Uncle Feng recited the scriptures seven times before the 66 undead were transformed one by one and disappeared into the golden light gossip array.

They didn't go directly to the underworld, but were crossed to the entrance of the ghost gate, waiting for the time when the ghost gate closes.

During this period, Li Abo and Alian came back, and they brought back a handful of soil.

They were safe and sound during this journey. It is said that the anti-ghost charms on their bodies became hot when they walked back holding the soil, but they immediately stood in place and closed their eyes according to Su Yi's instructions, and returned to normal after a while .

"There is a real problem with Aunt Mei's tomb. It turns out that some kind of launch station was going to be built on the original mass grave, and all the graves there have been bulldozed. Alian asked the construction workers there, and they said that all the bones in the tomb, They were all moved away properly. But they said they didn’t know where they moved, so let’s go to the city hall to find out... Alas, they will suffer retribution for disturbing the rest of the ancestors!”

Li Abo babbled, quite aggrieved.

"People nowadays don't know how to be in awe, and sooner or later they will suffer a lot." Su Yi said.

Seeing that Abo Li looked a little tired, he said, "Abo, next, there is a very critical step that you must complete. Only in this way can Chu Renmei's grievances be resolved, so you have to work hard and wait."

"I'm not in the way, you don't have to worry about me." Li Abo waved his hand and said, "I probably haven't walked the mountain road for a long time, so I'm a little tired. I'll just rest for a while."

After a pause, Li Abo pointed at Uncle Feng who was walking back and forth in the formation strangely and asked: "What is this Taoist priest doing?"

In the eyes of Su Yi and Xiao Ming, this formation is mysterious and magnificent, the ghosts in the formation are terrifying and strange, and the scene is extremely visually impactful.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, Uncle Feng just walked around there muttering words, sometimes talking to the air, and fighting with the air, which seemed extraordinarily absurd and funny.

This is also the reason why many righteous people are regarded as liars. They don't see ghosts and gods with the naked eye, so they don't want to believe them.But in fact, this might not be a good thing.

People often say "ignorance is bliss". The less you know, the less trouble you will have.

Su Yi just perfunctory Li Abo, and asked Alian to support Li Abo to rest.

When the last undead disappeared in the formation, Uncle Feng paid homage to the ancestors of heaven and earth again, and burned incense to pay homage to the Quartet. Then he ordered Xiao Ming to withdraw from the formation with him, and put away the mahogany sword and jade pendant.

As for the two talisman papers, they had already been consumed.

"It's finally done." Uncle Feng said with satisfaction, "No matter what bad things these ghosts did before they were alive, and they have experienced such painful and long torture after death, at least they should be given a chance to reincarnate as human beings."

By this time the sky was already dark.

Su Yi didn't have time to chat with Uncle Feng, and after a few polite words of thanks, he straightened his face and said, "Uncle Feng, just now Li Abo and Alian went to the back mountain to see, and there was indeed something wrong with Chu Renmei's cemetery. There is construction and renovation there. All the graves were bulldozed and dug out. Alian and the others asked the construction workers, and they said they would properly place the bones, but I'm sure they didn't."

"Of course not!" Uncle Feng said angrily, "Properly resettle? There are no tombstones in the messy graves, and they have no way to confirm the identity of those corpses. How can they be properly resettled? Talking is better than singing, what a crime!"


"There is so much resentment in the water of the bride's pool. The river below the construction site is also the upstream of the bride's pool." Su Yi looked at Uncle Feng, "I suspect that they threw Chu Renmei's body into the water, so there is such a thing in the water." Great resentment."

Uncle Feng nodded: "I also suspect that is the case, otherwise there is no explanation for the great resentment in the water."

"However, it winds a few kilometers from the back mountain to the bride's pool, and then to the front mountain. It's not sure where Chu Renmei's body was washed by the water." Su Yi said, "So I asked Li Abo and the others to bring it from the place where Chu Renmei's body was buried. A handful of soil, I remember that our Maoshan sect has a magic called Fushi tracking method, I don’t know if you know it, brother Feng?”

Uncle Feng nodded: "Of course, why haven't you learned it?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I just saw it recorded in the book, but I have never seen what kind of magic this spell is."

"Then the inheritance of your lineage is seriously broken." Uncle Feng frowned, "This is just a small way to follow the trace. I will teach you once, and you will master it."

"Brother Laofeng is here." That's what Su Yi meant.

Fuji, Fu, refers to supporting a shelf; Ji means divination to ask questions.

