Yuan Xiaomin still fell into Yu Huiqi's trick without any surprise.

In fact, unless the will is very firm and the heart is very strong, normal people can't gain the upper hand in the face of stealth.

In the face of sneaky bewitchment, it is impossible to maintain vigilance and concentration, and it is only a matter of time before being deceived.

It's just that Yuan Xiaomin was fooled too early, and this was the second round, and she was completely "fallen".

The anti-ghost talisman was thrown out by Yuan Xiaomin. She "saw" that the talisman paper suddenly exploded into a fireball, with grim faces twisting and roaring in the firelight, looking very painful.

Yuan Xiaomin was taken aback: "Huang sir! Huang sir!"

She screamed in horror.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." "Yellow sir" comforted softly, "This is the ghost that harmed you. It was trapped in the fire, and it was burned to death immediately."

Sure enough, the grimace in the firelight soon turned to ashes, and there seemed to be a faint scream.

Huang sir said with a smile: "Okay, Xiaomin, you are completely safe. You can live a happy life in the future. You don't have to worry about any problems anymore. Everything is over."

"It's over?" Yuan Xiaomin wept with joy, "It's really over?"

"With me out there, why don't you worry?" Huang Sir laughed, he waved to Yuan Xiaomin, "Come here, there is still some yin in your body that has not been completely eliminated, I will help you get rid of it, and you will be in the future. Hundreds of ghosts will retreat, and ten thousand evils will not invade."

"Really? That's great!" Yuan Xiaomin almost cried with joy without doubting his presence.

But she tried to stand up, but she didn't succeed.

She didn't care at first, thinking that it was because she had been sitting for too long, she tried to get up again, but she didn't expect to fail again.

Only then did Yuan Xiaomin realize that something was wrong, and his face changed: "I, what's the matter? Why can't I use my legs? Why is this happening?"

She tried again, but not only was it useless, but there was a very severe pain in her legs.

"Ahhh..." Yuan Xiaomin cried out in pain.

"Yellow sir" on the other side's eyes flashed, and he was at a loss, not understanding why such a thing happened.

But he knew the reason for the fear of change.

"Forget your legs, hurry up! Climb over!" he snapped.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Yuan Xiaomin screamed and wailed.

"Yuan Xiaomin, come here, this is a ghost biting your leg, you climb over, I can save you!" Huang sir shouted anxiously again.

The strong desire to survive really made Yuan Xiaomin desperately crawl towards Huang Sir.

But not only was the pain in the leg more and more painful, but there was also an extremely burning sensation.

This burning sensation made Yuan Xiaomin feel very familiar, and this familiar feeling made her gradually realize that something was wrong.

And as her mind became clearer, the pain and burning in her legs began to subside.Yuan Xiaomin shook his head vigorously and looked forward.

When I saw this, I was instantly shocked!
Where is the yellow sir in front of you?

She was crawling towards the bathroom, and one hand had even stretched out the boundary of the formation that Su Yi had drawn in the living room!

"Illusion, it's an illusion again!" Yuan Xiaomin was dripping with cold sweat instantly, her face was full of horror, she quickly retracted her original position, saw the anti-ghost talisman that she had thrown aside before, she grabbed it and put it back to herself The position of the left chest, tightly covered, and refused to let go.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Yu Huiqi next door was furious.

"Why is this? What's wrong? Why is she suddenly sober? It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense at all!"

She unbelievably launched the illusion attack again.

Yuan Xiaomin, who was in the formation, was once again dazed by the scene in front of him, and then he saw Mike, who was full of flesh and blood, suddenly rushed towards her with a grin.

"Illusion..." Yuan Xiaomin was quite frightened, but she forced herself to close her eyes and told herself that it was an illusion.

But the next second she was thrown to the ground by Mike, who bit her neck.

The severe pain came out so clearly and truly, Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

She struggled violently and overturned Mike, who spat out the flesh and blood in his mouth, and threw himself at him again with a grinning smile. Yuan Xiaomin could no longer contain his instinctual fear, and was about to run away while crying.

But at this moment, the hot feeling in her chest made her wake up instantly, and Mike, who had already flew halfway, instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared in the air.

Yuan Xiaomin was still stunned with tears on his face.

She touched her neck subconsciously, as if the pain of being bitten still remained.

Another hallucination.

And after this hallucination disappeared, the heat in the chest did not disappear, but became more and more hot.

Yuan Xiaomin planned to endure the pain, but the scorching heat became more and more intense, and she couldn't bear it any longer. She screamed and took out the anti-ghost talisman.

