Chapter 1204
There are at least a dozen kinds of medicines in the small medicine basket, capsules, Chinese medicine pills, western medicine tablets... everything.

Annie laughed maniacally while grabbing handfuls of these medicines and stuffing them into her mouth.

All kinds of medicines are mixed together, and it is inevitable that some will resist and repel each other. Annie's mouth began to bleed, and green foam began to overflow.

But she still had a distorted smile on her face, as if she was very happy.

"Don't mess with her! Please, let her go, please..." Xiao Ming knelt down in pain.

"Hee hee..." Annie stared at Xiao Ming ferociously, and waved to him, "Don't you love her very much? Then come here, come here."

Xiao Ming was terrified, but he didn't dare to approach at all. While crying bitterly, he picked up the phone and dialed 999.
"Hey, come quickly, someone committed suicide here! Help..."

Before he finished speaking, Fa Mao arrived.

He was startled when he saw the scene before him.

"Why didn't you stop her!" Fa Mao was stunned for a moment and immediately rushed up.

"Don't go over..." Xiao Ming hurried to pull him, but he was emptied.

Hairy ran over and reached out to snatch the medicine bottle from Annie's hand, but at this moment Annie suddenly grabbed Hairy's wrist.His maniacal laughter also stopped abruptly.

She stared at Fa Mao strangely, and let out a sinister "hey hey" laugh, laughing so hairy that hair felt chills in his heart.

Fa Mao was horrified, and it was useless to break free twice. Annie's hand was like a vise holding him tightly.

Fa Mao's chest started to feel hot, and he yelled and waved his hand to hit Annie in the face, but Annie's expression changed suddenly, and with a shrill scream, Fa Mao fell to the ground and bit down on Fa Mao's neck viciously.

"Ahhh..." Hairy cried out in pain, he struggled violently and twisted his body, but he couldn't get rid of Annie.

A vase hit Annie hard on the head, causing the latter to freeze, then slowly got up and raised her head, glaring at her attacker with incomparable resentment.

Xiao Ming was holding the vase in his hand, his face was pale, he gritted his teeth when he saw this, he raised the vase and smashed it down again.


The vase shattered, and blood flowed down Annie's forehead. She shook for a while, with an eerie smile on her face, but suddenly fell to the side, unconscious.

Xiao Ming gasped for breath and stood still for a moment, then he realized and hurriedly checked Hairao, who was clutching his neck and kept screaming.

"Mr. Mao, are you okay?"

"It hurts... She almost bit off a piece of meat from my neck, hiss..." Fa Mao sucked in the pain, tears came down, and blood kept oozing from his fingers, his body was dripping with blood in the blink of an eye.

"It's very serious... Fortunately, it didn't bite your aorta, otherwise..." Xiao Ming checked his injury, and then said fearfully, "I told you not to go there, why don't you go?"

"I thought you were just timid..." Fa Mao smiled wryly.

"Annie is my girlfriend, and I want to save her more than you do." Xiao Ming said, "But our anti-ghost talisman is useless to her, the ghost is inside her, and before you came, she had already abolished an anti-ghost talisman." match."

"This is a painful lesson, and I am the negative example." Fa Mao wrinkled his face in pain.

"You're still bleeding, I'll find something to help you deal with it first." Xiao Ming said.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Fa Mao hurriedly pulled him back, "I think we should tie Annie's hands and feet first, so that she won't be controlled when she wakes up later, hurting herself or others."

"Okay, I'll go find the rope!" Xiao Ming's expression changed, and he hurried to find the rope.

The two of them frantically tied up the unconscious Annie, and then they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"She took a lot of medicine just now, and I don't know if something is wrong..." Fa Mao worried, "Should we send her to the hospital for gastric lavage first?"

"No, I think it's best to contact Huang sir first and listen to what he has to say." Xiao Ming picked up the phone again and called Su Yi.

"You obey him now." Fa Mao said.

"If you are so good, I will listen to you in everything." Xiao Ming said.

This time the call was connected quickly.

"Huang sir, you finally answered the phone!" Xiao Ming was very excited, "We have rescued Annie, but she took a lot of medicine..."

Xiao Ming quickly explained the situation here, and Su Yi quickly gave further instructions: "Take her to my place first, buy more milk for her to drink on the way, and induce her to vomit. It's not a big problem. You guys are doing great."

