Chapter 1197

There is a special paper binding technique in Maoshan method, which can use paper man as a medium to protect people from disasters, or become a substitute for captive spells.

This is not a big spell, but it is very practical.Use goodness to save people and prevent disasters, use evil to curse people.

This small spell was obtained from Su Yi's advice from Uncle Feng before, so he learned it and sold it now.

Of course, Su Yi didn't place his hopes on Yuan Xiaomin, a mortal, with much willpower to resist the temptation of ghosts, and he didn't think that everything would be fine if he left Yuan Xiaomin with an anti-ghost talisman.

He actually did double protection, one light and one dark, that's why Yuan Xiaomin would wake up from the illusion at every critical moment, making Yu Huiqi's intentions come to nothing.

Yuan Xiaomin's signature established a link between the paper figurine and Yuan Xiaomin himself. When Yu Huiqi bewitched Yuan Xiaomin with illusions, the paper figurine would sense it, and the anti-ghost amulet affixed to the paper figurine would be activated, and the power of the anti-ghost amulet would be activated. And through the medium of the paper figurine, it will transmit the effect to Yuan Xiaomin himself, pulling him out of the illusion.

In fact, if it was just to prevent Yuan Xiaomin from being bewitched by Yu Huiqi, Su Yi could have knocked Yuan Xiaomin unconscious and tied her up, and placed them in the middle of the formation. As long as Yu Huiqi dared not enter the formation, what could she do?

But it was not Su Yi's goal to prevent Yuan Xiaomin from being bewitched by Yu Huiqi.

What is Su Yi's purpose?
It was to use Yuan Xiaomin to attract Yu Huiqi, and to use Yuan Xiaomin to delay himself, so that he could clone himself to catch Mike first.

So what he really needs is to let Yuan Xiaomin consume Yu Huiqi.

What would happen if Yuan Xiaomin was really beaten unconscious by Su Yi and tied up?
Yu Huiqi would give up her plan to confuse Yuan Xiaomin, and directly confuse Miao Xiaowei and those young and Dangerous boys outside, use them to destroy the formation, remove the anti-ghost charm, and then directly occupy Yu Huiqi's body.

At that time, can Miao Xiaowei alone be able to stop so many bewitched young and Dangerous boys?

This is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, knocking Yuan Xiaomin unconscious and then tying her up will not only fail to delay Yu Huiqi's goal, but will make Yu Huiqi directly choose the correct "solution", making Su Yi's wishful thinking come to naught.

But Su Yi just threw Yuan Xiaomin, who was like a little white rabbit, into the formation. According to inertial thinking, Yu Huiqi's first choice must have been to trick her out.

Even if she is hindered, Yu Huiqi will feel that as long as she removes the obstacle, she will be fine.

But it didn't expect to remove one layer of obstacles and another layer, and remove another layer and...

When it came to its senses, it decided to give up this side to confuse Miao Xiaowei outside, but it didn't expect that Miao Xiaowei also had obstacles.

This tossing back and forth wasted Yu Huiqi's time. When Yu Huiqi finally made the right choice to confuse the young and Dangerous boys outside, Su Yi's purpose of delaying had already been achieved, and everything was already too late.

Naturally, Su Yi's rationale and calculations in this will not be explained to Yuan Xiaomin in detail. This is actually a well-intentioned use, but it is a use after all.

Just let her always remember her Guang Weizheng.

"In order to deal with that ghost, I destroyed the door of your room and the wall of your bedroom." Su Yi said to Yuan Xiaomin, "But it just so happens that you can temporarily change your living environment, and my suggestion is the same. It’s better to deal with this matter, the environment here should be completely cut, it’s good for you.”

"Huang sir, I really don't know how to thank you." Yuan Xiaomin's heart couldn't be more touched, "You gave me a second life."

"Live well is the best reward for me." Su Yi smiled, "You take a good rest for a while, you lose your yang energy, and you will feel listless and tired for a long time. But don't take tonics indiscriminately , as long as you eat and sleep well."

"Thank you, Sir Huang, I've made a note." Yuan Xiaomin nodded, she hesitated slightly, "Mike he..."

"Forget about him." Su Yi said, "The police will deal with his corpse. As for him himself, if I can recall his bardo body, I will transcend him to reincarnate."

"The bardo?" Yuan Xiaomin was taken aback.

"You should be his soul." Su Yi said.

"Is it possible that they will not be recalled?" Yuan Xiaomin asked worriedly.