The anti-ghost talisman exploded and instantly turned into fly ash.

"No!" Yuan Xiaomin yelled in horror, reaching out to grab it, trying to grab the anti-ghost talisman back.

But in vain.

"A hallucination, it must be a hallucination!" she cried loudly.

But this time it was true.

The talisman is not omnipotent, it has endured several attacks by Yu Huiqi, and finally exhausted its spiritual energy and came to the end of its life.

Yu Huiqi on the other side didn't stop at all, launching the illusion attack again.

Yuan Xiaomin was dragged into the illusion again in an instant.

The blood-stained Mike appeared in front of her again. He held a knife in his hand and walked in front of Yuan Xiaomin with a grim smile.

"You're an illusion! I'm not afraid of you!" Yuan Xiaomin shouted to Mike, trembling all over.

Mike stabbed the knife into Yuan Xiaomin's stomach, then turned his wrist to let the knife stir Yuan Xiaomin's intestines.He gritted his teeth and smiled bitterly: "Illusion? Do you think this is an illusion? Is this pain fake? Is your blood fake? Hehe, hehehe..."

Yuan Xiaomin screamed in pain, but still shouted: "Illusion! It's all an illusion!"

Mike's face became more and more hideous, he pulled out his knife fiercely, tore off Yuan Xiaomin's clothes, like cutting flesh, grabbed Yuan Xiaomin's left chest and cut it off completely.

This process was extremely cruel and bloody, and Yuan Xiaomin suffered to the death.

Mike was about to threaten a few words, but his face suddenly changed, and the next moment he shattered like a bubble, and the illusion completely disappeared.

Yuan Xiaomin sat sweating profusely in the middle of the living room, gasping for breath, in shock, with panic written all over his face, but he cried and laughed like a madman, shouting, "I'm not afraid of you! Illusions! It's all illusions!"


Yu Huiqi was completely angry.

She didn't know what went wrong.

The anti-ghost talisman on Yuan Xiaomin's body is useless, why is she still awake, it doesn't make sense at all!
"Bastard!" She scolded her face with a twisted face, and she was about to forcibly rush through the partition with her body.

But her body just touched the wall, but when she saw Jin Guang Dasheng——

As dazzling as the electric current and sparks from the electric welding, Yu Huiqi screamed and was ejected.

She stood still in the air not far away, staring at the wall not far away with fear and resentment, and did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Su Yi had already returned to the eleventh floor with Mike.

Yu Huiqi could see clearly, but at this moment, an even crazier look appeared in her eyes.

"I'm not reconciled!" She roared, targeting Miao Xiaowei outside, trying to bewitch him.

Miao Xiaowei, who was facing off against the young and the bewildered, only heard Yuan Xiaomin screaming in pain, but he didn't know what was going on, and was in a hurry.

And the young and bewildered boys who were confronting Miao Xiaowei also heard the screams of the woman in the room, and there was an uproar, not knowing what happened.

Brother Lafite's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he felt that things were more and more strange, and his heart had already given birth to retreat.

The accident happened suddenly at this moment!

Miao Xiaowei suddenly saw Brother Lafite take out a gun from his pocket and aim at him, his face full of ferocity, he was about to pull the trigger, and he cursed fiercely, "Go to hell, damn it!"

At this moment, Miao Xiaowei's mind went blank for a moment, and he was about to pull the trigger to fight back, but at this moment, a hot feeling suddenly came from his chest, which made him wake up instantly.

Taking a closer look, there is still Brother Rafi with a gloomy expression in front of him. Where does he have a gun in his hand?

It's an illusion!
He instantly realized that his amulet was working, and he was almost killed by a ghost just now.

Miao Xiaowei broke out in cold sweat and was very frightened.

"Let's go! Go!" he yelled at Brother Rafi. "Go!"

"Damn, it's another talisman! It's another talisman!" Yu Huiqi roared angrily.

How could she have thought that she has changed her target, why does this policeman still have a talisman on him?
At this time, Su Yi had already jumped up with Mike and flew over the heads of the young and dangerous boys.

However, instead of going to his own house, he flew in the opposite direction and came to the door of Yuan Xiaomin's room. Without a word, he stepped on the door!
The loud noise caused all the young and the bewildered to look back, but Miao Xiaowei on the other side could see it clearly, and his face suddenly showed joy.

Ding Dong!