"Ms. Mao was bitten by Annie, and it was quite serious," Xiao Ming said again, "Will that ghost sneak in?"

"It's hard to say, so you'll be fine if you come back soon." Su Yi said, "If you really can't do anything about it, just knock him out and bring him here."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ming and Fa Mao were about to wake Annie up.

Xiao Ming just put his hand on Annie's shoulder to wake her up, but Annie suddenly opened his eyes, broke away from the rope with both hands, and grabbed his neck.

Xiao Ming was terrified and tried to break free, but the hand holding his neck became tighter and tighter, making him unable to breathe.

Suddenly, he felt hot in his chest, followed by a trance, only to find that his hands were being pressed down by the hairs and pressed to the ground.

"What's wrong with me?" Xiao Ming asked blankly.

"As soon as you touched Annie, you suddenly grabbed yourself by the neck." Fa Mao worried, "Are you hallucinating again?"

Xiao Ming touched his chest with lingering fear, and said, "If we can't even touch her, how can we take her away?"

"There must be a way." Hairy frowned.

At this moment, Annie woke up faintly, her eyes were dazed at first, and then she realized her situation, and said in horror: "Why are you tying me up? Xiao Ming, what are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Fa Mao and Xiao Ming looked at each other in surprise.

"Annie, you really don't remember anything?" Xiao Ming asked.

"Remember what?" Annie was a little annoyed, "Let go of me, I'm really angry!"

Seeing that it was really Annie's tone, Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to go forward to comfort him, but Fa Mao stopped him, and asked in a deep voice, "What will happen if you get angry?"

Annie smiled strangely: "If I'm really angry, I'll kill you all!"

At the end, she had a ferocious face and laughed wildly: "Hahaha! I'll kill you all! Kill them all! You all have to die! You all have to die!"

Her terrifying and distorted expression made Xiao Ming and Mao Mao feel chills all over their bodies.

Xiao Ming swallowed hard and said, "I have no choice but to knock her unconscious and take her away."

"Can you do it?" Fa Mao asked.

"Come on." Xiao Ming said.

Fa Mao found a stick and wrapped it with a bed sheet, and hit the back of Annie's head with the stick. The two checked the ropes on Annie's body again, wrapped her head with a cloth, and then carried her downstairs and left here.

On the other side, Su Yi drove to Tuen Mun and found the home of another girl, Biggie, according to the address given by Miao Xiaowei.

He knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman opened the door.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman looked Su Yi up and down and asked suspiciously.

Su Yi took out his ID and shook it: "Police, is Biggie your daughter? I'm here to find her."

The woman's complexion changed, and she said: "Didn't you record a statement? The death of the young man has nothing to do with my daughter. It's his own bad luck, and my daughter is also implicated..."

Su Yi interrupted her with a wave of his hand: "It's not for this. We found that something was wrong with the young people involved in this case that night. We suspected that something was entangled with them, so we came to see if we could help them."

The woman was even more puzzled: "You these things too?"

"As long as it's harmful, it's under our control." Su Yi smiled.

The woman was stunned, and her expression was obviously much more relaxed.

But she soon became nervous again, approaching Su Yi and whispered: "My daughter has been very strange these two days, I feel that she looks at me strangely, and she often talks to herself and doesn't know what to say, sometimes She's still singing. I think it's really possible that something dirty is pestering her!"

"I'll go and have a look." Su Yi said to her.

"Okay, sir, please come in, she is in the bedroom." The woman hastily stepped aside and led Su Yi to the bedroom.

The house was very old, and there was a strange smell in the house. Su Yi noticed that there was a portrait of a man in the living room, and behind the portrait was an urn.

He couldn't help but stop, frowning slightly.

The woman noticed Su Yi's gaze, and hurriedly said: "This is her father, who has been dead for more than three months. Something is wrong with my daughter, so I will pray to him more, and hope he can bless her..."

"It's hard for him to protect himself." Su Yi said.

"What did you say?" The woman didn't hear clearly.

Su Yi shook his head and looked at the bedroom in front of him.

The bedroom door was ajar, and voices could be heard faintly from inside.

Su Yi stepped forward and stretched out his hand to push them away.

I saw a girl in white short-sleeves and black hot pants sitting on the edge of the bed, with her back to the bedroom door, holding a piece of rope in her hand, rubbing and rubbing.