"It's hard to say." Su Yi shook his head.

"If possible, can I..." Yuan Xiaomin asked hesitantly.

"No!" Su Yi said seriously, he looked around and said to everyone, "This sentence is a piece of advice to all of you, remember, at any time, respect ghosts and gods and stay away! These things are very important to ordinary people. , there are hundreds of harms but no benefits, don't be curious, and don't think that being able to see ghosts is a good thing!"

"You can remember him, but if you see it, it will only want to kill you!" Su Yi said to Yuan Xiaomin.

Yuan Xiaomin felt dejected.

Seeing her listless look, Su Yi said to Miao Xiaowei: "Why don't you send Miss Yuan back, this is a special case, and she doesn't need to give a statement."

Then he turned his head and said to Yuan Xiaomin: "Go back to your parents' place, take a good shower, and get some sleep. The follow-up here can also be left to your family members to deal with. You can get out yourself and don't come here easily."

Yuan Xiaomin nodded, clasped his hands together, and bowed seriously to Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't dodge either.

"Miss Yuan, I'll take you back." Miao Xiaowei stepped forward and said.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Yuan Xiaomin said.

"Be polite." Miao Xiaowei said.

After the two left, Su Yi looked at Cissy: "Your brother's situation is not simple, I will definitely take care of this matter, and I will start after I have dealt with the follow-up here, you don't have to worry too much gone."

"Thank you, sir Huang, thank you so much." Cissy was very grateful.

"It's just my duty, why bother to thank you?" Su Yi smiled lightly.

"Sir Huang, actually I have a question I want to ask." Fa Mao hurriedly said, "I talked to Xiao Ming before, and he said that the ghosts he saw were wearing blue clothes; but the ghosts his friends saw were The one in red, don’t know why?”

"Oh, and I guess this ghost uses corpse oil as a medium to enter people's brains to create hallucinations. I don't know if I'm right?"

Su Yi had a half-smile, he could tell that this hairy guy was actually a "supernatural lover" who was very interested in this kind of thing.

It's a pity that as an ordinary person, dealing with ghosts and gods is really an act of death.And if he wants to enter Taoism, no matter how talented he is, it will take ten or eight years.

Not everyone is as concerned as Su Yi.

After thinking about it, Su Yi simply satisfied part of his curiosity.

"The ghost in red is the owner of the corpse oil." Su Yi said, "This group of young people are really stupid and wicked by scraping the oil from other people's corpses to play games. The retribution is also due.”

"But they don't deserve to die, right?" Cissy said, "It's too cruel to make them pay the price of death."

"This is the end of provoking ghosts." Su Yi said, "Ghosts punish people by wanting you to die. You think it's cruel, but it's just the beginning for them. To be honest, when I went to the scene that day, the ghost of Rubbish was being killed by the ghost in red." torture, because he disturbed the rest of the family, destroyed the body of the family, and caused the death of the family to be unsafe, so even if he died, he would be tortured by the revenge of the family."

"But I didn't stop it, because the ghost in red has grievances. If it doesn't vent its grievances on Rubbish, it will harm other people. This is the price for Rubbish's wrongdoing."

Both Cissy and Fa Mao felt chills in their hearts, and they began to understand why Su Yi repeatedly warned them to respect ghosts and gods and stay away.

"As for the ghost in blue, that's another ghost." Su Yi said with a serious face, "This ghost is very powerful, and I may not even be able to deal with it."

"Why did they encounter two ghosts at once?" Fa Mao asked.

"If you have seen ghosts, you will be contaminated with yin or filthy qi, and ghosts like this kind of smell the most. Therefore, if the yin and filthy qi on people who have seen ghosts are not cleared, it is easy to see ghosts again." Su Yi said , "Also, if you touch something that Sneaky has used, or if you are contaminated with something with resentment, you will also see ghosts."

"They met two ghosts at once, for both reasons."

Fa Mao seemed to understand, but he still wanted to ask questions, but Su Yi didn't want to answer them anymore, and issued an order to evict the guests: "You go, I will tell you everything you need to say. If you listen to me, you will be safe and sound." It's all right; if you don't believe in evil, whether you can survive depends on your luck."

"Sir Huang, can you leave a contact information?" Cissy said hastily, "If there is anything else, I will call you and consult you. Don't worry, I will never harass you at will."

Su Yi reported the landline number here, and Cissy and Fa Mao left with unfinished worries.