The so-called Fuji is actually divination of good and bad luck and future by writing on a sand table, reciting mantras and asking God. In the old days, the folks in the south often greeted Zigu God on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and used the Fuji method to ask about farming, mulberry weaving, and fame in the coming year. Things.

Why has this tradition gradually disappeared, and many young people don't even know it?
One is the reason for defeating the ghosts and monsters, and the other is because this tradition is a bit like "opening a blind box". Because of divination by Fushi, you don't know what will be the result of divination. Things in the world are mixed, and it is easy to get ominous. The hexagrams, for Chinese New Year, everyone just listen to the auspicious words, if you have to do this on the last day, it’s not enough to cause trouble for the family, so people don’t want to ask about it as time goes by.

The Fushi tracking method is actually to trace the whereabouts of someone, ghosts or things in the way of Fushi. Uncle Feng said that this is a small method, but it is not appropriate. This is a very practical method. It is big enough to catch ghosts. So much so that I can find a sock at home that I don’t know where I lost it.

"Xiao Ming, come here!" Uncle Feng waved.

"What's the matter, Uncle Feng?" Xiao Ming hurried over.

"I want to ask you to help catch ghosts, are you willing?" Uncle Feng smiled.

"Of course Uncle Feng, what do you want me to do?" Xiao Ming was very active.

"I'll find out later." Uncle Feng made a fool of himself. When he arrived in front of the incense, he set up pen and paper and yellow talisman paper, muttering something, quickly drew a talisman, and then asked Su Yi: "This talisman Are you okay?"

"Incense talisman?" Su Yi recognized it at a glance, "This is when offering incense to the Taoist patriarch in some evil places or special places. I am afraid that they will not receive the incense, so the talisman strengthens the effect."

"Not bad, but it also has another effect, which is tracking." Uncle Feng introduced, "The difference is that when you draw a talisman, you think about the person, ghost or thing you are looking for."

While Uncle Feng was explaining, he swiftly put away everything on the incense sticks, leaving only one cup and four sticks of incense.


He spread the soil spread brought back by Li Abo on the incense eucalyptus, glanced at Xiao Ming, and adjusted the position and height of the incense eucalyptus.

Then he took out a red rope from his suitcase, motioned Xiao Ming to come over, tied his index finger with the red rope, and said to Su Yi: "The red rope is tied together, it not only represents marriage, but also represents cause and effect. Needless to say, you understand, do you know why it is the index finger of the left hand?"

"The soil on the grave is Ji soil, which belongs to yin, and the index finger of the left hand belongs to Jiamu, which belongs to yang. As the saying goes, if the soil is prosperous, the wood can be dredged. Then use the red thread to draw cause and effect. This should be the reason." Su Yi said.

"It's really hard for you," Uncle Feng praised.

"Fuji is to invite gods. In fact, our Maoshan sect does not invite gods, and regards inviting gods as evil spirits." Uncle Feng tied the red rope, lit the talisman paper and threw it into the empty bowl, while continuing to follow Su Yi explained, "So although this method is called Fushi, it is actually a fake Fushi. It doesn't really ask the ghost to go to the body and then go find it, but the principle you just said, the soil is prosperous, follow the trail! "

"Of course, it's not enough to just do this, you have to use the Fragrance Amulet as a matchmaker to get in touch with that ghost..."

Speaking of which, Uncle Feng lit the incense amulet, threw it into the empty cup, and squeezed it between Xiao Ming's index fingers, and the latter couldn't help but let out an "ah" in pain.

Uncle Feng paused, and scolded: "Young people can't bear this pain, how can they become big things in the future?"

"Ten fingers connected to a heart, Uncle Feng!" Xiao Ming defended in a low voice while taking a breath.

Uncle Feng snorted, squeezed the blood between his index fingers, and squeezed it into the cup with burning talisman paper.The fire intensified in an instant, and Xiao Ming was so burned that he screamed.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Uncle Feng quickly put the cup with burning talisman paper on Xiao Ming's mouth.

Xiao Ming gasped in horror, the flame went out immediately, turned into a wisp of green smoke and was sucked into Xiao Ming's stomach.

He immediately rolled his eyes and collapsed limply.

Uncle Feng supported him, dipped an unlit incense into the remaining half bucket of water that Su Yi had brought from the river before, then stuffed the dipped end into Xiao Ming's mouth, and helped Xiao Ming to kneel In front of the fragrant eucalyptus, he put his fingers tied with the red string on the fragrant eucalyptus.

