Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1200 Traceability

Chapter 1200 Traceability
Having an extra little follower, Miao Xiaowei, has both advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that there is an assistant who can handle chores, which can also make Su Yi's actions more legal; but the disadvantage is that Miao Xiaowei is a burden to Su Yi. The later, the more powerful the opponent Su Yi faces. The more dangerous it is for Xiaowei, and it is impossible for Su Yi to stand by and watch him fall into danger.

But no matter how you say it, at least for now Miao Xiaowei still has a more positive effect on Su Yi.

Su Yi asked Miao Xiaowei to look up the home addresses of the other two girls who played psychic games, and then continued to sacrifice his own flying sword and golden bell.

If a workman wants to be good, he must first sharpen his weapon.

Su Yi's next opponent is the century-old ghost Chu Renmei for the time being.

This will also be the most vicious and powerful ghost that Su Yi will face alone. Su Yi is actually not very sure whether he can get rid of this ghost.

The only thing he can do is to prepare as best he can.

There is no need for Su Yi to worry about refining the magic weapon all the time, so taking advantage of this time, Su Yi set up the altar again to cross Yu Huiqi.

Cissy said it would arrive in half an hour, but in fact it took more than [-] minutes.

They came with a group of four people, apart from Cissy and Fa Mao whom Su Yi met yesterday, there was also a man who looked very gentle, and a guy with a cut hair.

The faces of the four were not good-looking. Hairy was carrying a very worn book, while the gentle man was carrying some exquisitely packaged gift boxes.

"Sir Huang, let me introduce him. This is my boyfriend Jack." Cissy introduced to Su Yi, "He is also the owner of a newspaper. Jack, this is Sir Huang."

Jack bowed slightly to shake hands with Su Yi, and said sincerely: "Sir Huang, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. It's the first time I come to the door, and a small gift is not a respect."

"You're welcome." Su Yi smiled at him, felt the temperature of his hand, looked him over carefully, and then let go.

"This is my younger brother Xiao Ming." Cissy introduced the cropped guy again.

"Hi sir." Xiao Ming greeted muffledly.

"Hey, can you talk nicely? What sir? It's already called a yellow sir!" Cissy immediately scolded with a straight face.

"Hello Huang sir." Xiao Ming corrected listlessly.

"Huang sir, I want to trouble you again." Fa Mao also greeted Su Yi with a smile.

"Let's talk first." Su Yi invited the four of them into the room.

Miao Xiaowei sat bored in a corner of the living room, while Yu Huiqi was sitting in the middle of the altar on the other side of the living room, suffering from the burning pain of karma.

When Yu Huiqi was looking for a substitute before, everyone could see her because of her yang energy.

But now, ordinary people can't see her at all.

On the contrary, Xiao Ming didn't notice it when he came in, and then he was taken aback.

"Don't go there! There are, there are unclean things..." Seeing that his sister and the others were still walking that way, Xiao Ming was terrified and stopped everyone, his face turned pale with fright, and his voice trembled.

When he looked at Su Yi's eyes again, he became much awed and frightened.

"Is there? Is it true?" Jack looked at him suspiciously.

Because in the field of vision of normal people, the only direction Xiao Ming points to is the Bagua circle drawn on the ground, and there is nothing at all.

Compared with Jack, Cissy and Fa Mao both know that Xiao Ming has yin and yang eyes, but they really can't see anything, so they are both surprised and look at Su Yi.

Miao Xiaowei was sitting on the side bored, but when he saw Xiao Ming, he suddenly became interested and hurried forward. He knew that Su Yi was crossing ghosts, but he couldn't see the existence of Yu Huiqi either.

"Really or not? Can you really see it?" He asked with great interest, "Huang sir, didn't you say that if you want to see ghosts and gods clearly, you need to recite at least ten years of scriptures?"

"Have you heard the saying that all roads lead to Rome?" Su Yi asked.

"You mean, besides reciting the ten-year scriptures, there are other ways to achieve the goal of seeing ghosts and gods?" Miao Xiaowei's eyes lit up immediately, "You said Huang sir earlier, I said there must be a shortcut. Let's go!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "He doesn't need to take shortcuts, because he was born in Rome. If you want to learn from him, then it depends on your reincarnation skills in the next life?"

"What do you mean?" Miao Xiaowei was taken aback.

