Chapter 1212
Unlike other square talismans, this purple paper figurine standing in the third bowl is a "substitute talisman".

At the moment when the Fu was completed, the scorching pain on Su Yi's body quickly faded away.

"It's done!"

At this moment, Su Yi was full of joy and joy.

This is the joy of success. Not everyone can draw the purple talisman successfully, even if it is Uncle Feng and Chen Youlai, there is a certain failure rate.This thing seems simple, but in fact it is very different. Sometimes it needs to be drawn many times, and it takes a lot of energy and blood to succeed, and it may even fail all the time.

Some people say that the success rate of drawing talismans is related to the day, and the success rate of drawing talismans on the so-called "good day and auspicious day" is higher; on the contrary, some days and times are not suitable for drawing talismans.

Su Yi asked Chen You about this issue, and Chen You said that it really happened, but not so exaggerated and particular.

Chen You's original words were: "It's not an auspicious day, why don't you kill demons and eliminate demons, exorcise evil spirits and suppress evil spirits?"

The most suitable day of the year to draw talismans is the Dragon Boat Festival. There are no taboos in drawing talismans on this day, and the success rate is very high. This is because the Dragon Boat Festival is the day with the most yang energy.

In addition, there is another taboo in Taoism called "Wu does not go to the truth".

In the "Record Days" of Jiazi every sixty days, the six days of Wuzi, Wuyin, Wuchen, Wuwu, Wushen, and Wuxu are called Wuri, also known as "Liuwu".This is a rule that has continued since ancient times. In the past few days, all religious rituals must be stopped, even burning incense, chanting scriptures, and worshiping, let alone drawing symbols.

So what would happen if you draw a talisman these days?

In fact, it's nothing, but the success rate will be very low, and the energy consumption will be great.

If there is really an urgent matter and you need to draw a talisman, you should draw it. It is said that Wu is not true. In fact, many people in the Taoist sect are not so particular about it. What to do in these days, but I know that drawing talismans on Wuri will get twice the result with half the effort That's it.

In addition to the day, the time is actually also particular. The best time to draw amulets is Zishi or Haishi, because this is when the yang fades and the yin grows, and when the yin and yang hand over, the aura is the most intense.

But is it not good to draw symbols at other times?
No, it's time to paint you, Su Yi has never paid attention to the time.

In general, Su Yi thinks that the success rate of drawing talismans lies more in the technique than in any auspicious day, especially this kind of purple talisman borrowed from the law. It's a lack of confidence in your own technology.

"Huotu, you are really talented in the field of cultivation." Uncle Feng couldn't help but praised again, "If you started to practice cultivation since you were young, I can't imagine how much you can achieve now."

"Brother Feng, you are overrated." Su Yi was still immersed in the joy of Fu Cheng, admiring his "masterpiece" happily.

"The stand-in talisman is completed, and we can start the formation. Huo Tu, you take a break, and leave the rest to me!" Uncle Feng said seriously.

"Okay!" Su Yi put the substitute amulet back on the incense table, and then stepped aside.

In fact, although he had exhausted his energy and spirit, he felt a little tired, but after a few weeks of internal energy running, the fatigue was swept away.

But the reason why Uncle Feng was still here was because he wanted to reciprocate.

In this world, it is useless for Su Yi to have these merits. Rather than "rewarding himself", it is better to give this benefit to Uncle Feng, which can be regarded as Su Yi's "teacher's ceremony".

Uncle Feng opened the suitcase and took out a Taoist robe and put it on. His majesty and demeanor instantly lifted, and Xiao Ming on the side praised him again and again: "Uncle Feng, you are so handsome. I think this is the real you."

"Boy, stop flattering, come, follow me, I will teach you how to draw gossip!" Uncle Feng smiled and held the mahogany sword, and then handed the cinnabar ink pot to Xiao Ming for him to hold.The latter followed Uncle Feng in a pitiful manner.

"Boy, do you know how to draw a Bagua diagram?"

"do not know."

"Hey, I'll teach you a formula, you remember, do three times, Kun six breaks; shake the bowl, cover the bowl; leave the center empty, and the ridge is full; redeem the gap, and the sun breaks..."

Uncle Feng wrote the gossip patterns with peach wood swords on the earthen platforms that Xiao Ming had cast before, and then asked Xiao Ming to drop cinnabar ink on the painted gossip symbols, and the outside of the gossip formation was completed.

At the right time, Su Yi handed over the golden light talisman and soul-dangling golden bell that he had drawn before.

"Danghun Golden Bell?" Uncle Feng was slightly taken aback, "There is also one in Dongxi Bay?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Fortunately, Uncle Feng didn't go into the details, shook his head, just took the golden light talisman, then took off a jade pendant from his neck, showed it to Su Yi, and said with a smile: "The eye of the golden light gossip formation is no more suitable than it. It's gone."

