Chapter 1196
The living room is still the same living room, but the whole room is covered with moss, very damp, the air is filled with a rancid smell, and the ground is no longer a floor, but muddy.

Stepping on it, the mud immediately covered the top of the foot.

This is the water formation in the Five Elements Formation. Yu Huiqi broke into the water formation before and was trapped in it.

Su Yi opened the five-element formation to seal the sneaky, using the principle that the five-element formation barriers are isolated from each other. Otherwise, if you want to let a ghost get into the "talisman box" he prepared in the real world, it will take a lot of money. Energetic.This kind of ghost can travel between yin and yang, and the thought of it is equivalent to teleportation. It is much more difficult to catch them than to destroy them.

Holding a mahogany sword, Su Yi trudged through the mud, searching the surroundings carefully, not letting go of any clues.

The room was very silent, only the sound of dripping water and the "gurgling" sound of his feet stepping on the mud when he walked.

The living room is only this big, and it was emptied by Su Yi long ago, so it didn't take long to search for it.

But Su Yi found nothing.

He is not discouraged because this is normal.Sneakers are best at camouflaging and hiding. When they really want to hide from you, it is harder to spot them with the naked eye.

Su Yi repeated his old tricks and tried to deceive Yu Huiqi to show up automatically, but this time the slapstick failed, so he stopped decisively and used the most traditional method to find the ghost's trace.

One of the eight great mantras in Maoshan, the Mantra of Purifying Heaven and Earth.

In fact, the functions of many incantations in Taoism are not as simple as they appear on the surface. For example, this mantra for purifying heaven and earth was originally chanted at the beginning of the scientific ceremony. Can clarify the mind and get peace.

But in fact, this mantra can find sneaky traces, purify filth, and even control demons and summon spirits.

"The heavens and the earth are natural, the filth is dispersed, the cave is mysterious and empty, and the Taiyuan is shining... The evil filth dissipates, and the Dao Qi always exists. Be as urgent as a law!"

Su Yi squeezed the blood from his fingertips on the tip of the peach-wood sword, put the peach-wood sword in his palm, stepped on three steps, and recited the mantra of purifying heaven and earth.

This is also the reason why Su Yi had to expend his lips and tongues before, because this method of finding sneakiness was a bit cumbersome and a bit time-consuming. After this process, even if Su Yi tried to speed up as much as possible, at least two minutes passed.

When the last spell stopped, the mahogany sword in Su Yi's hand suddenly twirled in his palm!
It turned faster and faster, until finally it broke away from Su Yi's palm and stood upside down suddenly, with the tip of the sword pointing down.

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

The next second, a pair of gray hands suddenly stretched out from the mud and grabbed Su Yi's ankles!
These hands are violently trying to drag Su Yi down, but it's a pity that Su Yi's body is like a mountain, and he doesn't move!

Not only did it not move, but it suddenly rose into the air!

I'm afraid this ghost would never have imagined that a person could jump so high on the spot under such circumstances, and before he could let go, he was immediately brought up by Su Yi, who was it not Yu Huiqi?
Su Yi holds the mahogany sword in his hand, condescending and stabs down with the sword!
The peach wood sword Qigen submerged into Yu Huiqi's Tianling Gai, and the latter let out an incomparably shrill scream, with venomous eyes, twisted and struggled violently, and bared his teeth and claws at Su Yi.

It tried to drag Su Yi into the illusion, but Su Yi pressed the tip of his tongue against the palate to keep the altar clear, and its plan failed.

Su Yi made a tactic with his left hand, and provoked Yu Huiqi with a peach-wood sword with his right hand. A mirror light shone on it suddenly. Yu Huiqi struggled even harder, but it was in vain. With a strong shake, Yu Huiqi was thrown into the paper box, quickly closed, sealed the talisman, and sealed it inside.

boom! boom! boom!
There was a violent struggle in the carton, and there was a roar and wailing.

As before, Su Yi sealed it with blood, making the ghost completely quiet.

Su Yi let out a long breath, it was half done.

He took two steps forward, took off the soul-dangling golden bell that was still ringing in mid-air, and the five-element formation stopped in an instant.All golden light visions also completely disappeared.

At the same time that Su Yi took care of the female ghost in the room, Yuan Xiaomin, who was separated by a wall, suddenly felt his body start to heat up, a little dizzy, and even to the point where he couldn't stand steadily.

Miao Xiaowei was the first to notice her strange appearance, and was only taken aback at the first glance: "Miss Yuan? Why, why is it you?"

Miao Xiaowei was dumbfounded.

