Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1207 Su Yin

Chapter 1207 Su Yin
Li Abo is already seventy years old, with silver hair and a white goatee, and many brown spots on his face and hands.

His home is very tidy, and it doesn't have the stale air of ordinary old people's homes at all.

When Su Yi and Xiao Ming came, he was practicing calligraphy at home.He obviously didn't go out, but he took care of his appearance meticulously. He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and black trousers, which were pressed very neatly.

It can be seen that this is an old man who is very particular about the quality of life, and his mentality is also very good.

"Come here, please drink tea." Li Abo smiled and brought two cups of tea, and put them in front of Su Yi and Xiao Ming, "I have very few guests here on weekdays, and the police are here for the first time. Can I Entertaining the police once before you die is another experience in this life, good thing, good thing..."

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's not wrong to say it's a good thing. Although what we're going to say later isn't a good thing, what we're doing is indeed a good thing."

Uncle Li wondered: "I have lived alone for decades, and I have never had any contact with strangers. I don't know. What can I help you?"

"It's related to some cases we've received recently." Su Yi looked a little serious.

He started with Rubbish playing psychic games, talked about Xiao Ming's yin and yang eyes, and talked about Xiao Ming seeing a ghost in blue clothes.

Li Abo's face changed obviously at this time, and there was anger and fear in his eyes.

He seemed to want to stop Su Yi from going on, but Su Yi just talked about the victims very plainly, with a gentle tone and a very flat attitude, so he endured it again.

Although because of Su Yi's participation, not as many people died as in the original plot, but the imminent danger is actually a bit better than the original plot.

At the end Su Yi said: "Old man, in fact, it is a last resort to disturb your purity rashly, but in order to prevent more innocent people from being killed, we have no choice but to come. I came to you to learn more about the truth. Its grievances also help."

Li Abo's face turned dark and bright for a while, and finally asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Huang, you are a man of virtue, I want to ask you, if you really succeed in the end, what will happen to her?"

Su Yi said sincerely: "I won't lie to you, it will definitely die. It has harmed so many people. I neither want nor dare to cross it to reincarnate. No cultivator dares to take over its karma. .”

"But she really died in vain!" Uncle Li said in a trembling voice, "She is so pitiful! She never deserved to end up like this!"

"But most of the ghosts that harm people die in vain." Su Yi said, "It's justifiable for ghosts to take revenge. When we practitioners encounter them, we turn a blind eye and close one eye; but ghosts kill innocent people indiscriminately, just out of resentment. If you take anger out on innocent people, will the people killed by it die in vain?"

"Whether it is a human or a ghost, there is a price to be paid for doing wrong things. If the murderer cannot be severely punished, how can the deceased rest in peace?" Su Yi said solemnly, "Old man, there are permanence in the sky. Chaos is fierce, no matter how poor it is, it should get its due retribution. Just like those who killed it back then, I think they should also get retribution? One cause and one effect, this matter can truly end."

Li Abo's lips trembled, as if he was enduring great sorrow.

"But, but... She really died in vain!" He finally burst into tears, crying out, "Otherwise it wouldn't have been so long, and she is still so angry! Aunt Mei, Aunt Mei..."

he cried.

With his cries, the room suddenly blew a dark wind.

The wind howled, making the curtains and clothes rattle.

"Auntie Mei, Auntie Mei!" Aunt Li became more emotional. He looked around and screamed sadly with tears streaming down his face, "Forget it, Auntie Mei! Let them go!"

"It's almost a hundred years! Let them go, Aunt Mei..."

Whirring whirring……

The gloomy wind whistled.

Bang bang bang!
The cups and bottles in the room suddenly exploded, and the debris flew all over the place!
Both Li Abo and Xiao Ming were startled, and stood up hastily.

Su Yi also stood up with a solemn expression, holding a piece of talisman paper in his hand, and patrolled around vigilantly.

"Aunt Mei, Aunt Mei?" Aunt Li staggered to the window, looking out the window with tears in his eyes, "Is that you, Aunt Mei?"

The wind gradually died down, and the warmth returned to the room.

Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief, only then realized that his body was dripping with cold sweat.

