Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1211 Borrowing

Chapter 1211 Borrowing
Boy's eyebrows, as the name suggests, are boy's eyebrows. Uncle Feng didn't know how many boy's eyebrows he had shaved to collect so many.

This thing belongs to yang, pure yang, and it can be mixed in cinnabar to draw talismans. The cinnabar mixed with boy's eyebrows is also called "yang fire ink", or "true fire ink". Evil best material.

It's just good and bad, who usually shaves the little boy's eyebrows and collects them?
So this thing is rarely used, very partial.

That is to say, Su Yi has the hang of the stream of consciousness space, and he knows all the knowledge in the basic books on Maoshan technique that he has read, so he can tell what this thing is.

"Okay! With this thing, the gossip golden light array will be even more foolproof." Su Yi said with a smile, "Brother Feng is indeed a senior expert, it seems that I still have a lot to learn from Brother Feng."

Uncle Feng's eyebrows were almost raised to the sky, but he waved his hands reservedly and said: "Where is it, I am just keen to prevent the incipient development."

Su Yi said with a smile: "The water of the Bride's Pond passes through this village, and this is the downstream. I just went to get some water. Brother Feng, I will leave you to prepare the incense table and set up the foundation. I will leave the labor to Xiaoming That's it."

"Okay, just go, just leave these things to me!" Uncle Feng readily agreed.

"Mr. Huang, what can I do for you?" A-Lian asked hastily.

"You have to run errands with Uncle," Su Yi said.

He looked at Li Abo and said, "Abo, I asked A-Lian to accompany you because I hope you can go to the place where Chu Renmei's body is buried and see if anything happened there."

"Okay, I'll go." Li Abo nodded.

"If the grave where it was buried is still there, then don't do anything, just come back." Su Yi instructed, "If the grave is gone and the bones are gone, then go to the place where it was originally buried and grab a piece of it." Bring the soil back. Remember, go this way, go all the way back, don’t walk around, and don’t drink water.”

As he said that, Su Yi took out two anti-ghost charms and handed them to him and A-Lian respectively: "Put these two charms close to your body, if the charms get hot, just stand there and close your eyes, and then open them when the charms cool down. "

"This is an anti-ghost talisman?" A-Lian recognized what it was based on "family history", "Mr. Huang, the talisman you draw is more beautiful than my uncle's."

"It's useless to look good, it's good to use." Su Yi smiled.

"Okay, Mr. Huang, I'm willing to do anything if I can help Auntie Mei." Uncle Li took the anti-ghost charm solemnly.

"Then let's split up and get this done as soon as possible." Su Yi clapped his hands.

The water flowing from the bride's pool forms a river, which passes not far behind Huangshan Village.

Su Yi soon arrived at the river, the river was fast-flowing, and the weeds on both sides seemed to be full of life.

But even if ordinary people come here, they will feel that this place is a bit eerie.

For Su Yi, this place is even more sinister and unbearable.

He was carrying a bucket dug out of nowhere in the village, glanced over it, stepped forward and squatted on the shore, put the bucket into the water, and filled it up.

But when Su Yi raised the bucket to the surface of the water, he found that the water was not filled with water at all, but a person!

The person squatted in the bucket, her long black hair covered her body, her shoulders in blue clothes were faintly visible, and her pale hands rested on the edge of the bucket.

Chu Renmei!
Su Yi raised his eyebrows, but he was neither surprised nor flustered. He left the shore with the bucket in his hand, and said to Chu Renmei in the bucket, "Are you always so frightening? You know you can't be scared." Me, you still do this kind of useless work?"


Bubbles bubbled in the bucket, and Chu Renmei's figure suddenly faded away, leaving a bucket of muddy river water in the bucket.

When I looked again, Chu Renmei's figure had already appeared in the middle of the river.

It still has disheveled hair, covering its face, with its arms outstretched, only half of its body is above the water.

"Your friend is dead, do you hate me?" Chu Renmei asked quietly.

"I'm not sure, but his girlfriend must hate you very much." Su Yi said lightly, "Just like you hated Bu Wantian back then."


It was obviously a river, but the water sprayed backwards and turned into huge waves, sweeping towards Su Yi.

Su Yi kicked his feet, flew up lightly with the bucket in his hand, and landed on a tree not far away.

The rolled up river water slapped heavily on the position where Su Yi was standing just now.

" are not human!" Chu Renmei in the river said quietly after a slight silence.

It sounded like a curse, Su Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "You are not human!"

"..." Chu Renmei didn't speak any more, she sank into the bottom of the river silently and disappeared.

Su Yi knew that this self-aware ghost's fear of him had reached a new level. If he let go now, Chu Renmei would most likely not provoke him again.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Su Yi turned around, walked like flying with a bucket in his hand, and soon returned to the ancestral hall of Huangshan Village.

