Chapter 124 Initially Building a Team

To be honest, Su Yi didn't expect that the little brother Han Chen gave to him was referring to the group of Liu Jianming who were supposed to be sent to the police station as undercover agents.

So when he saw Liu Jianming looking at him in a daze, he was very happy.

Fate is such a wonderful thing.

"Brother Step," Sha Qiang nodded at Su Yi, "Brother Chen ordered, these seven younger brothers will follow you from now on. Even people and cars, and a box of goods, all belong to you."

After a pause, he turned his head and stared: "Why are you just staring blankly? You're so dumb, you're so annoying! Do you still need me to teach you?"

"Hi brother!"


"Step-brother, take care of me in the future..."

The seven people greeted each other in a hurry.

Su Yi's gaze flicked over them one by one.

"Stupid." He said suddenly.

"Step-brother, please order." Sha Qiang said immediately.

Su Yi smiled at him and said, "You can go, thank Ah Chen for me."

"I will definitely bring your words with you." Sha Qiang said seriously, "Then stepbrother, I won't bother you."

After Silly Qiang left, Su Yi pointed to Liu Jianming: "You, come here, the rest of you will go back to the car and wait."

Su Yi took Liu Jianming back into the room, and said with a smile, "Do you think it's ironic?"

Liu Jianming looked serious and said nothing.

"You did a great job for Han Chen, but he gave you to me instead." Su Yi's eyes were playful.

"Brother Chen doesn't know," Liu Jianming said, "Sister Mary doesn't know either. If they knew, they wouldn't let me come."

"If you still want to go back to Han Chen, I'll let you go." Su Yi said with a smile, "Although I like you very much, I never like to force others."

Liu Jianming looked at Su Yi: "Is it really your intention to kill Uncle Kun?"

"Yes." Su Yi admitted.

"Okay, then I'll follow you." Liu Jianming said, "Brother Step, please take care of me in the future."

"So straightforward?" Su Yi was a little surprised, "I know Mary treats you very well..."

"I don't want to be her younger brother." Liu Jianming said, "And I think you have a better future with step-brother."

Su Yi said: "If you follow me, will you kill yourself?"

Liu Jianming was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Or let me put it another way, if what I want you to do is a terrible thing, do you still want to follow me?"

"Worse than killing Uncle Kun?" Liu Jianming asked.

"That's not true." Su Yi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing.

Liu Jianming also grinned: "Brother Step, I'll follow you."

Su Yi laughed, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

"Do you know all the six people who came with you?" Su Yi asked.

"It's the second time I've met them." Liu Jianming said, "I don't know where they come from."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Go and ask them to come in, take the box you brought with you."

"Yes, Step-Brother." Liu Jianming turned around and was about to leave.

"Jianming." Su Yi suddenly stopped him again, and when he turned his head, Su Yi pointed at him and said, "Ni Kun, don't even mention it in the future, do you understand?"

Liu Jianming's smile suddenly disappeared.

"Understood, step-brother!" He nodded heavily.


Soon, Liu Jianming came in with six other people.

The box he brought along was placed on the table in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi opened it, and saw seven pistols inside, one not too many and one not too many.

Su Yi picked them up one by one to check, and found that every gun was fully loaded.

"Has anyone ever fired a gun?" Su Yi asked suddenly.

Except for Liu Jianming, the remaining six people looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a little hesitation, two people raised their hands.

"Can you two drive?" Su Yi asked again.

Both of them nodded and said they would open.

"Okay, the two of you will be responsible for driving, sit on the side first." Su Yi directly assigned without talking nonsense.

Although the two younger brothers were still a little puzzled, they didn't ask any more questions, and obediently walked to the bench at the side of the wall and sat down.

"Who can fight better?" Su Yi asked again.

This time, everyone looked at a bald man with a stronger appearance.

The bald head scratched his head and said, "Step-brother, one hits three, no problem, four is a little bit reluctant."

Su Yi took another look at him and said: "You don't need to hit three, but when I let you do it, even if your father is in front of you, you have to beat him to death, understand?"


"Very good." Su Yi nodded, looked around, and said: "Achen entrusted you to me because I want you to follow me to do a great thing, not only for the association, but also for yourself."

"How difficult is it to get a position now?" he said, "Dozens of people stare at one position, and everyone wants to be a boss, but a position must have seniority, credit, and most importantly, someone will give you a chance. Everything is indispensable!"

"Now, I have a great opportunity for you. Once this thing is done, you will have credit and qualifications! Just one thing, don't come if you are afraid of death! Don't come if you are timid! I want you to do it Things, you either don’t do it, or you have to succeed once, once you fail, believe me, we will definitely die as badly as possible!”

As soon as the words fell, the seven people had different expressions.

Su Yi looked around again, carefully looked at everyone's expressions, and said: "I like to say everything up front, and then you make your own decisions. It's too late for anyone who wants to quit now, I'll give you three minutes to think about it." , If you really want to leave, I will let you go. But after this village, there will be no more shops! If you want to quit at that time, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

After saying this, Su Yi took down an alarm clock from the bookcase behind him, put it in front of him, folded his arms around his chest, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

After turning three times in a second, Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is no one quitting?" He looked around.

Everyone looked at him silently.

"Very good," Su Yiwei stood up, his eyes flicked across their faces one by one, "From today on, you are my brothers and sisters of Luo Ji! As long as you still follow me, I will guarantee your wealth and glory! "


"Step-brother." Liu Jianming stepped forward.

"From now on, you take them with you." Su Yi said, "Remove everyone's call machine, Big Brother, and unplug the phone line in this room. Without my order, everyone can't leave this room for half a step, and they can't Contact with anyone, understand?"

"Understood, step-brother." Liu Jianming nodded.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, turned and walked out.

The seven people in the room looked at each other, and after a long time, one who looked more clever smiled and said first: "Everyone will follow step-brother, and they can be regarded as brothers in the same school. The future will be long, and we can't even know each other's names? From me Let’s start, let’s introduce ourselves, my name is Big B.”

"Awei." A thin man smiled and raised his hand.


"Call me Dadong."

"I am Xu Tian from Ciyun Mountain!"

"Damn, what kind of hanging? Who here didn't come from Ciyun Mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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