Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1203 Split up

Chapter 1203 Split up
Su Yi's words were really not alarmist. The bodies of the people present were all marked by Chu Renmei. With Chu Renmei's ability, it is possible to manipulate them at any time and harm people from a distance.

In the original plot, Miao Xiaowei should not have been involved. The other four, Jack and Xiao Ming, were killed by Chu Renmei. Only Fa Mao and Cissy were let go by Chu Renmei.

But now, the "love" between Cissy and Fa Mao probably won't be able to move Chu Renmei anymore, because of the relationship between Wu and Wu, Chu Renmei would never mind killing them as long as there is a chance.

However, Su Yi is not making things worse. At least compared to the original plot, they knew about the existence of Chu Renmei and where the problem was earlier, and had a clear direction to investigate instead of waiting until Many more people will die before they can find the right direction.

Besides, as long as Chu Renmei didn't come in person and it was only remotely controlled, Su Yi's anti-ghost charm would still work, and it would be considered a layer of protection for their safety.

"One for each person, put it close to your body." Su Yi took out a few anti-ghost talismans and distributed them to everyone, "Remember, this talisman can only protect you three times. Take off the talisman, but unless the three chances are exhausted, no matter what happens, don't take the talisman off your body!"

It was the first time for Fa Mao and the others to come into contact with the talisman, and they were all amazed at its unusual weight when holding it in their hands.

"Are all the talismans so heavy?" Fa Mao asked curiously.

"If it's only the size of a piece of paper, then it must not be a useful talisman." Su Yi said.

"So, in the future, we can use this method to distinguish who is a liar?" Jack said.

"Although it is not absolute, in fact there will be basically no problems with this operation." Su Yi said.

Legend has it that a true Taoist can draw talismans that are exactly the same as ordinary paper, which looks like a fake.

But only when you activate it, you will know what kind of treasure you are holding.

Is it just that there are enlightened people in this world?
There is a high probability that there is none, and even if there is, it is not something that ordinary people can encounter.

Su Yi told them about the characteristics and precautions of this anti-ghost talisman, and finally began to assign "tasks".

"Xiao Ming and I can both see the ghost, so we went to save the two girls separately." Su Yi said, "Xiao Ming and Fa Mao are together, you can count as mutual support, when you see that girl, don't be soft-hearted, just knock her out , or tie her up and bring her here, and wait for me to deal with it."

"Okay." Xiao Ming nodded seriously, "Annie is my girlfriend, so I'll go find Annie. I won't let anything happen to her."

Su Yi nodded and looked at Miao Xiaowei: "Awei, go to the household registration office and look for the surviving elderly people in Huangshan Village, preferably over six or seven years old, who lived in Huangshan Village when they were young, and see if there is any information , don’t act rashly after you find it, we will act together after I meet you.”

"Good sir Huang." Miao Xiaowei responded.

"The two of you are in the media industry. My suggestion is that you stay in this room and don't go anywhere. Call your colleagues and friends to investigate all relevant information about Chu Renmei and Huangshan Village. Then summarize Come to you." Su Yi said to Jack and Cissy again, "I will strengthen the seal of the ghost talisman on this house, and arrange the magic circle. As long as you stay in the circle and don't run around, nothing will happen."

"Thank you, Sir Huang. Don't worry, we may not be able to help you much, but we will definitely not cause trouble for everyone." Jack said sincerely.

Cissy seemed a little displeased, and said, "Actually, I can go and find out myself."

"No need." Su Yi said lightly.

It's really unnecessary.The truth of the matter is actually clear to Su Yi. He asked Xiao Ming and Fa Mao to save one of the girls.

Asking Miao Xiaowei to go to the household registration office to investigate the surviving elderly people in Huangshan Village is actually a formality, but this step must be done, so that what Su Yi will do later can be self-consistent.

With Cissy and Jack left, there was absolutely no need for them to do anything.

As long as they stay honest and don't make trouble, it will be the greatest help to Su Yi.

From the mission point of view of Du Hua Chu Renmei, the number of people who die has no effect on Su Yi.

But judging by Su Yi's original intention, of course, it is necessary to minimize the number of deaths.

After assigning the task and agreeing to contact him at any time, Su Yi took Jack's cell phone and drove to Tuen Mun.

