Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1195 Seal

The vision of the formation can not only be seen by ghosts, but also by people in the formation.

Yuan Xiaomin suddenly heard the sound of the wall collapsing, and immediately saw Su Yi using a wooden sword to pick up a cloud of black mist, carrying a microphone in his hand to the living room.

Immediately after the golden light appeared around the living room, the strange symbols originally written on the ground all became three-dimensional light characters, floating in the air, and the scene was particularly spectacular.

The black mist on the wooden sword suddenly broke free, hit a golden letter, and disappeared immediately.

Yuan Xiaomin vaguely recognized that this golden character seemed to be the character for "water" in ancient seal script.

The bell hanging in the middle of the living room suddenly rang violently, "Ding Ling Dang Clang", urgent and crisp.

Following her, she saw that Su Yi suddenly used a wooden sword to pick off the talisman paper attached to Mike's chest, and a ferocious grimace suddenly rushed out of Mike's face and rushed towards Su Yi.

Seeing that Su Yi was suddenly not surprised, she slammed the peach wood sword in her hand and slashed it down with a single sword. The grimace was instantly slashed and flew out, hitting another golden character that looked like the word "fire", and disappeared.

Mike's body suddenly turned gray and black and wrinkled, and collapsed softly, looking extremely terrifying.

The bell hanging in the air rang even more urgently. This sound made Yuan Xiaomin very upset and irritable.

At this time, Su Yi's eyes fell on Yuan Xiaomin, nodded to her and said, "You go out first."

"Illusions! It's all illusions! Don't lie to me!" Yuan Xiaomin shouted excitedly at Su Yi, clapping his hands in the air: "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat..."

"..." Su Yi was speechless for two seconds, stepped forward, carried Yuan Xiaomin, and threw her to the gate.

Su Yi's strength was mastered very skillfully. When Yuan Xiaomin came back to his senses, he found that he was standing against the wall, and he had withdrawn from the big formation.

She trembled and was about to run back into the formation, but just as one foot was about to step in, it seemed like she was bounced back by an invisible wall of air, Yuan Xiaomin immediately stood on the spot.

Back in time not too long ago.

When Su Yi pierced Yu Huiqi's forehead with a sword, all the illusion effects she exerted on everyone disappeared immediately.

Those young and dangerous boys woke up, looked at each other, and recalled the scene just now, which was slightly inconsistent.

Here, Brother Lafite threw Miao Xiaowei to the ground, tore and tangled with him, his face twisted.

Hair Mao approached from behind, and bravely pulled Lafite aside, Miao Xiaowei took the opportunity to turn over and pointed the gun at Lafite again.

"Don't move!" Miao Xiaowei roared.

There was a loud sound of the wall collapsing in the room.

Raffia got up and stared blankly at the dark muzzle, suddenly showing fear, and cold sweat poured all over his body in an instant!

He remembered that the corridor next to it was full of walls, where did the windows come from?How could he possibly see a table of money in the window?

Something is wrong!
Very wrong!
"Damn, dare to touch Brother Lafite!" There was a young and dangerous boy over there who noticed the abnormality here, and suddenly shouted, and all the young and dangerous boys rushed over here.

Cissy crept out of the elevator, turned around and saw a group of young and dangerous men rushing towards this side, she was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, hurriedly rushed towards Hair Mao, and was pulled behind him by Hair Mao.

"Didn't I let you go?" Hair Mao said anxiously.

"Would I be so dishonest?" Cissy shrank behind Fury in horror.

Jingle Bell……

There was a crisp bell in the room.

"Back off! Back off!" Miao Xiaowei pointed a gun at Brother Lafite and roared with all his strength.

"Stop it for me!" Brother Rafi suddenly burst into a loud roar.

"Shut up! Don't talk to anyone!" Brother Lafite roared again, panting and staring at Miao Xiaowei, swallowing hard, and asking, "What's wrong here?"

"How did you find out?" Miao Xiaowei scolded, "I almost killed you just now, do you know that? I told you to leave!"

Brother Rafi's face was pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "Made, I didn't read the almanac when I went out..."

His eyes swept over Mao Mao and Cissy, swallowed hard, and said to Miao Xiaowei: "Brother, it's a misunderstanding, why don't we just forget it? If there is a chance to go to Zuo Dun in the future, I will invite you to drink?"

Yuan Xiaomin's shout came from the room: "Illusions, all illusions... Retreat! Retreat..."

The sound of the bell became more and more rapid, and Brother Rafi shivered, and his face became even paler.

"Let's go, Brother Rafi! I was almost killed by you!" Miao Xiaowei said helplessly.

