​​blazing fire suddenly appeared in front of him. The scorching temperature caused his skin to ache. Because he was too close to the sea of ​​​​fire, even his clothes were on fire.

At the sudden change, Su Yi's expression did not change, his footsteps did not stop at all, and he stretched his arm into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation.

The burning hair and the squeaking of the skin were so clear, and the severe pain was so real, but none of these affected Su Yi in the slightest.

His palm passed through the raging flames and slapped a body hard.

With the sound of broken bones, all illusions disappeared!
Where is the sea of ​​fire in front of Su Yi's eyes?
Only the scene where he slapped the stunned Mike's chest with his palm, as if time was frozen at this moment.


The fracture of the ribs and the vibration of the internal organs did not affect Mike at all. He didn't seem to feel the pain at all. The next moment, a ferocious black shadow suddenly burst out of Mike's body, rushing towards Su Yi with filial piety.

But Su Yi didn't even blink an eye.

The ferocious black figure rushed out less than ten centimeters away, and then showed an extremely painful expression, as if it was forcibly pulled back into Mike's body by some force.

Su Yi smiled and retracted his palm, revealing a demon-suppressing talisman held in his palm.

And this magic talisman was sticking to Mike's chest at this moment!
Su Yi pointed out Rudian, and quickly reached out to Mike's major points.


A terrifying roar roared out from Mike's mouth. This was not a sound that a human could make. With the roar, the skin on Mike's face also got rid of his facial features, and the distortion showed a hideous and twisted grimace.

The skin on his body also constantly highlighted the contours of his arms and various parts of his body, as if something inside was struggling to break out.

But under the action of the Sealing Magic Talisman, what it did was in vain.

The body was banned by Su Yi with acupuncture, and the soul body was banned by Su Yi with the magic seal. It's not that Mike didn't think that he would rush to the street, but he must not have thought that he would rush so badly.

In fact, for Su Yi, the more sinister ghosts with a real body, the better they are to deal with.

In terms of strength, the ghoul incarnated by A Jiu was invulnerable to swords and guns, and was beaten by Su Yi so that he was powerless to fight back, not to mention the mortal body of Mike?
If Su Yi was really put in the Republic of China to fight zombies with Uncle Jiu, Su Yi would still be able to easily subdue demons and exorcise demons without using magic but only martial arts.

Poor Mike didn't have time to react, and he didn't have time to exert his strength, so he was completely restrained by Su Yi, and he had no power to fight back.

The evil spirit in Mike's body tried to rush out again, but all ended in failure, and his anger and filial piety were filled with deep panic.

"Forgive me, please forgive me!" it begged, "I'm finally being human again, I don't want to die..."

Su Yidan smiled and said, "Fool, you are already dead."

After saying that, he grabbed his collar and kicked his feet, and the person had already swayed straight up from the patio like a sword of Xuantian!
At the same time, two other people walked into the elevator on the first floor together and pressed the floor of the eleventh floor.

It was Cissy and Hair Mao who were going to visit Su Yi.

"Why are there so many vans outside? Does anyone move so late?" Cissy asked strangely.

"It's all trucks, not vans." Hair Mao said, "I feel something is wrong... It's a bit like a young boy seeking revenge. Let's be careful later. If it's not right, let's go quickly."

"Isn't it, you are so timid?" Cissy sneered, "The people we are looking for are the police. Do you dare to trouble the police? And he's from Wanwan, so what kind of hatred does he have?"

"This is also..."

As the elevator door closed, the sedan slowly rose to the eleventh floor.

Almost at the same time that Su Yi suddenly rushed to the fifth floor, Yu Huiqi, who was hiding next to the eleventh floor, also moved.

Before starting, she hesitated for a few seconds, her heart was full of fear.

The vision of ghosts and people is different. People's vision will be blocked by material, but ghosts will not.

Even through several walls, Yu Huiqi could actually see Su Yi's existence.

When Su Yi used the Blessing Charm to find out where she was hiding, Yu Huiqi thought that a war was inevitable, but she didn't expect Su Yi to stand still, not knowing what she was waiting for.

Su Yi didn't move, Yu Huiqi didn't dare to move rashly for the time being.

Although Mike, a treacherous and timid guy who only stayed on the fifth floor and refused to come up, made Yu Huiqi very angry, she still had great hopes for the more than [-] young and dangerous boys in the corridor, and she hoped that these people could entangle them. Su Yi even helped her destroy the magic circle, so that she could kill Yuan Xiaomin and complete the final step of bringing the dead back to life.


She watched Su Yi fly across the corridor like a big bird, jumped down from the staircase patio, and then stunned Mike as soon as he shot, Mike was powerless to fight back!
Literati always likes to describe a person's fear with a broken heart. Yu Huiqi used to think it was an exaggeration, but now she knows it.

Seeing this scene, her whole ghost is not well, she feels that her whole ghost is directly cracked!
How can it be!

How could this be something a living person could do!
Even if a ghost wants to move so fast in the real world, it needs to pass through the enchantment to achieve it, otherwise it can't be done at all!

