Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1201 Confrontation

Chapter 1201 Confrontation
"About my childhood memories, I am actually very vague. I only remember that our family was very poor when we were young, and we slowly got rich after we moved away from Huangshan Village."

Jack tried hard to recall: "Also, when I was a child, my parents hardly let me go out to play, and they always locked me at home. I went to school in the next village at that time, and every time I went to and from school, they would pick me up at the entrance of the village and walk away. The fixed road doesn’t let me run around, and don’t let me play with the children in the village.”

"At that time, the children in our Huangshan Village were very discriminated against. Neither teachers nor classmates wanted to have more contact with us, so I actually felt very inferior when I was young."

"As for why our family moved away, I still remember one thing. It was after the death of the village head, people in the village moved away one after another. I asked my dad why we moved, and he told me that the people in the village No one has seen the ancestral hall, so we have to move out."

"No one has seen the ancestral hall in the village? What's the reason?" Cissy said, "Are you kidding me?"

"That's what my dad told me back then." Jack said innocently, "Anyway, no matter what the reason is, as long as I can leave Huangshan Village, I am very happy. I really have very little memory of the days I lived.”

"Then do you know such a thing?" Fa Mao interjected, "About 30 years ago, that is, in the 66th generation, [-] people died overnight in Huangshan Village, which was almost one-third of the village at that time. population of two."

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, he patted the old book in his hand and said, "I read this information from this book. It said that there was a plague in the village at that time, which is why so many people died. But in the end There is no record of what plague and why it happened overnight. I think this incident is very strange, and there may be some hidden secrets in it."

Jack's face was a little pale, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

He hesitated slightly, and said, "I actually know a little bit about this matter. Daddy told me that Huangshan Village used to be very lively, but something happened that made it deserted. Related. When I was a child, I quietly went to the ancestral hall in the village to take a look. There are many tablets enshrined there, but there is a very special tablet enshrined in the middle, with a name written on it."

"What's your name?" Fa Mao was fascinated by what he heard, and subconsciously asked.

Jack hesitated again, seeming reluctant to say the name, but finally did.

"It's a person named Chu Renmei." Jack said.


Even though the door was closed and the windows were closed, a bone-piercing wind suddenly blew through, causing everyone present to shiver. The curtains on the balcony were automatic without wind, and there was a faint electric current "sizzling" in the room. sound.

Everyone looked around in horror, and Jack was also frightened into silence.

At this moment, a woman in blue with disheveled hair suddenly appeared on the back of Jack who was looking around!

It seemed to be lying on Jack's back all the time, and Jack was unaware of its existence.

The wet long black hair covered the face, and it was impossible to see its original appearance. It had a hand on Jack's shoulder, its nails were black, and its complexion was pale.

Chu Renmei!
It came suddenly!

In the whole room, only two people saw Chu Renmei, one was Su Yi and the other was Xiao Ming.

As for the rest, they didn't notice it at all!
Cissy even held Jack's arm all the time, and was so close to the female ghost in blue, she failed to notice its existence.

"Ah!" Xiao Ming screamed in fright, took two steps back and fell to the ground, his expression distorted by fright, trembling and unable to utter a single word.

Su Yi also felt chills in his heart. He didn't make a move rashly, but just stared at the sudden figure, holding the Dangling Golden Bell in one hand, and at some point in the other hand, he held a mahogany sword in his hand. Zhang exorcising evil and suppressing evil spirits.

The tip of his tongue was on the roof of his mouth, his whole body was tense, like a fully drawn bowstring, and he would react immediately to any movement.

Xiao Ming's sudden scream startled everyone.

Cissy hurriedly stepped forward to help him, and everyone except Su Yi also looked at him in surprise.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Ming?" Cissy asked in surprise, "Why do you look at Jack like that?"

"What did you see?" Mao Mao's face immediately changed when he thought of something.

Miao Xiaowei also glanced at Su Yi, and realized something was wrong, his face changed wildly, he quickly shrank behind Su Yi, and pulled out his gun.

"It, it..." Xiao Ming stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Don't point at it!" Su Yi sternly stopped.

Xiao Ming shivered and immediately withdrew his hand.

This sound also startled the others.

"Don't look at it either!" Su Yi continued with a solemn expression.

Xiao Ming followed the example of kindness, and immediately closed his eyes tightly, shaking violently all over his body.

Both Fa Mao and Cissy turned pale with fright, the former blocked the latter behind, and the two were trembling.