When he arrived, Li Abo and A Lian hadn't come back yet—it was three to four kilometers away from the back mountain, and the road was not easy to walk, so the two of them might not be able to come back for a while.

But Su Yi didn't plan to wait for these two people to come back before doing it.

Under the command of Uncle Feng, Xiao Ming has dug out eight platforms made of mounds around the ancestral hall, and rammed them down with a shovel.

Here, Uncle Feng dug out a small table out of nowhere, covered it with a piece of yellow cloth he brought as an incense case, on which were already placed pens, inks and paper for drawing symbols, he even prepared the boy eyebrows and cinnabar ink, everything All ready.

Seeing Su Yi coming back with a bucket of water, Uncle Feng looked at the bucket, gasped and said, "So heavy? No wonder you said it was serious!"

"It probably already knows what we're going to do," Su Yi said, "It showed up to meet me by the river just now, but it's not speculative."

"So what if you know?" Uncle Feng sneered, "It dares to go to other places in the world, but this Huangshan Village, it will never dare to come. It is courting death!"

This is true, Chu Renmei is outside the mountain helmet bureau, it can dispel karma and not suffer from the seven-day cycle of reincarnation.

Anyone who enters this mountain circle will immediately be entangled in karma, and ghosts also know how to seek good luck and ward off evil spirits, so it will definitely not come here.

It can come when the game is broken, but it's not necessary.

"That's right." Su Yi smiled, looked at the sky, and said with a straight face: "Brother Feng, I'm here to draw a talisman formation, please help me to suppress the formation, if there is something wrong, please point it out in person, don't worry about me face."

He cupped his fists at Uncle Feng and said solemnly: "My practice is to become a monk halfway, and I know very little. Brother Feng is willing to give some pointers, which is my blessing."

Uncle Feng said sternly: "Don't worry, I won't hide my secrets! After this incident is over, if you have time to come to Dongpingzhou, we can be regarded as the same door. Now that Taoism is on the decline, we should With solidarity and mutual assistance, I can teach you all the spells and talismans I have inherited!"

Su Yi was overjoyed, he was waiting for this sentence, even if Uncle Feng didn't say it, he planned to "ask" with the cheek.

Hearing this, without saying a word, he hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and bowed to Uncle Feng: "Chuan Yi is very kind, Brother Feng, please accept my worship!"

Uncle Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help Su Yi up, and said with a gratified smile, "Why do you need to be so polite? Between us, we are considered brothers."

"That's Brother Feng, you're flattering me. I know very well that I know nothing more than superficial." Su Yi said.

"Don't be modest, the talents and abilities you have shown are absolutely rare in the world." Uncle Feng said, "If that Fellow Daoist Chen knows, he will definitely smile."

Su Yi nodded silently.

Uncle Feng looked at Xiao Ming who was showing envy, and said to him: "Boy, if you are interested, you can come together."

"I, can I really do it?" Xiao Ming was surprised and delighted, "Thank you, Uncle Feng! Thank you, Uncle Feng!"

Su Yi smiled, and said to Uncle Feng: "Brother Feng, then I will start."

The two nodded to each other, Su Yi walked up to the incense table, burned the incense and worshiped the patriarch tablet three times and got up.

After getting up, he intersects the middle finger and ring finger of both hands, and straightens the index finger, little finger and thumb together, with the index finger and little finger pointing up and the thumb pointing down, forming a seal.

This seal is called Jin Guangyin.

He arched the golden light seal up to his eyebrows, closed his eyes tightly, and silently recited the golden light mantra: "Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all qi. I have practiced extensively for billions of kalpas to prove my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one. With golden light in the body, you can overwhelm Reflect my body..."

After silently reciting the Golden Light Mantra three times, he put the Golden Light Seal on the top of his head and bowed three times to the statue of the Patriarch.

At this time, Xiao Ming on the side was surprised to find that Su Yi seemed to be exuding a thin golden light. He was startled, squeezed his eyes carefully, and shook his head. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Su Yi had dipped in the With the well-prepared Yanghuo ink, he wrote in large strokes on a piece of yellow talisman paper, and he was still chanting words, stopping writing from time to time to make a formula, and walking around with strange footwork.

Soon, a golden light talisman will be enough!
"Wonderful painting!" Uncle Feng on the side didn't dare to say anything until this time, and couldn't help clapping his hands in admiration, "The painting is really good! No matter the steps or the brushwork, it is exactly the same. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you just take it Give me this talisman, I really thought that the one who drew the talisman was an experienced teacher! Huotu, you are really talented!"

"Brother Feng, you are too much." Su Yi panted slightly.

