Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1206 Help

Chapter 1206 Help
Su Yi soon learned that Jack was killed by a car.

The call was from Miao Xiaowei. He was looking up information about Huangshan Village at the police station. A police officer brought back the distraught Cissy and the bus driver who caused the accident. He happened to see it and immediately called Su Second.

"Huang sir, I just came out of the interrogation room. The driver didn't see anything. He just stopped when he felt hit. He didn't see the traffic lights." Miao Xiaowei's voice on the phone was very low. "Cissy doesn't say a word now, just sits there in a daze. I've seen Jack's body, it's all broken, it's miserable..."

Su Yi was speechless for a long time.

Who is to blame?

Blame Cissy?

This woman had thoughts of killing herself, but it was Chu Renmei who amplified her thoughts of dying infinitely and put them into action.

There is a saying called "ghosts are in the heart", which is not unreasonable. Many times, ghosts use your psychology and magnify it infinitely, so that you can do things that are very stupid in the eyes of bystanders.

Just like Cissy and Jack, Jack is determined to avoid going out, and his attitude is very firm, so Chu Renmei has no chance to take advantage of this aspect.But Cissy wanted to go out to help, but she gave up the idea after weighing the pros and cons.Chu Renmei took advantage of this to infinitely magnify her idea of ​​going out, which eventually led to this tragedy.

If Su Yi commented on this matter, he could only say that Jack was manly enough, but also stupid enough.

"How did you find out?" Su Yi asked, changing the subject.

"I was just going to tell you that I found out that there is an old man in his seventies named Li Abo who lives alone in Dakengdong Village, Sham Shui She." Miao Xiaowei said, "This man also sang Cantonese opera when he was young. , and lived in Huangshan Village when I was a child, I read his profile and thought he might be related to that person, so I singled him out."

It's not bad, I found the real master at once.

Su Yi said: "I'll go to the police station to pick you up and Cissy now, you help Cissy go through the formalities, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi briefly outlined his upcoming itinerary.

Li Abo must be visited, because Li Abo is the key to the beauty of Chu people.

From now on, he really needs someone to help him. Su Yi originally decided to be Miao Xiaowei, but now it seems that Xiao Ming is more suitable than Miao Xiaowei.

In addition, although Su Yi's decision to independently complete the work of transmuting Chu Renmei is a test for himself, but it does not mean that he is aware of the danger and insists on going his own way.

Now Chu Renmei is obviously more difficult than he imagined. What kind of powerful means will it threaten Su Yi in the future? Su Yi can't fully predict it now. The degree of danger of this matter has exceeded the threshold critical point in Su Yi's heart. up.

He decided to "seek help from the sidelines."

Fortunately, I left Uncle Feng's contact information last time, so Su Yi took out his mobile phone and called directly.

It was only when Su Yi answered the phone that he realized that he was holding Jack's cell phone.

"Hey, who are you, who are you looking for?" A-Lian answered the phone with a slightly shy tone.

"I'm looking for Uncle Feng." Su Yi said.

"Ah, it's Mr. Huang! Do you still remember me?" A-Lian's tone seemed very happy.

"Of course I remember," Su Yi chuckled, he didn't ask why she answered the phone call from Uncle Feng's office, because she knew very well that once he asked, there would be non-stop twittering.

"Alian, I have an urgent matter with Uncle Feng, and human life is at stake," Su Yi said.

"Oh, I'm going to call my uncle now!" Alian immediately became nervous.

Following Su Yi, I heard Alian yelling "Uncle" over there. It seemed that Uncle Feng was really not there.

After about two minutes, the receiver over there was picked up again.

"Hey, Huo Tu, what do you need from me?" Uncle Feng on the other end of the phone asked straight to the point.

"Something's up! I'm in trouble!" Su Yi said in a deep voice, "I met a resentment, who has already killed several people. It has a lot of grievances. It can spread grievances not only through sound, but also through water. Now the entire West Kowloon I don’t know how many people have drunk the water with resentment, as long as it wants to, it can kill hundreds or even thousands of people overnight!”

"So serious?" Uncle Feng's voice suddenly became dignified, " could Yuanling spread resentment through water?"

"This is the problem I'm trying to figure out." Su Yi said, "Uncle Feng, I'm not sure that I can hit it with one blow by myself. I'm afraid that if it escapes, I don't know how many innocent people will be killed. So I want to ask you to help me hold the line, I will feel at ease with you here."

