Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1199 Pause

Chapter 1199 Pause
Su Yi had to accept the reality with disappointment——Yu Huiqi and Mike were just small characters, and they knew very little about the Ghost Story Association.

But thinking about it the other way around, it is precisely because they are only small characters and only peripheral reserve members, that Su Yidu transformed them so that it would not arouse the attention and vigilance of the huge organization of the Ghost Story Association.

Maybe that's a good thing instead.

And on a better note, Su Yi at least knew that there was a ruthless character named "Father Huang" in this association, who was suspected to be a successful resurrection person, and this person should have the ability to eat ghosts.

Su Yi also uncovered the tip of the iceberg of the monster association, the Freak Association, and knew that this association might involve a lot. Among its members, there are many evil spirits who successfully reincarnated by using the method of reincarnation.

As for how powerful this association is, what is the purpose of its establishment, and who is standing behind it, Su Yi has no idea.

In any case, this association is by no means something that Su Yi can afford to provoke now.

Before learning more information, Su Yi made up his mind to try to stay away from this organization as much as possible.

"Don't worry, I keep my word. Since you cooperate so well, I won't kill you." Seeing Yu Huiqi's anxious and fearful look, Su Yi said lightly, "But it's inevitable that you will suffer a lot. .I will dissolve your karma and free you to reincarnate. This process will take at least seven days."

Yu Huiqi knelt down and kowtowed to Su Yi excitedly: "Thank you Master for your life, thank you..."

"But I have to say the ugly words first," Su Yi snorted coldly, "If you play any tricks during this period, then don't blame me for letting you go out of your wits!"

"I won't, and I definitely don't dare." Yu Huiqi said hastily, "I've figured it out now, where is there such a thing as a pie in the sky for no reason? Master, you can help me resolve my karma, so don't let me go." No matter how much the underworld suffers, I can be considered a blessing in disguise if I have the opportunity to be reincarnated directly."

Su Yi chuckled, not believing a word of her.

Ghosts are the most deceptive, and it is best not to believe a word of ghosts.

He turned around and went to another bedroom, found a perfume bottle, poured out all the perfume in it, and pasted a magic seal on the bottle, then returned to the living room, unscrewed the bottle cap and said to Yu Huiqi: "Go in, after Every day I will let you out for a period of time to eliminate karma for you. After seven days, you will be done."

"Yes, master!" Yu Huiqi did not hesitate, bowed respectfully, and then turned into a puff of black smoke into the bottle.Su Yi screwed on the bottle cap and squeezed out a little blood to seal the gap, temporarily sealing it in the bottle.

Then Su Yi cleaned up the room a little bit, and made a bed for himself in the other bedroom, so that he could use it for rest.

Then he set up an incense table in the living room to engrave the magic circle again, and went to the next door to search for some things Mike had used before his death, his underwear, hair, etc., and found his birthday horoscope, which was written on a piece of talisman paper.

He lit a candle in the southeast corner of the living room, burned Mike's birthday horoscope on the incense table, and began to chant the mantra:
"Wandering souls, where to stay, the three souls will soon come, the seven souls will come, riverside roads, temples, villages, palaces and prisons, tombs and forests, false alarms and strange, lost true souls, now please five Taoists, General Youlu, when The land of the village, the home of the Kitchen God, the gods of the mountains and the rivers, the gold of Liujia, I am sending you to search for it..."

He is summoning the soul of the real Mike, and he wants to use the soul arresting spell to capture Mike's soul, and then cross it to reincarnate.

This can be regarded as a good person who has done it to the end and sent the Buddha to the West.

"The soul is back! The soul is back..."

Su Yi recited the soul-restraining curse over and over again.

At the same time, in a spacious and bright restaurant.

A man wearing dark glasses is feasting.

"The soul is back... The soul is back..."

Suddenly, there was a sound that seemed to be there, and with this sound, there was a faint grimace on the food on the plate, which was distorted and hideous due to pain, and let out a mournful and vicious howl, as if wanting to eat food. Do your best to get rid of it, and flee away.