"Xiao Ming was born with yin and yang eyes." Fa Mao explained, "He can see things that others can't see. In fact, we all suspected that he was lying, but now..."

"He was born..." Miao Xiaowei disappointed, "This world is really unfair, Sir Huang, so isn't he a genius in terms of cultivation?"

"Born with yin and yang eyes, he is indeed blessed and gifted." Su Yi nodded and said, he looked at Xiao Ming and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm reincarnating this ghost, it can't get out."

Shocked and suspicious, Xiao Ming nodded nervously, no longer as lazy and casual as before.

Su Yi took out the perfume bottle that he prepared yesterday from his pocket, unscrewed the cap, and retracted the formation with his hands, and said to Yu Huiqi: "Come here first today, you come in first."

Yu Huiqi stood up trembling, the pain from the karmic fire still hadn't subsided, it endured the pain and bowed to Su Yi, then turned into a wisp of green smoke and got into the perfume bottle.

Su Yi immediately screwed on the bottle cap, sealed the gap with blood from his fingertips, and put the bottle into his coat pocket.

In the eyes of others, Su Yi seemed to be talking to the air just now, and then he pretended to unscrew and close the bottle cap, especially since he was holding a cologne bottle in his hand, which was even more impressive. Doubt he is acting.

But Xiao Ming really saw everything that happened just now, and the shock in his heart could not be added.

What Su Yi did just now was subverting his heart!
He is usually terrified of sneakiness, but here with Su Yi, he is as obedient as a pet, and his attitude towards Su Yi is also respectful.

He has always been troubled by his yin and yang eyes, but in the conversation between Su Yi and Miao Xiaowei, he heard admiration and envy.

Cissy looked at the position of Su Yi's pocket in fear, took a step back calmly and said, "Sir Huang, I told you on the phone before that a friend of Xiao Ming suddenly walked up to the rooftop inexplicably in the middle of the night last night. Jumped off the top and fell to his death."

"Huang sir, you told us to leave West Kowloon before, but in fact, this big B's family lives in Tsuen Wan, far away from the former Rubbish's house." Fa Mao said, "If it is really that ghost that killed Big B, then Xiao Ming If you leave West Kowloon, I don't know if it will be useful?"

"Of course it works." Su Yi said, "The area of ​​West Kowloon is the territory that this ghost can influence. You four are all involved with it now. If you stay here, the probability of you coming into direct contact with it is Big. But if you leave now, except him..."

Su Yi pointed to Jack, and continued: "He has already been watched by that ghost, and it is useless no matter where he goes. Just like Big B, he is also the one who was watched by that ghost, so even if he is far away In Tsuen Wan, you were still killed. But the remaining three of you have not been targeted, as long as you leave West Kowloon, it is equivalent to staying away from danger."

"Me?" Jack pointed at himself in surprise, "I didn't play psychic games with Xiao Ming and the others. Why did I have trouble? Why is Xiao Ming the person involved, and he is fine?"

"Because you have the resentment left by the ghost." Su Yi said lightly, "As long as the ghost is willing, it can use you as a medium to show up here anytime and anywhere. It can also kill you anytime and anywhere."

Everyone was startled.

"Why did this happen?" Jack couldn't accept it, "I didn't do anything!"

"Does a ghost need a reason for harming people?" Su Yi smiled, "Do you feel cold all over, have no energy to do anything, and feel very tired?"

"...Yes, yes!" Jack panicked, "Could it be that ghost that harmed me? Is it on me now?"

"Don't be afraid of Jack, with Sir Huang here, you'll be fine." Cissy hurriedly hugged Jack and comforted him softly, the hairy eyes on one side dimmed seeing this situation.

"Huang sir, why did the ghost Jack saw was an old man?" Fa Mao asked.

Before Su Yi could answer, Jack suddenly shouted: "No! Sir Huang, this is not right!"

"What's wrong?" Miao Xiaowei asked.

"I've been in a daze since yesterday, not after I met that old man in the bathroom this morning." Jack said excitedly, "That is to say, I feel tired and cold, and it has nothing to do with whether I meet a ghost or not! "

"You have mistaken cause and effect." Su Yi said, "Actually, your question and the hairy question have the same answer."

"You were marked by the ghost that killed Big B, so you are stained with yin energy, so you can easily see some unclean things." Su Yi said, "You saw the ghost this morning because You have yin qi on your body, not because you have yin qi on your body after seeing a ghost, so do you understand?"