Don't think that drawing symbols means standing up and writing. In fact, this is a very exhausting thing.

"The substitute talisman is a purple talisman. You need to borrow the spell before drawing the talisman," Uncle Feng said, "You have to preside over the magic circle later, so you shouldn't consume too much. Do you want me to come for this talisman?"

"I've never drawn a purple talisman before." Su Yi pondered slightly, "Well, I'll draw this talisman, and Brother Feng will preside over the magic circle later."

"How can this be done?" Uncle Feng's face changed, "This is your merit, how can you give it to me? And I am not such a person!"

It is definitely a great merit to transform 66 undead at once. This kind of merit is absolutely rare for practitioners. With Uncle Feng's character, it is naturally impossible to compete with Su Yi, so Su Yi Having said that, he was still a little displeased, feeling that Su Yi underestimated his character.

"Brother Feng, we practice the Dharma only in this life and not in the afterlife. It's not like the Buddhist monks who love merit so much." Su Yi said sincerely, "Besides, don't forget what I told you about me before. Do you think it’s useful for me to have this merit? What’s more, I’m not asking you, but for me, the most important thing is to accumulate more experience and practice skills.”

Uncle Feng fell silent.

What Su Yi said about "becoming a fairy in five prisons" is actually too unimaginable, but if this is true, then Su Yi is really close to death.

"Okay, then let's stop being hypocritical!" Uncle Feng nodded and said, "Hurry up and draw a talisman, I will protect the law for you."

"Okay, thank you Brother Feng." Su Yi thanked.

He took a deep breath, lit incense, and placed three empty bowls on the incense table. He poured water and wine into the first bowl, cut his finger in the second bowl, and squeezed out nine drops of blood. He scooped up a bowl of river water that he had just brought.

Su Yi knelt in front of the incense table and respectfully kowtowed three times, then got up, picked up a piece of wordless purple talisman paper with a mahogany sword, stepped on the seven stars and eight trigrams, toured in all directions, and said in his mouth: "follow the way of heaven, transform the two instruments , give birth to yin and yang, turn the universe, and should be pardoned. The heaven and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, the law is born from the heart, life is endless, Taiyi Tianzun, hurry like a law!"

After chanting the spell, the wordless purple talisman suddenly burst into flames!
The law of borrowing is done!

Su Yi was slightly excited, he put the lit wordless purple talisman in front of the three bowls respectively, and then all the liquids in the three bowls were burned!
In an instant, Su Yiru was surrounded by flames, he felt extremely scorched all over, the heat was unbearable, and in an instant he was profusely sweating.

Su Yi gritted his teeth, put down the mahogany sword, quickly picked up the purple talisman paper on the table, folded out a small figure in twos and threes, and wrote the six characters "Bu Men Chu Renmei" on the back of the paper figure.

After throwing down the pen, Su Yi picked up the paper figurine again with the mahogany sword, and placed it on top of the bowl where his own blood was burning. Write your name on your body. Before you are consecrated, you are paper. After you are consecrated, you will show supernatural powers. Open your left ear to listen to the underworld, and open your right ear to listen to the world. Fate, let your left hand carry cause and effect, let your right hand carry disasters, you must punish the mountains, you must conquer the sea, there is no punishment, there is no burden, and the spirit is like a law!"

It's strange to say that it's obviously just a piece of talisman paper, but after being roasted on the fire for so long, it can't be lit.

Not only did it fail, but the paper figurine was still wriggling its limbs in the flames, very strangely, as if it had come to life!

Su Yi bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood on the little purple paper figurine, and quickly put it into the third bowl!

This bowl is filled with the river water that contains the grievances of Chu people. This river water is obviously just water, but it has also been ignited.

Once the purple person entered the bowl, the water in the bowl decreased rapidly, and the flame also became flickering, as if it was about to go out at any moment.

Su Yi's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Ming, hurry up..."

"I'll do it!" Uncle Feng could see clearly from the side, and he knew exactly what critical step Su Yi had reached, so he picked up the bucket on the ground and poured water into the bowl without saying a word.

It was obviously a palm-sized bowl, but it seemed like a bottomless pit. Uncle Feng poured half a bucket of water into it, and the purple paper talent lying in the bowl stood up slowly and stood upright.

Uncle Feng stopped pouring water.

Su Yi poured all the liquids in the other two burning bowls into the third bowl, and said: "The God of Wei always shines on the heaven and the earth, and the universe changes endlessly. What is true and what is false is also true, and the earth, water, fire and wind are falsely changing." Really, proudly, the god of the body is here to surrender, and the gods are as urgent as the law!"

The flame exploded violently, and when the flame went out again, the three bowls became empty, leaving only a purple paper figure standing upright, looking indescribably weird.

(End of this chapter)

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