"Brother, I will definitely invite you to drink!" Brother Lafite clenched his fists at Miao Xiaowei, waved his hand vigorously, and sank into his dantian: "Withdraw!"

Young and Dangerous Boys looked at each other.

Brother Rafi slapped one of the younger brothers on the head, and scolded fiercely: "Idiot! I said withdraw!"

After saying that, he pushed the man away and hurried to the stairwell first.

"Withdraw! All withdraw! Brother Rafi said, withdraw!" The younger brother hurriedly spoke loudly.

Young and Dangerous Boys hurried to keep up.

Some did not forget to speak harshly to Miao Xiaowei before leaving: "Boy, let you go this time, remember it later..."

"Dare to come to Zuo Dun and see you beat you once!"

"Don't think it's a note and won't hit you..."

After a while, the young and the bewildered evacuated, and the corridor was silent for a moment, except for the louder bells in the room, and the footsteps in the stairwell that were galloping away like ten thousand horses.

Miao Xiaowei let out a long sigh of relief, then put away the gun and looked back at Fa Mao and Cissy.

"Thanks a moment ago!" He patted the furry shoulder and raised his chin at Cissy again, "Why did you come here? Big reporter?"

"I'm here to find you sir, is he there?" Cissy asked. "What happened here? Why..."

"Hey! Don't ask questions, I have a headache right now!" Miao Xiaowei interrupted her and asked Hair Mao, "What's your name?"

"My surname is Mao, just call me Mao Mao." Mao Mao hurriedly said.

"You guys wait here first." Miao Xiaowei heard Su Yi's voice in the room just now, but he was a little uncertain, and he didn't know whether to let Mao Mao and Cissy go in, so let them wait here.

However, the golden light overflowing from the room made Cissy and Mao Mao very curious.

Two people in the door, two outside the door.

Except for Yuan Xiaomin, who was still terrified, the other three all widened their eyes and held their breath.

Full of golden light, floating runes.

It was clear that there was no wind, but the bell hanging in the center of the living room made a rapid sound.

But seeing Su Yi holding a peach wood sword and standing in the middle with a serious face, there was a stiff corpse lying on the ground covered in black and blue, looking like it had been dead for a long time.

This bizarre and sacred picture is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind at this moment!

"Huang sir!" Miao Xiaowei shouted excitedly from the side.

Su Yi glanced back, and when his eyes fell on the dumbfounded Cissy and Mao Mao, he was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

He said to Miao Xiaowei: "You all go out first, close the door, I didn't tell you, don't come in!"

"Yes, Sir Huang!" Miao Xiaowei was full of awe, and did not dare to go against Su Yi's words, so he hurriedly pulled Yuan Xiaomin out, "Let's go, go out, don't disturb Sir Huang! Come out!"

Yuan Xiaomin trembled all over, and was pulled out by Miao Xiaowei who couldn't help but say.

Feeling the temperature of Miao Xiaowei's body and seeing Cissy's familiar face, she began to react.

"This... is not an illusion, is it real now?" She was surprised and couldn't believe it, and tried to pinch herself, it hurt a lot.

But he still couldn't believe it easily, he subconsciously moved away from the other three and stood on the side vigilantly.

She was really frightened by the hallucinations, and now she couldn't tell which was reality and which was fantasy.

Miao Xiaowei closed the door and let out a long sigh of relief. His face was full of excitement and excitement. He looked back at Cissy and Hairy who were so shocked that they couldn't say a word, he said solemnly, "You didn't see anything! What? I didn't hear it either!"

The two recovered from Miao Xiaowei's words and looked at him together.

"Huang sir, he..." Cissy pointed at the door with a trembling voice.

"Don't ask me! I don't know anything!" Miao Xiaowei vigilantly said, "Reporter, you'd better pretend that you didn't see anything. You didn't take pictures or video just now. Even if you reported the incident, you wouldn't be able to. People believe in you!"

Cissy didn't react for a while, but Mao Mao understood Miao Xiaowei's concerns, and hurriedly said: "Cissy is not for news interviews, we are here for her brother Xiaoming's affairs, we have something to ask Huang Sir, don't worry, this matter We certainly won't be in the newspapers."

"But we have the right to know!" Cissy also came back to his senses and hurriedly added, his tone full of excitement, "What the hell happened here, what is Huang Sir doing? What is the golden light inside?"

"Stop!" Miao Xiaowei was asked first and second by her, "Reporter, can you not ask me so many questions? If you really want to ask, you can ask Huang Sir yourself later, as long as he wants to tell you. , you can ask enough! In short, don't ask me!"