Everyone was stunned.

"But I still don't understand, what does this matter have to do with Jack?" Cissy asked worriedly, "He doesn't know any of Xiao Ming's friends, why is he being targeted by that ghost."

"Maybe I can tell you the answer to this question." Fa Mao looked serious, "Jack, when you were young, did you live in a place called Huangshan Village?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" Jack was surprised.

"Fatao asked me this morning, I told him." Cissy said, "Fatao, does this have anything to do with this matter?"

"It should be related, because Rubbish is also from Huangshan Village." Fa Mao said, "It shouldn't be a coincidence that both of you were targeted by that ghost."

"But Big B wasn't, why was Big B also killed by it?" Xiao Ming asked.

"That should be another clue." Miao Xiaowei interrupted, "Just like we handle a case, a case is composed of many clues. These clues seem to be irrelevant, but they have a common point of intersection."

"Jack and Rubbish are both from Huangshan Village. Rubbish and Big B are playing psychic games together. These two reasons are the reasons why the ghost is staring at you."

Speaking of this, Miao Xiaowei paused for a moment, and smiled at Su Yi as if asking for credit: "Is my analysis right, Sir Huang?"

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, "Then analyze and analyze again. The couple in Fushan Village the night before yesterday should also have something to do with this ghost. What's the reason?"

Miao Xiaowei's expression froze, and he said awkwardly: "Yes, I read the information, this couple is from Fushan Village, why did they also get recruited?"

"Fushan Village is not far from Huangshan Village..." Fa Mao frowned and thought hard, "There must be something connecting them..."

"It's water." Su Yi revealed the answer directly.

"I found in Rubbish's house before that besides the owner of the corpse oil, there was also a strong resentment emanating from the faucet." Su Yi said, "I think this ghost that is staring at you uses water as a medium to spread it. Its resentment, and then harm people."

He looked at Xiao Ming: "I guess at Rubbish's house that night, apart from not playing psychic games with them, you probably didn't drink their water, right?"

"It's true that I didn't drink the water from their house." Xiao Ming said, "But all four of them drank..."

"Xiao Ming doesn't like to drink water, he only drinks dessert drinks and beer." Cissy said with wide eyes, "Is it because of this reason that Xiao Ming is fine?"

"Tap water..." Jack couldn't believe it, "All the water here comes from the Plover Cove Reservoir. Half of the people on Hong Kong Island eat the water from the Plover Cove Reservoir. If they drink water, they will be caught by ghosts. Will millions of people suffer?"

"At Rubbish's house that day, I also saw a water cut notice." Su Yi said, "It said that the Chuanwan Reservoir cut off the water supply pipeline due to construction, causing the area near Rubbish's house to stop water supply. The date was when they were playing psychic. The day of the game, that is to say, Rubbish's house should have no water that night."

"But the water they drink is taken from the faucet in the bathroom!" Xiao Ming was terrified, "What's going on?"

"That night..." Jack's face turned pale. "I also received a notice of water cutoff at home that day, but I also drank water from the tap at night. At that time, I wondered why there was still water when the water was cut off..."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so the problem lies here." Su Yi said.

He looked at Miao Xiaowei: "You call and ask the people from the water supply company to see if they know why."

"Okay, I'll fight right away!" Miao Xiaowei obeyed Su Yi's advice and immediately followed suit.

"One more thing, I don't know if it has anything to do with this ghost." Fa Mao suddenly said, he opened the old book he was holding, and introduced, "This is the village chronicle of Huangshan Village that I found. , that is, the village where Rubbish and Jack grew up, this village was deserted more than ten years ago, and I don’t know if there are people living there now..."

"No." Jack shook his head, his face was very bad, "about 11 years old, our family moved out of Huangshan Village. When we moved out, there was only one family left in that village, and that family died soon. died, so in theory, our family was the last one to move out of Huangshan Village. I went back five years ago, and there was no living person in the whole village."

"Then do you know why all the people in Huangshan Village have to move out?" Fa Mao asked, "We Hua people are very fond of the country, and we pay attention to the difficulty of leaving our homeland. Unless there are unavoidable reasons, we will not move rashly. Why do you have to move out of your entire village when you are far away from your own hometown?"

(End of this chapter)

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