Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1205 Death

Chapter 1205 Death
Su Yi held Biggie against the wall with a mahogany sword horizontally in one hand, and was about to draw a symbol on his forehead with blood as ink in the other hand, but at this moment, a pair of arms with blue sleeves suddenly stretched out from Biggie's chest Come, grab Su Yi's neck.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Yi bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood mist, and the mahogany sword in his hand quickly slashed down!
With an extremely shrill scream, the hands protruding from Biggie's chest suddenly exploded into black mist and dissipated.

Su Yi kept moving, he put away the mahogany sword with his sword flower in his hand, and quickly drew a rune on Biggie's forehead with his other hand, and clapped it with a light drink!
Biggie's whole body was shaken, and the ashen color that was exuding from the entire skin suddenly dissipated like snow, revealing its original appearance.

Then she collapsed and passed out.

Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief and looked around vigilantly.

The cold air was quickly subsiding, and the room became warmer.

Su Yi silently recited the mantra of Jingtiandi several times to confirm that Chu Renmei had indeed left.

But there is also a ghost in this room.

This is a discouraged ghost with the lowest level. It should be a ghost formed after death from illness or old age. It is relatively rare and generally does not pose any threat to people.

The reason why it is rare is that ghosts like this are usually lured to the underworld by ghosts when they are in the bardo, and they will not stay in the human world at all.

But this ghost is different, it is a very special kind of ghost called the ghoul.

This is a kind of ghost who has a strong obsession with his body before he was alive. Even after death, he guards his body or even his ashes and is unwilling to leave.

It is unwilling to die by itself, so it refuses to recognize the dead body.

It stands to reason that this kind of ghost has no grievances and no skills. They can't even do the simplest ghosts to cover their eyes and ghosts to hit the wall. They can be regarded as the most "useless" ghosts.

But it launched a sneak attack on Su Yi just now because it was infected by Chu Renmei's resentment and became Chu Renmei's marionette.

Su Yi's shaking of the soul-stirring golden bell had no effect on Chu Renmei, but this ghoul was rolling and screaming in pain. The soul body was severely damaged, and now it is almost transparent.

As long as Su Yi gives it a little more lightly, it will completely lose its soul.

But even so, this ghost is now baring its teeth at Su Yi, with a face full of resentment, and it looks like it's about to pounce.

This ghost is beyond help.

Su Yi shook his head. This kind of ghost is muddle-headed, has no clear self-awareness, and mistakenly takes Chu Renmei's resentment as a tonic. .

Poor, lamentable, but there is no need to exist anymore.

It is useless to keep it in the world, but it can only be completely dissipated after being tortured by resentment and karma.

So Su Yi simply gave him a happy one.

After doing this, Su Yi unlocked Biggie's mother's acupuncture points. The latter's eyes were blank and he couldn't remember what happened before.

Su Yi wakes up Biggie again, and this girl is the same, she can't remember many things.

At this time, Su Yi received a call from Xiao Ming again. He patiently listened to Xiao Ming's talk about the things over there, and gave his own suggestions.

It's not that the anti-ghost talisman doesn't work on Chu Renmei, but that it prevents ghosts and ghosts, and prevents the outside but not the inside.

The ghost is already in the body, so what else can the anti-ghost talisman protect against?
At this time, it should be used to exorcise evil spirits and suppress evil spirits, just like the one Su Yi used on Biggie just now.

Use the anti-ghost talisman after driving away, and it will have an effect.

And the reason why Su Yi didn't give Xiao Ming and the others the evil spirit-exorcing charms was because not all charms could be activated by ordinary people.

The anti-ghost talisman is a passive defense and can be activated passively and autonomously, but this exorcising evil spirit talisman needs a special technique from the practitioner, and it also needs to be supplemented with Taoist blood, so it is useless for ordinary people to take it.

As for whether they can save Annie, it actually depends on their luck and ability, and there is still a certain probability of failure.

Unlike Biggie, Su Yi stepped in to ensure his safety.

Biggie respects Su Yi who has shown his skills like a god. Su Yi tells them that this ghost may make a comeback at any time. If Su Yi is not by his side at that time, the consequences will be disastrous.