"This is the Maoshan Jade Pendant?" Su Yi held back what Uncle Feng was wearing, and couldn't help feeling a little moved, "This is a symbol of the status of the master, could it be that you, Uncle Feng..."

"No, no, don't talk nonsense, what am I capable of?" Uncle Feng hastily denied, "This is different from the head jade pendant. The head jade pendant is Tai Chi gossip on the one hand, and the patriarch's pardon on the other. One side is engraved with Slaying Demons and Cure Evil, and the other is engraved with Yin Yang Tai Chi. Although it is passed down from generation to generation, it has nothing to do with the head of the jade pendant."

"The evil spirit is soaring to the sky, ordinary people are not blessed with this thing." Su Yi praised.

This jade pendant is definitely a good thing, and in terms of effect power, it is definitely much stronger than Su Yi's soul-shaking golden bell.

It can be seen from the surface that the evil spirit contained in this jade pendant is almost coming out of the jade pendant. If ordinary people wear it for more than a day, they will have nightmares.

But once you wear it, it will keep you safe from evil, and ordinary sneaks can't even get close.

In fact, this is what a Taoist magical weapon should look like, but all magical weapons with "outstanding military exploits" are all murderous weapons and cruel weapons, such as Chen You's compass. Before Su Yi practiced, it was just Just looking at it makes my scalp numb and my heart trembles.

These things are not like magical weapons of the righteous way, but more like magical weapons of the evil way.

The reason is that countless ghosts and demons have lost their lives at his hands. It is no wonder that it is not fierce after killing so many ghosts.

Although Uncle Feng's jade pendant is not the jade pendant of the head of the sect, it is also very precious. It can prove that Uncle Feng's inheritance is absolutely orthodox in Maoshan.

This made Su Yi look forward to learning the way of cultivation from Uncle Feng even more.

"Tai Chi with gossip, this is indeed more suitable for the eyes than the Danghun Golden Bell." Su Yi put away the Danghun Golden Bell with a smile.

"Well, Huotu, you stand in the Kun position, and I stand in the Qian position, let's chant scriptures together..." Uncle Feng suggested.

Su Yi was in a daze.

Once upon a time, Chen You also said the same thing to Su Yi.

Because at that time Chen You thought Su Yi was an ordinary person, so he wanted to cross Su Yi and use Su Yi to reduce his karma.

The same is true for Uncle Feng now, he also wants to reciprocate and help Su Yi reduce his karma.

But if Uncle Feng wanted to overcome the karma Su Yi created, even if he had a hundred lives, it would not be enough to pay for it.

"Uncle Feng, forget it, you can't cross me." Su Yi smiled and shook his head and refused, "Brother You also wanted to cross me back then, but I made too much karma, and I was entangled with right and wrong, so it was difficult to clarify. I was too deeply fettered by the world of mortals. It is destined not to be detached."

Uncle Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly and said: "Actually, this is not a bad thing. How difficult is it to escape? We Taoists seek to escape, but there is no one who escapes. No wonder those bald donkeys scold us for guarding ghouls." , Alas, it's better to be a rogue in the world of mortals."

Uncle Feng shook his head, stopped talking and turned around.

He wrapped the jade pendant with a golden light talisman, inserted a mahogany sword into the stem, and hung the former on it.

Then he directed Xiao Ming to move the incense table to the formation, burn incense and toast, and pay homage to the ancestor of heaven and earth, and then he was ready to break the situation.

"Xiao Ming, go and pull out the six stone stakes one by one, first pull out Ji, Wu, and Wei, and then pull out Hai, Zi, and Chou." Uncle Feng ordered.

Xiao Ming did as he said, pulling out the six stone piles one by one with great effort, and was so tired that he was out of breath.

After he finished these, the entire ancestral hall suddenly shook violently, and all the ghosts on the 66 memorial tablets screamed and roared in unison, looking very crazy and ferocious.

Xiao Ming was so frightened that he rolled and crawled out.

"Uncle Feng, this..." He wanted to talk to Uncle Feng, but Uncle Feng didn't have time to talk to him at the moment.

"Stand back!" Uncle Feng held the substitute amulet that Su Yi had just drawn in his hand, measured it with steps, and placed it seven steps away from the gate, which also happened to be within the range of the Bagua array.


The entire ancestral hall shook even more violently, dust fell, and the formation was extremely terrifying.

If the entire ancestral hall is compared to a coffin, the six stone stakes are equivalent to the six nails nailing the coffin board. They must be pulled out before the coffin can be opened.

The wooden door is made of Mucuna, which is equivalent to the lid of the coffin, so it must be removed to completely break the situation.

