Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1210 Schedule

Chapter 1210 Schedule
Su Yi has always felt that Chu Renmei's resentment is outrageous. Even if a ghost is wronged and executed Lingchi, the resentment will not be so strong that it can fill a pool of water with resentment.

And Chu Renmei is obviously just a resentful actress, why does it still have the ability to spread resentment by water?
This has nothing to do with its bones being dumped into the pool. Otherwise, wouldn't so many water ghosts use water to spread their grievances?Then why does the water ghost trick people into the water to drown?
This is because its resentment is too great and majestic. It has been sealed in its body by Su Yin for decades, but now the safety bracelet is separated from its body, making the accumulation of 66 ghosts that have been calcined day and night. The grievances of decades all came back to Chu Renmei at once, and then all of them erupted using Chu Renmei as an outlet.

Therefore, the water in the entire pool is "polluted".

Until now, these 66 undead are still providing grievances for Chu Renmei.

On the other hand, the karma generated by Chu Renmei's murder was all borne by these 66 undead because of the relationship between the middle and the middle of the game, and then burned away by the middle of the game.

This forms a double loop. The grievances of 66 undead are continuously supplied to Chu Renmei, which makes Chu Renmei's resentment difficult to appease, and she continues to create karma and kill people;

Therefore, Chu Renmei became a fierce ghost who would never have to bear bad karma, and the grievances of the 66 undead would never end.

Chu Renmei does not have to bear the pain of seven days of reincarnation, so she can maintain a clear sense of self.

66 The undead are in a daze, having lost their original spirit long ago, and only suffer in the battle.

"Su Yin, Su Yin... What a trick of good fortune!" Uncle Feng said with emotion, "It's incredible to think about it. The senior set up this situation. I don't know why things were delayed and he couldn't come back to solve the situation. Mei's grievances and karma are burned away, so it should go directly to reincarnation. Once Chu Renmei goes to reincarnation, the 66 undead will have nowhere to vent their grievances, which will further stimulate the power of this game. It will end up being burned to death."

"However, Uncle Li used a safety bracelet to restrain Chu Renmei and restrain Chu Renmei's resentment." Su Yi also felt that there was nothing more wonderful than this in the world, and various chances and coincidences gave birth to such a wonderful thing as Chu Renmei.

"Chu Renmei has always existed, so the grievances of the 66 undead can be vented all the time, and the game has always maintained a balance. Although they have been suffering in the battle, it is rare for them to exist until now, and they haven't lost their souls yet." Su Yi said, "And the Chu people Mei has been resented by Su Yin for so long, if it continues like this, I'm afraid there will be big problems."

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Uncle Feng and asked, "I remember that there is a kind of ghost called Jiuyin Juegui formed in 99 years of gathering Yin in the land of Jueyin. Brother Feng, if Chu Renmei is left undisturbed, continue Accumulate resentment, will it become a ghost of Jiuyin Jue?"

"It's very possible." Uncle Feng pondered slightly, "The conditions for the formation of the Nine Yin Absolute Ghost are extremely harsh, but such a majestic resentment is supplied to it continuously and sealed in it, it is very likely that it will condense into the Nine Yin Qi. Once it becomes the Nine Yin Absolute Ghost, it will be terrible! I'm afraid the whole hell will shake!"

"Is Jiuyinjuegui very powerful?" A-Lian couldn't help interjecting and asked.

"It's not a question of whether you're powerful or not." Uncle Feng smiled lightly, "Nine Yin Absolute Ghosts can rival ghost kings, and ordinary people will die if they inhale a little of its Nine Yin Qi. As long as there is Yin Qi in this world, It’s going to last forever.”

"Immortal, isn't that a fairy?" Li Abo was fascinated by what he heard, and couldn't help interjecting.

"I can't say that it will live forever, because it has already died once." Su Yi said, "It can only be said that it will live forever. In fact, it may not be a good thing to become a ghost of Jiuyinjue, but there is a price for being a ghost."

"That's not bad." Uncle Feng nodded, "If being a ghost is so good, wouldn't everyone commit suicide to become a ghost, why bother to be a human? No matter how powerful a ghost is, it will suffer from karma. This Chu Renmei is lucky, It happened to create this mountainous situation, and then met an expert who was willing to use the fiery situation plus the mountainous situation to transform it, otherwise it would have been reduced to a resentful figure who didn't know itself, and was controlled by resentment .”