He suggested that the mother and daughter also go to their own room for a while, and told them that Annie and other victims were also gathered there.

The mother and daughter naturally couldn't wish more, and they were very grateful to Su Yi.

When Su Yi took them back, Xiao Ming and Fa Mao had brought Annie back safely.

What Su Yi didn't expect was that there was nothing wrong with the two groups of people who went out, but it was the group that stayed in the house that had an accident.

After Su Yi and the others left, Cissy and Jack first followed Su Yi's instructions and called their colleagues and friends to find out information about Huangshan Village and Chu Renmei.

Since Jack is originally from Huangshan Village, it is more convenient to obtain information, so he made progress soon.

He inquired about an old man who lived alone in a public housing near Huangshan Village. This old man was originally from Huangshan Village. Later, his wife and children died tragically. After he moved out of Huangshan Village, he became a little crazy. Li Qiang's.

Although progress was made, Jack didn't see it as useful.

"This person is crazy, how credible is what he said?" He shook his head, "Cissy, I think we should stay here quietly and wait for the news. I think as long as we don't make trouble, it is the greatest harm to Sir Huang." Helped."

"Hey, they're all taking risks outside, but we hide here and enjoy the rewards? Don't you think it's selfish of you to think so?" Cissy was very dissatisfied with her fiancé's thinking.

"I don't think there is anything... There is a specialization in surgery." Jack shrugged, "We are indeed not good at this kind of thing, and we can compensate them in other ways in the future, but right now, I think safety is the most important thing."

"This old man is only a ten-minute drive away from us. How about we go find him and come back after we ask him?" Cissy suggested, "I really don't want to do nothing, especially since my younger brother is also outside. My sister's is hiding here..."

"He's a man, so he should have taken on more." Jack said.

"Then you are a man too!" Cissy exclaimed angrily.

"If it's my turn to stand up, I will." Jack said helplessly, "Cissy, why don't you be more rational, why are you acting weird today, you weren't so impulsive before, you will listen to me... ..."

"But this time people's lives are at stake, and everyone is working hard. How can you let me stay here and do nothing?" Cissy said loudly, "Ten minutes, up to half an hour every time, Jack, please !"

"For half an hour, anything can happen." Jack was unmoved at all, shaking his head and refusing, "Cissy, listen to me, let's not go out."

"If you don't go, I will!" Cissy turned and walked out the door angrily.

"Cissy is back!" Jack was in a hurry, and he was about to run up to grab Cissy, but he didn't expect the latter to walk very fast, and soon reached the door and opened it.

"Don't go out, Cissy, it's dangerous!" Jack rushed over to grab her.

A gust of wind blew in from the door, and Jack hurriedly covered his face.

When I looked over again, I saw Cissy turned around, smiled at him strangely, and asked quietly: "I'm leaving, are you coming?"

This voice was clearly not Cissy's.

Jack felt a chill rushing through his body in an instant, and he fell to the ground in fright, his teeth chattering.

His mind was blank, and his heart was filled with deep fear, and he couldn't react for a while.

When he reacted again, he found that Cissy in front of the door had disappeared.

With a quick reaction, he jumped up and rushed to the door.

But the second he was about to go out, he stopped abruptly, looked out the door with fear on his face, trembling and dared not take this step.

He trembled for a while, then took two steps back, and murmured in a trembling voice: "This is none of my business, I have already persuaded you Cissy, this is none of my business..."

If anyone in the crowd fears Chu Renmei the most, it must be Jack.

He was raped by Chu Renmei, and he knew very well how terrifying this ghost was.

He never wanted to face this ghost again!
If possible, he just wanted to hide under Su Yi's protection until Su Yi got rid of the ghost.

"I, I'll call Sir Huang..." Jack trembled, his face turned pale, "I've done my best, I can't help it, I can't help it..."

He dialed the number tremblingly, unaware that the dark wind was blowing in from the gate, and the talisman paper on his chest was also slightly warming.

The call was connected quickly, and Jack pulled himself together and hurriedly said, "Huang sir, Huang sir, help me..."


The sound of electricity came from the phone.

"Huang sir? Can you hear Huang sir?" Jack yelled hastily.

However, in the next second, a voice came from the receiver that made Jack froze and made his hair stand on end!