A pair of chopsticks clamped it firmly, and the black mist immediately retracted into the plate, and everything returned to its original state.

"It's really troublesome, it was almost wasted..." the man in the sunglasses muttered.

In Su Yi's room, the candle he had placed in the southeast corner suddenly went out at this moment!

At the same time, the three incense sticks on the incense table also burned out quickly, as if a double-speed video was played.

Su Yi, who was reciting the Soul-Suppressing Curse, suddenly stopped, his eyes froze.

He stared at the extinguished candle for a long time before slowly letting out a breath.

He silently cleaned up the soul-calling formation and burned Mike's things, as if he had never done anything before.

This matter is over for now.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Su Yi was awakened by noises from next door.

He got up and went out, only to find that a decoration team had come by and was repairing the gate.

An elderly couple was standing in the corridor talking, when they heard Su Yi open the door, they both looked over.

Su Yi noticed that the old couple's eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Yuan Xiaomin, so he guessed their identities, smiled and nodded at them friendly, and planned to go back.

Unexpectedly, the old couple walked over here.

The old man asked with a cautious smile, "You, you are Master Huang, right?"

"From Wanwan?" the old lady added.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt. You should be Miss Yuan's parents, right? I am Huang Huotu."

The old couple looked at each other, and suddenly Qiqi knelt down for Su Yi.

Su Yi had quick eyes and quick hands, and before their knees touched the ground, he helped them up.

"Uncle and aunt, why do you do this?" Su Yi said, "I am a junior, but I can't treat you like this."

Yuan's father said excitedly: "Master Huang, the kindness of saving lives is beyond heaven! You saved my daughter, which is equivalent to saving our family of three. Such a great kindness, let alone kneeling for you, is considered as a cow for you!" Being a horse is what you should do.”

"Master Huang, Xiaomin has told us all the ins and outs. We really don't know how to thank you." Mother Yuan was also grateful.

Trembling, she took out a bank card from her pocket, and stuffed it into Su Yi's hand without any explanation: "Master, here is a little thought from us, please accept it..."

"Thank you for accepting it, and the rest will not be compared." Su Yi said, "I did these things not for reward."

"Of course I know, Master Huang, that you are a god who helps the world and saves people, and a Bodhisattva who is compassionate and compassionate. You saved my daughter and don't try to repay it. Even if our family is married, it is difficult for us to repay such a great kindness." Father Yuan said emotionally, "But if we don't do anything, our conscience is really uneasy! Master Huang, this is just a little care on our part, and it doesn't mean anything at all. We just want you to know how much we love you for saving my daughter." Thank you."

"Yes, yes, master, just accept it." Mother Yuan said with tears, "We came here today to express our gratitude. You don't know how lucky we are, how grateful we are. Thank you!"

Su Yi smiled, and no longer refused, accepted the bank card and said: "Okay, then I will accept it."

Yuan's father and Yuan's mother were overjoyed.

"Master Huang, we specially called the decoration team to repair the door and the inner wall. They promised us to rush the construction period and finish the work in two days. If you don't mind these two days, you can come to live with me." Father Yuan said.

Su Yi refused: "There's no need for uncle, they won't bother me, and I'm basically not at home during the day."

After changing the subject, he asked again: "How is Miss Yuan? Is there any problem?"

"She may have been too frightened. She has been falling asleep since she went back yesterday, and she has been having nightmares, and she is always woken up by fright." Yuan's mother worried, "Master, she will have no problems, right?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "You can give her some tranquilizing medicine, let her rest more, it's fine, there's no big problem."

Su Yi chatted with Yuan's father and Yuan's mother for a few more words, and when he heard the phone ringing in the room, he took his leave and went back to the room.

Although Su Yi did not expect anything in return for saving lives, he was still very happy when he met someone who was grateful.

He is a layman, and he feels that the so-called "joy" of "helping others" is probably the joy of gaining gratitude.

The call was from Huang Yaozu. He told Su Yi that someone died again last night.