"Even if it has truly cultivated into the Nine Yin Absolute Ghosts, the yang world cannot accommodate it, so it can only go to the underworld. When it arrives in the underworld, it will definitely be coveted by those ghost kings and ghost commanders, and it will be reduced to their minions, and it will still not be free."

At this moment, Su Yi was in a daze, lost in thought.

His plane is called "Qiu Xian", and what he seeks are immortals who live forever.

Dare to ask if there are immortals in the world?

Yuan Xiaomin and Mike revived their souls with corpses, reviving their lives to extend their Yangshou, can they be regarded as immortals?
They will be reincarnated for three times at most, and they will completely lose their original spirit and become evil ghosts burned by karmic fire. They will suffer forever and cannot be reborn, so they are not counted first.

Is someone like Chu Renmei considered a fairy?
As long as the formation is not destroyed, Chu Renmei can actually continue to exist like this, and it doesn't have to bear any karma.

It maintains the spirit of nature, but because of its resentment, it needs to keep killing people to vent.

And once it understands its own situation, it can also seal itself again, allowing resentment to refill, and evolve in the direction of Jiuyinjuegui.

Once the Jiuyinjuegui is achieved, even if it is not free as Uncle Feng said, at least it can be regarded as immortal.

Is this a fairy?
In addition to them, there are also ghosts in "The First Commandment" that Su Yi is about to face. If they can last forever, are they considered immortals?
What about the green ghost?

And Xie Yali who is about to become a fairy in five prisons far away in Wanwan?

Are these all fairies?

"Huang sir?" Seeing Su Yi in a daze, Xiao Ming couldn't help calling softly.

Su Yi came back to his senses, smiled and said: "Anyway, Aunt Li used a safety bracelet as a long-term seal to restrain Chu Renmei, which can be regarded as indirectly saving the 66 undead here. There is also no bad karma, which means that the goal that the senior wanted to achieve back then is still hopeful to be accomplished today."

Uncle Li couldn't help becoming excited when he heard the words: "So Aunt Mei doesn't have to lose her mind?"

"Since it doesn't have any bad karma, it doesn't need it." Su Yi sighed, "Not only is it not used, but it can go directly to the underworld to reincarnate. It's just that those people killed by it are so innocent? Their deaths should be counted as On whose head?"

"I'm afraid I really can't blame this grudge." Uncle Feng said, "It is also controlled by resentment. If there is no resentment, ghosts will not easily harm people."

He looked at Li Abo, and said with a smile: "Huotu is right, Abo, what you did back then is a great merit."

Li Abo smiled sincerely: "That's good, that's good! I don't know what merit is, but if everyone can be happy, that would be great."

Su Yi said to Uncle Feng: "No matter what, we have to cross Chu Renmei today, otherwise those who drank the water from the pond will definitely die."

"What are you going to do?" Uncle Feng asked.

As soon as this sentence is asked, it is actually equivalent to confirming the tone of the cooperation between the two, that is, Su Yi is the main one, and Uncle Feng is the assistant.

Uncle Feng didn't mean to take the lead by relying on his high skill, or he could have "done his part", but he didn't.

In fact, this is also the quality that traditional practitioners should have. The tasks that fellow practitioners take on should be led by fellow practitioners.Invitation from colleagues is to ask you to help, not to grab other people's jobs.

Of course, this matter does not involve the issue of Su Yi's job, but the tradition handed down by the older generation must be followed.

"Two steps, break the game first, and then cross the ghost!" Su Yi pondered slightly and gave the answer. "If the situation here is broken, Chu Renmei's resentment will become a rootless tree, which is equivalent to cutting off its connection with this place. Then we will find its body and get rid of it!"

"Which game do you want to break?" Uncle Feng asked.

"It's the fiery game here." Su Yi said, "If this game is broken, and these 66 undeads are saved, the Shan Zhou game will naturally be solved."

"The idea is good." Uncle Feng nodded in approval, "It's not difficult to break the fire, the key is to control these 66 undead. Now their resentment can be passed on to Chu Renmei in the middle of the game, but once the game is broken, they I have nowhere to vent my grievances, I'm afraid I won't honestly go back to the underworld to reincarnate."

"Death talisman." Su Yi pondered slightly, and said three words.

He looked at Uncle Feng: "Use the death talisman instead of Chu Renmei, and let the 66 undead vent their grievances."