The remaining two groups also went to their respective destinations.

The girl named Annie's house is relatively close, so Xiao Ming and the others arrived first.

The two arrived at Annie's residential area, but suddenly heard someone shouting.

"Teacher Mao! Teacher Mao! Hehe..."

Startled, he listened attentively and asked Xiao Ming at the same time, "Did you hear someone calling me?"

"It seems to be over there." Xiao Ming also heard it, and pointed in a direction.

"Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming! You're here too, hehehe..."

"You're calling me too!" Xiao Ming said in surprise, "Why do I sound like Annie's voice?"

"There!" Fa Mao suddenly screamed, pointing to the roof next to him.

Xiao Ming looked around and saw a girl in a black floral dress standing on the edge of the roof, smiling and waving at them.

He was terrified: "It's Annie!"

I don't even want to run there.

"No!" Fa Mao grabbed him, "I've never met Annie, how could he know me?"

"You want to say it's an illusion?" Xiao Ming said anxiously, "What if it's not? The talisman given by Sir Huang didn't respond either!"

"This..." Fa Mao took a deep breath, still a little undecided.

"Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming! Hee hee, it's really fun here, come up, come up!" On the rooftop, Annie happily shouted and waved to them.

"I can't bet on Annie's life!" Xiao Ming shook his hair and was about to pass.

"I'll go!" Mao Mao took a deep breath and said, "Go to Annie's house quickly and see if Annie is at home. I'll go here to see if she is Annie. I don't know her, so I don't care It's chaos. But don't worry, I will never see an innocent person die in front of me! Trust me."

Xiao Ming looked deeply at Fa Mao, who gave him a firm look.

"Okay!" Xiao Ming gritted his teeth and agreed, and ran towards Annie's house, shouting without looking back: "Listen to the phone!"

Fa Mao took a deep breath and ran towards the building.

This kind of old-fashioned residential area only has the sixth floor, and he ran wildly, panting and climbing up to the sixth floor.

He looked around, and soon saw Annie standing beside the building.

Fa Mao looked at the girl carefully, but couldn't see anything wrong.

"Hee hee...why? Why didn't Xiao Ming come up, only you?" Annie asked with a smile, tilting her head, "Is it because Xiao Ming doesn't want me anymore?"

While talking, she walked casually around the edge.

Fa Mao looked terrified, and approached, swallowed his saliva and said in a warm voice: "Annie, listen to me, Xiao Ming is very attached to you, he wants to ask your parents to come and persuade you..."

"He obviously doesn't want me anymore!" Annie suddenly changed her face, her face was twisted and yelled, "Liar! You liar! I don't want to see you!"

After all, he turned around and jumped down without hesitation!

"do not want!"

Hairy screamed and rushed up, but after running a few steps, he suddenly felt his chest was hot, very hot!
He screamed and covered his chest, and his mind regained clarity in an instant.

Taking a closer look at the environment I was in, I suddenly broke into a cold sweat and trembled all over!
In his previous vision, he had just run to the rooftop, still far away from the edge.

But the actual situation is that he is only one step away from the edge of the rooftop!
Just now, if he just took one more step forward, he might fall directly from the sixth floor!

Hairy was panting heavily, his eyes full of horror.

There was never a moment when he felt that death was so close to him!

The phone rang suddenly, and tremblingly, he took out the phone and connected it, only to hear Xiao Ming's terrified cry from the other end of the phone: "Annie is at home, the one over there is fake, don't come close!"

"I, I know..." Fa Mao managed to calm himself down, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll come right over and tell me the address."

"19C, Gate D, Building 4."

"it is good!"

He hung up the phone, and when his legs were not so weak, he hurriedly walked towards Annie's house.

On the other side, Annie's home,
Annie's mother looked in the direction of the bedroom worriedly, then turned to Xiao Ming and said, "There is something wrong with her. I have asked three masters to look at her, but they are of no use. Xiao Ming, I am very worried about her."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm here to save her." Xiao Ming panted. He was exhausted after running all the way, "Annie will be fine."

"I hope so." Annie's mother sighed, "His father hasn't been home for several days, and I don't know where he died. In order to take care of her, I didn't go out for several days, and I didn't even go to work. Xiao Ming , you help me look after her first, I will send her brother to her aunt's house, and then come back."