"Don't say that, this is Hong Kong Island, if something goes wrong, I should take the lead, you are helping me now, not me." Uncle Feng said, "I'm leaving now, where do we meet up? "

"Do you have a cell phone?" Su Yi asked.

"I have a call machine." Uncle Feng said, "It should still work."

"Okay, you leave the island first and come to West Kowloon. I'm not sure where I'm going now. I'll send the address to your caller as soon as possible." Su Yi said.

"Wait for me!" Uncle Feng said briefly.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

Su Yi didn't go home directly, but parked the car at the gate of the West Kowloon Police Station.

Cissy and Miao Xiaowei were already waiting at the gate. The former had a haggard face and dull eyes.

Su Yi honked the horn, and when Miao Xiaowei saw it, he immediately came here with Cissy supported.

"Cissy is Xiao Ming's older sister, Biggie should know her, and the other is my colleague named Ah Wei..."

After the two got into the car, Su Yi introduced each other one by one.Before the words fell, Cissy burst into tears.

"Sir Huang, Jack is dead! He was killed! It's all my fault! It's all my fault... If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have died at all..."

"Cissy, this ghost is all to blame, how can I blame you?" Miao Xiaowei urged hastily, "It's the ghost that hurts people, not you, you just want to help everyone..."

"But if I hadn't gone out, none of this would have happened." Cissy cried out of breath, "Why did I have to go out? I must be obsessed..."

"No, Cissy..." Miao Xiaowei hastily persuaded her again. The other mother and daughter didn't know the situation, so they didn't dare to talk nonsense while sitting on the side.

Seeing that Su Yi was driving without speaking, Miao Xiaowei complained: "Sir Huang, you should try to persuade her with a word, look at her, she keeps crying when she sees you."

Su Yi said lightly: "What are you persuading? Don't blame her for persuading her? Tell her not to be sad? Jack is dead, why can't she be more sad?"

"This..." Miao Xiaowei was dumbfounded, why does this sound reasonable?
Su Yi glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that Jack, who had become a bardo, was standing next to Cissy, yelling at her anxiously.

It's shouting, "Go, Cissy, go!"

This is its obsession, even if it is dead, it is not at ease.

He died for Cissy, so why would Cissy make excuses to make herself feel better?

No matter how uncomfortable it is, it is better than death.

At this moment, Jack didn't even realize that he was dead. He still thought he was alive, so he followed Cissy all the time.

It's just because Cissy is still wearing the anti-ghost talisman. As a bardo body, if it touches Cissy even a little, it will scream in pain and hasten to avoid it.

"Sir Huang, do you also think that I killed Jack?" Cissy sobbed with tears in her eyes, "Am I so useless? Is it really me who deserves to die?"

Su Yi said lightly: "No one deserves to die, none of you should die. Jack's death is also his own choice. Because he chose to exchange his life for yours."

Cissy covered her face and couldn't stop crying.

Soon they arrived at the place, Su Yi took everyone back to the house, Xiao Ming and the others had already arrived, besides Xiao Ming and Fa Mao, there was also a girl who looked very weak and was sitting on the living room floor drinking milk.

"Huang sir, you are back!" Xiao Ming and Fa Mao were very excited when they saw the crowd, and they were obviously relieved. "Hey, Biggie is here too? And auntie...sister, where's Jack? Aren't you going to stay at home? Why did you go out?"

When Xiao Ming asked, Cissy burst into tears again.

Su Yi shook his head, not caring how heartbroken the other side was, and ordered Miao Xiaowei to settle down with Biggie and her daughter, and then walked up to Annie.

The girl was staring at him with wide eyes, looking very curious.

Su Yi crouched in front of her and looked at her with a blank expression on his face.

The two stared at each other for a long time without speaking.

Everyone else noticed that something was wrong here, and someone realized what was going on, and was so frightened that he hurriedly called everyone to retreat, and retreated to the other side.

Su Yi and Annie looked at each other for a long time, and the corner of the latter's mouth curled into a strange arc.

"You really have some skills. I hide so deep, but you can still find me." Annie said quietly, "However, what can you do to me?"

As soon as these words came out, someone on the other side exclaimed in shock, and everyone huddled together and looked towards this side in horror.

Annie smiled strangely, and glanced at everyone in Su Yi one by one: "Do you think it's safe here? Do you think you brought everyone here, and I can't do anything about them?"