The other two were not much better, and it was only at this time that Cissy recognized Yuan Xiaomin, and she was shocked beyond measure.

As a reporter, she even took pictures of Yuan Xiaomin and wrote gossip articles about Yuan Xiaomin, but she just didn't recognize Yuan Xiaomin standing in front of her.

Although Fa Mao didn't recognize Yuan Xiaomin, in his field of vision, the girl in front of him suddenly changed to another stranger, which was enough to shock him beyond belief.

"It's so hot, I'm so dizzy..." Yuan Xiaomin was in a daze at the moment, feeling as if she was in a steamer. She was sweating profusely, and her skin was red all over, as if she had been steamed.

She leaned against the wall, precariously.

"Miss Yuan!" Miao Xiaowei hurried forward to support her, "Are you alright, Miss Yuan?"

"She, just now she..." Cissy was like waking up from a dream, pointing at Yuan Xiaomin and looking at Fa Mao in surprise, "It was obviously not her just now, why..."

"I don't know either." Hairao took a deep breath, "But I guess it must have something to do with the things in the room."

At this moment, Su Yi opened the door and walked out.

Cissy and Fa Mao subconsciously stood up straight and greeted Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded to them, walked to Yuan Xiaomin, pinched the tiger's mouth of his left hand with one hand, stretched the other hand to the back of his neck, pressed his Dazhui acupoint, and slowly delivered internal force.

Yuan Xiaomin made a strange and imaginative sound from his throat, his chest heaved violently, and he was panting rapidly.

But after a while, the blush all over her body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her breathing gradually stabilized.

Su Yi let go of his hand, and Yuan Xiaomin immediately opened his eyes.

When she saw Su Yi, her first reaction was to shiver, trying to break free from Su Yi and step back.

"Don't be overly nervous, it's alright." Su Yi let go of her and comforted her, "Feel it carefully, you are no longer the same as you were a few days ago."

Yuan Xiaomin looked at Su Yi suspiciously, she stretched out her hand to touch her face, feeling the heat of her breath, her expression gradually became astonished, pleasantly surprised, and tears filled her eyes.

"Huang sir, Miss Yuan...what's going on?" Miao Xiaowei asked cautiously.

"You recognize me?" Yuan Xiaomin asked nervously when she heard Miao Xiaowei's address.

"Sorry, I don't know why, but I didn't recognize you before..." Miao Xiaowei scratched his head.

Yuan Xiaomin looked at Cissy on the other side in surprise: "You, you also recognize me?"

"Yuan Xiaomin!" Cissy sized her up cautiously, "I'm sorry, I didn't see any newspapers when I photographed you before, so you can rest assured."

"You all know me as Yuan Xiaomin, so... I'm really all right?" Yuan Xiaomin wept with joy, looking at Su Yi anxiously and expectantly, "Huang sir, am I really all right?"

"It's not a hallucination this time, you're really fine." Su Yi nodded and gave her an affirmative answer.

Yuan Xiaomin pursed her mouth, and was about to hug Su Yi with tears in her eyes.

Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop her: "Hey, I have a wife, don't come here."

This woman is now full of snot and tears, who will wash her clothes when she wipes them on her body?
"So what if I hug you!" Yuan Xiaomin cried.

"Miss Yuan, I don't mind making tools once." Miao Xiaowei stood up with a cough and opened his arms.

"Go away!" Yuan Xiaomin cried and pushed him away, then threw herself into Cissy's arms and burst into tears, "You don't know how scared I am, I thought I was finished, woo woo woo..."

Cissy's limbs were stiff and her eyes rolled wildly. In fact, she was a little scared because of the strange situation just now.

However, feeling the warmth of Yuan Xiaomin's body, he gradually relaxed and patted Yuan Xiaomin's back softly to comfort him.

"Awei, call Huang Yaozu and tell him that I've settled the matter here, and ask him to finish it." Su Yi said to Miao Xiaowei.

"What's the end?" Miao Xiaowei was taken aback, "Those young and Dangerous boys are gone."

"If you tell me to hit you, hit it." Su Yi said, "There's a dead body inside."

"That's right." Miao Xiaowei slapped his forehead and hurried to make a phone call.

At this time, Fa Mao stepped forward, and said to Su Yi with a respectful tone: "Mr. Huang, my name is Fa Mao, and Cissy and I came to visit you because of her brother Xiao Ming, and I want to ask you for advice."

"Keep your distance, you'll be fine." Su Yi said, "If possible, you'd better leave West Kowloon first."