Xiao Ming said: "Auntie, in fact, I came this time to take Annie with me. I met a real master. He is very capable, but Annie needs to come to him so that the master can protect her."

"Is it convenient for me to go and have a look together?" Annie's mother asked.

"There should be no problem." Xiao Ming said.

"That's good." Annie's mother nodded, "Then you wait for me to come back, and I'll finish seeing off her brother, and we can set off."

"Good aunt."

After Xiao Ming watched Annie's mother leave, his gaze also fell on Annie in the bedroom.

clang clang...

The wind chime hanging on the door of the bedroom rang, and the sound was crisp and bright.

On the door frame of the bedroom, as well as on the walls and windows in the bedroom, there are all kinds of talisman papers.

Annie was sitting by the window in a black floral dress, expressionless and motionless.

Xiao Ming looked at her and called out "Annie" with a heavy heart.

The latter suddenly smiled nervously, and said: "My mother said that there are unclean things in this room, and these talismans are all used to suppress evil. The wind chime has been opened by an eminent monk, and the ringing can What do you think of this ringtone to dissolve the evil spirit's resentment?"

Jingle Bell……

As if in response to Annie's words, the wind chime suddenly rang.

Xiao Ming walked into the bedroom slowly, tore off a talisman mat, and then directly tore it off and threw it on the ground.

"These are useless rubbish, they can't help you at all, Annie." Xiao Ming looked at Annie, "You heard what I said to my aunt just now Annie, in fact, I'm here to take you away, there is someone who can save you , he is a man of real ability."

"Hee hee..." Annie chuckled, "Actually, this wind chime is still very useful. I listen to its sound and feel really comfortable. That old monk is not lying, hee hee..."

Xiao Ming took out a talisman from his arms, walked over to hand it to Annie, and said, "Annie, this is an anti-ghost talisman, it was drawn by that expert, and he asked me to bring you an extra one. You Put it close to your body, it's very useful."

"Anti-ghost talisman..." Annie sneered, and reached out to take the talisman.


As soon as the anti-ghost talisman came into Annie's hands, white smoke rose.

"Ah!" Xiao Ming was startled, "This..."

He stared at Annie with wide eyes, and suddenly realized.He took a few steps back in horror, pointed at Annie and said, "You, you are not Annie!"

Annie didn't look at him at all, and didn't answer his words, just giggled.

The anti-ghost talisman exploded suddenly, turning into fly ash in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, hahaha, hahahaha..." Annie laughed maniacally.

"Annie, wake up! Wake up!" Xiao Ming exited the bedroom in fright, yelling in horror.

"Prevent ghosts? You can only guard against ghosts if you are outside. How can I guard against her when I am inside? Hahahaha..." Annie's eyes were crazy, and she laughed ferociously.

"You are Chu Renmei!" Xiao Ming gritted his teeth.


Annie looked at Xiao Ming suddenly, her eyes were vicious and fierce: "You all have to die! You all have to die!"

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

There was a strong wind in the room, the wind chime swayed violently, and all the talisman papers were blown away.

"Hahaha..." Annie laughed wildly again.

Xiao Ming was so frightened that he took a few steps back, his face pale.

He almost wanted to turn around and run away, but he fought back his fear.

"Don't mess with her, she is innocent, come out, come out!" Xiao Ming cried and begged.

"Hahaha..." Annie turned a deaf ear and just laughed wildly.

Trembling, Xiao Ming took out his phone and dialed Jack's number.

He actually called Su Yi, because Su Yi was holding Jack's cell phone.

Annie's laughter faded away, she smiled contemptuously, and suddenly reached out and took out a small bamboo basket from behind her.

The bamboo baskets are full of bottles and jars of medicine.

She chuckled, unscrewed one of the bottles, and poured the pills into the bamboo basket.

Then another bottle.

She unscrewed all the medicines and poured them into the bamboo basket, mixing them together.

There was no answer on the other end of the phone. Seeing Annie's actions, Xiao Ming cried out in horror again: "What are you doing? What are you doing!"

"Hehehe, hehe..." Annie chuckled, mixed all the pills together, then grabbed a handful and poured them into her mouth, chewing "boom boom".

(End of this chapter)

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