Xiao Ming unconsciously held the incense in his mouth, kneeling in front of the incense, and the other end of the incense rested on the spread soil of the grave.

Li Abo on the other side stared at this scene with wide eyes, not daring to vent his breath, how could he look tired at all?
"This breath represents that ghost, but it's fake, so it's not considered Yin Qi, it's called dirty air." Uncle Feng continued to explain to Su Yi while lighting three incense sticks, "This dirty air was sucked into his stomach. , so it made the illusion of inviting the ghost to the upper body. This magic has reached this step, but in fact, most of it has been completed, and there is only the last step left."

After a pause, Uncle Feng asked, "Will the Spiritual Curse work?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"That's good, save me a lot of trouble," Uncle Feng lit three incense sticks, and said quickly, "When reciting the incantation, I still visualize that ghost in my mind."

Then cleared his throat, and said in his mouth: "Standing by the Hunyuan River, on both sides of the Vajra Column, the souls of thousands of miles are coming, rushing into the orifice!"


After reciting the four incantations, Uncle Feng put three sticks of incense in the incense burner.

"It's done!" Uncle Feng clapped his hands and said with a relaxed smile.

"Whether it's ghosts or gods, the most direct channel for people to communicate with them is incense, so...hey, look, it's started."

A miraculous scene happened, and Xiao Ming, who was unconscious, suddenly tilted his head forward, and the incense in his mouth immediately drew a mark forward.

At the same time, a piece of incense in the middle burned quickly. Uncle Feng took out a pen from nowhere and measured the length of the burnt incense ash with the pen. Let me remember, three."

At this time, Xiao Ming started to turn left again with incense in his mouth, drawing a mark.

At the same time, the incense stick on the left burned quickly, and a part of it was also burned. Uncle Feng did the same, measuring the burnt incense ash, and then flicked the incense ash off with a pen.


Next, Xiao Ming drew winding traces on the sand table covered with grave mound with incense in his mouth.

When he "goes straight", the incense in the middle burns quickly, when he "turns left", the incense on the left responds to it, and when he turns "right", the incense on the right also responds.

In this way, Uncle Feng kept reporting a number according to the length of each incense burning.

When Xiao Ming stopped, Uncle Feng took out a small book, and just about to check the calculations in the book, Su Yi said: "Don't forget about Uncle Feng, walk along the river for eleven miles and seven feet and three feet, and you will find the beautiful bones of Chu people." Scattered places."

Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi in surprise: "Did you figure it out?"

Su Yi smiled: "I've read both "Yugong Region Map" and "Topography and Fangwen Map". This is what we must understand when looking at Fengshui in Taoism. The relationship between the mutual azimuths, the road is used to determine the distance between the two places, the relative elevation of the high and low, and the square is the fluctuation of the slope of the ground. These are the basics, and I have memorized them all by heart.”

"Awesome!" Uncle Feng was stunned for a long time, and then gave Su Yi a thumbs up, "Huo Tu, you have learned these things so well, I'm sure that you will learn any spells very quickly! The shaman tracking method just now , did you read it?"

"It should be fine." Su Yi nodded slightly.

"The younger generation is awesome." Uncle Feng praised again, looking very happy, "After this matter is over, you must go to Dongpingzhou with me, and I will teach you all the spells I know! Let Maoshan, There are also successors!"

He paused, walked up to Xiao Ming, and said to Su Yi: "Go away, he won't wake up until he vents his filth."

Su Yi followed good advice and hurriedly hid away.

Uncle Feng packed up his things, pulled out the incense from Xiao Ming's mouth, and fled!

After a melodious abnormal noise, Xiao Ming woke up faintly, looked around blankly, but found that everyone was looking at him from a distance, with strange eyes.

And Alian and Li Abo couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter? Why are you standing there..." He was halfway through the sentence, and suddenly his face changed drastically and he covered his mouth and nose, "Damn, why is it so smelly? Who is shitting here?"


Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud!

On the way to find the bones of Chu Renmei, Xiao Ming finally figured out what happened from A-Lian, and couldn't help complaining: "Uncle Feng, why didn't you say this would happen earlier? It made me embarrassed in person. Teach me how to behave in front of A-Lian!"

"I just want you to lose face in front of A-Lian." Uncle Feng snorted coldly, "I warn you, don't think about A-Lian!"

"Uncle Feng, I have a girlfriend." Xiao Ming said helplessly.

"Don't think I don't know you young people, changing girlfriends is faster than changing clothes." Uncle Feng didn't relax his vigilance at all.

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