Cissy was about to speak, but was pulled by the hair.

"Let's wait for Mr. Huang here, okay?" Fa Mao smiled at Miao Xiaowei, "I think we've found the right person this time."

He is also very excited, but he is very good at controlling his emotions.

Yuan Xiaomin on the other side realized that the "Illusion" was a little different this time, and suddenly interjected: "Are you all real?"

The three of them looked at her in unison.

Yuan Xiaomin asked, "Do you know who I am?"

The three shook their heads in unison.

Yuan Xiaomin's expression softened a little, but he still did not relax his vigilance: "You... don't come here!"


in the room.

Su Yi dismissed the idlers and others, and began to focus on the formation in front of him.

The two ghosts entered the urn, and his arrangements and calculations were not in vain, but now the speed of speech is only half, and he did not care about it.

He quickly went to the inner room to take out a mirror and two yellow cardboard boxes full of characters. He opened one of the boxes, adjusted the angle of the mirror, and used the mirror to align the fire.

Only then did he stand up, his hands clasped the marks, his feet stepped on the steps, he chanted words in his mouth, and took one step at a time.

The next moment, the room was still this one, but there was a raging flame all around.

The hot temperature scorched Su Yi's skin, so real.

This is the enchantment of the Five Elements Formation, which relies on reality, but exists in illusion.

There was silence all around, and the bells in the whole room were like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and the "ding bell bell" kept ringing.

It was as if the voice came from the sky and resounded throughout the world.

Su Yi held a peach wood sword, looked around, and sneered: "This is my territory! Do you think it's okay to hide? Come out!"

The voice fell, and there was still silence around, only the sound of the flames burning beep wave beep wave.

Su Yi sighed: "If you want to consume it, then consume it. The soul-shaking bell will keep ringing until your soul is dissipated; but you won't wait until you are shaken to death by the soul-shaking bell. The taste of the fire of the five elements is unpleasant, right? This is false fire. , who specializes in burning your sinister things, if you want to be burnt to the point where you don't have any hair left, you can just hide. It's just right, so I don't have to do it."

In fact, what Su Yi said was bluffing.

Once the Five Elements Formation is activated, it will operate autonomously, and the metal, wood, water, fire, and soil will automatically transform. When the five elements are unified, the formation will fail. This process is about the time of a cigarette.

About four minutes or so.

This is the Five Elements Formation, yes, but it is also a part of the enchantment. Both Su Yi and Sneaky have the home field advantage. This is quite an isolated arena.

If Su Yi really wanted to find it, it would not be impossible to find it, but it would take more time, so Su Yi wanted to try to see if he could deceive the ghost.

Really cheated.

This ghost obviously doesn't understand the Five Elements Array.

huh... huh...

The flames on one side of the wall suddenly became turbulent, and a black shadow covered in raging flames walked out of the wall, trembling all over, with a ferocious expression on his face.

This is a very unfamiliar face, not Mike at all, this is the real form of this ghost.

"The surname is Huang, I have no grievances or enmity with you, why do you have to kill me!" The ghost roared resentfully, it didn't dare to approach Su Yi, it only dared to stand far away.It was trembling all over, apparently restrained in great pain.This rushing ringtone is like cutting its body with a knife!
"I'm going to capture you, I'll reincarnate you." Su Yi said coldly, "Otherwise, just wait for the soul to fly away!"

"Reincarnation, can I still be reincarnated?" The ghost's face was distorted, and it became more and more bitter and bitter, "Don't lie to me! I have no way out! You let me go! Let me go!"

Su Yi stopped talking, and slashed with one sword!
"I will perish with you!" Li Gui roared in despair and charged towards Su Yi.

The sword light flashed, and Li Gui seemed to be hit by a golden pillar, screaming and flying backwards.

Su Yi slapped the seal with his hand, and suddenly a hole was opened above, and a beam of light shone in, reflecting the ghost's shadow, and the ghost was immediately restrained. , into the open carton.

Su Yi took one step out of the barrier, the scenery in front of him changed, and he had returned to reality.

In fact, reality and enchantment overlap. If there are bystanders, they will find that Su Yi was just talking to the air and waving a wooden sword at the air.

He stepped forward and closed the carton. There was a bang in the carton. It was the Specter who was struggling to break free.But Su Yi didn't ask, he muttered words in his mouth, squeezed blood from his fingertips, and dripped it on the seal of the carton.The blood was drenched in blood, and there were screams and screams from the carton, which gradually quieted down.

Su Yi put the carton aside, opened another carton, and adjusted the angle of the mirror to the position of the word "water".

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