Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1198 Information

Chapter 1198 Information
The ghosts in "The First Commandment" seem unsolvable, but they also have obvious flaws and weaknesses, that is, they disappear after being shot to death.

Of course, it is also possible that it is not gone, but the ability to upper body at will.

But if this kind of ghost kills its own upper body, it will not be affected.

In short, this kind of ghost is very strange. It is a kind of ghost that Su Yi has never heard of or seen.

Even if Huang Yaozu didn't say anything, he still had to ask Uncle Feng for advice.

"In the past, whether it was a water ghost, a fierce ghost, or something else, there was always a limit to their harm, but this time, this kind of ghost seems to have no restrictions or restrictions at all. They can get on your body as long as they touch you If you get tired of playing, just touch another person, and it will pass on. But after it leaves, the person who was touched by it will only be left with an empty shell, and the three souls will not see the seven souls..."

Huang Yaozu seemed to want to talk, he looked very tired, after smoking, he took out the flagon and took a big gulp.

"I used to believe in the first commandment, because ghosts and people are a minority and can be controlled. As long as they don't exist, everyone should buy properties and stocks, and everything is normal." He wiped his mouth and laughed at himself. With a smile, "I know this is a kind of self-deception, but whether I am deceiving myself or others, at least I have a very noble reason."

He looked at Su Yi: "But if the ghosts in the future can go on other people's bodies at will, then the first commandment is just a decoration. I don't know why there is any need for me to exist."

"You are really contradictory." Su Yi looked at him, "Even if I stand in front of you, even if I clearly have the ability to catch ghosts, but you have no confidence in me at all, and you always seem to feel that you are Fighting alone. In your eyes, what am I? What is Uncle Feng?"

"It's a poor thing." Huang Yaozu was slightly silent, and smiled, "It's not that I don't have confidence in you, but I have no confidence in this world. Maybe this world doesn't belong to us at all."

Su Yi's eyes flashed, and he was about to ask.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yaozu suddenly changed the subject: "I have been in this position for 19 years. In fact, I plan to retire. I have already told the above, but I don't know if anyone is willing to take over my class."

"It looks like you're only in your early forties. Retire? Is it too early?" Su Yi said.

"Then consider it as my resignation." Huang Yaozu said with a smile, "Before I leave, I will investigate the newly-appeared ghosts and do a good job for the latecomers. As for the people who died in Rubbish and Fushan Village ...are you interested in taking over?"

"I'm from Wanwan, Sir, a foreigner." Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Does it matter?" Huang Yaozu spread his hands, "Anyway, no one needs the truth, and what you have to face is not human."

"Actually, if you don't take over, I won't be able to spare the energy to deal with the problems here." He continued, "I should be the same as before, waiting for the ghosts here to play enough and stop. If you take over, instead It's a nuisance for me."

"Then you are asking for trouble by suggesting that I take over?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"You have to leave sooner or later." Huang Yaozu said, "If you do something good, I'll wipe your ass. When you leave, everything will continue as usual."

Su Yi looked at him thoughtfully, Huang Yaozu smiled at Su Yi, and said: "Of course, if you don't want to, forget it, this kind of thing is still very dangerous after all. And the principle of the first commandment must be obeyed, you It was handled well the first time, the matter did not become a big issue, and the problem was solved, perfect."

"Okay, I'll take over." Su Yi said.

Huang Yaozu sighed, patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "You are a good policeman."

After a pause, he said again: "Before you leave, I will treat you to a good drink."

After Huang Yaozu left, Su Yi stood there thinking for a long time, and gradually figured out some doubts.

However, whether his guess is right or not needs to be further confirmed in the future.

Miao Xiaowei called and said that Yuan Xiaomin had been sent home safely. He sighed in self-pity and said that they didn't give him a chance and didn't invite him in for a cup of tea.

Su Yi originally planned to ask him to come over to help, but Miao Xiaowei said that he had to change shifts. Thinking about how hard this kid is, he keeps turning around, and the young man's body is resistant.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi first dealt with the collapsed bedroom, installed the door lock in reverse, and isolated this side from the next door.