Originally, Uncle Feng wanted Xiao Ming to open the door, but Xiao Ming was frightened by the scene of 66 ghosts howling wildly inside, so he tried several times tremblingly but failed.

Su Yi couldn't bear to see it anymore, so he stepped forward to do it himself, tore down the door in twos and twos, and pushed it to the ground.

The door panel fell to the floor with a loud sound, and the entire ancestral hall shook even more violently, filled with smoke and dust, almost all the tokens fell down, and the 66 ghosts howled even more crazily and excitedly. It made the surroundings instantly become extremely gloomy and cold, and everyone's breath became white.

Su Yi pulled Xiao Ming and hurriedly retreated out of the formation. Uncle Feng pinched the seal with his hand, stood in front of the incense table, burned incense and worshiped, muttered something, and suddenly pointed at the stand-in talisman!
In the next second, the avatar suddenly stood up, as if rising against the wind, growing bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a man in blue clothes.The disheveled figure stood quietly at the gate of the ancestral hall.

"Chu..." Xiao Ming's eyes widened in horror, but he covered his mouth after only saying one word, as if he didn't dare to call out the name.

The ancestral hall suddenly fell silent, and the whole house stopped shaking.

The 66 ghosts were too frightened to move or scream just because of Chu Renmei's figure.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner! Today, if there is a grievance, revenge, if there is a vengeance, revenge, the grievance is today, and there will be no worries in the future!" Uncle Feng sipped lightly in his mouth, and made another tactic, with his index finger slightly bent.

Following his movements, "Chu Renmei" also suddenly and slowly knelt down in front of the ancestral hall.

After a moment of silence——"Roar!"

The whole scene seemed to explode suddenly, and countless hideous and distorted ghosts rushed out of the ancestral hall, rushing towards "Chu Renmei".

They roared resentfully, rushed into the body of "Chu Renmei" madly, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, all 66 ghosts entered the body of "Chu Renmei".

With incomparable hatred, with a strong resentment like substance.

In the next second, the body of "Chu Renmei" suddenly twisted very strangely, and countless terrifying and hideous grimaces appeared densely on her body!
These grimaces are full of resentment, they roar and roll in the body of "Chu Renmei", and the densely packed faces cover almost every inch of "Chu Renmei".

a moment-

The debris collapsed and flew, and the body of "Chu Renmei" exploded suddenly, turning into debris and flying. Dozens of ghosts soared into the sky, dancing in mid-air, hissing towards the sky, screaming and crazy.

Although this scene was spectacular, the grievances of these ghosts were obviously much less than before. They thought they had avenged themselves and their obsessions were over, but most of them were still unwilling, and the grievances still existed, but compared to before, they had already It's a big deal.

The howls of this group of ghosts are not something anyone can bear. Xiao Ming wailed in pain, covered his ears and rolled all over the floor, his eyes were frighteningly red, and his nose was bleeding.

"Duh!" Uncle Feng suddenly yelled, "The grievances are over, then dust to dust, dust to dust! If you don't return to the earth at this time, when will you wait?"

The eyes of the group of ghosts all fell on Uncle Feng.

This kind of scene of being stared at by a group of ghosts is extremely weird and frightening, and the general psychological quality is so poor that people want to pee on the spot, or even be frightened to death.

But Uncle Feng had seen big scenes before, so he naturally looked at the group of ghosts without fear.

The group of ghosts stared at Uncle Feng for a while, then suddenly dispersed and ran away in all directions!

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" Uncle Feng snorted coldly, pinched the magic formula with his hand, bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, the gossip array was projected into the air like a 3D three-dimensional, forming light curtains, covering all these ghosts.

66 The ghosts ran around like headless chickens, but none of them could escape.


A ghost took the lead and rushed towards Uncle Feng, and there were many screamers.

"court death."

Uncle Feng's eyes turned cold, and the formula in his hand changed, and he pointed at the golden talisman Bao Yupei hanging on the mahogany sword.

Immediately, the golden light talisman burst into flames, and in an instant the entire formation was filled with streaks of golden light.

The golden light directly penetrated through the bodies of all the ghosts, and all the ghosts roared and wailed immediately, it was so miserable!

At the same time, the jade pendant also emitted a red light, and when the red light came out, all the ghosts shivered and shrank into a pile, not daring to move.

Uncle Feng's expression softened a little now, he pinched the willow branches with his hands, chanted scriptures in his mouth, and began to transform these ghosts.

"Heavenly Rescue God sits in the east, holds willows in his hand and sprinkles fine wine, rides on a nine-headed green lion, and pulls out ghosts to give birth early... Qingyun opens the door of life, auspicious smoke fills the dead households, and the beginning of Xuanyuan, with the auspicious sense of opportunity, Save all sins, save all disasters..."

(End of this chapter)

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