"What can you do?" Su Yi chuckled, "Chu Renmei, in this room, at most you can talk and play harmless pranks. Don't bluff with me, you are the only one in this room I can't take it with me!"

"I don't believe you can hide them for a lifetime!" Annie's expression suddenly became vicious, and she shouted at Su Yi viciously.

"It won't take that long." Su Yi said calmly, "When I find your bones and find your real hiding place, you will have nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, and I will definitely save you when the time comes!"


Annie suddenly approached with a ferocious expression and snarled fiercely at Su Yi, but Su Yi didn't even hide, and didn't even bat an eyelid.

Instead, everyone else was taken aback.

"Go away." Su Yi looked at her, and said slowly, "If you wait for me to do it, you will only be in a more embarrassing situation."

"I'll wait for you..." Annie said solemnly, her eyes full of undisguised malice and viciousness.

After Annie said this, she suddenly rolled her eyes and passed out.

Su Yi let her fall to the ground and didn't help her.

She squeezed the magic formula with her hands, and chanted scriptures silently, making sure that the last yin energy that Chu Renmei had lodged in Annie's body had disappeared, so she relaxed, stewed it up, helped her up, and felt her pulse by the way.

Annie did take a lot of medicine, but fortunately, it has not been digested and is still in the stomach.

Su Yi tapped or rubbed the three acupuncture points of Neiguan, Tiantu and Zhongwan, and Annie woke up slowly. Just as she was about to speak, her expression changed suddenly and she covered her mouth.

Su Yi got up and stepped aside and said to Xiao Ming, "Take her to the bathroom and spit it out, then everything will be fine."

"Yes!" Xiao Ming was still a little scared, but Su Yi ordered, and he still had the courage to do so.

Fa Mao was hugging Cissy and softly comforting him, Su Yi looked at his neck and made sure it was just a flesh injury, nothing serious, so he just ignored it.

He checked around the room, added some talisman paper, and set up an anti-ghost circle around the entire house.

If it was another ghost, it would definitely not be able to get close to this house.

But Chu Renmei is different, as long as it wants, it can still appear on anyone in the room.

It's just that it will be hidden in this person's memory, so it will not be sensed by the anti-ghost charm.

But it can't be completely lawless, without enough resentment and yin, it can't do anything to these people who have only heard it sing, so what Su Yi just said is right, in this room, Chu Renmei can do something. It's limit is deception, to trick people in the room into doing stupid things, like it did to Cissy.

Even Su Yi has no good solution to this point. The human heart is the most complicated thing in the world, and no one dares to grasp it lightly.

Su Yi told everyone to stay quietly in the living room, talk less, avoid any superfluous actions, told them that all this would end soon, and then took Xiao Ming out.

In terms of saving these people, Su Yi has done everything he can, and he has done his best.

Miao Xiaowei originally planned to go out with Su Yi, but he was very unhappy that Su Yi didn't want to take him with him.However, he also knew that following Su Yi was just a burden, so he complained a few times and let it go.

Su Yi saw that his negative emotions were amplified, and felt that he was a safety hazard, so he decided to handcuff him to avoid any accidents.

Miao Xiaowei was very excited, claiming that he would never have any problems.

However, Su Yi couldn't help but handcuff him to the gas pipeline in the kitchen, and warned Miao Xiaowei that he had better dig out a scripture and read it carefully, so as to relieve his irritability and avoid random thoughts.

After doing all this, Su Yi took Xiao Ming out, and they set off for Uncle Li's home.

Li Abo lives in a dilapidated public housing estate, and cars cannot enter the community, so Su Yi and Xiao Ming walked a long way to find him.

Like many housing estates on Hong Kong Island, most of the residents here are old people and children. Young people yearn for the feasting and feasting outside. Who is willing to stay in such a dilapidated place?

The address of Li Abo's house was not difficult to find, and soon the two were standing at the door of Li Abo's house.

Before entering the door, Su Yi thought about what happened in the original version, and turned around to warn Xiao Ming.

"Hey, go in later, you only wear a pair of ears, don't bring your mouth, do you understand what I mean?" Su Yi said.

"Understood, you mean to tell me not to talk." Xiao Ming muffled.

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, "Remember, we have limited time, and the sooner we can resolve this matter, the better, so it's best not to cause extra complications."

"Don't worry, I won't make trouble."

"That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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