Worst of all was Jack.

He already has the feeling now!
He clearly felt someone lying on his back, as if he was carrying a piece of cold ice.

His whole body was stiff and he didn't dare to move, his teeth were chattering with each other, his face was pale, and his expression was terrified.

"Help, save me..." Jack's legs were trembling, and he was almost unable to stand still.

"Huang sir, Huang sir, save him!" Cissy also begged.

Su Yi turned a deaf ear!
If Chu Renmei really wants to kill Jack, Su Yi is on the scene now, and there is absolutely no time to save him.

But Chu Renmei didn't do anything now, it just appeared here because someone chanted its name, and it didn't intend to harm anyone for the time being.

Su Yi's move now is tantamount to provoking it and provoking it to do it.

It is like encountering a tiger in the wild, which is undoubtedly deadly and dangerous.

But maybe it's full and just passing by.But if you take the initiative to provoke, no matter whether it is full or not, it will definitely want to bite you to death.

Su Yi doesn't have to be afraid of Chu Renmei, he will face Chu Renmei head-on sooner or later.

But not now, and he hopes to use a smart way to transform, rather than directly using the method of subduing demons.

What's more, Su Yi is now surrounded by four bronze players. If Chu Renmei has the ability to attack these four at the same time, can Su Yi be saved?

Really not necessarily.

These thoughts flashed through Su Yi's mind instantly, so Su Yi didn't act rashly.

He stared at Chu Renmei, who was lying motionless on Jack's shoulder, and was thinking about how to react, but he didn't expect that Chu Renmei suddenly flashed from behind Jack to in front of Jack. B is only one step away.

Su Yi clenched the mahogany sword tightly, ready to strike at any time.

He doesn't want to make a move now, but it doesn't mean he's afraid to make a move.

Boom boom!Boom boom!
Chu Renmei staggered and took two steps forward, the bones all over her body were buzzing.

It's like a rusty iron frame is shaking and moving.

It has come in front of Su Yi, so close at hand!
It stretched out its hand slowly, and two pale hands parted its wet hair from the middle, revealing its wrinkled face, with the same pale complexion as the hands, blue-purple mouth, and eyes with only whites and no pupils.

One person, one ghost, four eyes facing each other!

Zizi, Zizi...

The sound of electric current sounded again.

Boom boom.

Chu Renmei slowly stretched out a hand to touch Su Yi's face.

Well, bear with failure!
Su Yi couldn't bear it anymore and rang the soul-stirring golden bell!
Jingle Bell……

At the same time as the bell rang, Chu Renmei grinned suddenly, and her bluish-purple lips immediately tore open the flesh and blood on her face, and the tear was big and wide. The black hole in her mouth was so big that she could swallow Su Yi's head in one gulp!

And it wants to swallow Su Yi's head in one gulp!


Su Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, and cut forward with the mahogany sword in his hand without saying a word. At the same time, the exorcism and evil spirit talisman held in his palm was activated instantly, turned into a fireball and exploded, forming a huge fire mark, rubbing it on Chu Renmei's body And go!

But almost at the same time as he was making these things, Su Yi's perfume bottle that sealed Yu Huiqi in his pocket suddenly trembled violently, suddenly jumped out of his pocket, threw it high, and then fell heavily to the ground at a rapid speed!
Yu Huiqi!
This female ghost who seemed to have been tamed by Su Yi before, who seemed to have "let go of everything and reformed herself", actually stopped holding back and suddenly launched an attack when Su Yi was most distracted!
It made the right bet, because Su Yi really doesn't have time to talk to it right now, he doesn't even have time to look at it!
Su Yi slashed down with a sword!
But no matter whether it was the spurted Taoist blood, the explosive exorcising evil spirit talisman, or the slashing sword, they all came to nothing!

Chu Renmei in front of Su Yi suddenly disappeared without a trace, completely gone!

The perfume bottle fell to the ground and shattered!

A wisp of black mist rises into the air with the flying debris, and disappears into the air in an instant!

Yu Huiqi escaped!

But Su Yi still didn't even look at it.

Su Yi focused all his attention on Chu Renmei who also disappeared!
He is like an enemy!
To him, Chu Renmei was the fatal threat, and Yu Huiqi's escape was out of his consideration at this moment.