"But young people like to act impulsively. Xiao Ming can't let go of his friends, so..." Fa Mao sighed, showing helplessness, "In short, we still hope to understand the ins and outs of the matter, and hope to completely resolve this matter .”

Su Yi looked at Fa Mao, and said with interest: "How much do you know about these ghosts?"

"Actually, I am a drama teacher, and I specialize in teaching people to act." Fa Mao said, "When I was young, I knew a Mr. Yin Yang. I saw him catch ghosts with my own eyes, and I heard him talk about ghosts. Everything I know I learned it from him, which is very limited. But I am very curious, and I am very interested in these supernatural things."

"Don't stare into the abyss, the abyss will also look back at you." Su Yi said deeply, "The more you know, the more dangerous you are. Life is only a few decades, and you should care more about the things of the living when you are alive."

Su Yi's words made Fa Mao's heart tremble, and he felt a little chilly, and the second daughter on the other side couldn't help but listen to their conversation.

"But death is something everyone has to face." Fa Mao looked at Su Yi seriously and replied, "Perhaps knowing more about the consequences will be more helpful in how to live this life well."

Su Yi smiled irrefutably: "Then I wish you good luck."

Rushing to explore a dangerous area that you don't understand at all is like walking in an unfamiliar minefield.Some people always think that this is courage, but in fact, it is luck to come out, and it is stupid to die.

Fa Mao is the protagonist of "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village". In the original plot, he was able to survive with Cissy entirely because of Chu Renmei's high hand. His life and death are actually between Chu Renmei's thoughts.

"Huang sir, my brother doesn't listen to persuasion at all, he insists on finding his friends." Cissy couldn't help pushing away Yuan Xiaomin who had stopped crying, and stood up and begged, "I beg you to help us, I really don't want anything to happen to my brother."

Yuan Xiaomin interjected, "You also encountered unclean things?"

Cissy nodded, looked at her and said, "The woman who was with you that day is not clean, right? No wonder Sir Huang persuaded me to delete the photo at the time, no wonder the photos I took couldn't capture it... "

"That's a ghost who used me as a stand-in!" Yuan Xiaomin said excitedly, "That's it, so that everyone in this world doesn't recognize me, even my parents don't recognize me, but treat it as me! If not Huang sir, I, I don't know how miserable I will be!"

Yuan Xiaomin was terrified.

"Substitute?" Fa Mao connected the weird phenomenon just now, chewed the word, and couldn't help but shudder, "So, just now we regarded you as another person because that ghost regarded you as a substitute? Mr. Huang helped You solved it so you became yourself again?"

"Isn't this too scary?" Cissy exclaimed in horror.

"You don't know how hopeless it is when the whole world doesn't recognize you." Yuan Xiaomin tremblingly said, "That feeling is really terrifying!"

At this moment, Miao Xiaowei came over after making the phone call, and interrupted just in time: "Huang sir, why did Miss Yuan suddenly have a fever and dizziness just now?"

"That ghost sucked her yang energy. After I sealed it, I interrupted the spell of resurrecting the soul, so Miss Yuan's yang energy returned to her body." Su Yi explained, "So much yang energy suddenly Returning to her body, her body will naturally not be able to adapt, so I helped her sort out and guide her, and she was much better."

In fact, what Su Yi did just now was to help Yuan Xiaomin dissipate heat and sort out his qi and blood. He still can't feel the existence of yang qi.

"Your yang qi hasn't all returned." Su Yi looked at Yuan Xiaomin, "Everything has a price. That ghost almost replaced you, and your body will definitely be affected. Yang qi is something that affects people's lives. Because of this incident, you may lose a few years of life."

Yuan Xiaomin was slightly silent, smiled at Su Yi and said, "I am very satisfied if I can survive this time. For me, every day I live in the future will be earned. It doesn't matter how many years you have or how many years you have. I will earnestly live every day in the future.”

"It's good to have this mentality." Su Yi nodded.

"By the way, Sir Huang." Yuan Xiaomin thought of something, "I was bewitched by that ghost before and threw out all the charms you gave me, why can I still wake up every time it is critical, so I can't be fooled by it? "

Su Yi smiled, reached out and took out two things from his pocket.

It's a paper man with an anti-ghost talisman attached to it.

This paper figurine was obviously a piece of paper torn from a notebook, with Yuan Xiaomin's name written on it.

"This is my handwriting!" Yuan Xiaomin said in surprise, "When will I..."

She was stunned halfway through the sentence: "I remembered Sir Huang, this is the name I signed for you when we first met!"

(End of this chapter)

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