But now a living person in front of me has done it!
At this moment, Yu Huiqi felt that her soul was terrified from the inside out, trembling!
Su Yi's horror is beyond her comprehension!

In front of such a person, can you succeed?

No, it can't be done.

So she hesitated, she flinched, she wanted to turn around and run away.

But looking at Yuan Xiaomin who was close to Chi Chi, she couldn't be reconciled when she thought that she would be able to successfully reincarnate into the sun with only one step away!

She is not reconciled to such a failure!

She is not willing to give up!

In the end, greed prevailed over reason, and Yu Huiqi no longer hesitated, and made a bold move!
She didn't enter Su Yi's house through the wall because she couldn't.

Su Yi frantically covered all the walls of her room with anti-ghost talismans, so that she couldn't enter Su Yi's room through these walls at all.

And even if she could, she would try to avoid it. She couldn't understand the five-element formation that Su Yi had arranged in the room, but she was keenly aware of the danger.

Although she didn't go in or get close to Yuan Xiaomin, it didn't mean that Yu Huiqi couldn't do anything.

"Xiamin! Xiaomin..." She opened her mouth and called out softly.

In the middle of the living room of Su Yi's house, Yuan Xiaomin sat nervously in the middle, listening to the noise outside the room.

She is just a very ordinary woman. Apart from being beautiful, in fact, like all ordinary people, she has never seen any big storms. Although she has repeatedly told herself not to be afraid, she is still scared to death at the moment.

Don't you mean catching ghosts?Why are there so many young and dangerous boys?
Why are they looking for trouble, is it to catch themselves?
Why did Huang Sir suddenly disappear, where did he go?
What if the Young and Dangerous Boys from outside rush in?
Will they kill me?

Can the talisman prevent ghosts or people?

She was trembling, full of fear and anxiety.

Just then, she suddenly heard someone calling her.

She looked dazed, and subconsciously looked at the sound, and then she saw a scene that made her eyes split.

She saw her mother lay dying on the ground not far away, with a knife stuck behind her back, covered in blood, looking up at her with difficulty, her face full of pain and pleading.

"Xiaomi, save me, save me!" Mother opened her mouth, blood gurgling from her mouth.

"Mummy!" This scene had a huge impact on Yuan Xiaomin, she yelled anxiously and was about to rush over.

But at this moment, there was a sharp pain in the chest, and the severe pain made Yuan Xiaomin's mind clear. At this moment, she suddenly thought of what Su Yi said--

"You sit in this position now and don't move. No matter who tells you to get out of here, or if anything happens or sees anything, don't listen, don't care!"

"Remember, everything you see is an illusion! Leave it alone! Leave it alone!"

Her chest was hot, and it was the anti-ghost talisman she had stuffed into her bra, as if it was a piece of red-hot coal.

Yuan Xiaomin covered her left chest in pain, but the pain also made her more awake and made her aware of a lot of things that were wrong.

"Mother is clearly at home, how could she be here?"

"And Mummy has no reason to recognize her own, so why should she let herself save her life?"

"No, it's an illusion, it's all an illusion!"

Although she understood everything, Yuan Xiaomin was almost suffocated by the deep-rooted fear. This realistic illusion was completely beyond her cognition.

"Damn it! She has it too!" Yuan Xiaomin suddenly woke up, and Yu Huiqi quickly discovered the talisman paper that Yuan Xiaomin was close to, and her expression suddenly became grim and frightened.

She knew that if she didn't break this talisman, she wouldn't be able to do anything to Yuan Xiaomin at all!
A strange color flashed in Yu Huiqi's eyes, and the next second, the illusion in front of Yuan Xiaomin's eyes changed again!
The previous illusion was instantly shattered.

She heard the hearty laughter, and immediately saw Su Yi coming from the door.

"Huang sir!" Yuan Xiaomin exclaimed excitedly.

But "Huang Sir" stopped as soon as he walked to the door, smiled and applauded her, and praised: "You did a good job, you are not bewitched by ghosts, Xiaomin, you are great!"

Although Huang Sir's tone was a bit strange, Yuan Xiaomin was full of fear and excitement at the moment, completely ignoring these details.

"Huang sir, I'm so scared! I'm so scared!" Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help crying, "Don't leave, don't leave!"

"Don't worry, I won't leave, I won't leave, I will always be with you." Huang Sir gently comforted her.

He stretched out his hand and said, "Where's that talisman? It's useless, and putting it on you will hurt you. Do you feel pain?"

Yuan Xiaomin really felt the pain.

There was a pain like a knife in the left chest, and it was accompanied by a burning sensation.

The severe pain made Yuan Xiaomin feel a little dazed. She felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell why.

"Quick, take her out and throw it away! Otherwise it will burn you to death!" Huang Sir suddenly became very anxious, "Quick Xiaomin, otherwise it will be too late and you will die!"

Yuan Xiaomin was taken aback, and hurriedly put his hand into his arms, pulled out the talisman paper stuck to his chest, and threw it out.

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