"Death talisman?" Uncle Feng was very surprised, "This is for living people! How can..."

He only spoke halfway, then stopped suddenly, frowned and thought hard for a moment, his eyes became brighter and brighter: "Use the water in that pool as a matchmaker?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Uncle Feng clicked his tongue and said: "Wonderful, this is really a fantastic idea, it is feasible! I think it is feasible!"

"I was also inspired by the Huozhi Bureau here." Su Yi smiled, "This senior used the Tomb Bureau in the ancestral hall for worshiping ancestors, turning an evil method of torturing people into a great method of converting innocent souls." For a long time, Maoshan technique was used so superbly by him, it really opened my eyes."

The death talisman, this is a very rare purple talisman, and it can only be drawn by borrowing from the ancestors.

Its function is to pretend to be another you, so that the established target will mistakenly think that this talisman is you, thinking that "killing" this talisman is equivalent to killing you.

Obviously, this is a talisman for living people.

But now Su Yi wants to use this purple talisman on Chu Renmei, and let the 66 undead use the purple talisman as a target to vent their grievances.

There is no resentment and karma in them, so it is easy to take them to reincarnation.

The key is, can the Death Talisman replace Chu Renmei?

Normally, it is not possible, because the death talisman needs to imitate all information such as the breath, blood, soul, etc. of the living, while the ghost has nothing but the breath of the dead soul.

But it is still feasible to use it here, the reason is very simple, because these 66 undead are so muddled and easy to deceive, as long as Su Yi uses the death talisman to simulate the shape and breath of Chu Renmei, coupled with their own grievances from the same origin, they are basically Can't tell the difference between real and fake.

To put it bluntly, it is a lie.

As long as they have vented their grievances, they will become useless lonely ghosts who are more useless than ordinary discouraged ghosts. They have no job and no grievances.

The reason for this is simple to say, but the most important thing is to turn the death talisman, a very precious talisman used on living people, into a substitute for dispelling 66 undead and resentment.

Uncle Feng was amazed by this idea, and it is indeed similar to the whimsical idea of ​​setting up fire bureaus in this ancestral hall to cross ghosts.

"It's the time of the day, and the yang energy is second only to noon. If we want to finish this matter today, then we have to speed up." Su Yi looked at the time and said solemnly.

The so-called time of day shop refers to the moment when the sun covers the earth, referring to the time period from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

"Huang sir, what do we need to do?" Xiao Ming immediately asked with a serious expression.

He is the victim, and he is also the person who is most anxious to get Chu Renmei dealt with.

Now a large group of people have been arranged by Su Yi in his house, but this is obviously not a long-term solution, so the sooner Chu Renmei is settled, the sooner he can return to normal life.

"You stay here to help arrange the altar, and prepare to save the undead in the ancestral hall. How to do it, I will let Uncle Feng tell you later!" Su Yi said.

Then he looked at Uncle Feng again: "Brother Feng, I plan to cross the 66 undead with the gossip method. Come to fight."

"The golden light talisman is good. It is upright and bright. It is pure yang and infinite. It is just used to cross ghosts." Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi, "But 66 ghosts are no small matter. Ordinary cinnabar may not have enough yang."

"Use local materials." Su Yi smiled, pointing to the wall of the ancestral hall, "Scrape some red nitrate later, mix it with cinnabar, it's barely enough."

"How can I do that? The way of drawing talismans is the most sloppy." Uncle Feng said, "Fire and soil, you need to save more on weekdays. Many things that you think may not be used will often play a big role at critical moments."

After preaching, Uncle Feng told A-Lian: "A-Lian, open my suitcase, there is a red paper bag in the upper compartment, pass it to me."

"Oh!" A-Lian obeyed obediently, and took out the red paper bag from inside.

Uncle Feng carefully opened it, showed it to Su Yi, and said with a smile: "Huo Tu, what do you think this is?"

Su Yi went over to have a look, and saw that the paper bag contained some very small short hairs.

"Hey, what is this, uncle!" A-Lian also came up to take a look, and immediately walked away in disgust.

"This is a good thing, very precious. I have been collecting these for many years." Uncle Feng said proudly, "Huo Tu, do you know what this is?"

Su Yi guessed it too.

"Tongzimei! This must be Tongzimei!" He said firmly, "Brother Feng, you are really good at it, you have all these things ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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