Then set up the gossip crossing law array again in the living room, put two paper boxes in the array, hold the soul-dangling bell in one hand, and pinch willow branches and rain in the other. In the east, holding willows and sprinkling nectar, riding nine green lions on the body, the ghosts are born early..."

"At that time, the Heavenly Venerable Rescue Suffering filled the realms of the ten directions, and often used his mighty power to rescue all sentient beings, so that they would be freed from going astray..."

"Qingyun opened the gate of life, and the auspicious smoke filled the dead households. At the beginning of Xuanyuan, he used the auspiciousness to save all sins and save all disasters..."

"Miaomiao super immortal origin, swaying and naturally clear, all inherit the power of the great way, to subdue all demon spirits..."

Su Yi chanted sutras and rang the bell. Following his movements, the two cardboard boxes slammed, and there was a shrill and painful cry from inside.

When Su Yi walked from the Qian position to the Kun position, the runes on the two paper boxes burst into flames, and two black shadows rushed out howling, about to flee outward.

bang bang bang...

Su Yi didn't seem to see him, but shook the soul-stirring golden bell more hurriedly, chanting sutras incessantly.

The gossip magic circle emitted red light and blocked them back.No matter how they collide, they cannot break through the range of the large formation.

Black smoke continued to be emitted from their bodies, and a faint fire flashed from their bodies.

They rolled and roared in the formation, looking very painful.

"Forgive me, please forgive me, stop reading, stop reading..."

"Let me out, I don't dare anymore, never dare..."

"I was wrong, I'm sorry, I repent, I must correct myself..."

They begged and bowed and kowtowed to Su Yi in the formation.

But soon, he rolled over and struggled again due to the severe pain.

Su Yi turned a deaf ear to their reactions and just chanted sutras to himself.

Gradually, they cursed in the formation, their voices were full of hatred and resentment.

But Su Yi still ignored it.

Gradually, Mike couldn't hold on at first.

Its entire soul body was wrapped in red flames, and it rolled violently, burning more and more vigorously, until it was burnt to the point that there was not even a single ashes left!
This is its karmic fire. Compared with Yu Huiqi, Mike had done a lot more bad karma during his lifetime. Under Su Yi's unscrupulous help, it was directly burned by the karmic fire.

Mike's loss of soul made Yu Huiqi even more desperate.

But just when it writhed in pain, thinking that it could not escape the end of destruction, Su Yi suddenly stopped.

The fire of karma on Yu Huiqi's body gradually extinguished, revealing her original face.

Compared with before, its expression was less weird and ferocious, but more sad and frightening, which made people feel pitiful.

This is naturally because a lot of his bad karma was burned.

It looked at Su Yi outside the formation in fear, begging repeatedly.

"Please give me a happy time, please show mercy, I can't take it anymore, I really can't take it anymore..."

The pain of karma burning is definitely the most painful torture in the world for Li Gui.

Compared to humans, it is as if every inch of flesh and blood on the body is being mercilessly roasted by flames. This kind of continuous and cruel pain is simply not something that flesh and blood can bear.

"God has the virtue of good life, don't say I will kill you, now I will give you a chance, if you can seize it, although I will not let you go, but I will not let your soul fly away, but I will take you to reincarnation "Su Yi looked at Yu Huiqi in the formation and said lightly, "But if you are still obsessed with it, Mike is your lesson from the past."

"I don't want to be lost, I will do whatever you ask me..." Yu Huiqi said tremblingly.

It has been completely subdued by Su Yi. At this moment, no matter what Su Yi asks it to do, even if there is no benefit, it will agree without hesitation.

"Let me ask you, where did you learn the evil method of resurrecting the dead?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes, it's Father Huang, it was Father Huang who taught us." Yu Huiqi said tremblingly without hesitation.

"Father Huang?" Su Yi frowned, "Who is Father Huang?"

"I don't know who it is, I only know that it is Huang's father." Yu Huiqi's eyes showed unspeakable fear, "We were husband and wife before we were alive, and we have been dead for more than four years. We were not ghosts, I was Black shadow ghost, Ah Qiang is a yellow page ghost. We were revenged and died in a car accident, so we have been trapped under that bridge and suffered from seven days of reincarnation..."