At the same time, the elevator also stopped on this floor. Cissy and Mao Mao, who were about to get out of the elevator, saw the dense head of people in front of them, and the two were instantly stunned.

In the room, the expression on Yu Huiqi's face became more distorted and crazy, and her obsession with life made her completely desperate!
She covered the entire hallway with the range of illusion.

So in the eyes of everyone, they saw Su Yi arrogantly provoking everyone: "You are all garbage, scum! Hit me if you have the ability! Bah! A bunch of useless things!"

His arrogant attitude and disdainful expression deeply angered all the young and bewildered boys present.

"Mad, smack him!" Someone shouted, and all the young and the bewildered suddenly shouted and rushed towards Su Yi.

Even Miao Xiaowei on the other side took two steps forward.

However, the scorching heat in his chest made Miao Xiaowei wake up immediately.

Rafi, who was originally in the front, is now behind all the young and dangerous. He was also irritated by Su Yi's arrogance, but he accidentally looked to the left and found that there was an extra window on the left wall. Looking through the window, I found a mountain of money on the table in the room!
Brother Rafi was stunned for a moment, his blood was on his head in an instant, and his eyes were full of greed!
No wonder this dead note stopped me from letting me in, so there was so much money in the house!
He suddenly roared, turned around and rushed towards Miao Xiaowei!

Miao Xiaowei just took two steps forward, getting closer to Brother Rafi. At this moment, he has just recovered from the illusion, and his mind is still in a state of ignorance.

In the elevator, Mao Hu was in front of Cissy, and hurriedly pressed the elevator door to go downstairs, but unexpectedly, all the young and dangerous boys rushed to the other side of the corridor shouting.

After a while, the dense crowd in front of him suddenly disappeared, and only the noise on the other side was heard.

At the same time, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the opposite direction where these young and dangerous boys went.

Followed by a roar of rage and rage: "You dare to attack the police!"

Hairy body suddenly stiffened.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, he suddenly blocked the door that was about to close, turned his head and said to Cissy quickly, "You go down first, I'll help!"

After saying that, he stepped out of the elevator.

the other side.

Su Yi kicked open the door of Yuan Xiaomin's house, and suddenly heard the clamor of young and bewildered boys behind him. He frowned slightly, but didn't look back. He took Mike with one hand and stepped into the room, while grabbing the security door with one hand. Pull down hard.

Under the great strength of Su Yi, the stainless steel hinge above the security door was torn apart immediately, and the foot of the huge door panel was deeply embedded in the door frame, and was stuck obliquely on the door opening.

Su Yi stepped out without turning his head, his figure was erratic, and the next second he appeared on the other side of the living room.

Behind him, the young and the bewildered who were catching up wanted to rush in, but they were all blocked by the door panels embedded in the door frame.

When Su Yi stepped into the bedroom, his long sleeves flicked, and a peach wood sword more than one foot long appeared in his hand.


Almost at the same time, Yu Huiqi turned into a cloud of black mist and roared towards Su Yi.

Su Yi bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood, then swung his sword out.

Brush brush!
But seeing the sword shadows flying, the long sword in the blood fog did not know how many swords were cut out in an instant. The next second, Yu Huiqi screamed in the black fog, and the black fog rolled back in a panic.

However, Su Yi kept his feet, and another mouthful of blood was sprayed on the tip of the peach wood sword, and the sword stabbed straight out.

The black mist was blocked by the wall, showing Yu Huiqi's true face again, and at this time the long sword pierced through her eyebrows.

Yu Huiqi's expression twisted and she screamed and struggled.

Su Yi's face sank like water, and suddenly he stretched out his kick and kicked the wall behind Yu Huiqi.

Half the wall has completely collapsed!
In the fog, Su Yi stepped past the broken wall and came to his home.

The peach wood sword tip Shanghai was holding Yu Huiqi's soul body, and now he was about to break free. Su Yi threw it into the living room, and at the same time threw the microphone in the other hand into the middle of the living room. He stepped in and quickly took out a talisman to urge it to be thrown.

The talisman paper exploded in mid-air, Su Yi pinched the tactic with one hand, hit the fireball with the Taomu sword in the other, and drank softly: "Start the formation!"

The whole room seemed to be shaking!
Yu Huiqi, who was thrown off by Su Yi, wanted to escape from the living room immediately, but it was too late.

But seeing the golden light flourishing, the runes originally painted on the ground suddenly glowed with dazzling golden light, rising into the air and turning into golden barriers.

Yu Huiqi slammed her head into one of the barriers and disappeared instantly.

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