Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 123 Busy

Chapter 123 Busy

Han Chen is a good comrade. He not only gave people and equipment, but also delivered a van.

It was really a good person who did it to the end and sent the Buddha to the West.

"I'll ask my subordinates to send them here, and when you take over, you can do things directly." Han Chen patted Su Yi on the shoulder, "A Ji, I admire you for willing to do this, but I still want to advise you again, don't be impulsive, what's the matter, wait for Ah Xiao to come back."

Su Yi smiled, and patted Han Chen on the shoulder: "Ah Chen, thank you, Brother Kun saw you right!"

After all, he turned and left.

It is definitely a surprise for Su Yi to get a team from Han Chen.

Because he acted in front of Han Chen originally to lay the foundation for future cooperation with Han Chen, and he didn't even think about getting anything from Han Chen now.

But I didn't expect the play to be so realistic, it moved the heavens and the earth, and touched Brother Chen——

Of course I was joking, I can only say that Han Chen is a thug, neither side can offend, he hides behind his back and watches Su Yi do things, he just sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, winning or losing.

But from this incident, it can also be seen that Han Chen is indeed very energetic in his work. Although he has not yet grown up, he already has the posture of a hero to do great things.

What Su Yi didn't know was that as soon as he left, Han Chen made an international call to Britain.

On the other end of the phone, of course, was Ni Yongxiao.

Han Chen has always been in contact with Ni Yongxiao, and after Ni Yongxiao learned that his father was shot, he immediately called Han Chen and asked Han Chen to help him contain Ni Kun's body and take care of his family.

"Achen, what's the matter?" On the other end of the phone, Ni Yongxiao's voice was slightly hoarse, with a very strange magnetism.

"When I went to the place where Brother Kun was killed, I happened to meet Luo Ji. He dragged me to have a chat." Han Chen said, "Aji suspected Guohua and the four of them. He wanted to avenge Brother Kun, so he dragged me to follow him." Dry."

"He wants to take over?" Ni Yongxiao asked.

"I don't think so." The corners of Han Chen's lips curled up, "If you want to be in power, you won't offend Guohua and the others all at once, and according to him, he will make things big."

"How big is it?"

"It depends on how capable he is." Han Chen said, "I can't persuade him, so I have to give him a team, lest he go to die alone."

Ni Yongxiao was silent for a long time, as if digesting the news.

"My father saved his stepbrother's life, and he wanted to avenge his father, which shows that he is a man of good nature, who values ​​love and righteousness." Ni Yongxiao spoke slowly, as if every word was thought through before he said, "Ah Chen, don't Let stepbrother suffer."

"Why don't I find a way to stop him and let him wait for you to come back?" Han Chen said.

"That's not necessary." Ni Yongxiao said, "It's good for step-brother to make a fuss, but Guohua and the others can't feel that no one speaks for our Ni family."

"What if Ah Ji messes up too much and can't deal with it..." Han Chen asked tentatively.

Ni Yongxiao remained silent, and said, "I'm at the airport now, and I still have half an hour to board the plane, and I'll be on Hong Kong Island in fifteen hours."

"Okay, then wait for you to come back, be careful on the road."

Han Chen hung up the phone, thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his head with a mocking smile, and strode inside.

Su Yi is very busy.

On the way home, he received three calls.

The first one was from Mary.

"Why do you know Liu Jianming?" Mary asked straight to the point, with a very bad tone, "How do you know him?"

Obviously, Liu Jianming had already told Mary about meeting Su Yi.

"It's just to confirm whether he succeeded." Su Yi said, "If he didn't succeed, I must know the situation as soon as possible. As for how do I know him?"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and he said, "Sister Mary, I'm Ni Kun's bodyguard. No matter who wants to get close to Ni Kun, they can't hide it from me. Now that I've met him, is it difficult to find out his name? "

"You'd better not play any tricks!" Mary's tone was still stern, "I've already done what I have done, we are ants on the same rope, if something happens to me, you will never run away!"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

From this threat, he heard the fear and anxiety in the woman's heart.

"Sister Mary, we are in the same boat, and we will take care of each other in the future." Su Yi smiled.

There was a moment of silence over there, and then he spoke with a much more relaxed tone: "Ah Ji, this matter must never be known by Ah Chen."

Su Yi smiled even brighter: "Sister Mary, unless you tell him the truth, I guarantee that he will never get any news about this matter from me."

"This is the best." Mary's tone was more peaceful, "Aji, I have already done what I have to do. The rest is up to you."

"Don't worry." Su Yi said, "You will soon see the result you want to see."

At Mary's house, the woman hung up the phone, looked at Liu Jianming in front of her and said, "It's all right. When you see him in the future, treat him as if you don't know him."

"Okay." Liu Jianming looked at the woman in front of him, with a burning look in his eyes, which he couldn't get rid of.

Mary took a paper bag from a drawer, and took out several rolls of money, about forty or fifty thousand.

"The news will be tight recently, you'd better go back to Tuen Mun to hide for a while." Mary handed him the money, "Also, save some money for your money."

Liu Jianming shook his head with a smile: "No, Sister Mary, you just called me stupidly and asked me to go to the old place to gather now."

Mary frowned: "Brother Chen wants to see you?"

"I don't know." Liu Jianming said.

Mary thought that after Ni Kun's death, Han Chen might need more manpower, so she nodded thoughtfully.

"That's fine." She said, "Anyway, this incident is so rotten that I pretend it never happened."

The second call Su Yi received was from Lu Qichang.

"Is it convenient for Fang to talk?" Lu Qichang asked in a low voice.

"Speak." Su Yi said.

"We've already dispatched the police, and I'll lead the team myself. Are you sure you've wiped your butt clean?" Lu Qichang asked.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "If you want to help, bring Guohua and the others back."

"Take them all back?" Lu Qichang on the other end of the phone was stunned, "Then Xinji doesn't even have a boss in charge, so it's a mess?"

"How messy can it be?" Su Yi said lightly, "The biggest thing has already happened."

"That's true." Lu Qichang said, "What are you going to do next? How do you need my cooperation?"

"I will call again." Su Yi said.

"Hey, hello? Don't hang up yet, what plan do you have, at least reveal a little bit?" Lu Qichang said angrily.

Su Yi thought for a while, and said four words to him: "Clean up the door."

The third call was received when Su Yi arrived home and was sorting out the box of ammunition.

Silly Qiang arrived at the door with the little brother sent by Han Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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