After a little silence, Aunt Li sighed deeply, and said in a low tone: "I'm old, and I don't have many years to live. In fact, I know that I can live so long, it must be Auntie Mei who blessed me...I don't want her to hurt me." People, but I don't want her to be scattered, it really makes me feel embarrassed..."

Su Yi didn't persuade him, but just waited quietly.

On the other hand, Xiao Ming was very anxious, he hesitated to speak several times, but thinking of Su Yi's order, he had no choice but to keep silent.

After a long time, Aunt Li sighed again and began to talk: "I remember, I was only five years old that year, and my parents both died tragically that year. It was Auntie Mei who saw me pitifully and adopted me. Auntie Mei was the most beautiful woman in the village, it's a pity Life is hard, and I entered a low-level job, entered a troupe, and became a female role."

"In those days, opera singers were humble and would be looked down upon by others, but Aunt Mei often told me that whether a person was humble or not had nothing to do with what he did, but his character. Aunt Mei was kind and helpful, so Although she is an actress, she is very respected by everyone in the village. The most respected person in Huangshan Village at that time was a cultural person who had studied in the West and the only teacher in the village, and his name was Bu Wantian."

As soon as Bu Wantian uttered these three words, the room instantly turned cold!
Not to mention Su Yi, both Xiao Ming and Li Abo felt that something was wrong. Obviously, this name seemed to be the same as the name Chu Renmei, which was a taboo.

Li Aberdeen paused, sat on the sofa tremblingly leaning on the armrests, and then continued to tell with a sigh.

"Bu Wantian has been a scholar for generations, but he only likes Aunt Mei's beauty and character. Everyone in the village is optimistic about their marriage. At that time, their wedding banquet was held for three full days..."

"Old man, let me interrupt you." Su Yi said suddenly, making Xiao Ming and Li Abo look at him in puzzlement.

"Although it has been dead for so many years, it still has to be taboo for the deceased." Su Yi reminded with a serious face, "Some of them have nothing to do with the wrongs she has suffered, or have something to do with her privacy, or you promised her not to speak out. Don't say anything about it."

Li Abo was stunned, and said: "What I want to talk about is the reason why Aunt Mei died in vain. But this matter is indeed a family scandal."

"It's nothing. Try to ignore that part of it and focus on the part about the bad guys. I don't think it will affect our understanding of what happened back then." Su Yi reminded.

"Okay, okay, you really need to pay attention to this." Li Abo said gratefully to Su Yi, "I don't often talk to people, and when I talk about it, I don't know what to say and what not to say, junior, you reminded me well."

After a pause, he frowned and said, "When you say that, I do remember one thing. Back then, I promised Aunt Mei one thing, or maybe it was an agreement between me and her. At that time, I promised her to Keeping one thing a secret is just a matter of time, and this secret is nothing in today's era... Can't you say this?"

"As long as you promise what you have promised, you must do it!" Su Yi said with a serious face, "Old man, this is definitely not something you can joke about."

"I'll write it down." Li Abo was also taken seriously by Su Yi's words.

He thought about it for a while, and began to reword his words, telling what happened back then.

"That year, Bu Wantian suddenly told Aunt Mei that he was infected with opium and owed a large amount of money to Tian Qi from the same village. Tian Qi told Bu Wantian that as long as he let Aunt Mei stay with him for one night, not only would the debt be canceled , he will also take out a sum of money to buy opium for Bu Wantian. Otherwise, he will make public about Bu Wantian's opium smoking and ruin Bu Wantian's reputation!"

"Auntie Mei is kind and soft-hearted. She loves Bu Wantian very much, so when Bu Wantian begged her hard, she finally agreed. She hoped to sacrifice herself and save her husband. Who knows, on that night she When we were together with Tian Qi, Zhang Xiaosan from the same village broke their affairs, and Zhang Xiaosan even called the village chief to catch them in bed."

When Li Abo said this, Xiao Ming frowned and said, "This Bu Wantian is really not a man, he actually let his wife... well, no wonder she is so resentful."

"If only things were that simple." Uncle Li sighed, "In that era, it was very serious for Aunt Mei to do this kind of thing with outsiders as a wife. At that time, every village and clan had According to my own family law, lynching must be used for this kind of thing. Since Aunt Mei's matter was broken on the spot, her end has already been doomed."