She was still whispering softly: "Shake the oars, sway the oars, my mother-in-law, I want to eat noodles, no cream, no oil, light mimi..."

"You saw Sir, she has been saying this all the time, it looks so scary." The woman said with a worried face behind Su Yi.

"Didn't you do anything for her?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know what to do." The woman sighed, "Sir, I am just such a daughter, if you can help her, please help her."

"Shake the oars, move the oars and sculls, as a mother-in-law, I want to..." The girl Biggie still didn't turn her head, chanting words in her mouth.


Su Yi interrupted her directly.

The girl paused suddenly, and her voice stopped abruptly.

"Let's talk." Su Yi said, "Since I'm here, you can't do anything. I think we can talk. You just want to vent your grievances, and you don't have any deep hatred with these young people. There's no need to kill them all, right?"

"Sir, what are you talking about?" the woman behind asked suspiciously.

Su Yi didn't answer, just looked at Biggie in front of him.

The girl still didn't turn around, her back was facing Su Yi.

"You can tell me what you want, and see if I can help you." Su Yi said, "I know that being a ghost is actually very uncomfortable. Have you ever thought about dispelling your grievances and reincarnating as a human being?"

"Sir, why are you talking so scary... Who are you talking to?" the woman behind said in horror.

"I'm talking to the one who is pestering your daughter." Su Yi replied.

The woman let out an "ah" in fright, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Hey, hey..." Biggie laughed strangely.

"Do you think you are very powerful?" the girl said grimly, "I can be everywhere, how many can you save? I can always exist, how about you? How long can you live? You fight against me everywhere, you Have you ever wondered what would happen to you if you died?"

"Then have you ever thought that if you continue to harm others, I will make you disappear forever?" Su Yi snorted coldly, "I just want to give you a chance to talk to you, don't think that I really took You can't help it!"

"Really?" The two sinister words came from behind Su Yi.

It was Biggie's mother who said those two words!
Almost at the same time as she spoke, the cell phone in Su Yi's pocket suddenly rang. At the same time, Biggie's mother suddenly took out a knife from behind and stabbed Su Yi viciously in the back.

Not to mention that Su Yi started to guard against her as early as when she said that she had heard her daughter sing an opera.

Even if Su Yi is defenseless, she cannot succeed.

Su Yi turned his head and pointed at Ru Dian, and stretched out his hand to touch several acupuncture points on his mother's body, causing the latter to freeze in place holding the knife.At this moment, the evil wind came from behind his ears, and Su Yi saw from the corner of his eye that Biggie was rushing towards him with a ferocious face.

At the same time, a plume of black smoke rose from the urn in the living room, shooting towards Su Yi quickly.

clang clang...

Su Yi's wrist was turned upside down, and the soul-dangling golden bell was already in his hand. He swayed the bell lightly, and the black mist shook suddenly, and quickly fell to the ground and turned into a middle-aged man, rolling and screaming on the ground in pain.

This middle-aged man was obviously the man on the portrait, that is, Biggie's father.

It was planning to attack Su Yi one after another with Biggie just now, but it didn't expect Su Yi to block it easily.

"Help the tyrant, you should be destroyed!" Su Yi said lightly, and his figure flashed, causing Biggie to rush into space immediately, and rushed over from his position.

Seeing that the two of them were about to pass by, Su Yi suddenly reached out from behind and grabbed Biggie's hair, and turned his other hand over again, and the Golden Bell disappeared in the palm of his hand in an instant, replaced by a talisman.

Exorcism Suppressing Evil Talisman!
Without saying a word, Su Yi slapped the talisman paper hard on Biggie's Tianling cover.

The next moment, he felt his hand tighten, and Su Yi pulled it hard without hesitation!
Suddenly, a figure in blue was pulled out of Biggie's body by Su Yi!


The blue-clothed figure who was grabbed by Su Yi suddenly turned his head [-] degrees, opened his black hole and bloody mouth, and swallowed it at Su Yi.


Su Yi quickly opened the distance, a mahogany sword in his sleeve jumped out and he held it in his hand, stabbing forward with a slanting sword.

But in the next second, Su Yi stabbed in the air.

The blue figure in front of him suddenly disappeared.

And Biggie, who fell to the ground just now, suddenly got up and slammed into the wall next to him.

Su Yi dodged and stopped in front of Biggie. The girl's face was contorted, and she screamed at Su Yi, struggling violently.

(End of this chapter)

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