"It's Rubbish's friend named Big B, and he was also one of the four people who played psychic games together that night." Huang Yaozu said, "This guy lives in Tsuen Wan, and he suddenly jumped off the roof of their house last night. The distance from Tsuen Wan Fumen Village is far away, you are right, the ghosts who haunt them this time are not restricted by region, if this continues, will the other two girls who play psychic games with them also suffer?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Su Yi said, "You should have their information and address, right? I'm going to check it out."

"I told Director Ma of West Kowloon to let you help me for the time being." Huang Yaozu said, "He promised me to send someone to assist you. They should tell you the specific information."

"Alright." Su Yi said, "How is the situation over there?"

"It's okay." Huang Yaozu sounded in a good mood, "There is a new guy in the miscellaneous affairs department, and I haven't met him yet. But if there is nothing unexpected, he should come to take over my shift. I talked to him this morning. , they promised to let me go."

Su Yi was slightly silent, and said, "Then congratulations in advance."

"I hope everything goes well." Huang Yaozu said.

After hanging up Huang Yaozu's call, Su Yi received a call from Cissy.

"Huang sir, one of Xiao Ming's friends died last night. It was one of them who played the psychic game together that night. I was really scared. Will Xiao Ming be okay?" Cissy's voice was full of panic.

"Didn't you leave West Kowloon?" Su Yi asked.

"We're going to move out temporarily today," Cissy said, "but my boyfriend Jack also saw something unclean in the bathroom this morning, I'm so scared, I don't know why... Huang sir, don't you Can you help us? I'm really scared..."

"How about this, you bring your boyfriend and younger brother to find me." Su Yi said, "I'll wait for you at home for an hour."

"Okay, okay, we'll be there in half an hour at most!" Cissy said in surprise.

Just as Cissy hung up the phone, Miao Xiaowei called again.

"Hello? Sir Huang, I have some good news for you. Guess what it is?" Miao Xiaowei on the other end of the phone said with a smile.

"You sir sent you here to help me temporarily?" Su Yi asked.

"How do you know?" Miao Xiaowei said in surprise, "I just wanted to give you a surprise!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I guess you must be on the way here, right? You also brought breakfast?"

"Damn, it's really boring, you guessed everything, what's the surprise?" Miao Xiaowei said speechlessly, "I'm almost downstairs, I'll be there in ten minutes!"

Said ten minutes, and sure enough, it will be there in ten minutes.

As soon as Miao Xiaowei entered the door, he shouted excitedly: "Sir Huang, our director said that as long as you are in Hong Kong Island, I will stay with you! In the next few months, I will hang out with you!"

"You know how dangerous my side is," Su Yi said with a smile, "and there is no credit for following me."

"Contributions can be made at any time. I am still so young, so there are many opportunities!" Miao Xiaowei excitedly said, "But Sir Huang, you will not stay on Hong Kong Island forever, so I would rather not have credit, but follow Sir Huang You subdue demons and eliminate demons!"

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, you have taken a long way."

Miao Xiaowei said happily: "Sir Huang, can you accept me as an apprentice? I want to learn from you!"

"No problem." Su Yi said, "Starting today, chant the scriptures every morning and evening for ten years, and you will be able to get started and have the qualifications to practice."

Miao Xiaowei was dumbfounded: "Ah? Really? Sir Huang, you're not covering me, are you?"

"Am I that boring?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Is there any shortcut? Or a quick solution?" Miao Xiaowei asked with a bitter face.

"I want to know." Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, I'll give you some more amulets to keep you safe from evil. This road is more difficult and dangerous than you imagined. What do you think?" It’s good to see the scenery here, just take a look, but you don’t have to stay here.”

"Okay, I'll give up." Miao Xiaowei sighed, "I eat everything, but I don't like hardship."

After a pause, he asked again: "Sir Huang, anyway, I will be yours from now on. If there is anything that needs me to do, just tell me. Is there anything we need to do today?"

(End of this chapter)

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