"Aunt Mei knows this herself. She knows that she is destined to die, but in order not to stigmatize her husband, she did not say that Bu Wantian asked her to do this. She is willing to die, and she only hopes that Bu Wantian can Be a new person..."

"She's so stupid..." Xiao Ming sighed.

"Yes, but what Auntie Mei didn't know at the time was that all of this was a conspiracy by Bu Wantian! Bu Wantian has been a scholar for generations, but in fact he has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. He is really non-toxic and not a husband..." Li Abo said this, gnashing his teeth. , with hatred in his eyes.

"Actually, he didn't get opium at all, and he didn't owe Tian Qi any money. He deliberately lied to Aunt Mei to make Aunt Mei believe it was true, and he did that kind of thing with Tian Qi, and then he informed Zhang Xiaosan to catch the rape!"

"He knows that after the village chief finds out about this, he will definitely not let Aunt Mei go! Bu Wantian just wants Aunt Mei to die!"

Xiao Ming let out an "ah" and widened his eyes in horror: "This, this...but why did he do this?"

"Because he fell in love with the daughter of the owner of a big bank at that time!" Li Abo said angrily, "That woman also fell in love with her. But Bu Wantian is already married, and Aunt Mei is virtuous and virtuous, and she did not break the rule of seven. He has no reason to divorce his wife."

"If he abandons Aunt Mei rashly, not only will the people in the village refuse to agree, but it will also affect his image of innocence and brilliance in that woman's heart. That's why he came up with such a vicious and despicable plan to make himself a A victim."

Xiao Ming shuddered when he heard it, and he said after a long time, "Is this man's heart made of stone?"

Uncle Li sighed: "That night, Zhang Xiaosan and the others stoned Aunt Mei to death, then rolled up the body with a broken mat and threw it on the chaotic grave in the back mountain."

"When I was young, I overheard the conspiracy of Bu Wantian, Zhang Xiaosan and Tian Qi. Only then did I realize how badly Aunt Mei was deceived by them. I only had Aunt Mei as my relative, so I ran to her dead body and cried. Tell her the truth, who knows, who knows..."

"What happened?" Xiao Ming asked nervously.

"Who knows, Auntie Mei's hands suddenly broke free from the rope and raised them high!" Uncle Li tremblingly said, "You probably know what happened next. In three days, 66 people died in Huangshan Village!"

"Zhang Xiaosan was hacked to death by Bu Wantian; Tian Qi committed suicide crazily, bleeding to death; the village chief's family jumped into the well and drowned, and Bu Wantian was frightened enough to bleed to death from his seven orifices..."

"It's miserable, why is the word miserable?" Uncle Li shook his head, "At that time, everyone in the village was panicked, and they all ran out, but what's the use? Anyone who has something to do with harming Aunt Mei, all escaped." not drop."

"On the third day, it was time for me to leave. Because of Aunt Mei, I was taken in again. Before I left, I went to the back mountain to see her, but she still held her hands high, as if she was dying. "

"I told Aunt Mei that those who harmed her are dead, and many innocent people have also died. No matter how big the hatred is, it should be gone. I advise her not to kill any more."

"It's strange to say that I put a peace bracelet she gave me on her arm, and the hand she had been holding up really let go. Since then, she has never killed anyone again. people."

After a pause, Aunt Li frowned and said, "I really can't figure it out, decades have passed, why did Aunt Mei start killing people again..."

Xiao Ming hurriedly said: "Abbot, where is its graveyard? We want to go and see it!"

Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him, and said to Li Abo: "Abo, does that safety bracelet have any special meaning to you and it?"

"I didn't think so at first, but you reminded me to pay attention to Aunt Mei's affairs before, so I think this safety bracelet is really important." Aunt Li said, "Auntie Mei gave me the bracelet back then. She told me that she could promise me anything. I put the bracelet on her and asked her to promise me not to kill anyone again, maybe that’s why she listened to me.”

"Is that so, Sir Huang?" Xiao Ming looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded, agreeing to the guess.

"This bracelet is a long-term seal." Su Yi said, "The so-called long-term seal is actually a token of agreement between humans and ghosts. Ghosts are very important to promises, especially promises before rebirth. If you have a promise that you have made, and you have a token that allows it to recognize this promise, this token is considered a long-lasting seal."

(End of this chapter)

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