It's hard for Su Yi himself to imagine that his attack close at hand actually failed!
Chu Renmei suddenly disappeared from his field of vision, making all his attacks useless!
The Exorcism Suppressing Talisman had already been activated, so it was a waste. The Soul Dangling Bell was still shaking, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

Where did Chu Renmei go?
It can disappear without a trace in front of Su Yi, where is it?
Everyone else present screamed out in fright at Su Yi's sudden movement and the sudden detonation of the fireball.

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes suddenly focused, and his eyes suddenly locked on Jack, and he slashed down with the mahogany sword in his hand!
Amid the exclamation of the crowd, seeing that Su Yi's sword was about to land on Jack's head, a blue figure suddenly flashed out and disappeared into the air.

The sword in Su Yi's hand barely landed on Jack's forehead, less than halfway through the space, and the sword energy forced his forehead to be ripped apart, and blood flowed down.

"Ahhh!" Jack yelled in horror and fell to the ground, the water in his crotch rapidly enlarged.

Su Yi didn't look at him any more, he glanced around fiercely.

He could feel that Chu Renmei was still here, and the yin energy in this room was extremely strong, everyone standing here breathed white air!
But where Chu Renmei was, he couldn't see it.

This is not unusual. Seeing ghosts and gods clearly means that you can see ghosts, but if ghosts are all about hiding, especially powerful ghosts like Chu Renmei are all about hiding, with Su Yi's cultivation and ability, he can't see them. Their tracks are all too normal.

But if you can't see it, it doesn't mean you can't find it, and it doesn't mean that Su Yi has nothing to do with this situation.

Su Yi squeezed his finger, and directly used blood to draw away the dragon and snake on the peach wood sword, quickly wrote the rune, and said in a hurry: "Please pray to the peach wood sword god, come down to the world to patrol the world! Everyone harms me and does no evil, little Fa Sacrifice the Feijian, and kill the evil spirits, there will be no life left, I am pardoned by the ancestors of Feijian, the gods are as urgent as the law!"

Following Su Yi's incantation, the mahogany sword in his hand instantly emitted an astonishing red light!
Su Yi seemed to be holding a red light stick, he quickly adjusted the angle of the sword in his hand, and irradiated it to everyone present.

At this moment, everyone present was scared out of their wits by this sudden change, and panicked.Seen by Su Yi's bloody light, they were so frightened that they hugged their heads and shrank into a ball.

Jack, Fa Mao, Cissy, Miao Xiaowei...

The blood light shone across the four of them, but nothing unusual appeared.

Only when Xiao Ming was illuminated, he suddenly let out a cry of pain, and black smoke came out of his body.

"Cut!" Su Yi stepped forward with one step, his eyes wide open and his tongue burst into thunder!

The mahogany sword slashed fiercely on Xiao Ming's shoulder, and it exploded in an instant, and the debris flew away!
Xiao Ming let out an incomparably shrill roar!

But this is not a man's voice, but a woman's voice!

This voice was vicious and shrill, everyone could hear it clearly this time, it was impossible for Xiao Ming to make this voice!
Su Yi slashed out with his sword without stopping, still using blood as ink to quickly draw a round rune on Xiao Ming's forehead, shouted loudly, and slapped him hard on the forehead.

With a sound like a broken leather, a blue figure was immediately dropped from Xiao Ming's body and disappeared into the air.


In the next second, two palms suddenly stretched out from Su Yi's left side and grabbed Su Yi's neck, and he swallowed viciously at Su Yi with a bloody mouth!
clang clang!
Su Yi rang the bell with one hand and slapped it fiercely to the upper left with the other. At the same time, his internal force was running, and his whole body burst out with energy and blood.


Before Su Yi's palm touched Chu Renmei, it screamed and flew out.

But there were two black palm prints left on Su Yi's neck, which were clearly visible!

Su Yi only felt severe pain in his neck, as if he had been frostbitten.

He has no time to take care of it at the moment, and is still looking around vigilantly.

But the Yin Qi in the room is rapidly dissipating, receding like a tide!
The wind howled in the room, and then gradually died down.

There was a faint singing sound in the air, as if it came from all directions, making people elusive and impossible to find——

"When the husband is in love, when the concubine is heartbroken, the feeling of grievance is known for a long time. It is not easy to meet and part. The abandoned wife is now late to regret. Do you remember the love of Phoenix in those days? Love has no place to live, and I wonder if there is a mother without a father, an orphan, guess the king,

And do you know if I have been ill for a long time and become consumptive, and will soon die of grief for you..."

The lingering sound curled up and lingered endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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