Su Yi stood in the corridor for a while, the elevator rang, and Huang Yaozu walked out with two people.

After seeing Su Yi, he waved his hand with a smile and asked, "Where is the corpse?"

"follow me."

Su Yi led them to the living room.

Mike's body looked as if he had been dead for several days. Huang Yaozu stood silently in front of his body for a while, and waved his hands to signal the two people who came with him to carry the body out.

The two put Mike's body in a body bag, and then carried it away. They didn't say anything during the process, and they didn't seem to have seen the traces of the runes, eight trigrams and five elements on the floor of the living room.

After the two left, Huang Yaozu lit a cigarette for himself, puffed out a puff of smoke and asked, "Is everything going well?"

"It's not bad." Su Yi said, "At least these two ghosts can't go out and harm people again."

"That's good." Huang Yaozu said, "It can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

Su Yi could tell that he didn't have a cold, nor was he very happy.

"Actually, I don't understand." Su Yi said, "You are also an insider. You know how difficult it is to deal with ghosts, and how dangerous it is for an ordinary person to deal with them. If this is the case, why do you reject real practitioners so much? Dealing with ghosts? Afraid of the public knowing? Since you can always cover up the existence of ghosts, how difficult is it for you to cover up the existence of Uncle Feng?"

"I said before that catching them is more troublesome than letting them go." Huang Yaozu was slightly silent, and smiled, "Actually, I am not rejecting you, I often feel powerless, for example, this time I plan to tell you about Fushan Village. Help. Didn’t I stop you from dealing with the two ghosts here this time? I just want to deal with it in a low-key manner.”

"You must have more than this reason." Su Yi shook his head, looked at him deeply, and then changed the subject, "Is it convenient for me to live here next?"

"It's up to you." Huang Yaozu said, "I will try my best to downplay the things here, and you just pretend nothing happened."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Hong Kong Island is so big, the only one I have ever seen who has the real ability to kill ghosts is Uncle Feng, and now you have one more. In fact, I asked Uncle Feng, like you How many people are there? Uncle Feng told me that the answer is so small that it can be ignored. If I ask you this question again, how would you answer it?"

"My answer is the same as Uncle Feng's." Su Yi said.

Huang Yaozu smiled: "It really makes people desperate, but those ghost things are everywhere! And they are getting more and more powerful!"

"Ordinary ghosts don't pose any threat to human beings. We just don't violate the river water." Su Yi said, "Why have you seen a lot of powerful ghosts recently?"

"I told you about Fushan Village." Huang Yaozu looked exhausted, "Actually, the reason why I asked you for help is because I really don't have the energy to deal with the affairs here. Recently, I have been overwhelmed by the affairs in the New Territories. .”

He hesitated slightly: "I have encountered a kind of ghost that I have never seen before. This kind of ghost can easily get on other people's bodies. Just touch it. It's like an infectious disease. Anyone who gets caught by it will become a ghost. Idiot, stupid, stupid, except that he can walk and move, he is no different from a vegetable."

Su Yi's heart suddenly trembled, "The First Commandment", the ghost that is the same as the deadly virus, has it appeared?

"In the New Territories, there are more than a dozen people who have been possessed by this kind of ghost, all of them are like this." Huang Yaozu frowned, "There are also a few who were haunted by this kind of ghost and committed suicide. The reason why I know the characteristics of this kind of ghost is that It was because I saw such a ghost with my own eyes. I wanted to communicate with it, but it wanted to get on me, so I killed the person it was sitting on, and then the ghost disappeared."

"I don't know whether this ghost was killed by me or where it went, but after I killed it, it stopped being on other people's bodies. Do you know what kind of ghost it is?"

Su Yi shook his head slowly, and asked, "Have you asked Uncle Feng?"

"I haven't contacted him since he left." Huang Yaozu said, "If you don't know, why don't you ask him for me?"

He is trying to avoid contact with Uncle Feng, why?
Su Yi felt more and more that Huang Yaozu was hiding some secrets in his heart. The fact that he rejected practitioners was not as simple as he said.

"I have been in the New Territories all these days." Huang Yaozu said, "I have found several such ghosts, and now I am tracking the transmission chain of one of them, and summing up their laws by the way. This kind of ghost is too harmful. When I grow up, it scares me. If ghosts become like this in the future, I can’t imagine what Hong Kong Island will become, and what the world will become.”

(End of this chapter)

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