"Originally we were in a daze, and we were about to be burned by karma and forget about ourselves, but that day, Father Huang found us, and he woke us up. He also taught us the method of reviving the dead, and let us join the association..."

"What association?" Su Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Ghost Story Association." Yu Huiqi finally said the name Su Yi wanted to hear, "This is an organization of reincarnated people, and all those who enter the Ghost Story Association are those who have successfully revived their bodies. Ah Qiang and I are the probationary members of the association. "

"How much do you know about this association?" Su Yi asked.

Yu Huiqi shook her head blankly: "I only know this name, and there are many branches in the association. If Ah Qiang and I succeed in reunion, we will join the Ding Chou branch."

"Ding Chou..." Su Yi frowned, his heart pounding.

This is the saying of Ganzhiji, which usually represents the year. The year he lives in this world happens to be the year of Ding Chou.

Could it be that this association organizes the people who successfully resurrect the dead every year into different branches, and then names them Ganzhi?
If this is the case, it is really scary to think carefully!
In Little Hong Kong Island, how many people have successfully resurrected their souls?

These people are mixed among ordinary people, and unless practitioners use special methods, it is impossible to distinguish them from normal people.

These resurrected ghosts have set up such a huge organization, what exactly do they want to do?
The more Su Yi thought about it, the more his scalp became numb.

He guessed that the Ghost Story Association might be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect this association to be such a giant!
Uncle Feng also said that the association had been wiped out a long time ago, so just this one?

Just outrageous!
"What else do you know?" Su Yi's heart was turbulent, but his face remained calm, and he continued to ask.

"That's all I know." Yu Huiqi shook her head and said, "Ah Qiang and I have never formally joined the association. In fact, we don't want to join this association. I bought everything..."

"Do you think you can leave?" Su Yi said.

"Father Huang never showed up again after he taught us the substitute method." Yu Huiqi said, "We have studied the Fa until now, and we have never met anyone from the association. I discussed it with A Qiang, and we all think that Father Huang might Don't care about us."

"Why do you think so?" Su Yi asked.

"Because Father Huang said that we are actually useless..." Yu Huiqi whispered, "It seems that it taught us just on a whim, but in fact it planned to eat us."

"Eat?" Su Yi frowned.

Yu Huiqi showed fear on her face, and tremblingly said: "It likes to eat ghosts the most, and it is something that specializes in eating ghosts!"

"What does it look like?" Su Yi asked.

Yu Huiqi shook her head vigorously: "I can't see what it looks like, and I don't dare to look at it, because it has said that ghosts who see it will be eaten by it. I only know that it has popularity."

Could it be that he is also a person who has successfully resurrected his soul from a dead body?

Su Yi frowned deeply, stroked the news that Yu Huiqi revealed, and said again: "Why do you call him Father Huang?"

"It's what made us call it that." Yu Huiqi said, "I don't know why it's called Father Huang."

"Has it ever said what it has to do with the Ghost Story Association?" Su Yi asked, "Is it the president of this association?"

Yu Huiqi shook her head: "I don't know."

"If you succeed in resurrecting your soul and want to formally join the association, how do you contact this ghost talk association?" Su Yi asked again.

Yu Huiqi then shook her head.

But seeing Su Yi frowned deeply, Yu Huiqi hurriedly added: "We can't contact their people, but we know what to do so that they can confirm our identity."

"Say." Su Yi said.

"On the seventh day of every month, light five sticks of incense in the bathroom and put them in the northwest corner." Yu Huiqi said, "This is what Father Huang told us. He said that as long as we do this, someone will come to us."

The seven days are the three days of the seventh day, the seventeenth day and the 27th day.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, thought for a moment and said: "Retell the whole process of meeting you and Huang's father again. I want all the details, and don't miss a single bit."

In order not to lose her mind, Yu Huiqi naturally knew everything and said everything.

After it said it in detail, Su Yi messed up the order again, asked it some details, and deliberately mispronounced some details, or said some irrelevant things first, and then suddenly switched to important issues, or Set some traps.

In short, by using various questioning techniques, Su Yi obtained all the information Yu Huiqi knew about Huang's father and the Guitan Association, and he was basically sure that the information he got was true.

(End of this chapter)

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