"Hehe... are you looking for me?" There was clearly a gloomy female voice on the other end of the phone.

Jack was so frightened that his mind went blank, but something happened that made him even more frightened in the next second!

He was shocked to find that the telephone receiver in his hand had suddenly turned into a woman's severed hand!

With black skin and black nails, this woman's hand was stroking his face and stroking his ear.


Jack was so frightened that he threw away the phone receiver, jumped away in horror, and shook his hand vigorously, as if he was afraid that the hand would stick to his own.

Only then did he notice the warmth coming from his chest, knowing that he was deluded by the hallucination again.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the phone was smashed by myself. Where is the broken hand?
This house is supposed to be a safe house, and ghosts shouldn't come in.Jack immediately realized what the problem was—


He hurried over and closed the door hard.

The wind in the room stopped.

He gasped heavily, still in shock.

"Cissy, what about Cissy?" He looked at the phone that he had smashed, his expression suddenly became tangled and painful.

Originally, he could still call Su Yi, but now, he broke the phone.

His mobile phone was taken away by Su Yi, and Cissy also took her own mobile phone. The only way to communicate with the outside world was the phone, which was also broken by him.

"It's not my fault, it's really not my fault..." Jack hugged his head, curled up in pain, "I can't help it, I really can't..."

"I...Cissy...but we're getting married soon..."

"I'm a man, I want to protect my fiancee, I can't...I can't...I really can't..."

Jack murmured, although his eyes were still full of fear, his expression became determined.

He touched the talisman paper on his chest, looked left and right, rushed to the place where Su Yi set up the incense table, picked up the tablet of the Supreme Old Monarch placed in the center, gritted his teeth and hugged it in his arms, turned around absolutely Decided to rush out the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the dark wind howled in, Jack shrank his neck, and the courage and tragic feeling he had just mustered suddenly changed.He was trembling, his expression full of confusion and fear, but finally he gritted his teeth and ran out the door.

Holding the memorial tablet, he took the elevator and shivered from the eleventh floor to the first floor. Fortunately, nothing happened.

He ran out of the community and looked around, but he saw a crowd of people, but he couldn't see Cissy.

Although the sky was gloomy, but fortunately there were many people outside, which made Jack regain a lot of courage.

"Cissy! Cissy!" He looked around and yelled anxiously, running towards the intersection while searching.

dang dang dang...

There was a red light siren at the intersection, and Jack, like everyone else, stopped in his tracks.

However, at this moment, he was shocked to find a figure walking out of the sidewalk and walking straight to the middle of the road.

It's Cissy!

Jack was horrified, and he hurriedly shouted: "Dangerous Cissy! Go back! Go back!"

However, Cissy turned a deaf ear, walked straight to the middle of the road as if she had lost her soul, and stood there, motionless.

"Illusion, this is an illusion..." Jack trembled to himself.

But the talisman on his chest did not respond, and the people around him also exclaimed and pointed at Cissy in the middle of the road, which showed that this was not an illusion at all.

This is real!

There was the sound of an engine roaring not far away.

Jack looked over in horror, and saw a bus rushing towards the intersection at an extremely fast speed.

And Cissy happened to be in the way of the bus passing by.

"Get away, get away!" Jack hissed in horror.

But instead of hiding, Cissy turned around and looked at him with a weird smile on her lips.

"No, no, no...that's not okay..."

Jack looked at the bus that was getting closer and closer, and then at Cissy who was indifferent, his heart was tormented like an ant in a hot pot.

At a certain moment, he gritted his teeth suddenly, and rushed forward with a look of madness on his face.

He frantically ran to Cissy and pushed Cissy out.

next moment--

The speeding bus slammed into Jack's body and sent him flying!

The bus continued to run over Jack without slowing down, and dragged Jack's body forward for a while, before braking hard, barely stopping on the opposite side of the road.

A long bloodstain was dragged out on the ground, it was shocking!

Cissy who fell to the ground got up in a daze, looked around for a moment, and finally landed on the bloody corpse under the bus.

She covered her mouth in horror, tears welled up in her eyes, and the next moment, she let out a heart-piercing scream: "No..."

(End of this chapter)

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